41 research outputs found
A criação e a continuidade das empresas criadas no âmbito de programas de incentivo ao empreendedorismo na Região Autónoma dos Açores
Dissertação de Mestrado, Turismo Internacional, 2 de Fevereiro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.Este trabalho de investigação pretende contribuir para uma análise acerca do empreendedorismo e dos programas de incentivo à criação de empresas na Região Autónoma dos Açores, com particular enfoque na medida Empreende Jovem. Por forma a contextualizar a temática do empreendedorismo e todo o processo empreendedor, este estudo procura fundamentar-se nas teorias de base socio-económica e comportamental, tentando mostrar as suas origens, evolução e principais conceitos, ao mesmo tempo que tenta traçar um perfil do empreendedor de sucesso. Este trabalho incide sobre projetos candidatos a este programa no período de 2010-2014, reunindo uma amostra de 102 empresas constituídas com recurso ao incentivo regional ao empreendedorismo acima referido. Optou-se por uma metodologia quantitativa, em que o instrumento de recolha de dados foi o inquérito por questionário, não-presencial, procedendo-se, posteriormente à análise dos resultados. Como conclusões genéricas e com base nos resultados obtidos, podemos referir que o indivíduo empreendedor é na sua generalidade do género masculino, de um escalão etário jovem situado entre os 25-34 e com formação académica superior. No final do trabalho são apresentadas algumas limitações relativas ao presente estudo, bem como, um conjunto de recomendações de pesquisa futura.ABSTRACT: This research aims to contribute to an analysis of entrepreneurship and incentive programs for business creation in the Azores, with particular focus on programs focused on Young Entrepreneurship. In order to contextualize the theme of entrepreneurship and the entire entrepreneurial process, this study seeks to be based on the socio-economic and behavioural theories, searching to explain its origins, evolution and main concepts at the same time that tries to define a profile for a successful entrepreneur.
This work focuses on projects applied to this program in the period of 2010-2014, bringing together a sample of 102 enterprises that where established using the regional incentive above mentioned. We chose a quantitative methodology based in a nonattendance questionnaire survey as instrument to collect all data, proceeding after this to a results analysis process. As general conclusion and based on our findings, we can say that, generally, the entrepreneur is a male individual, from a young age group situated between 25-34 years old and with a university degree. At the end of work are presented some limitations regarding this study, as well as a set of recommendations for future research
a gestão recíproca das emoções e da informação enquanto intervenção de enfermagem
A experiência cirúrgica vivenciada pela criança e pela sua família, pode
despoletar estados emocionais perturbadores impeditivos ao entendimento e
assimilação da informação fornecida no período pós-operatório, por sua vez, a
informação insuficiente também poderá conduzir à falta de sentimento de controlo e
emocionalidade negativa. Considerando, a minha experiência profissional e a
evidência científica, o cerne do meu estudo é a gestão recíproca das emoções e da
informação enquanto intervenção de enfermagem.
O repto deste Relatório de Estágio, compreende a descrição, análise e reflexão
do percurso formativo, ponderado, com vista à aquisição de competências de EEESIP.
A sua elaboração subsidiou-se em conceções teóricas dominantes, como a teoria de
cuidar segundo Jean Watson, o modelo de sistemas de Betty Neuman, e as filosofias
de cuidados pediátricos, nomeadamente os CCF, a parceria de cuidados e os
cuidados não traumáticos. Em comum, estas conceções atendem ao holismo e
humanização dos cuidados de saúde, intrínsecos à intervenção de enfermagem.
Ancoradas no paradigma da transformação, reforçam a visibilidade da emocionalidade
no ato de cuidar, nomeadamente mobilizando estratégias que visam a modificação
dos estados emocionais perturbadores para estados de tranquilidade e bem-estar. A
experiência prática em contexto de estágio constituiu-se como essencial, promovendo
a transformação da experiência em aprendizagem, sustentada na metodologia de
formação reflexiva na e sobre a ação, com recurso ao ciclo reflexivo de Gibbs. No
cuidado individualizado à criança e sua família, a intervenção de enfermagem deverá
atender à mobilização de estratégias de gestão recíproca das emoções e informação.
Estas, relacionam-se, interligam-se e complementam-se. Das atividades
desenvolvidas, destaco a elaboração de um algoritmo de atuação em enfermagem,
recorrendo à gestão das emoções para prover cuidados. Este percurso foi pautado
pela motivação de proporcionar cuidados de excelência, promovendo uma experiência
cirúrgica positiva, com destaque para o período pós-operatório, acrescentando
vivências adaptativas e capacitação no regresso a casa da criança e sua família.The surgical experience experienced by the child and his family can trigger
disturbing emotional states that impede the understanding and assimilation of the
information provided in the postoperative period, in turn, insufficient information may
also lead to a lack of control and negative emotionality. Considering my professional
experience and the scientific evidence, the core of my study is the reciprocal
management of emotions and information as a nursing intervention.
The challenge of this Internship report includes the description, analysis and
reflection of the formative course, weighted, with a view to the acquisition of nurse
specialist in child and pediatric health nursing competences. Its elaboration was based
on dominant theoretical concepts such as Jean Watson's theory of care, the Betty
Neuman systems model, and pediatric care philosophies, such as family centered
care, care partnership and non-traumatic care. In common, these concepts address
the holism and humanization of health care, intrinsic to the nursing intervention.
Anchored in the paradigm of transformation, they reinforce the visibility of emotionality
in the act of caring, namely by mobilizing strategies aimed at the modifying disturbing
emotional states, for states of tranquility and well-being. Practical experience in the
context of the internship is essential, promoting the transformation of the learning
experience, based on the methodology of reflexive formation in and on the action,
using the Gibbs’s reflective cycle. In the individualized care of the child and his family,
the nursing intervention should attend to the mobilization of strategies of reciprocal
management of the emotions and information. These, relate, interconnect and
complement each other. From the developed activities, I highlight the elaboration of an
algorithm of actuation in nursing, resorting to the management of the emotions to
provide care. This course was based on the motivation to provide excellent care,
promoting a positive surgical experience, highlighting the postoperative period, adding
adaptive experiences and training in the return home of the child and his family
Escola Global
Para os pais é muito importante a escolha da escola, não porque a escola defina
definitivamente o futuro da criança, mas porque a expõe a oportunidades diferentes, e o
aproveitamento dessas oportunidades pode fazer a diferença.
A proposta de valor da Escola Global tem como factor diferenciado introduzir no ensino uma
perspectiva de globalidade, com o argumento que ao promover a capacidade para a criança
compreender que existe uma diversidade de formas de viver, com regras diferentes mas tão
válidos como as regras da sociedade em que nasceu, promovemos duas das capacidades mais
relevantes para a sua vida pessoal e profissional – a capacidade de adaptação a ambientes
diferentes e a criatividade.
A Escola Global propõe para as crianças dos 2 aos 6 anos, um novo currículo de actividades e
disciplinas sobre inovação, comunicação, optimismo e um método de ensino global, num
ambiente de afectividade que promovem o desenvolvimento de crianças felizes, os lideres do
A proposta de valor da Escola Global apresenta uma boa aceitação pelo mercado, e de acordo
com os critérios de avaliação de projectos, é um projecto economicamente viável, em que se
conseguirá recupera totalmente o capital inicialmente investido e adicionalmente se obterá um
acréscimo da riqueza.For the parents it is very important the choice of the school, no because the school defines the
child's future definitively, but because it exposes to different opportunities, and the use of
those opportunities can make the difference.
The proposal of value of the Global School has as differentiated factor to introduce in the
teaching a global perspective, with the argument that when promoting the capacity for the
child to understand that an diversity in ways exists of living, with different rules but as valid
as the rules of the society in that he/she was born, we promoted two of the most relevant
capacities for his/her personal and professional life the adaptation capacity to you adapt
different and the creativity.
The Global School proposes for the children of the 2 to the 6 years, a new activities
curriculum and disciplines about innovation, communication, optimismo and a method of
global teaching, in an atmosphere of affectivity that promote the happy children's
development, lead them of the future.
The value proposition of the Global School has a good market acceptance, and according to
the criteria for evaluating projects, it is an economically viable project, that will get recovers
the capital totally initially invested and additionally it will be obtained an increment of the
Jornal de Notícias e as redes sociais como fontes para a elaboração de notícias
O modo de fazer jornalismo tem vindo alterar-se nos últimos anos. O avanço tecnológico e o aparecimento da internet, no final do século XX, tornaram-se ferramentas fundamentais na introdução do jornalismo na era digital. Em Portugal, no ano de 1995, era fundado o primeiro jornal generalista em formato digital, o Jornal de Notícias, que também se encontra disponível no formato em papel desde o ano de 1888.
Os primeiros anos de adaptação ao online não foram fáceis para os profissionais na área da comunicação social. As novas rotinas, a filtração da informação e a atualização permanente da informação no site eram “novidade” para os jornalistas, assim como as alterações na produção e difusão da informação. Para a narração de uma notícia são necessárias fontes de informação. Atualmente, as redes sociais já apresentam um papel bastante ativo como fonte de informação, seja no complemento de uma notícia com elementos de multimédia ou como fonte principal.
Com a edição digital, os jornais passaram a ter uma grande vantagem em relação à edição impressa. O espaço ilimitado e a possibilidade enriquecer a notícia com elementos de multimédia são as novas potencialidades do novo sistema informativo.The way of doing journalism has been changing in recent years. The technological advancement and the emergence of the Internet in the late twentieth century, have become key tools to the introduction of journalism in the digital age. In Portugal, in 1995, the first general newspaper in digital format was founded, the Jornal de Notícias, which has also been available in paper format since 1888.
The early years of online adaptation were not easy for media professionals. These new routines, the information filtering and the permanent updating of information on the web site were "news" for journalists, as well as changes in the production and dissemination of information.
News narration requires sources of information. Currently, social networks already play a very active role as a source of information, either in the complementation of news with elements of multimedia or as a main source.
With the digital edition, the newspapers had a great advantage over the print edition. The unlimited space and possibility to enrich the news with elements of multimedia are the new potential of the new information system
Impacto molecular das proteínas orais em cárie dentária
A cárie dentária é a doença infeciosa crónica mais prevalente no mundo,
sendo que uma grande parte da população não se encontra tratada. Esta doença
provoca crises dolorosas que requerem tratamentos dispendiosos que nem
sempre estão disponíveis, principalmente em lesões extensas que envolvam a
dentina. A diminuição acentuada na qualidade de vida destas pessoas, leva à
necessidade de compreensão dos processos patológicos envolvidos no
estabelecimento da cárie dentária e desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de
diagnóstico e terapêutica. Assim, com este estudo, teve-se o objetivo de
conhecer os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos em cárie, identificar potenciais
biomarcadores e verificar os eventos de interação entre as moléculas do
hospedeiro e do microbiota envolvente.
A catalogação das proteínas salivares em cárie dentária, permitiu a adição
de 6107 novas proteínas às 179 anteriormente anotadas. A caracterização
funcional do OralOma de cárie, comparada com o OralOma normal, permitiu
inferir um aumento do número de proteínas envolvidas nos processos
moleculares enzyme regulator activity, antioxidant activity e structural molecule
activity. As proteínas envolvidas no processo enzyme regulator activity estão
fortemente associadas à regulação das Metalo Proteinases da Matriz (MMPs). A
análise interatómica permitiu verificar que um grande número de interações está
associado a funções de defesa e à tentativa de invasão e colonização dos
tecidos do hospedeiro.
O facto das proteínas catalogadas não apresentarem dados de
quantificação limita a identificação de potenciais biomarcadores para a cárie
dentária. Sugerem-se então, novos estudos de proteómica, que permitam esta
quantificação. Ao longo deste trabalho, verificou-se também, que a maioria dos
estudos referentes à cárie dentária se restringe ao esmalte, no entanto, este
processo deve ser melhor clarificado em relação à dentina. Este estudo in silico
demonstra que uma grande parte das proteínas envolvidas, estão associadas à
regulação das MMPs, sendo, portanto, proposto que devam ser estudadas como
alvo terapêutico na prevenção da cárie. Conclui-se que é necessário definir
novas estratégias terapêuticas baseadas no conhecimento molecular.Dental caries is the most prevalent chronic infectious disease worldwide, and a
majority of the population remains untreated. This disease can cause painful
crises and requires costly treatments that not always available, especially in
extensive lesions involving dentin. The fast decrease in people's quality of life
leads to the need of understanding the pathological processes involved in the
establishment of the dental caries and the development of new strategies of
diagnosis and therapy. Therefore, with this study, the goal was to know the
molecular mechanisms involved in the dental caries, identify potential biomarkers
and verify the interaction events between host molecules and the surrounding
Cataloging salivary proteins in the dental caries has allowed to add 6107
new proteins to the 179 previously annotated. The functional characterization of
the dental caries OralOme, compared to the normal OralOme, has showed an
increase on the number of proteins involved in the molecular process of enzyme
regulator activity, antioxidant activity and structural molecule activity. The
proteins involved in the enzyme regulator activity process are strongly associated
to the MMPs regulation. The interactomics analysis showed that a large number
of interactions is associated to the defense and to the attempt of invasion and
colonization of the host tissues.
The fact that catalogued proteins don't present quantification data, limits
the identification of potential biomarkers for dental caries. New proteomics
studies are suggested, to provide this quantification. Through this work, it was,
also, verified that the majority of dental caries related studies are restricted to the
dental enamel, however, this process has to be better clarified when it comes to
the dentine. This in silico study demonstrates that a large part of the proteins
involved are associated to MMPs regulation, suggesting, that these may be
studied as a therapeutic target in the dental caries prevention. It is concluded that
it is necessary to define new therapeutic strategies based on molecular
proposta de um algoritmo de atuação em enfermagem
A experiência de hospitalização que a criança e a sua família vivenciam poderá, por um lado, espoletar estados emocionais perturbadores e impeditivos ao entendimento e assimilação da informação transmitida e, por outro lado, a informação insuficiente também poderá conduzir à falta de sentimento de controlo e emocionalidade negativa. Considerando a reflexão sobre a prática sustentada em evidência científica, emergiu a proposta de um algoritmo de intervenção em enfermagem. Este algoritmo pretende dar contributos efetivos para a prática quotidiana dos enfermeiros. Pretende-se que a sua consulta, rápida e estruturante, seja direcionada à intervenção de enfermagem no que diz respeito à gestão recíproca das emoções e da informação na abordagem
à criança e família. O seu desenvolvimento foi subsidiado por conceções teóricas dominantes como o modelo de sistemas de Betty Neuman, a teoria do cuidar de Jean Watson e orientações específicas de cuidados pediátricos, nomeadamente os cuidados centrados na família, a parceria de cuidados, os cuidados não traumáticos e o modelo de trabalho emocional em enfermagem pediátrica. Procedeu-se à utilização sistemática do algoritmo em diversas situações de cuidados e diversos contextos de pediatria, nomeadamente em internamento cirúrgico e urgência, o que permitiu o seu aperfeiçoamento enquanto instrumento de enfermagem. Através do mesmo, é possível a identificação das vivências emocionais potencialmente intensas e as respostas emocionais negativas, selecionando e adequando as estratégias de enfermagem à singularidade do cliente pediátrico.ABSTRACT: The experience of hospitalization which the child and his family live can trigger disturbing emotional states that impede understanding and assimilation of the information provided, in turn, insufficient information may also lead to a lack of control and negative emotionality. Considering the reflection on the practice supported by scientific evidence, this proposal for an algorithm for nursing intervention emerged. This one algorithm intends to make effective contributions to the everyday practice of nurses. It is intended that its quick and structuring consultation is directed to the nursing intervention for reciprocal management of emotions and information in approaching the child and family. Your development was based on dominant theoretical conceptions such as the Betty Neuman systems model, the Jean Watson’s theory of care, and specific guidelines of the pediatric care, such as family centered
8 Pensar Enfermagem|Vol. 24 | N.º 1 | 1º Semestre de 2020care, care partnership, non-traumatic care and the model of emotional work in pediatric nursing.The algorithm was systematically used in different care situations and in different pediatric contexts, namely in surgical hospitalization and pediatric emergency, which allowed its improvement as a nursing instrument. Through this, it is possible to identify potentially intense emotional experiences and negative emotional responses, selecting and adapting the nursing strategies to the singularity of the pediatric client.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Additive manufacturing of bioactive glass in a biodegradable matrix
Bioactive glass can induce a specific and fast response in the human body that supports tissue regeneration. It is possible to control the design of customized bioapplications with advanced technologies. Although currently used in research, only a few of these technologies have been approved by the FDA to be applied in Tissue Engineering. There is dedicated additive manufacturing equipment to manufacture biomaterials. Since they are emerging technologies in emerging fields of application it is necessary to study and develop formulations with suitable processing characteristics [1].
Formulations of bioactive glass (CaO·P2O5·MgO·SiO2 system) in two different biodegradable matrices (polylactide (PLA) and polycaprolactone (PCL)) were prepared and processed by material extrusion process, namely by Fused Filament Fabrication technique.. The polymer (PLA or PCL) involves bioactive particles in biocompatible media and allows to acquire extrudable skills. The formulations with different solid contents (20–50 wt.%) were prepared using a brabender mixer type and were characterized by different techniques (e.g., X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), melt flow index (MFI)).
The inorganic particles influence the rheological and thermal properties of bioactive glass composites. The viscosity decreases with the increase of bioactive glass content in the polymer matrix. Mechanical standard samples and scaffolds were printed and characterized. Bioactive glass composites until 40 wt.% of solid content can be printed. The bioactive glass improves the mechanical resistance of composites compared to a neat polymer matrix. However, formulations with high bioactive glass solid content (50 wt.%) showed printing limitations by their brittleness and clogging tendency.publishe
Freeform 3D printing using a continuous viscoelastic supporting matrix
Embedded bio-printing has fostered significant advances toward the fabrication of soft complex tissue-like constructs, by providing a physical support that allows the freeform shape maintenance within the prescribed spatial arrangement, even under gravity force. Current supporting materials still present major drawbacks for up-scaling embedded 3D bio-printing technology towards tissue-like constructs with clinically relevant dimensions. Herein, we report a a cost-effective and widely available supporting material for embedded bio-printing consisting on a continuous pseudo-plastic matrix of xanthan-gum (XG). This natural polisaccharide exhibits peculiar rheological properties that have enabled the rapid generation of complex volumetric 3D constructs with out of plane features. The freedom of design within the three orthogonal axes through the independent and controlled bio-printing process opens new opportunities to produce on demand large arbitrary shapes for personalized medicine. Additionally, we have demonstrated the versatile functionality of XG as a photocurable gel reservoir to engineer perfused cell-laden hydrogel constructs, addressing other practical biomedical applications such as in vitro models and organ-on-chip platforms.publishe
Edentulism and the need of oral rehabilitation among institutionalized elderly
Background: An adequate dentition is important for well-being and increase of quality of life. Despite advances in preventive dentistry, edentulism is still a major public health issue in Portugal. Objectives: Determine the prevalence of edentulism and assess the oral rehabilitation and oral/prosthetic hygiene habits in a sample of institutionalized elderly. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in a sample of 68 institutionalized elderly (79.4 % female), in which the average age was 78.3 ± 12.0 years old. Data collection was performed by applying a questionnaire about oral health behaviours and through an intraoral observation in order to determine the oral status and verify the condition of the oral rehabilitation of each participant. Results: In the present study, 58.8 % presented total edentulism with no natural teeth in the oral cavity and 66.7 % had a removable prosthesis. From the elderly that had a removable prosthesis, only 42.9 % presented satisfactory prosthetic retention and stability. Only 44.1 % refer daily oral/prosthetic hygiene at least twice-a-day. From the total sample, 29.0 % refer having toothache, 58.1 % refer dry mouth and 67.7 % refer difficulty in chewing, even in the case of having a removable prosthesis. The educational level of the elderly was associated with dental pain (p = 0.012) and oral/prosthetic hygiene (p = 0.034). Conclusions: A high prevalence of tooth loss was found in the sample studied and also the need of improvement of the removable prosthesis is fundamental. Improvement in oral healthcare and oral hygiene habits is essential to promote better oral health and quality of life among the institutionalized elderly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Increased CD3+, CD8+, or FoxP3+ T lymphocyte infiltrations are associated with the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer but not with the overall survival of patients
Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes include heterogeneous populations of T lymphocytes that play crucial roles in the tumor immune response; importantly, their presence in the tumor tissue may predict clinical outcomes. Therefore, we herein studied the prognostic significance of the presence and location of CD3+, CD8+, and FoxP3+ T lymphocytes in colorectal cancer samples. In the intratumor analysis, our data did not reveal any association between lymphocyte infiltrations with clinical or pathological data. However, in the tumor margins, we found that the presence of high infiltrations of CD3+, CD8+, or FoxP3+ T lymphocytes were associated with TNM stages I-II (p = 0.021, p = 0.022, and p = 0.012, respectively) and absence of lymph node metastases (p = 0.010, p = 0.003, and p = 0.004, respectively). Despite these associations with good prognostic indicators, we were not able to find any statistically significant alterations in the overall survival of the patients, even though high infiltrations of FoxP3+ T lymphocytes in the tumor margins resulted in an increased overall survival of 14 months. Taken together, these data show that the presence of CD3+, CD8+, or FoxP3+T lymphocyte infiltrates in the tumor margins are associated with the pathogenesis of CRC, but only high Foxp3+ T lymphocyte infiltrations in the tumor invasive margins are inclined to indicate favorable prognosis.This work was supported by National funds through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)—projects PTDC/MED-ONC/28658/2017, UIDB/50026/2020, and UIDP/50026/2020;
and by the Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL
2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) projects
NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013 and NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023. AMB was supported by the
FCT fellowship SFRH/BD/120371/2016 and ET by the FCT investigator grant IF/01390/2014 and
Estímulo Individual ao Emprego Científico CEECIND/03070/2020