37 research outputs found
Investigation of ice accretion effect on the aerodynamic characteristics of a wind turbine blade tip after a short icing event
Academic presentation submitted to the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference: Improving Energy Efficiency, Environmental Safety and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, 23.01.22 - 27.01.22.The paper investigates the flow behavior near the NACA 64-618 airfoil profile of
the blade tip section of a wind turbine for electric power production after a short icing event.
The flow simulation considering the rotation speed of the wind turbine blade is performed to
assess the effect of icing on the aerodynamic characteristics. Degradation of aerodynamic
characteristics affects the electrical energy production of the wind turbine. The aerodynamic
lift and drag coefficients are calculated for different angles of attack. The flow velocity fields
near the airfoil are analyzed. The pressure coefficient distributions along the profile surface are
obtained. The points of flow stall and changes of aerodynamic characteristics at different
angles of attack are determined
Impact of molecular genetic methods on the initiation of chemotherapy in multiple drug resistant tuberculosis patients in Arkhangelsk Region
In the Arkhangelsk Region, the prevalence of multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis is one of the highest in the world. In 2016, the portion of multiple drug resistant tuberculosis made 33.1% among new cases and 59.5% among relapses. Using new molecular genetic diagnostic techniques allows reducing the time for diagnostics of tuberculosis and drug resistance and should result in the earlier start of adequate treatment.
The goal of the study is to assess the impact of new diagnostic molecular genetic methods on the time period from the first referral for medical care till the start of MDR-TB treatment. It was assumed that the introduction of molecular genetic tests would lead to early initiation of treatment in MDR TB patients (the research project of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis Control Program of Arkhangelsk Region on The PROVE-IT LPA; Policy Relevant Outcomes from Validating Evidence on Impact of Line Probe Assays).
Subjects and Methods. The results of the diagnostic procedure using cultures were compared with the results of the procedure based on molecular genetic tests aimed to detect MDR-TB. 295 MDR TB patients were enrolled into the study, of them, 163 had culture and 132 had molecular genetic tests.
Results. The use of molecular genetic tests in smear-positive patients (AFB+) resulted in the reduction of the time period before initiation of MDRTB treatment by 50 and 66 days (median) versus culture by BacTAlert and absolute concentration on Lowenstein-Jensen medium respectively (p <0.001).
Patients with a negative smear (AFB-), in whom MDR TB was detected by molecular genetic methods started treatment by 78 days earlier (median) versus patients who had culture (Lowenstein-Jensen, p < 0.001). Despite the significant reduction in the time period, even using molecular genetic methods, it took 24 days for cases with AFB+ and 62 days for cases with AFB- to be notified and start treatment of MDR TB
Белое движение в Сибири (1918–1923 гг.): рэферат к дипломной работе / Иван Антонович Квятковский; БГУ, Исторический факультет, Кафедра истории России, науч. рук. Кохнович В. А.
High proportion of children with MDR-TB had favourable outcome (90%) with early diagnosis and treatment initiation http://ow.ly/2eq5302gWm
In the Arkhangelsk Region, the prevalence of multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis is one of the highest in the world. In 2016, the portion of multiple drug resistant tuberculosis made 33.1% among new cases and 59.5% among relapses. Using new molecular genetic diagnostic techniques allows reducing the time for diagnostics of tuberculosis and drug resistance and should result in the earlier start of adequate treatment.The goal of the study is to assess the impact of new diagnostic molecular genetic methods on the time period from the first referral for medical care till the start of MDR-TB treatment. It was assumed that the introduction of molecular genetic tests would lead to early initiation of treatment in MDR TB patients (the research project of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis Control Program of Arkhangelsk Region on The PROVE-IT LPA; Policy Relevant Outcomes from Validating Evidence on Impact of Line Probe Assays).Subjects and Methods. The results of the diagnostic procedure using cultures were compared with the results of the procedure based on molecular genetic tests aimed to detect MDR-TB. 295 MDR TB patients were enrolled into the study, of them, 163 had culture and 132 had molecular genetic tests.Results. The use of molecular genetic tests in smear-positive patients (AFB+) resulted in the reduction of the time period before initiation of MDRTB treatment by 50 and 66 days (median) versus culture by BacTAlert and absolute concentration on Lowenstein-Jensen medium respectively (p <0.001).Patients with a negative smear (AFB-), in whom MDR TB was detected by molecular genetic methods started treatment by 78 days earlier (median) versus patients who had culture (Lowenstein-Jensen, p < 0.001). Despite the significant reduction in the time period, even using molecular genetic methods, it took 24 days for cases with AFB+ and 62 days for cases with AFB- to be notified and start treatment of MDR TB.Распространенность туберкулеза (ТБ) с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью возбудителя (МЛУ) в Архангельской области – одна из самых высоких в мире. В 2016 г. доля МЛУ-ТБ составила 33,1% среди новых случаев и 59,5% среди рецидивов ТБ. Использование новых молекулярно-генетических диагностических методов (МГМ) позволяет сократить время диагностики ТБ и лекарственной устойчивости возбудителя заболевания и должно привести к раннему началу адекватного лечения.Цель исследования: оценка влияния новых МГМ диагностики на изменение времени от первого обращения за медицинской помощью до начала лечения МЛУ-ТБ. Предполагали, что внедрение МГМ приведет к раннему началу лечения больных с МЛУ-ТБ (научный проект Международного союза борьбы с туберкулезом и болезнями легких и туберкулезной программы Архангельской области «The PROVE-IT LPA; Policy Relevant Outcomes from Validating Evidence on Impact of Line Probe Assays – значимые результаты подтверждения данных о влиянии метода гибридизации линейными зондами)».Материалы и методы. Результаты использования диагностического алгоритма с применением культуральных методов были сопоставлены с результатами алгоритма, основанного на МГМ выявления МЛУ-ТБ. В исследование включено 295 больных с МЛУ-ТБ, из которых у 163 мокрота исследована культуральными методами, а у 132 – с помощью МГМ.Результаты. В группе больных с положительным результатом микроскопии мокроты (КУМ+) применение МГМ привело к сокращению срока до начала лечения МЛУ-ТБ на 50 и 66 дней (медиана) по сравнению с культуральными методами BacTAlert и методом абсолютных концентраций на среде Левенштейна – Йенсена (ЛЙ) соответственно (p < 0,001).Больные с отрицательным результатом микроскопии мокроты (КУМ-), у которых МЛУ-ТБ был выявлен с помощью МГМ, начинали лечение на 78 дней раньше (медиана) по сравнению с больными, у которых применялись культуральные методы (ЛЙ, p < 0,001). Несмотря на значительное сокращение сроков, даже с использованием МГМ потребовалось 24 дня для случаев КУМ+ и 62 дня для случаев с КУМ- для регистрации и начала лечения МЛУ-ТБ
Worldwide Effects of Coronavirus Disease Pandemic on Tuberculosis Services, January-April 2020
Coronavirus disease has disrupted tuberculosis services globally. Data from 33 centers in 16 countries on 5 continents showed that attendance at tuberculosis centers was lower during the first 4 months of the pandemic in 2020 than for the same period in 2019. Resources are needed to ensure tuberculosis care continuity during the pandemic
MDR/XDR-TB management of patients and contacts: Challenges facing the new decade. The 2020 clinical update by the Global Tuberculosis Network.
The continuous flow of new research articles on MDR-TB diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation requires frequent update of existing guidelines. This review is aimed at providing clinicians and public health staff with an updated and easy-to-consult document arising from consensus of Global Tuberculosis Network (GTN) experts. The core published documents and guidelines have been reviewed, including the recently published MDR-TB WHO rapid advice and ATS/CDC/ERS/IDSA guidelines. After a rapid review of epidemiology and risk factors, the clinical priorities on MDR-TB diagnosis (including whole genome sequencing and drug-susceptibility testing interpretations) and treatment (treatment design and management, TB in children) are discussed. Furthermore, the review comprehensively describes the latest information on contact tracing and LTBI management in MDR-TB contacts, while providing guidance on post-treatment functional evaluation and rehabilitation of TB sequelae, infection control and other public health priorities
The objective of the study: to assess efficiency and safety of SQ109 used within standard treatment regimens for multiple drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB)Subjects and Methods A multi-center, double, blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted in two parallel groups from September 21, 2012 to September 30, 2016, in 6 research centers located in 5 cities of the Russian FederationMain results 1 Cessation of bacillary excretion confirmed by cultures on liquid media by the end of the 6th month of the intensive phase of chemotherapy in pulmonary MDR TB patients receiving SQ109 was observed confidently more often versus treatment regimens containing only existing anti-tuberculosis drugs: both for ITT population (610% versus 429%, p = 00412), and PP population (797% versus 614%, p = 00486) 2 There were no statistically significant differences in the achievement of sputum conversion between the groups, but by the end of the 8th week, the sputum converted in 52% of patients in the group treated with SQ109 versus 38% in the group taking a placebo The median time of bacillary excretion cessation confirmed by culture on liquid media in SQ109 group made 56 days, while in the placebo group it was 84 days 3 Use of SQ109 along with basic chemotherapy for pulmonary MDR TB did not result in the higher frequency of adverse events, worsening of their severity, development of new variants of adverse events compared to the basic anti-tuberculosis treatment of this group of patients in combination with placebo 4 Results of the study allow concluding that SQ109 is an effective drug, satisfactory tolerated (compatible with tolerability of placebo) being a part of integral etiotropic chemotherapy of pulmonary MDR TB patients Цель исследования: определение эффективности и безопасности препарата SQ109 в составе стандартных схем лечения, используемых при туберкулезе легких с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью M. tuberculosis (МЛУ МБТ)Материалы и методы. Многоцентровое, двойное, слепое, рандомизированное плацебо-контролируемое исследование в двух параллельных группах проведено с 31 октября 2012 г по 30 сентября 2016 г в 6 исследовательских центрах, расположенных в пяти городах РоссийскойФедерацииОсновные результаты. 1 Прекращение бактериовыделения, подтвержденное посевами мокроты на жидких средах, к концу 6-го мес интенсивной фазы химиотерапии у больных туберкулезом легких с МЛУ МБТ при режиме лечения, включающем препарат SQ109, отмечено достоверно чаще, чем при режиме, содержащем только существующие противотуберкулезные препараты: как для популяции ITT (61,0% против 42,9%, p = 0,0412), так для популяции PP (79,7% против 61,4%, p = 0,0486) 2 Статистически значимых различий в сроках достижения прекращения бактериовыделения между группами не выявлено, но к концу 8-й нед лечения отмечена негативация мокроты у 52% больных группы SQ109 при 38% в группе плацебо Медиана срока прекращения бактериовыделания при исследовании на жидких средах в группе SQ109 составила 56 дней, а в группе плацебо – 84 дня 3 Применение препарата SQ109 на фоне базовой химиотерапии туберкулеза легких с МЛУ МБТ не привело ни к росту частоты нежелательных явлений, ни к увеличению степени их тяжести, ни к появлению новых вариантов нежелательных явлений в сравнении с базисной противотуберкулезной терапией данной группы больных в сочетании с плацебо 4 Результаты исследования позволяют сделать вывод об эффективности и удовлетворительной переносимости (сопоставимой с переносимостью плацебо) препарата SQ109 в составе комплексной этиотропной химиотерапии больных туберкулезом легких с МЛУ МБТ