148 research outputs found

    Ground Extraction from 3D Lidar Point Clouds

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works Pomares, A., Martínez, J.L., Mandow, A., Martínez, M.A., Morán, M., Morales, J. Ground extraction from 3D lidar point clouds with the Classification Learner App (2018) 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Zadar, Croatia, June 2018, pp.400-405. DOI: PendingGround extraction from three-dimensional (3D) range data is a relevant problem for outdoor navigation of unmanned ground vehicles. Even if this problem has received attention with specific heuristics and segmentation approaches, identification of ground and non-ground points can benefit from state-of-the-art classification methods, such as those included in the Matlab Classification Learner App. This paper proposes a comparative study of the machine learning methods included in this tool in terms of training times as well as in their predictive performance. With this purpose, we have combined three suitable features for ground detection, which has been applied to an urban dataset with several labeled 3D point clouds. Most of the analyzed techniques achieve good classification results, but only a few offer low training and prediction times.This work was partially supported by the Spanish project DPI 2015- 65186-R. The publication has received support from Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Andalucía Tech

    Development of dual anti-biofilm and anti-bacterial medical devices

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    The rising occurrence of antimicrobial resistance demands new strategies for delivering antibiotics to ensure their effective use. In this study, a multi-functional strategy to address medical device associated infections is explored whereby an anti-attachment and an antibacterial mechanism have been combined. Silicone catheters impregnated with multiple antibiotics are coated with polyacrylate coatings previously shown to reduce bacterial attachment and biofilm formation. Antibiotics are delivered through the applied coating and the delivery rate depends on the coating thickness and the calculated log P. Coated devices achieve a zone of inhibition and TK100 to Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus similar to those of uncoated devices, whilst maintaining anti-attachment properties. No adverse immunological responses of the coatings were observed. The multi-functional nature of the device developed in the study represents an important approach to combatting medical device associated infections

    The Mannose Receptor Mediates Dengue Virus Infection of Macrophages

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    Macrophages (MØ) and mononuclear phagocytes are major targets of infection by dengue virus (DV), a mosquito-borne flavivirus that can cause haemorrhagic fever in humans. To our knowledge, we show for the first time that the MØ mannose receptor (MR) binds to all four serotypes of DV and specifically to the envelope glycoprotein. Glycan analysis, ELISA, and blot overlay assays demonstrate that MR binds via its carbohydrate recognition domains to mosquito and human cell–produced DV antigen. This binding is abrogated by deglycosylation of the DV envelope glycoprotein. Surface expression of recombinant MR on NIH3T3 cells confers DV binding. Furthermore, DV infection of primary human MØ can be blocked by anti-MR antibodies. MR is a prototypic marker of alternatively activated MØ, and pre-treatment of human monocytes or MØ with type 2 cytokines (IL-4 or IL-13) enhances their susceptibility to productive DV infection. Our findings indicate a new functional role for the MR in DV infection

    Influencia de la fertilización nitrogenada, sistema de riego, tipo de plantación y variedad en la productividad, calidad y composición nutritiva de las hojas de fresón

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    En 2 ensayos de campo realizados con fresón se estudié la influencia de 3 niveles de fertigación nitrogenada en la productividad, calidad de los frutos y contenido nutritivo en plantas frigo y frescas bajo dos sistemas: goteo e inundación. Los datos de producción obtenidos con las variedades Douglas y Chandler indican ausencia de respuesta a la fertilización nitrogenada a dosis superiores a 150 y 75 Kg N/ha en plantación de verano y otoño, respectivamente. Las plantas frigo resultaron mucho mas productivas que las frescas, y el riego por goteo produjo, con respecto al de inundación, considerables aumentos de rendimiento. Las dosis más altas de N provocaron una disminución en el tamaño y en la resistencia a la deformación por compresión. Los contenidos de NO3, en pecíolos y de N en hojas presentaron una ligera tendencia a aumentar con las sucesivas dosis de fertilización nitrogenada; y la variedad Chandler produjo niveles de N alrededor de 0,20% mas bajos que la Douglas

    Dectin-1 Is A Major β-Glucan Receptor On Macrophages

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    Zymosan is a β-glucan– and mannan-rich particle that is widely used as a cellular activator for examining the numerous responses effected by phagocytes. The macrophage mannose receptor (MR) and complement receptor 3 (CR3) have historically been considered the major macrophage lectins involved in the nonopsonic recognition of these yeast-derived particles. Using specific carbohydrate inhibitors, we show that a β-glucan receptor, but not the MR, is a predominant receptor involved in this process. Furthermore, nonopsonic zymosan binding was unaffected by genetic CD11b deficiency or a blocking monoclonal antibody (mAb) against CR3, demonstrating that CR3 was not the β-glucan receptor mediating this activity. To address the role of the recently described β-glucan receptor, Dectin-1, we generated a novel anti–Dectin-1 mAb, 2A11. Using this mAb, we show here that Dectin-1 was almost exclusively responsible for the β-glucan–dependent, nonopsonic recognition of zymosan by primary macro-phages. These findings define Dectin-1 as the leukocyte β-glucan receptor, first described over 50 years ago, and resolves the long-standing controversy regarding the identity of this important molecule. Furthermore, these results identify Dectin-1 as a new target for examining the immunomodulatory properties of β-glucans for therapeutic drug design

    Fungal Recognition Enhances Mannose Receptor Shedding Through Dectin-1 Engagement

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    The mannose receptor (MR) is an endocytic type I membrane molecule with a broad ligand specificity that is involved in both hemostasis and pathogen recognition. Membrane-anchored MRis cleaved by a metalloproteinase into functional soluble MR (sMR) composed of the extracellular domains of intact MR. Although sMR production was initially considered a constitutive process, enhanced MR shedding has been observed in response to the fungal pathogen Pneumocystis carinii. In this work, we have investigated the mechanism mediating enhanced MR shedding in response to fungi. We show that other fungal species, including Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus, together with zymosan, a preparation of the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mimic the effect of P. carinii on sMR production and that this effect takes place mainly through β-glucan recognition. Additionally, we demonstrate that MR cleavage in response to C. albicans and bioactive particulate β-glucan requires expression of dectin-1. Our data, obtained using specific inhibitors, are consistent with the canonical Syk-mediated pathway triggered by dectin-1 being mainly responsible for inducing MR shedding, with Raf-1 being partially involved. As in the case of steady-state conditions, MR shedding in response to C. albicans and β-glucan particles requires metalloprotease activity. The induction of MR shedding by dectin-1 has clear implications for the role of MR in fungal recognition, as sMR was previously shown to retain the ability to bind fungal pathogens and can interact with numerous host molecules, including lysosomal hydrolases. Thus, MR cleavage could also impact on the magnitude of inflammation during fungal infection

    Diurnal Differences in Intracellular Replication Within Splenic Macrophages Correlates With the Outcome of Pneumococcal Infection

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    Circadian rhythms affect the progression and severity of bacterial infections including those caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, but the mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon remain largely elusive. Following advances in our understanding of the role of replication of S. pneumoniae within splenic macrophages, we sought to investigate whether events within the spleen correlate with differential outcomes of invasive pneumococcal infection. Utilising murine invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) models, here we report that infection during the murine active phase (zeitgeber time 15; 15h after start of light cycle, 3h after start of dark cycle) resulted in significantly faster onset of septicaemia compared to rest phase (zeitgeber time 3; 3h after start of light cycle) infection. This correlated with significantly higher pneumococcal burden within the spleen of active phase-infected mice at early time points compared to rest phase-infected mice. Whole-section confocal microscopy analysis of these spleens revealed that the number of pneumococci is significantly higher exclusively within marginal zone metallophilic macrophages (MMMs) known to allow intracellular pneumococcal replication as a prerequisite step to the onset of septicaemia. Pneumococcal clusters within MMMs were more abundant and increased in size over time in active phase-infected mice compared to those in rest phase-infected mice which decreased in size and were present in a lower percentage of MMMs. This phenomenon preceded significantly higher levels of bacteraemia alongside serum IL-6 and TNF-alpha concentrations in active phase-infected mice following re-seeding of pneumococci into the blood. These data greatly advance our fundamental knowledge of pneumococcal infection by linking susceptibility to invasive pneumococcal infection to variation in the propensity of MMMs to allow persistence and replication of phagocytosed bacteria. These findings also outline a somewhat rare scenario whereby the active phase of an organism's circadian cycle plays a seemingly counterproductive role in the control of invasive infection

    Engulfment, persistence and fate of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus predators inside human phagocytic cells informs their future therapeutic potential

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    In assessing the potential of predatory bacteria, such as Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus, to become live therapeutic agents against bacterial infections, it is crucial to understand and quantify Bdellovibrio host cell interactions at a molecular level. Here, we quantify the interactions of live B. bacteriovorus with human phagocytic cells, determining the uptake mechanisms, persistence, associated cytokine responses and intracellular trafficking of the non-growing B. bacteriovorus in PMA-differentiated U937 cells. B. bacteriovorus are engulfed by U937 cells and persist for 24h without affecting host cell viability and can be observed microscopically and recovered and cultured post-uptake. The uptake of predators is passive and depends on the dynamics of the host cell cytoskeleton; the engulfed predators are eventually trafficked through the phagolysosomal pathway of degradation. We have also studied the prevalence of B. bacteriovorus specifc antibodies in the general human population. Together, these results quantify a period of viable persistence and the ultimate fate of B. bacteriovorus inside phagocytic cells. They provide new knowledge on predator availability inside hosts, plus potential longevity and therefore potential efficacy as a treatment in humans and open up future fields of work testing if predators can prey on host-engulfed pathogenic bacteria

    Role of macrophage sialoadhesin in host defense against the sialylated pathogen group B <em>Streptococcus</em>

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    ABSTRACT: Several bacterial pathogens decorate their surfaces with sialic acid (Sia) residues within cell wall components or capsular exopolysaccharides. Sialic acid expression can promote bacterial virulence by blocking complement activation or by engagement of inhibitory sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectins (Siglecs) on host leukocytes. Expressed at high levels on splenic and lymph node macrophages, sialoadhesin (Sn) is a unique Siglec with an elongated structure that lacks intracellular signaling motifs. Sialoadhesin allows macrophage to engage certain sialylated pathogens and stimulate inflammatory responses, but the in vivo significance of sialoadhesin in infection has not been shown. We demonstrate that macrophages phagocytose the sialylated pathogen group B Streptococcus (GBS) and increase bactericidal activity via sialoadhesin-sialic-acid-mediated recognition. Sialoadhesin expression on marginal zone metallophillic macrophages in the spleen trapped circulating GBS and restricted the spread of the GBS to distant organs, reducing mortality. Specific IgM antibody responses to GBS challenge were also impaired in sialoadhesin-deficient mice. Thus, sialoadhesin represents a key bridge to orchestrate innate and adaptive immune defenses against invasive sialylated bacterial pathogens. KEY MESSAGE: Sialoadhesin is critical for macrophages to phagocytose and clear GBS. Increased GBS organ dissemination in the sialoadhesin-deficient mice. Reduced anti-GBS IgM production in the sialoadhesin-deficient mice. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00109-014-1157-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Modulation of the immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis during malaria/M. tuberculosis co-infection

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    Tuberculosis (TB) causes significant morbidity and mortality on a global scale. The African region has 24% of the world's TB cases. TB overlaps with other infectious diseases such as malaria and HIV, which are also highly prevalent in the African region. TB is a leading cause of death among HIV-positive patients and co-infection with HIV and TB has been described as a syndemic. In view of the overlapping epidemiology of these diseases, it is important to understand the dynamics of the immune response to TB in the context of co-infection. We investigated the cytokine response to purified protein derivative (PPD) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from TB patients co-infected with HIV or malaria and compared it to that of malaria- and HIV-free TB patients. A total of 231 subjects were recruited for this study and classified into six groups; untreated TB-positive, TB positive subjects on TB drugs, TB- and HIV-positive, TB- and malaria-positive, latent TB and apparently healthy control subjects. Our results demonstrate maintenance of interferon (IFN)-γ production in HIV and malaria co-infected TB patients in spite of lower CD4 counts in the HIV-infected cohort. Malaria co-infection caused an increase in the production of the T helper type 2 (Th2)-associated cytokine interleukin (IL)-4 and the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in PPD-stimulated cultures. These results suggest that malaria co-infection diverts immune response against M. tuberculosis towards a Th-2/anti-inflammatory response which might have important consequences for disease progression
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