29 research outputs found

    Learning in the working place: the educational potential of a multihead microscope in pathology postgraduate training

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    Training future pathologists is an important mission of many hospital anatomic pathology departments. Apprenticeship—a process in which learning and teaching tightly intertwine with daily work, is one of the main educational methods in use in postgraduate medical training. However, patient care, including pathological diagnosis, often comes first, diagnostic priorities prevailing over educational ones. Recognition of the unique educational opportunities is a prerequisite for enhancing the postgraduate learning experience. The aim of this paper is to draw attention of senior pathologists with a role as supervisor in postgraduate training on the potential educational value of a multihead microscope, a common setting in pathology departments. After reporting on an informal observation of senior and junior pathologists' meetings around the multihead microscope in our department, we review the literature on current theories of learning to provide support to the high potential educational value of these meetings for postgraduate training in pathology. We also draw from the literature on learner-centered teaching some recommendations to better support learning in this particular context. Finally, we propose clues for further studies and effective instruction during meetings around a multihead microscop

    Acquired hemophilia as first manifestation of breast carcinoma in a man under long-term spironolactone therapy

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    A 69-year-old man under long-term spironolactone therapy (16 years) was hospitalized with spontaneous hematoma on the trunk and extremities. Coagulation studies disclosed an acquired hemophilia that was successfully treated with human factor VIII for a few days and immunosuppressive agents for several months. Physical examination revealed bilateral gynecomastia and an upper left quadrant breast nodule. Complete staging was unremarkable. Complete left mastectomy was performed. Histopathology showed invasive ductal carcinoma, expressing positivity for estrogen and progesterone receptors. The acquired hemophilia was considered to be a paraneoplasic syndrome. The question of a linkage between long-term spironolactone therapy and breast carcinoma is discusse

    Online teaching of inflammatory skin pathology by a French-speaking International University Network.

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    INTRODUCTION: Developments in technology, web-based teaching and whole slide imaging have broadened the teaching horizon in anatomic pathology. Creating online learning material including many types of media such as radiologic images, whole slides, videos, clinical and macroscopic photographs, is now accessible to most universities. Unfortunately, a major limiting factor to maintain and update the learning material is the amount of resources needed. In this perspective, a French-national university network was initiated in 2011 to build joint online teaching modules consisting of clinical cases and tests. The network has since expanded internationally to Québec, Switzerland and Ivory Coast. METHOD: One of the first steps of the project was to build a learning module on inflammatory skin pathology for interns and residents in pathology and dermatology. A pathology resident from Québec spent 6 weeks in France and Switzerland to develop the contents and build the module on an e-learning Moodle platform under the supervision of two dermatopathologists. The learning module contains text, interactive clinical cases, tests with feedback, virtual slides, images and clinical photographs. For that module, the virtual slides are decentralized in 2 universities (Bordeaux and Paris 7). Each university is responsible of its own slide scanning, image storage and online display with virtual slide viewers. RESULTS: The module on inflammatory skin pathology includes more than 50 web pages with French original content, tests and clinical cases, links to over 45 virtual images and more than 50 microscopic and clinical photographs. The whole learning module is being revised by four dermatopathologists and two senior pathologists. It will be accessible to interns and residents in the spring of 2014. The experience and knowledge gained from that work will be transferred to the next international resident whose work will be aimed at creating lung and breast pathology learning modules. CONCLUSION: The challenges of sustaining a project of this scope are numerous. The technical aspect of whole-slide imaging and storage needs to be developed by each university or group. The content needs to be regularly updated and its accuracy reviewed by experts in each individual domain. The learning modules also need to be promoted within the academic community to ensure maximal benefit for trainees. A collateral benefit of the project was the establishment of international partnerships between French-speaking universities and pathologists with the common goal of promoting pathology education through the use of multi-media technology including whole slide imaging

    Improving Breast Cancer Education: The Case of an Evolving Multidisciplinary Module for Undergraduate Medical Students (Lausanne Medical School, 1993-2008)

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    Breast cancer is a public health issue in numerous countries. Multidisciplinary collaboration is required for patient care, research, and also education of future physicians. This paper uses Kern's framework for curriculum design to demonstrate how a breast diseases module for undergraduate medical students created in 1993 evolved over 15years. The main outcomes of program refinements were better integrated course content, the development of electronic course documents, and implementation of computer-aided small group learning. A main future challenge is to further develop efficient instructional strategies in line with well-defined learning needs for undergraduate student


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    The fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is the gold standard in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status assessment in breast cancer. The dissemination of the technique is impeded by the cost of reagents and long experimental time. For overcoming these limitations, we have developed a new method for implementing FISH for HER2 assessment for tissue analysis based on microfluidic technology

    Improving breast cancer education: the case of an evolving multidisciplinary module for undergraduate medical students (lausanne medical school, 1993-2008).

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    Breast cancer is a public health issue in numerous countries. Multidisciplinary collaboration is required for patient care, research, and also education of future physicians. This paper uses Kern's framework for curriculum design to demonstrate how a breast diseases module for undergraduate medical students created in 1993 evolved over 15 years. The main outcomes of program refinements were better integrated course content, the development of electronic course documents, and implementation of computer-aided small group learning. A main future challenge is to further develop efficient instructional strategies in line with well-defined learning needs for undergraduate students

    Dermatofibrosarcoma presenting as a nodule in the breast of a 75-year-old woman: a case report

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    ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans is a rare neoplasm of soft tissues and its location in the breast is extremely uncommon. Confusion is possible with other primary breast lesions. CASE PRESENTATION: A 75-year-old Caucasian woman presented with a mass in her left breast 21 years after being diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma of the right breast, treated by a right mastectomy and axillary dissection followed by radiotherapy and breast reconstruction. Mammography revealed a dish-shaped skin nodule formation in the upper outer quadrant of her left breast. Echography confirmed the presence of a lesion measuring 1.4 x 0.8 cm. Based on imaging, the diagnosis was a probable angiosarcoma. Due to the presence of a pacemaker for cardiac arrhythmia and full anticoagulation therapy for a pulmonary embolism, magnetic resonance imaging and a biopsy were not done. We proceeded directly to a quadrantectomy and the final diagnosis revealed a dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, 1. 8 cm in its greatest microscopic dimension, located 0.1 cm from the upper surgical margin. To ensure the wide resection margins required for this type of neoplasm, a re-excision was performed. CONCLUSION: A dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans of the breast is an uncommon discovery. The aim of this case report is to highlight the importance of the surgical procedure in cases of the discovery of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. Re-excision may be necessary to ensure adequate resection margins

    An oestrogen-dependent model of breast cancer created by transformation of normal human mammary epithelial cells

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    INTRODUCTION: About 70% of breast cancers express oestrogen receptor alpha (ESR1/ERalpha) and are oestrogen-dependent for growth. In contrast with the highly proliferative nature of ERalpha-positive tumour cells, ERalpha-positive cells in normal breast tissue rarely proliferate. Because ERalpha expression is rapidly lost when normal human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) are grown in vitro, breast cancer models derived from HMECs are ERalpha-negative. Currently only tumour cell lines are available to model ERalpha-positive disease. To create an ERalpha-positive breast cancer model, we have forced normal HMECs derived from reduction mammoplasty tissue to express ERalpha in combination with other relevant breast cancer genes. METHODS: Candidate genes were selected based on breast cancer microarray data and cloned into lentiviral vectors. Primary HMECs prepared from reduction mammoplasty tissue were infected with lentiviral particles. Infected HMECs were characterised by Western blotting, immunofluorescence microscopy, microarray analysis, growth curves, karyotyping and SNP chip analysis. The tumorigenicity of the modified HMECs was tested after orthotopic injection into the inguinal mammary glands of NOD/SCID mice. Cells were marked with a fluorescent protein to allow visualisation in the fat pad. The growth of the graft was analysed by fluorescence microscopy of the mammary glands and pathological analysis of stained tissue sections. Oestrogen dependence of tumour growth was assessed by treatment with the oestrogen antagonist fulvestrant. RESULTS: Microarray analysis of ERalpha-positive tumours reveals that they commonly overexpress the Polycomb-group gene BMI1. Lentiviral transduction with ERalpha, BMI1, TERT and MYC allows primary HMECs to be expanded in vitro in an oestrogen-dependent manner. Orthotopic xenografting of these cells into the mammary glands of NOD/SCID mice results in the formation of ERalpha-positive tumours that metastasise to multiple organs. The cells remain wild type for TP53, diploid and genetically stable. In vivo tumour growth and in vitro proliferation of cells explanted from tumours are dependent on oestrogen. CONCLUSION: We have created a genetically defined model of ERalpha-positive human breast cancer based on normal HMECs that has the potential to model human oestrogen-dependent breast cancer in a mouse and enables the study of mechanisms involved in tumorigenesis and metastasi