163 research outputs found

    Pre-molecular assessment of self-processes in neurotypical subjects using a single cognitive behavioral intervention evoking autobiographical memory

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    In the last 20 years, several contributions have been published on what concerns the conceptual and empirical connections between self-processes. However, only a limited number of publications addressed the viability of those processes to characterize mental health in neurotypical subjects with a normative pattern of neurodevelopment. Furthermore, even fewer experiments focused explicitly on the complexity of studying neurotypical phenomenal data. On the one hand, this normative pattern is commonly associated with mental health and a multifaceted self-concept and well-being. On the other hand, well-being is often related to a healthy cognitive life. However, how such intricate and complex relation between self-processes is established in neurotypical subjects requires further evidence. The novelty of this work is thus studying the first-person experience, which is correlated with the mental events aroused by a cognitive behavioral intervention. The prior methodology that led to the complete characterization of a neurotypical sample was already published by the authors, although the materials, the methods, the sample screening, and the sample size study required further explanation and exploration. This paper’s innovation is hence the phenomenological assessment of subjects’ self-regulation, which is used for mental health profiling, providing the basis for subsequent molecular typing. For that matter, a convenience sample of 128 (19–25-year-old) neurotypical young adults, healthy university students at the University of Lisbon, non-medicated and with no serious, uncontrolled, or chronic diseases, are characterized according to their cognitive functioning and self-concept. The procedure comprised (i) a mental status examination (psychological assessment) and (ii) a psychological intervention, i.e., a single cognitive behavioral intervention (intervention protocol). The psychological assessment was a standardized and structured clinical interview, which comprised the use of 4 psychological scales complementary to the classical Mental Status Examination (MSE). The intervention protocol applied a combined exercise of psychophysical training and autobiographical-self memory-recalling. The results permitted identifying and isolating four different subgroups (self awareness, self consciousness, reflective self, and pre-reflective self) in neurotypical subjects with discrete self-processes. The outcome of this study is screening four different aspects of self-reflection and the isolation between various forms of self-directed attention and their interconnections in these four mental health strata. The practical implication of this study is to fulfill an a priori pre-molecular assessment of self-regulation with separate cognitive characteristics. The reliability of these mental strata, their distinct neurophysiology, and discrete molecular fingerprint will be tested in a future publication by in silico characterization, total protein profiling, and simultaneous immunodetection of the neuropeptide and neuroimmune response of the same participants.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Implementação do sistema de investigação, desenvolvimento e inovação na Porcel, S.A.

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    Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialO presente trabalho surge na sequência da implementação do Sistema de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (IDI), para a Porcel, S.A., uma empresa do sector da porcelana de uso doméstico e decorativo, sendo que a pesquisa bibliográfica permitiu identificar os conceitos importantes para a análise e Desenvolvimento de Novos Produtos (DNP). No caso da empresa em estudo, apenas eram realizadas actividades de Concepção e Desenvolvimento (C&D), sem a preocupação de promover a inovação. Nesse sentido, a elaboração e acompanhamento do sistema de gestão de IDI, constitui uma importante ferramenta para uma melhor orientação das acções de DNP de forma mais eficiente e segura. Neste relatório é descrito o comportamento dos mercados para o sector em causa, assim como as etapas do processo produtivo, para uma melhor compreensão dos aspectos referidos no caso de estudo. São evidenciadas as diferentes actividades de C&D na empresa e, sobretudo, o novo processo de IDI e suas ferramentas, dando origem à primeira decoração com a filosofia inovadora na empresa, a decoração “Tuareg”. Ainda em relação a esta, são referidas as diferentes e inovadoras matérias-primas e método de aplicação usado. Relativamente ao DNP, a empresa considera ter sido dado “um passo” fundamental para a celeridade do processo e para a implementação da inovação.The present work is the outcome of the implementation of the System of Research, Development and Innovation (IDI) for Porcel, S.A., a company of the sector of the porcelain of domestic and decorative use. The bibliographical research allowed the identification of the important concepts for the analysis and Development of New Products (NPD). Formerly, Conception and Development (C&D) activities were carried out, in the case of the company under analysis, without any deliberative concern to promote the innovation. In this direction, the elaboration and accomplishment of a IDI management system constitutes an important tool for a better orientation of NPD activities in a more efficient and reliable way. This project describes the behaviour of the industry products markets as well as the production process stages, for a better understanding of the aspects related in the study case. The different C&D activities are evidenced in the company and, over all, the new process of IDI and its tools, giving origin to the first decoration with the innovative philosophy in the company, the decoration “Tuareg”. In the final part of the project is described the different and innovative raw materials and method used for their application. Relatively to the NPD, the company considers to have been given a fundamental step for the celerity of the process and for the implementation of new product innovations

    Plano de negócios: empresa de comércio electrónico

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    O crescimento exponencial da internet potenciou profundas alterações nos comportamentos dos consumidores, dando origem a uma nova forma de comprar, o comércio electrónico. Neste trabalho é elaborado o plano de negócios da empresa G2R que propõe a comercialização de equipamentos para motociclistas exclusivamente através de uma loja online. A proposta da empresa é inovadora em Portugal pela quase inexistência de pure players 1 no mercado nacional e pela limitada oferta dos produtos comercializados pela empresa. No plano de negócios é feita a análise SWOT da empresa, indo um pouco mais além com a SWOT sistémica (que permite incorporar o factor tempo à análise), são definidos os objectivos, estratégia e acções para os próximos anos. A estratégia da empresa inclui a internacionalização para ao Brasil, mercado cuja análise foi considerada. O Marketing-Mix é descrito à luz da teoria para empresas de serviços, acrescentando as parcerias aos 7 Ps já conhecidos. É feita uma análise profunda aos recursos necessários para a implementação, dando relevância ao Website, ponto de contacto entre a empresa e os clientes. Abordamos ainda a necessidade de controlo do negócio e as ferramentas existentes para este fim. Da análise financeira do negócio concluímos que a perspectiva de crescimento das vendas é bastante positiva, que as necessidades de financiamento são baixas e que a estrutura de custos fixos é leve. As conclusões da análise financeira apontam para uma rentabilidade elevada com um VAL2 de 49.933, uma TIR3 66,42% e um payback de 4 anos do ponto de vista do investidor.The exponential growth on the internet empowered profound changes in the consumer’s behaviour, giving origin to a new way to buy, the e-commerce. In this study the business plan for G2R is developed, this firm proposes to sell all types of motorcycle gear exclusively by an online shop. This proposition is especially innovative considering the near inexistence of pure players1 in the national market and because of the lack of offer in Portugal of the sold products. In this business plan we make the SOWT analysis, and we go a bit further with the Systemic SWOT (allows us to incorporate the time factor), define the objectives, strategy and actions for the next years. The firm´s strategy includes the internationalization to Brazil, market also analyzed in this study. The Marketing-mix is described in this business plan according to the existing theory for service companies, adding the partnerships to the known 7 Ps. The resources needed for the implementation are analyzed, giving relevance to the website, first contact point to the customer. The control of the business is also defined, along with the existing tools for that purpose. From the financial analysis of the business we conclude that the perspective of growth in revenue is very positive, the need for founding is low and the fixed cost structure is light. The conclusions are that the Project has a high profitability, with a NPV2 of 49.933, an IRR3of 66,42% and a payback of 4 years, from the investors point of view

    Big data in cloud: a data architecture

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    Nowadays, organizations have at their disposal a large volume of data with a wide variety of types. Technology-driven organizations want to capture process and analyze this data at a fast velocity, in order to better understand and manage their customers, their operations and their business processes. As much as data volume and variety increases and as faster analytic results are needed, more demanding is for a data architecture. This data architecture should enable collecting, storing, and analyzing Big Data in Cloud Environment. Cloud Computing, ensures timeliness, ubiquity and easy access by users. This paper proposes to develop a data architecture to support Big Data in Cloud and, finally, validate the architecture with a proof of concept.This work was financed by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia for the project: PEst-OE/EEI/UI0319/201

    A modern data architecture: a test case

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    Atualmente os dados são vistos como tendo tipos e origens distintas. Os tipos de dados podem ser estruturados, semiestruturados e não estruturados. As origens dos dados podem ser diversas como Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), folhas de cálculo, documentos de texto, redes sociais, imagens, vídeos, sensores entre outros. Esta diversidade de dados exige uma arquitetura moderna que permita a recolha dos dados de várias origens e tipos, viabilizando igualmente a extração, transformação e limpeza dos mesmos através do processo de Extract, Transform and Load (ETL), bem como o armazenamento e integração dos dados para posteriores análises. Esta arquitetura deve ser suportada por um ambiente de Cloud Computing, garantindo assim a sua atualidade, ubiquidade e fácil acesso pelos utilizadores. Este artigo propõe-se desenvolver uma arquitetura e implementar uma solução que será validade através de um caso de teste com dados da área da saúde.Currently the data are seen as having distinct types and origins. Data types may be structured, semi-structured and unstructured. The data sources can be diverse as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), spreadsheets, text documents, social networks, images, videos, and other sensors. This diversity of data requires a modern architecture that enables the collection of data from multiple sources and types, also enabling the extraction, processing and cleaning of data through the Extract and Transform and Load (ETL) process, and the storage and integration of data for further analysis. This architecture must be supported by a Cloud Computing environment, thus ensuring its relevance, ubiquity and easy access by users. This article proposes to develop an architecture and implement a solution that is validated through a test case with health care data.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PEst-OE/EEI/UI0319/201

    Promoção de saúde mental na comunidade: análise conceptual

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    Introduction: Recently, neuropsychiatry has focused almost exclusively on the correction of pathophysiological changes, inevitably neglecting certain psychosomatic factors of chronic diseases in the community. It is thus necessary to develop and apply mental health that uses a more comprehensive approach in the treatment of disabling diseases and in primary health care. Aim: This study aims to review the effect of self-awareness and awareness of morbidity, as described subjectively by patients during psychotherapeutic interventions or by healthy adults in meditative practices. Materials and Methods: To assess the effect described, a conceptual analysis is proposed as a method. Reviewing the current literature on the "state of the art" of brain dynamics and the psychoneuroimmunological axis, the correlation between the patient's subjective experience and affective and cognitive neuroscience was tested. As a research hypothesis, it was intended to highlight the scientific paradigms used to study the effect described above. Results: The current limitation on the integration of psychotherapeutic approaches in understanding well-being and mental health prevention is presented, as well as the need for its implementation in general and family medicine and in the community psychiatry. Self-awareness and awareness of morbidity promotes physical and mental well-being and contributes to the development of non-pathological emotional traits. Classical psychotherapy, as well as meditation, allows the individual to access his internal representations, providing the mental space necessary to work on affections and cognitions. The clinical access to these internal representations is important not only in the treatment of disabling diseases, but also indispensable in primary health care. Conclusion: The physician, by promoting the physical and mental health of the individual, his family and the community, has a predominant role in the adhesion to the assumptions of good clinical practices. The research hypothesis defended by this conceptual analysis presents ground for the debate of a community medicine more focused on inducing policies for mental well-being, for self-awareness and for morbidity awareness. These mental health policies in the community are currently considered to be objectives of the general and family medicine health program, namely the person-centered approach, which aims at training and empowering the patient or healthy individual as the prime agent responsible for his own health.Introdução: Recentemente a neuropsiquiatria tem-se centrado quase que exclusivamente na correção de alterações fisiopatológicas, menosprezando inevitavelmente certos fatores psicossomáticos de doenças crónicas da comunidade. Assim sendo, torna-se necessário o desenvolvimento e aplicação de saúde mental que utilize uma abordagem mais compreensiva no tratamento de doenças incapacitantes e nos cuidados de saúde primários. Objetivo: Este estudo pretende rever o efeito da consciência do eu e consciência de morbidade, como descrito subjetivamente por pacientes durante intervenções psicoterapêuticas ou por adultos saudáveis em práticas meditativas. Materiais e Métodos: Para avaliar o efeito descrito, uma análise conceptual é proposta como método. Revendo a literatura atual sobre o “state of the art” de dinâmicas cerebrais e eixo psiconeuroimunológico, testou-se a correlação entre a experiência subjetiva do paciente e a neurociência afetiva e cognitiva. Como hipótese de investigação, pretendeu-se evidenciar os paradigmas científicos utilizados para estudar o efeito supraescrito. Resultados: Apresenta-se a limitação atual da integração das abordagens psicoterapêuticas na compreensão do bem-estar e prevenção de saúde mental, bem como a necessidade da sua implementação na medicina geral e familiar e psiquiatria comunitária. A consciência do eu e a consciência de morbidade promove o bem-estar físico e mental e contribui para o desenvolvimento de traços emocionais não patológicos. A psicoterapia clássica, assim como a meditação, permite que o indivíduo tenha acesso às suas representações internas, proporcionando o espaço mental necessário para trabalhar afetos e cognições. O acesso clínico a essas representações internas é importante não apenas no tratamento de doenças incapacitantes, mas também indispensável nos cuidados de saúde primários. Conclusão: O médico através da promoção da saúde física e mental do indivíduo, da sua família e da comunidade, tem um papel preponderante na adesão aos pressupostos de boa prática clínica. A hipótese de investigação defendida por esta análise conceptual apresenta terreno para o debate de uma medicina da comunidade mais focada na indução de políticas para o bem-estar mental, para consciência do eu e para a consciência de morbidade. Estas políticas de saúde mental na comunidade são atualmente consideradas como objetivos do programa de saúde de medicina geral e familiar, nomeadamente a abordagem centrada na pessoa e no seu contexto, direcionada para a capacitação e empoderamento do doente ou indivíduo saudável, como agente responsável pela própria saúde

    a systematic review

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    Background: The analysis of the European Union (EU28) health systems' intervention for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) reports an insufficient combination of legal support, prevention, and early diagnosis. This fact compromises the patient's health outcomes. The inclusion of pharmacy services oriented to T2DM (PS-T2DM) in strategic primary care network's programs could be a solution. However, the different regulatory frameworks that include good pharmaceutical practices and clinical guidelines for T2DM in each EU28 country may be a limitation. Health systems need to know the evolution of these community services and to analyze their operational and regulatory base, both in time and space. Methods: A systematic review was carried out on a qualitative and quantitative approach to the expansion and upgrading of PS-T2DM provided in EU28 pharmacies between 2008 and 2018. Results: The implementation of PS-T2DM in EU28 has increased sharply since 2009 and 2010. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is regulated in 5 countries (Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, and Portugal) and T2DM in 3 (Austria, Latvia, and Romania). Also, in 3 countries (Latvia, Poland, and Spain), pharmacists are involved in implementing guidelines for DM and T2DM, but there is no evidence on the regulation of PS-T2DM. Twenty-two countries showed detailed studies for the PS-T2DM's provision. The type of PS-T2DM implemented in the highest number of EU28 countries was "promoting the rational use of medicines," and the specific subtype T2DM-related more commonly reported was the "glucose measurement." Discussion/Conclusion: Pharmacy disease-oriented services contributed to improving the accessibility, proximity, and equity of primary care for T2DM provided in community pharmacies across the EU28 in recent decades. This promising strategy for improving health outcome sets may be a call to the action of health systems due to its impact consistent with some objectives of universal health coverage for the eradication of DM and T2DM.publishersversionpublishe

    Exploring the Policies Applied to Pharmaceutical Care Practice for Type 2 Diabetes over the Last Decade in European Community Pharmacies

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG.In the last decade (2010-2020), more than half of European countries have improved their health policies within the primary care for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Community pharmacies have been and could continue to be essential actors in this evolution of fighting the disease by providing a set of pharmacotherapeutic follow-up services for the person with diabetes. These services, designated by the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union as "diabetes management"and "glucose measurement", have aimed to optimize adherence to therapy and improve health outcomes. However, to follow the European guidelines of Good Pharmacy Practice, providing these services implies having a normative framework or a legal basis. Thus, this study sought to analyze the normative and regulatory framework on which community pharmacies in 28 European countries were based on providing this health care over the last decade. Resumo Na última década (2010–2020), mais da metade dos países europeus melhoraram as suas políticas de saúde no âmbito dos cuidados de saúde primários para a diabetes mellitus tipo 2. As farmácias comunitárias foram e poderão continuar a ser importantes intervenientes nesta evolução de combate à doença, através da disponibilização de um conjunto de serviços de acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico para a pessoa com diabetes. Serviços esses, designados, pelo Grupo Farmacêutico da União Europeia por “diabetes management” e “glucose measurement”, visam otimizar a adesão à terapêutica e melhorar os resultados de saúde. No entanto, seguir as directrizes euro­peias das Boas Práticas de Farmácia, para a realização destes serviços, implica dispor de um enquadramento normativo ou uma base jurídica. Assim, este estudo procurou analisar o arcabouço normativo e regulamentar, em que as farmácias comunitárias de 28 países europeus assentaram, para prestar estes cuidados de saúde, durante a última década.publishersversionpublishe

    Hábitos de consumo de álcool em estudantes do ensino superior universitário: alguns dados empíricos

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    This study aimed to provide a brief overview of the drinking habits and alcohol-related consequences in a sample of university students. The sample included 654 students who were given the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), the Brief Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire (B-YAACQ) and the Daily Drinking Questionnaire – Revised (DDQ-R). Special attention was devoted to the patterns of alcohol use as well as to prevalence rates of alcohol-related consequences. The results provide further support for the need to develop early preventive strategies which are more adjusted to the different students’ profiles, that is, to the characteristics of developmental stage and specific necessities of those students. Considering these characteristics and needs will certainly clarify the professionals and therefore promote the effectiveness of the intervention.Cette étude dresse un bref panorama des habitudes de consommation d’alcool et de leurs conséquences parmi un échantillon d’étudiants de l’Enseignement Supérieur. Les données ont été recueillies auprès de 654 étudiants de l’Université de Coimbra, en utilisant, pour l’effet: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), Brief Young Adult Consequences Questionnaire et Daily Drinking Questionnaire - Revised. Une particulière attention a été consacrée à l’analyse des indices de consommation d’alcool, ainsi qu’aux taux de prévalence des conséquences adverses à cette même consommation. Face aux résultats obtenus, s’impose maintenant la nécessité de développer des plans d’intervention préventive précoce, adaptés aux différents profils des étudiants, c’est-à-dire, aux caractéristiques et aux besoins spécifiques des étapes du développement des individus. L’analyse de ces caractéristiques et de ces nécessités permettra, certainement, d’éclaircir les professionnels et, par conséquent, de favoriser l’efficacité de l’intervention.Neste estudo pretende-se traçar um breve panorama dos hábitos de consumo de álcool e das consequências associadas a esse consumo numa amostra de estudantes do Ensino Superior. Os dados foram recolhidos junto de 654 estudantes da Universidade de Coimbra, utilizando para o efeito o Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), o Brief Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire (B-YAACQ) e o Daily Drinking Questionnaire – Revised (DDQ-R). Foi dada especial atenção à análise dos índices de consumo de álcool, bem como às taxas de prevalência das consequências adversas desse mesmo consumo. Face aos resultados obtidos impõe-se a necessidade de desenvolver planos de intervenção preventiva precoce, ajustados aos diferentes perfis dos estudantes, ou seja, às características e necessidades específicas da fase de desenvolvimento dos indivíduos. Considerar essas características e necessidades permitirá com certeza esclarecer os profissionais e, por conseguinte, favorecer a eficácia da intervenção