804 research outputs found

    Pro-oxidant Activity And Genotoxicity Of The Astronium Fraxinifolium Using Wing Smart And Allium Cepa Test

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    Astronium fraxinifolium is an arboreal species found throughout the Brazilian Cerrado region and used in folk medicine as antimicrobial, anti-hemorrhagic and healing. Pro-oxidant activity of extracts of fraxinifolium rough Relative Electrophoresis Mobility (REM) of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) protein in presence of the extract and Cu2+ and also the genotoxic potential through Somatic Mutation and Recombination Test (SMART) and Allium cepa tests has been investigated during this study. In the REM, the extracts acting exclusively on BSA resulted in a band formation with higher molecular weight than BSA, probably due to oxidative action of the extracts. In presence of Cu2+and extracts occurred protein fragmentation due to Cu2+ oxidative action potentiated by the extracts. In SMART test the frequency of mutant spots increases with the increased concentration of extract A. fraxinifolium (50 mg mL-1= 1.40 and 100 mg mL-1 = 2.66). The HB cross shows a decrease in the total of mutant spots frequency for the different treatments (50 mg mL-1 =6.60 and 100 mg mL-1 = 3.25). Evaluation of A cutest demonstrated the following results (concentration extract = chromosomal abnormalities) 1 mg mL-1 = 85,10 mg L-1 = 61 50 mg mL-1 = 53,100 mg mL-1 =33 and MMS 10 mg L-1 = 50. Genotoxic and cytotoxic actions can be explained by the actions of tannins present in its composition. Butthere may be other substances that also act for such results. The genotoxicity in medicinal plants contributes to therapeutic safety warning that although the use of medicinal plants is an inexpensive and non-aggressive method it can cause harmful effects if used incorrectly. © 2016 Rafael Rozolen Teixeria Zafred et al.10427628

    Effect Of Post Type And Restorative Techniques On The Strain And Fracture Resistance Of Flared Incisor Roots

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    Restoring flared endodontically treated teeth continues to be a challenge for clinicians. This study evaluated the effect of post types and restorative techniques on the strain, fracture resistance, and fracture mode of incisors with weakened roots. One hundred five endodontically treated bovine incisors roots (15 mm) were divided into 7 groups (n=15). The two control groups were (C) intact roots restored with Cpc (cast posts and core) or Gfp (glass fiber posts). The five experimental groups were (F) flared roots restored with GfpAp (Gfp associated with accessory glass fiber posts), GfpRc (anatomic Gfp, relined with composite resin), and GfpRcAp (anatomized Gfp with resin and accessory glass fiber posts). All teeth were restored with metal crowns. Mechanical fatigue was performed with 3x10 5/50 N. Specimens were loaded at 45°, and the strain values (μS) were obtained on root buccal and proximal surfaces. Following that, the fracture resistance (N) was measured. One-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD tests (α=0.05) were applied, and failure mode was checked. No significant difference in strain values among the groups was found. Cpc presented lower fracture resistance and more catastrophic failures in flared roots. Gfp associated with composite resin or accessory glass fiber posts seems to be an effective method to improve the biomechanical behavior of flared roots.223230237Coelho, C.S., Biffi, J.C., Silva, G.R., Abrahão, A., Campos, R.E., Soares, C.J., Finite element analysis of weakened roots restored with composite resin and posts (2009) Dent Mater J, 28, pp. 671-678Teixeira, C.S., Silva-Sousa, Y.T., Sousa-Neto, M.D., Bond strength of fiber posts to weakened roots after resin restoration with different light-curing times (2009) J Endod, 35, pp. 1034-1039Zogheib, L.V., Pereira, J.R., do Valle, A.L., de Oliveira, J.A., Pegoraro, L.F., Fracture resistance of weakened roots restored with composite resin and glass fiber post (2008) Braz Dent J, 19, pp. 329-333Marchi, G.M., Mitsui, F.H., Cavalcanti, A.N., Effect of remaining dentine structure and thermal-mechanical aging on the fracture resistance of bovine roots with different post and core systems (2008) Int Endod J, 41, pp. 969-976da Silveira, T.C., Santos, F.M.C., Silva-Sousa, Y.T., de Sousa-Neto, M.D., Interfacial evaluation of experimentally weakened roots restored with adhesive materials and fibre posts: An SEM analysis (2008) J Dent, 36, pp. 672-682Moosavi, H., Maleknejad, F., Kimyai, S., Fracture resistance of endodontically-treated teeth restored using three root- reinforcement methods (2008) J Contemp Dent Pract, 9, pp. 30-37Bonfante, G., Kaizer, O.B., Pegoraro, L.F., do Valle, A.L., Fracture strength of teeth with flared root canals restored with glass fibre posts (2007) Int Dent J, 57, pp. 153-160Santos, A.F., Meira, J.B., Tanaka, C.B., Xavier, T.A., Ballester, R.Y., Lima, R.G., Can fiber posts increase root stresses and reduce fracture? (2010) J Dent Res, 89, pp. 587-591da Silva, N.R., Raposo, L.H., Versluis, A., Fernandes-Neto, A.J., Soares, C.J., The effect of post, core, crown type, and ferrule presence on the biomechanical behavior of endodontically treated bovine anterior teeth (2010) J Prosthet Dent, 104, pp. 306-317Silva, N.R., Castro, C.G., Santos-Filho, P.C., Silva, G.R., Campos, R.E., Soares, P.V., Influence of different post design and composition on stress distribution in maxillary central incisor: Finite element analysis (2009) Indian J Dent Res, 20, pp. 153-158Santos-Filho, P.C., Castro, C.G., Silva, G.R., Campos, R.E., Soares, C.J., Effects of post system and length on the strain and fracture resistance of root filled bovine teeth (2008) Int Endod J, 41, pp. 493-501Soares, C.J., Castro, C.G., Santos, F.P.C., Soares, P.V., Magalhaes, D., Martins, L.R., Two-dimensional FEA of dowels of different compositions and external surface configurations (2009) J Prosthodont, 18, pp. 36-42Macedo, V.C., de Faria, S.A.L., Martins, L.R., Effect of cement type, relining procedure, and length of cementation on pull-out bond strength of fiber posts (2010) J Endod, 36, pp. 1543-1546Leitune, V.C., Collares, F.M., Werner, S.S.M., Influence of chlorhexidine application at longitudinal push-out bond strength of fiber posts (2010) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 110, pp. 77-81Novais, V.R., Quagliatto, P.S., Bona, A.D., Correr-Sobrinho, L., Soares, C.J., Flexural modulus, flexural strength, and stiffness of fiber-reinforced posts (2009) Indian J Dent Res, 20, pp. 277-281Marchi, G.M., Paulillo, L.A., Pimenta, L.A., de Lima, F.A., Effect of different filling materials in combination with intraradicular posts on the resistance to fracture of weakened roots (2003) J Oral Rehabil, 30, pp. 623-629Soares, C.J., Pizi, E.C., Fonseca, R.B., Martins, L.R., Influence of root embedment material and periodontal ligament simulation on fracture resistance tests (2005) Braz Oral Res, 19, pp. 11-16Huysmans, M.C., Peters, M.C., van der Varst, P.G., Plasschaert, A.J., Failure behaviour of fatigue-tested post and cores (1993) Int Endod J, 26, pp. 294-300Soares, P.V., Santos-Filho, P.C., Gomide, H.A., Araujo, C.A., Martins, L.R., Soares, C.J., Influence of restorative technique on the biomechanical behavior of endodontically treated maxillary premolars. Part II: Strain measurement and stress distribution (2008) J Prosthet Dent, 99, pp. 114-122Kishen, A., Kumar, G.V., Chen, N.N., Stress-strain response in human dentine: Rethinking fracture predilection in post-core restored teeth (2004) Dent Traumatol, 20, pp. 90-10

    Lagrangian evolution of global strings

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    We establish a method to trace the Lagrangian evolution of extended objects consisting of a multicomponent scalar field in terms of a numerical calculation of field equations in three dimensional Eulerian meshes. We apply our method to the cosmological evolution of global strings and evaluate the energy density, peculiar velocity, Lorentz factor, formation rate of loops, and emission rate of Nambu-Goldstone (NG) bosons. We confirm the scaling behavior with a number of long strings per horizon volume smaller than the case of local strings by a factor of \sim 10. The strategy and the method established here are applicable to a variety of fields in physics.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Models of quintessence coupled to the electromagnetic field and the cosmological evolution of alpha

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    We study the change of the effective fine structure constant in the cosmological models of a scalar field with a non-vanishing coupling to the electromagnetic field. Combining cosmological data and terrestrial observations we place empirical constraints on the size of the possible coupling and explore a large class of models that exhibit tracking behavior. The change of the fine structure constant implied by the quasar absorption spectra together with the requirement of tracking behavior impose a lower bound of the size of this coupling. Furthermore, the transition to the quintessence regime implies a narrow window for this coupling around 10510^{-5} in units of the inverse Planck mass. We also propose a non-minimal coupling between electromagnetism and quintessence which has the effect of leading only to changes of alpha determined from atomic physics phenomena, but leaving no observable consequences through nuclear physics effects. In doing so we are able to reconcile the claimed cosmological evidence for a changing fine structure constant with the tight constraints emerging from the Oklo natural nuclear reactor.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, RevTex, new references adde

    Particle Acceleration in Pulsar Wind Nebulae: PIC modelling

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    We discuss the role of particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations in unveiling the origin of the emitting particles in PWNe. After describing the basics of the PIC technique, we summarize its implications for the quiescent and the flaring emission of the Crab Nebula, as a prototype of PWNe. A consensus seems to be emerging that, in addition to the standard scenario of particle acceleration via the Fermi process at the termination shock of the pulsar wind, magnetic reconnection in the wind, at the termination shock and in the Nebula plays a major role in powering the multi-wavelength signatures of PWNe.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figures, to appear in the book "Modelling Nebulae" edited by D. Torres for Springer, based on the invited contributions to the workshop held in Sant Cugat (Barcelona), June 14-17, 201

    Dynamic Analysis of Unidirectional Pressure Infiltration of Porous Preforms by Pure Metals

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    Unidirectional pressure infiltration of porous preforms by molten metals is investigated numerically. A phenomenological model to describe fluid flow and transport phenomena during infiltration of fibrous preforms by a metal is formulated. The model describes the dynamics of the infiltration process, the temperature distribution, and solid fraction distribution. The numerical results are compared against classical asymptotic analyses and experimental results. This comparison shows that end effects may become important and render asymptotic results unreliable for realistic samples. Fiber volume fraction and initial temperature appear as the factors most strongly influencing infiltration. Metal superheating affects not only the length of the two-phase zone but also the solid fraction distribution in the two-phase zone. The effect of constant applied pressure, although significant on the infiltration velocity, is almost negligible on the two-phase zone length and on solid fraction distribution. When the initial preform temperature is below the metal melting point, and constant pressure is applied under adiabatic conditions, the flow ceases when sufficient solidification occurs to obstruct it. A comparison with literature experiments proves the model to be an efficient predictive tool in the analysis of infiltration processes for different preform/melt systems