61 research outputs found

    Somatic stem cells and the origin of cancer

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    Most human cancers derive from a single cell targeted by genetic and epigenetic alterations that initiate malignant transformation. Progressively, these early cancer cells give rise to different generations of daughter cells that accumulate additional mutations, acting in concert to drive the full neoplastic phenotype1,2. As we have currently deciphered many of the gene pathways disrupted in cancer, our knowledge about the nature of the normal cells susceptible to transformation upon mutation has remained more elusive. Adult stem cells are those that show long-term replicative potential, together with the capacities of self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation. These stem cell properties are tightly regulated in normal development, yet their alteration may be a critical issue for tumorigenesis. This concept has arisen from the striking degree of similarity noted between somatic stem cells and cancer cells, including the fundamental abilities to self-renew and differentiate. Given these shared attributes, it has been proposed that cancers are caused by transforming mutations occurring in tissue-specific stem cells3-9. This hypothesis has been functionally supported by the observation that among all cancer cells within a particular tumor, only a minute cell fraction has the exclusive potential to regenerate the entire tumor cell population3,10-13; these cells with stem-like properties have been termed cancer stem cells. Cancer stem cells can originate from mutation in normal somatic stem cells that deregulate their physiological programs. Alternatively, mutations may target more committed progenitor cells or even mature cells, which become reprogrammed to acquire stem-like functions14,15 In any case, mutated genes should promote expansion of stem/progenitor cells, thus increasing their predisposition to cancer development by expanding self-renewal and pluripotency over their normal tendency towards relative quiescency and proper differentiation

    Lymphoma stem cells: enough evidence to support their existence?

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    While leukemia-originating stem cells are critical in the initiation and maintenance of leukemias, the existence of similar cell populations that may generate B-cell lymphoma upon mutation remains uncertain. Here we propose that committed lymphoid progenitor/precursor cells with an active V-D-J recombination program are the initiating cells of follicular lymphoma and mantle cell lymphoma when targeted by immunoglobulin (IG)- gene translocations in the bone marrow. However, these pre-malignant lymphoma-initiating cells cannot drive complete malignant transformation, requiring additional cooperating mutations in specific stem-cell programs to be converted into the lymphoma-originating cells able to generate and sustain lymphoma development. Conversely, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and sporadic Burkitt’s lymphoma derive from B lymphocytes that acquire translocations through IG-hyper-mutation or class-switching errors within the germinal center. Although secondary reprogramming mutations are generally required, some cells such as centroblasts or memory B cells that have certain stem cell-like features, or lymphocytes with MYC rearrangements that deregulate self-renewal pathways, may bypass this need and directly function as the lymphoma-originating cells. An alternative model supports an aberrant epigenetic modification of gene sets as the first occurring hit, which either leads to retaining stem-cell features in hematopoietic stem or progenitor cells, or reprograms stemness into more committed lymphocytes, followed by secondary chromosomal translocations that eventually drive lymphoma development. Isolation and characterization of the cells that are at the origin of the different B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas will provide critical insights into the disease pathogenesis and will represent a step towards the development of more effective therapies

    Integrative Oncogenomic Analysis of Microarray Data in Hematologic Malignancies

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    During the last decade, gene expression microarrays and array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) have unraveled the complexity of human tumor genomes more precisely and comprehensively than ever before. More recently, the simultaneous assessment of global changes in messenger RNA (mRNA) expression and in DNA copy number through "integrative oncogenomic" analyses has allowed researchers the access to results uncovered through the analysis of one-dimensional data sets, thus accelerating cancer gene discovery. In this chapter, we discuss the major contributions of DNA microarrays to the study of hematological malignancies, focusing on the integrative oncogenomic approaches that correlate genomic and transcriptomic data. We also present the basic aspects of these methodologies and their present and future application in clinical oncology

    Deletion of chromosome 11q predicts response to anthracycline-based chemotherapy in early breast cancer

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    Despite the recent consensus on the eligibility of adjuvant systemic therapy in patients with lymph node–negative breast cancer (NNBC) based on clinicopathologic criteria, specific biological markers are needed to predict sensitivity to the different available therapeutic options.W e examined the feasibility of developing a genomic predictor of chemotherapy response and recurrence risk in 185 patients with NNBC using assembled arrays containing 2,460 bacterial artificial chromosome clones for scanning the genome for DNA copy number changes.Aft er surgery, 90 patients received anthracyclinebased chemotherapy, whereas 95 did not.T amoxifen was administered to patients with hormone receptor–positive tumors. The association of genomic and clinicopathologic data and outcome was computed using Cox proportional hazard models and multiple testing adjustment procedures.Analysis of NNBC genomes revealed a common genomic signature.Specific DNA copy number aberrations were associated with hormonal receptor status, but not with other clinicopathologic variables. In patients treated with chemotherapy, none of the genomic changes were significantly correlated with recurrence.In patients not receiving chemotherapy, deletion of eight bacterial artificial chromosome clones clustered to chromosome 11q was independently associated with relapse (disease-free survival at 10 years F SE, 40% F 14% versus 86% F 6%; P < 0.0001). The 54 patients with deletion of 11q (29%) did not present more aggressive clinicopathologic features than those without 11q loss.The adverse influence of 11q deletion on clinical outcome was confirmed in an independent validation series of 88 patients with NNBC.Our data suggests that patients with NNBC with the 11q deletion might benefit from anthracycline-based chemotherapy despite other clinical, pathologic, or genetic features.However , these initial findings should be evaluated in randomized clinical trials

    Expression profiles of adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma and associations with clinical responses to zidovudine and interferon alpha

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    Adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma (ATLL) is an HTLV-1-associated lymphoproliferative malignancy that is frequently fatal. We compared gene expression profiles (GEPs) of leukemic specimens from nine patients with ATLL at the time of diagnosis and immediately after combination therapy with zidovudine (AZT) and interferon alpha (IFNalpha). GEPs were also related to genetic aberrations determined by comparative genomic hybridization. We identified several genes anomalously over-expressed in the ATLL leukemic cells at the mRNA level, including LYN, CSPG2, and LMO2, and confirmed LMO2 expression in ATLL cells at the protein level. In vivo AZT-IFNalpha therapy evoked a marked induction of interferon-induced genes accompanied by repression of cell-cycle regulated genes, including those encoding ribosomal proteins. Remarkably, patients not responding to AZT-IFNalpha differed most from responding patients in lower expression of these same IFN-responsive genes, as well as components of the antigen processing and presentation apparatus. Demonstration of specific gene expression signatures associated with response to AZT-IFNalpha therapy may provide novel insights into the mechanisms of action in ATLL

    Mantle-cell lymphoma genotypes identified with CGH to BAC microarrays define a leukemic subgroup of disease and predict patient outcome

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    To identify recurrent genomic changes in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), we used high-resolution comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) microarrays in 68 patients and 9 MCL-derived cell lines. Array CGH defined an MCL genomic signature distinct from other B-cell lymphomas, including deletions of 1p21 and 11q22.3-ATM gene with coincident 10p12-BMI1 gene amplification and 10p14 deletion, along with a previously unidentified loss within 9q21-q22. Specific genomic alterations were associated with different subgroups of disease. Notably, 11 patients with leukemic MCL showed a different genomic profile than nodal cases, including 8p21.3 deletion at tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptor gene cluster (55% versus 19%; P = .01) and gain of 8q24.1 at MYC locus (46% versus 14%; P = .015). Additionally, leukemic MCL exhibited frequent IGVH mutation (64% versus 21%; P = .009) with preferential VH4-39 use (36% versus 4%; P = .005) and followed a more indolent clinical course. Blastoid variants, increased number of genomic gains, and deletions of P16/INK4a and TP53 genes correlated with poorer outcomes, while 1p21 loss was associated with prolonged survival (P = .02). In multivariate analysis, deletion of 9q21-q22 was the strongest predictor for inferior survival (hazard ratio [HR], 6; confidence interval [CI], 2.3 to 15.7). Our study highlights the genomic profile as a predictor for clinical outcome and suggests that "genome scanning" of chromosomes 1p21, 9q21-q22, 9p21.3-P16/INK4a, and 17p13.1-TP53 may be clinically useful in MCL

    Reversion of epigenetically mediated BIM silencing overcomes chemoresistance in Burkitt lymphoma

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    In Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia (BL), achievement of complete remission with first-line chemotherapy remains a challenging issue, as most patients who respond remain disease-free, whereas those refractory have few options of being rescued with salvage therapies. The mechanisms underlying BL chemoresistance and how it can be circumvented remain undetermined. We previously reported the frequent inactivation of the proapoptotic BIM gene in B-cell lymphomas. Here we show that BIM epigenetic silencing by concurrent promoter hypermethylation and deacetylation occurs frequently in primary BL samples and BL-derived cell lines. Remarkably, patients with BL with hypermethylated BIM presented lower complete remission rate (24% vs 79%; P = .002) and shorter overall survival (P = .007) than those with BIM-expressing lymphomas, indicating that BIM transcriptional repression may mediate tumor chemoresistance. Accordingly, by combining in vitro and in vivo studies of human BL-xenografts grown in immunodeficient RAG2(-/-)Îłc(-/-) mice and of murine B220(+)IgM(+) B-cell lymphomas generated in EÎŒ-MYC and EÎŒ-MYC-BIM(+/-) transgenes, we demonstrate that lymphoma chemoresistance is dictated by BIM gene dosage and is reversible on BIM reactivation by genetic manipulation or after treatment with histone-deacetylase inhibitors. We suggest that the combination of histone-deacetylase inhibitors and high-dose chemotherapy may overcome chemoresistance, achieve durable remission, and improve survival of patients with BL

    Characterization of 8p21.3 chromosomal deletions in B-cell lymphoma: TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 as candidate dosage-dependent tumor suppressor genes

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    Deletions of chromosome 8p are a recurrent event in B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL), suggesting the presence of a tumor suppressor gene. We have characterized these deletions using comparative genomic hybridization to microarrays, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) mapping, DNA sequencing, and functional studies. A minimal deleted region (MDR) of 600 kb was defined in chromosome 8p21.3, with one mantle cell lymphoma cell line (Z138) exhibiting monoallelic deletion of 650 kb. The MDR extended from bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones RP11-382J24 and RP11-109B10 and included the tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptor gene loci. Sequence analysis of the individual expressed genes within the MDR and DNA sequencing of the entire MDR in Z138 did not reveal any mutation. Gene expression analysis and quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (QRT-PCR) showed down-regulation of TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 receptor genes as a consistent event in B-NHL with 8p21.3 loss. Epigenetic inactivation was excluded via promoter methylation analysis. In vitro studies showed that TRAIL-induced apoptosis was dependent on TRAIL-R1 and/or -R2 dosage in most tumors. Resistance to apoptosis of cell lines with 8p21.3 deletion was reversed by restoration of TRAIL-R1 or TRAIL-R2 expression by gene transfection. Our data suggest that TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 act as dosage-dependent tumor suppressor genes whose monoallelic deletion can impair TRAIL-induced apoptosis in B-cell lymphoma

    Homozygous deletions localize novel tumor suppressor genes in B-cell lymphomas

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    Integrative genomic and gene-expression analyses have identified amplified oncogenes in B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL), but the capability of such technologies to localize tumor suppressor genes within homozygous deletions remains unexplored. Array-based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and gene-expression microarray analysis of 48 cell lines derived from patients with different B-NHLs delineated 20 homozygous deletions at 7 chromosome areas, all of which contained tumor suppressor gene targets. Further investigation revealed that only a fraction of primary biopsies presented inactivation of these genes by point mutation or intragenic deletion, but instead some of them were frequently silenced by epigenetic mechanisms. Notably, the pattern of genetic and epigenetic inactivation differed among B-NHL subtypes. Thus, the P53-inducible PIG7/LITAF was silenced by homozygous deletion in primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma and by promoter hypermethylation in germinal center lymphoma, the proapoptotic BIM gene presented homozygous deletion in mantle cell lymphoma and promoter hypermethylation in Burkitt lymphoma, the proapoptotic BH3-only NOXA was mutated and preferentially silenced in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and INK4c/P18 was silenced by biallelic mutation in mantle-cell lymphoma. Our microarray strategy has identified novel candidate tumor suppressor genes inactivated by genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that substantially vary among the B-NHL subtypes

    BCR-ABL induces the expression of Skp2 through the PI3K pathway to promote p27Kip1 degradation and proliferation of chronic myelogenous leukemia cells

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    Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is characterized by the expression of the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase, which results in increased cell proliferation and inhibition of apoptosis. In this study, we show in both BCR-ABL cells (Mo7e-p210 and BaF/3-p210) and primary CML CD34+ cells that STI571 inhibition of BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity results in a G(1) cell cycle arrest mediated by the PI3K pathway. This arrest is associated with a nuclear accumulation of p27(Kip1) and down-regulation of cyclins D and E. As a result, there is a reduction of the cyclin E/Cdk2 kinase activity and of the retinoblastoma protein phosphorylation. By quantitative reverse transcription-PCR we show that BCR-ABL/PI3K regulates the expression of p27(Kip1) at the level of transcription. We further show that BCR-ABL also regulates p27(Kip1) protein levels by increasing its degradation by the proteasome. This degradation depends on the ubiquitinylation of p27(Kip1) by Skp2-containing SFC complexes: silencing the expression of Skp2 with a small interfering RNA results in the accumulation of p27(Kip1). We also demonstrate that BCR-ABL cells show transcriptional up-regulation of Skp2. Finally, expression of a p27(Kip1) mutant unable of being recognized by Skp2 results in inhibition of proliferation of BCR-ABL cells, indicating that the degradation of p27(Kip1) contributes to the pathogenesis of CML. In conclusion, these results suggest that BCR-ABL regulates cell cycle in CML cells at least in part by inducing proteasome-mediated degradation of the cell cycle inhibitor p27(Kip1) and provide a rationale for the use of inhibitors of the proteasome in patients with BCR-ABL leukemias
