12,038 research outputs found

    Diffeomorphisms, Noether Charges and Canonical Formalism in 2D Dilaton Gravity

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    We carry out a parallel study of the covariant phase space and the conservation laws of local symmetries in two-dimensional dilaton gravity. Our analysis is based on the fact that the Lagrangian can be brought to a form that vanishes on-shell giving rise to a well-defined covariant potential for the symplectic current. We explicitly compute the symplectic structure and its potential and show that the requirement to be finite and independent of the Cauchy surface restricts the asymptotic symmetries.Comment: 14 pages, latex with psfig macro, one figur

    High frequency mechanical excitation of a silicon nanostring with piezoelectric aluminum nitride layers

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    A strong trend for quantum based technologies and applications follows the avenue of combining different platforms to exploit their complementary technological and functional advantages. Micro and nano-mechanical devices are particularly suitable for hybrid integration due to the easiness of fabrication at multi-scales and their pervasive coupling with electrons and photons. Here, we report on a nanomechanical technological platform where a silicon chip is combined with an aluminum nitride layer. Exploiting the AlN piezoelectricity, Surface Acoustic Waves are injected in the Si layer where the material has been localy patterned and etched to form a suspended nanostring. Characterizing the nanostring vertical displacement induced by the SAW, we found an external excitation peak efficiency in excess of 500 pm/V at 1 GHz mechanical frequency. Exploiting the long term expertise in silicon photonic and electronic devices as well as the SAW robustness and versatility, our technological platform represents a strong candidate for hybrid quantum systems

    Estimating the completeness of AIDS reporting in Spain

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    [ES] ObjetivoValorar la notificación de casos de sida en las comunidades autónomas por comparación con las muertes por sida registradas en las estadísticas de defunciones, a fin de identificar posibles desviaciones indicativas de subnotificación. MétodosTomando como unidad de análisis la comunidad autónoma, se compararon las tasas de incidencia y mortalidad, según el Registro Nacional de Sida, con las de mortalidad por VIH y sida obtenidas de las estadísticas de defunciones del Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Se analizó globalmente el período 1986–1998, y se repitió el análisis para el período 1995–1998. ResultadosEn el período 1986-1998 hubo una buena correlación (r = 0,93) entre las tasas de incidencia de sida y las de mortalidad por VIH/sida según las estadísticas de defunciones. Algunas comunidades presentaron una incidencia de sida menor que la esperada por su tasa de mortalidad en comparación con el promedio estatal, destacando Asturias (–27%), la Comunidad Valenciana (–26%), Andalucía (–20%), Ceuta (–18%) y Cantabria (–13%). Tomando como referencia las cinco comunidades con mayor exhaustividad, la subnotificación estimada para el conjunto de España fue del 13%. En el período 1995–1998 estas desviaciones han aumentado moderadamente. En el período 1986–1998 se notificaron un 18,9% menos de muertes al Registro Nacional de Sida que a la estadística de defunciones, con una gran variabilidad entre comunidades. Conclusiones El nivel de notificación de sida en España es aceptable para los fines de la vigilancia epidemiológica, aunque en algunas comunidades deberían tomarse medidas para mejorarlo. La notificación de fallecimientos al registro de sida presenta grandes deficiencias. [EN] Objective To evaluate AIDS case reporting in the Spanish regions as compared with the AIDS deaths registered in mortality statistics, in order to identify possible deviations indicative of underreporting. Methods. We carried out an ecological analysis taking each region as a unit. We compared incidence and mortality obtained from the AIDS reporting system with the HIV/AIDS deaths obtained from the mortality statistics of the Spanish Institute for Statistics. The 1986–1998 period was analysed globally, then the analysis was repeated for the 1995–1998 period. Results In the 1986–1998 period there was a good correlation (r = 0.93) between the AIDS incidence rates and HIV/AIDS mortality rates obtained from death statistics. Some regions presented an AIDS incidence lower than expected according to their mortality rate when it was compared with the national average, with Asturias (–27%), Comunidad Valenciana (–26%), Andalucia (–20%), Ceuta (–18%) and Cantabria (–13%) standing out. Taking as a reference the five regions with the highest completeness, the underreporting in Spain was of 13%. In the 1995–1998 period these deviations increased moderately. In the 1986–1998 period, 18.9% less deaths were notified to the AIDS reporting system in comparison with death statistics, showing a great variability between regions. Conclusions In Spain the reporting level of AIDS cases is acceptable for the aims of surveillance, although in some regions measures to improve it should be taken. The notification of deaths to the AIDS reporting system presents great deficiencies.S

    Halo properties and secular evolution in barred galaxies

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    The halo plays a crucial role in the evolution of barred galaxies. Its near-resonant material absorbs angular momentum emitted from some of the disc particles and helps the bar become stronger. As a result, a bar (oval) forms in the inner parts of the halo of strongly barred disc galaxies. It is thinner in the inner parts (but still considerably fatter than the disc bar) and tends to spherical at larger radii. Its length increases with time, while always staying shorter than the disc bar. It is roughly aligned with the disc bar, which it trails only slightly, and it turns with roughly the same pattern speed. The bi-symmetric component of the halo density continues well outside the halo bar, where it clearly trails behind the disc bar. The length and strength of the disc and halo bars correlate; the former being always much stronger than the latter. If the halo is composed of weakly interacting massive particles, then the formation of the halo bar, by redistributing the matter in the halo and changing its shape, could influence the expected annihilation signal. This is indeed found to be the case if the halo has a core, but not if it has a steep cusp. The formation and evolution of the bar strongly affect the halo orbits. A fraction of them becomes near-resonant, similar to the disc near-resonant orbits at the same resonance, while another fraction becomes chaotic. Finally, a massive and responsive halo makes it harder for a central mass concentration to destroy the disc bar.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in "Island Universes - Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies" ed. R. S. de Jon

    The ISLAndS project II: The Lifetime Star Formation Histories of Six Andromeda dSphs

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    The Initial Star formation and Lifetimes of Andromeda Satellites (ISLAndS) project uses Hubble Space Telescope imaging to study a representative sample of six Andromeda dSph satellite companion galaxies. The main goal of the program is to determine whether the star formation histories (SFHs) of the Andromeda dSph satellites demonstrate significant statistical differences from those of the Milky Way, which may be attributable to the different properties of their local environments. Our observations reach the oldest main sequence turn-offs, allowing a time resolution at the oldest ages of ~ 1 Gyr, which is comparable to the best achievable resolution in the MW satellites. We find that the six dSphs present a variety of SFHs that are not strictly correlated with luminosity or present distance from M31. Specifically, we find a significant range in quenching times (lookback times from 9 to 6 Gyr), but with all quenching times more than ~ 6 Gyr ago. In agreement with observations of Milky Way companions of similar mass, there is no evidence of complete quenching of star formation by the cosmic UV background responsible for reionization, but the possibility of a degree of quenching at reionization cannot be ruled out. We do not find significant differences between the SFHs of the three members of the vast, thin plane of satellites and the three off-plane dSphs. The primary difference between the SFHs of the ISLAndS dSphs and Milky Way dSph companions of similar luminosities and host distances is the absence of very late quenching (< 5 Gyr ago) dSphs in the ISLAndS sample. Thus, models that can reproduce satellite populations with and without late quenching satellites will be of extreme interest.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, submitted to the Ap

    OxyCAP UK: Oxyfuel Combustion - academic Programme for the UK

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    The OxyCAP-UK (Oxyfuel Combustion - Academic Programme for the UK) programme was a £2 M collaboration involving researchers from seven UK universities, supported by E.On and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. The programme, which ran from November 2009 to July 2014, has successfully completed a broad range of activities related to development of oxyfuel power plants. This paper provides an overview of key findings arising from the programme. It covers development of UK research pilot test facilities for oxyfuel applications; 2-D and 3-D flame imaging systems for monitoring, analysis and diagnostics; fuel characterisation of biomass and coal for oxyfuel combustion applications; ash transformation/deposition in oxyfuel combustion systems; materials and corrosion in oxyfuel combustion systems; and development of advanced simulation based on CFD modelling

    Identification and validation of common molecular targets of hydroxytyrosol

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    Hydroxytyrosol (HT) is involved in healthful activities and is beneficial to lipid metabolism. Many investigations focused on finding tissue-specific targets of HT through the use of different omics approaches such as transcriptomics and proteomics. However, it is not clear which (if any) of the potential molecular targets of HT reported in different studies are concurrently affected in various tissues. Following the bioinformatic analyses of publicly available data from a selection of in vivo studies involving HT-supplementation, we selected differentially expressed lipid metabolism-related genes and proteins common to more than one study, for validation in rodent liver samples from the entire selection. Four miRNAs (miR-802-5p, miR-423-3p, miR-30a-5p, and miR-146b-5p) responded to HT supplementation. Of note, miR-802-5p was commonly regulated in the liver and intestine. Our premise was that, in an organ crucial for lipid metabolism such as the liver, consistent modulation should be found for a specific target of HT even if different doses and duration of HT supplementation were used in vivo. Even though our results show inconsistency regarding differentially expressed lipid metabolism-related genes and proteins across studies, we found Fgf21 and Rora as potential novel targets of HT. Omics approaches should be fine-tuned to better exploit the available databases

    Quantum Cosmology of Generalized Two--Dimensional Dilaton Gravity Models

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    The quantum cosmology of two-dimensional dilaton-gravity models is investigated. A class of models is mapped onto the constrained oscillator-ghost-oscillator model. A number of exact and approximate solutions to the corresponding Wheeler-DeWitt equation are presented. A wider class of minisuperspace models that can be solved in this fashion is identified. Supersymmetric extensions to the induced gravity theory and the bosonic string theory are then considered and closed-form solutions to the associated quantum constraints are derived. The possibility of applying the third-quantization procedure to two-dimensional dilaton-gravity is briefly discussed.Comment: 28 pages, late

    Are peripheral biomarkers determinants of eating styles in childhood and adolescence obesity? A cross-sectional study

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    Disturbances in eating behaviors have been widely related to obesity. However, little is known about the role of obesity-related biomarkers in shaping habitual patterns of eating behaviors (i.e., eating styles) in childhood. The objective of the present study was to explore the relationships between several biomarkers crucially involved in obesity (ghrelin, insulin resistance, and leptin/adiponectin ratio) and eating styles in children and adolescents with obesity. Seventy participants aged between 8 and 16 (56.2% men) fulfilled the Spanish version of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire for Children to measure external, emotional, and restrained eating styles. In addition, concentrations of ghrelin, leptin, adiponectin, insulin, and glucose were obtained through a blood test. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses controlling for age and sex were computed for each eating style. Results indicated that individuals with higher ghrelin concentration levels showed lower scores in restrained eating (beta = -0.61, p < 0.001). The total model explained 32% of the variance of the restrained pattern. No other relationships between obesity-related biomarkers and eating behaviors were found. This study highlights that one of the obesity-risk factors, namely lower plasma ghrelin levels, is substantially involved in a well-known maladaptive eating style, restraint eating, in childhood obesity

    Conserved Quasilocal Quantities and General Covariant Theories in Two Dimensions

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    General matterless--theories in 1+1 dimensions include dilaton gravity, Yang--Mills theory as well as non--Einsteinian gravity with dynamical torsion and higher power gravity, and even models of spherically symmetric d = 4 General Relativity. Their recent identification as special cases of 'Poisson--sigma--models' with simple general solution in an arbitrary gauge, allows a comprehensive discussion of the relation between the known absolutely conserved quantities in all those cases and Noether charges, resp. notions of quasilocal 'energy--momentum'. In contrast to Noether like quantities, quasilocal energy definitions require some sort of 'asymptotics' to allow an interpretation as a (gauge--independent) observable. Dilaton gravitation, although a little different in detail, shares this property with the other cases. We also present a simple generalization of the absolute conservation law for the case of interactions with matter of any type.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX-fil