1,051 research outputs found

    Global Inhibition of DC Priming Capacity in the Spleen of Self-Antigen Vaccinated Mice Requires IL-10

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    DC in the spleen are highly activated following intravenous vaccination with a foreign antigen, promoting expansion of effector T cells, but remain phenotypically and functionally immature after vaccination with a self-antigen. Up-regulation or suppression of expression of a cohort of pancreatic enzymes 24-72 hours post-vaccination can be used as a biomarker of stimulatory versus toleragenic DC, respectively. Here we show, using MUC1 transgenic mice (MUC1.Tg) and a vaccine based on the MUC1 peptide which these mice perceive as a self-antigen, that the difference in enzyme expression that predicts whether DC will promote immune response or immune tolerance, is seen as early as 4-8 hours following vaccination. We also identify early production of IL-10 as a predominant factor that both correlates with this early time point and controls DC function. Pre-treating mice with an antibody against the IL-10 receptor (IL-10R) prior to vaccination results in DC that up-regulate CD40, CD80, and CD86 and promote stronger IFNγ+ T cell responses. This study suggests that transient inhibition of IL-10 prior to vaccination could improve responses to cancer vaccines that utilize self-tumor antigens

    The abundance of HCN in circumstellar envelopes of AGB stars of different chemical types

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    A multi-transition survey of HCN (sub-) millimeter line emission from a large sample of AGB stars of different chemical type is presented. The data are analysed and circumstellar HCN abundances are estimated. The sample stars span a large range of properties such as mass-loss rate and photospheric C/O-ratio. The analysis of the new data allows for more accurate estimates of the circumstellar HCN abundances and puts new constraints on chemical models. In order to constrain the circumstellar HCN abundance distribution a detailed non-LTE excitation analysis, based on the Monte Carlo method, is performed. Effects of line overlaps and radiative excitation from dust grains are included. The median values for the derived abundances of HCN (with respect to H2) are 3x10-5, 7x10-7 and 10-7 for carbon stars (25 stars), S-type AGB stars (19 stars) and M-type AGB stars (25 stars), respectively. The estimated sizes of the HCN envelopes are similar to those obtained in the case of SiO for the same sample of sources and agree well with previous results from interferometric observations, when these are available. We find that there is a clear dependence of the derived circumstellar HCN abundance on the C/O-ratio of the star, in that carbon stars have about two orders of magnitude higher abundances than M-type AGB stars, on average. The derived HCN abundances of the S-type AGB stars have a larger spread and typically fall in between those of the two other types, however, slightly closer to the values for the M-type AGB stars. For the M-type stars, the estimated abundances are much higher than what would be expected if HCN is formed in thermal equilibrium. However, the results are also in contrast to predictions from recent non-LTE chemical models, where very little difference is expected in the HCN abundances between the various types of AGB stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Invariant submanifold for series arrays of Josephson junctions

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    We study the nonlinear dynamics of series arrays of Josephson junctions in the large-N limit, where N is the number of junctions in the array. The junctions are assumed to be identical, overdamped, driven by a constant bias current and globally coupled through a common load. Previous simulations of such arrays revealed that their dynamics are remarkably simple, hinting at the presence of some hidden symmetry or other structure. These observations were later explained by the discovery of (N - 3) constants of motion, each choice of which confines the resulting flow in phase space to a low-dimensional invariant manifold. Here we show that the dimensionality can be reduced further by restricting attention to a special family of states recently identified by Ott and Antonsen. In geometric terms, the Ott-Antonsen ansatz corresponds to an invariant submanifold of dimension one less than that found earlier. We derive and analyze the flow on this submanifold for two special cases: an array with purely resistive loading and another with resistive-inductive-capacitive loading. Our results recover (and in some instances improve) earlier findings based on linearization arguments.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    The Initiative to Engage Listeners for Preaching the Gospel Persuasively in Postmodern American Evangelicalism

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    This dissertation will argue that in order for evangelistic preaching within American evangelicalism to regain the effectiveness currently being lost in the dramatically shifting culture it will be necessary for preachers to exert greater initiative to engage listeners with emotional persuasion beyond merely the information presented. Changes in American culture at the twenty-first century mark reflect a transition from the modern to the postmodern era. One affect this change is having upon the religious life of American evangelicalism is a waning effectiveness of preaching the gospel as indicated by declining numbers of conversion growth in churches. The current crisis arises from modes of communication long-entrenched in modern assumptions while the culture itself is shifting to the postmodern era. Emerging characteristics of the postmodern era indicate that for effective communication the need to establish an affective connection is more important than the informational content itself. Communicating the gospel will require a heightened focus on engaging listeners so the message may gain a hearing at all, much less an effective response. Consideration will begin by examining the historical contrasts that produced an Information Age. During this era the rise of academic seminary training fostered styles of preaching predominately based in cognitive information. Evangelism adapted to the culture with presentation designed to convince listeners using logical argument arranged in propositional outlines. This approach resulted in eventual marginalization of the Christian voice in the mainstream culture. Further consideration will evaluate biblical and theological attributes of preaching to differentiate evangelistic preaching from other forms of instruction, and to distinguish timeless aspects of the gospel from those reflecting the cultural contextualization of a particular era. Consideration will also examine communication theory especially related to persuasion. While the mysterious element of God’s work is always paramount, the human task of evangelistic preaching must embrace persuasion dynamics, particularly in response to changing culture, to gain effectiveness. The initiative toward engaging listeners is valid both for theological interpretation and applied practice. The purpose of this paper is to summon American preachers to affectively engage listeners, rather than merely propagate information. As a more engaging approach is embraced, the gospel may more effectively accomplish its intended purpose of transforming lives and societal structures. Content Reader: Daniel Harrell, Ph

    Dissolved oxygen measurments in sea water at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

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    This report describes a modified Winkler titration technique that has been used for the past 25 years at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). During this time most of the dissolved oxygen measurements made at sea by WHOI personnel have been analyzed with this technique and only relatively minor, evolutionary changes in the procedures and equipment have occurred. These changes, however, have improved the precision and accuracy of deep-sea dissolved oxygen measurements to 0.005 ml/l and 0.02 ml/l respectively.Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation through grant Number OCE 87-16910

    Automated oxygen titration and salinity determination

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    This report describes a newly developed automated Winkler titration system for dissolved oxygen in seawater which is presently in use at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. This amperometric, calculated, endpoint system was compared with two different automated and one manual Winkler method during a recent cruise. The four different methods agreed to within about 0.04 ml/l. The system described here measures the titrant needed to reach the endpoint with a resolution better than 0.001 ml. The standard deviation of replicate samples is 0.005 ml/l and the accuracy is about 0.02 ml/l. A technique to automatically acquire conductivity ration measurements and calculate salinity using a Guildline Autosal Salinometer is also described.Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation through Grant No. OCE88-22542
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