256 research outputs found

    Performance of peat biofilters treating ethyl acetate and toluene mixtures under non-steady-state conditions

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    [Abstract] This paper presents the response of peat biofilters to loading changes corresponding to industrial practices such as overnight and weekend shutdowns, intermittent emission or inlet concentration peaks. Three laboratory-scale reactors fed with air contaminated with ethyl acetate, toluene or a 1:1 mixture of ethyl acetate and toluene were operated under 65 g m-3 h-1 inlet load and 60 s EBRT during 16 h/day, 5 days/week. Dynamic behavior after feed resumption after night and weekend closures showed a 1-2 h period of transient response to recover stable CO2 production values. No increase in VOC emission was observed, except for biofilters treating toluene for which a transient peak in VOC emission during 4-8 h after weekend closures was detected. More stressful conditions such as intermittent emissions (2 h-on/ 2 h-off, 16 h/day, 5 days/week), or inlet concentration peaks (40-min, 50% increase) were successfully handled in the biofilter treating only ethyl acetate; but deterioration in the operation was observed in presence of toluene. The system performance after 15-days starvation period was fully recovered in less than 8 h of re-acclimation period. Living and dead cells monitoring results are also presented

    Removal of a mixture of oxygenated VOCs in a biotrickling filter

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    [Abstract] Laboratory scale-studies on the biodegradation of a 1:1:1 wt mixture of three oxygenated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ethanol, ethyl acetate and methyl-ethyl ketone (MEK) in a biotrickling filter were carried out using two identically sized columns, filled with different polypropylene rings. The reactors were seeded with a two-month preconditioned culture from activated sludge. The performance of the biotrickling filters was examined for a continuous period of 4 months at VOC concentration from 125 mg-C/m3 to 550 mg-C/m3 and at gas flow rates of around 1.0 m3/h, 2.0 m3/h and 4.6 m3/h, which correspond to gas empty bed residence times (EBRT) of 68 s, 33 s and 16 s, respectively. Similar performance was obtained for both supports. Intermittent flow rate of trickling liquid was shown as beneficial to improve the removal efficiency of the system. A stratification in the substrate consumption was observed from gas composition profiles, with MEK % in the emission greater than 78%. Continuous VOC feeding resulted in an excessive accumulation of biomass and high pressure drop was developed in less than 20-30 days of operation. Intermittent VOC loading with night and weekend feed cut-off periods passing dried air, but without water addition, was shown as a successful operational mode to control the biofilm thickness. In this case, operation at high inlet loads was extended for more than 50 days maintaining high removal efficiencies and low pressure drops

    Circumventing Traditional Conditioning Protocols in Polymer Membrane-Based Ion-Selective Electrodes

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    Preparation of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) often requires long and complicated conditioning protocols limiting their application as tools for in-field measurements. Herein, we eliminated the need for electrode conditioning by loading the membrane cocktail directly with primary ion solution. This proof of concept experiment was performed with iodide, silver, and sodium selective electrodes. The proposed methodology significantly shortened the preparation time of ISEs, yielding functional electrodes with submicromolar detection limits. Moreover, it is anticipated that this approach may form the basis for the development of miniaturized all-solid-state ion-selective electrodes for in situ measurements

    Assessing Multivariate Constraints to Evolution across Ten Long-Term Avian Studies

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    Background In a rapidly changing world, it is of fundamental importance to understand processes constraining or facilitating adaptation through microevolution. As different traits of an organism covary, genetic correlations are expected to affect evolutionary trajectories. However, only limited empirical data are available. Methodology/Principal Findings We investigate the extent to which multivariate constraints affect the rate of adaptation, focusing on four morphological traits often shown to harbour large amounts of genetic variance and considered to be subject to limited evolutionary constraints. Our data set includes unique long-term data for seven bird species and a total of 10 populations. We estimate population-specific matrices of genetic correlations and multivariate selection coefficients to predict evolutionary responses to selection. Using Bayesian methods that facilitate the propagation of errors in estimates, we compare (1) the rate of adaptation based on predicted response to selection when including genetic correlations with predictions from models where these genetic correlations were set to zero and (2) the multivariate evolvability in the direction of current selection to the average evolvability in random directions of the phenotypic space. We show that genetic correlations on average decrease the predicted rate of adaptation by 28%. Multivariate evolvability in the direction of current selection was systematically lower than average evolvability in random directions of space. These significant reductions in the rate of adaptation and reduced evolvability were due to a general nonalignment of selection and genetic variance, notably orthogonality of directional selection with the size axis along which most (60%) of the genetic variance is found. Conclusions These results suggest that genetic correlations can impose significant constraints on the evolution of avian morphology in wild populations. This could have important impacts on evolutionary dynamics and hence population persistence in the face of rapid environmental change

    The Mitogenome Relationships and Phylogeography of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica)

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    The barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) poses a number of fascinating scientific questions, including the taxonomic status of postulated subspecies. Here, we obtained and assessed the sequence variation of 411 complete mitogenomes, mainly from the European H. r. rustica, but other subspecies as well. In almost every case, we observed subspecies-specific haplogroups, which we employed together with estimated radiation times to postulate a model for the geographical and temporal worldwide spread of the species. The female barn swallow carrying the Hirundo rustica ancestral mitogenome left Africa (or its vicinity) around 280 thousand years ago (kya), and her descendants expanded first into Eurasia and then, at least 51kya, into the Americas, from where a relatively recent (<20kya) back migration to Asia took place. The exception to the haplogroup subspecies specificity is represented by the sedentary Levantine H. r.Transitiva that extensively shares haplogroup A with the migratory European H. r. rustica and, to a lesser extent, haplogroup B with the Egyptian H. r. savignii. Our data indicate that rustica and transitiva most likely derive from a sedentary Levantine population source that split at the end of the Younger Dryas (YD) (11.7kya). Since then, however, transitiva received genetic inputs from and admixed with both the closely related rustica and the adjacent savignii. Demographic analyses confirm this species' strong link with climate fluctuations and human activities making it an excellent indicator for monitoring and assessing the impact of current global changes on wildlife