199 research outputs found

    Анализ изменения газового фактора в процессе разработки Самотлорского нефтяного месторождения (ХМАО)

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    Объектом исследования является оборудование, применяемое на месторождениях в условиях высоких значений газового фактора. Цель работы повышение эффективности эксплуатации скважин в условиях высокого значения газового фактора на Самотлорском нефтяном месторождении. В процессе исследования были рассмотрены основные осложняющие факторы при добыче нефти, проведен анализ современных технологий по борьбе с негативным влиянием свободного газа на установки центробежных насосов. В результате исследования были выявлены наиболее эффективные и часто используемые в настоящее время технологии по борьбе с влиянием свободного газа на погружное оборудование. Область применения: данные технологии целесообразно применять на механизированном фонде скважин, оборудованном установками центробежных насосов.The object of the research is the equipment used in the fields under conditions of high GOR values. The purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of wells operation in conditions of a high GOR value at the Samotlor oil field. In the course of the study, the main complicating factors in oil production were considered, an analysis of modern technologies to combat the negative impact of free gas on centrifugal pump installations was carried out. As a result of the study, the most effective and currently used technologies were identified to combat the influence of free gas on submersible equipment. Scope: these technologies are advisable to apply on a mechanized well stock equipped with centrifugal pump installations

    Third order nonlinear susceptibility of InN at near band-gap wavelengths

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    The authors report room-temperature measurements of the third order nonlinear susceptibility modulus ∫ (3) ∫ of thick (∼600 nm) InN layers. Transmission measurements provide a room-temperature value for the optical band gap of the samples slightly above 1500 nm. Third order nonlinear optical susceptibility has been measured using degenerate four wave mixing experiments at wavelengths near and above band gap. ∫ (3) ∫ values of (4.2-10) × 10-10 esu were measured at this wavelength range. The associated relaxation time of the generated population grating at 1500 nm was measured. The obtained value of 4.8 ps is consistent with a nonradiative recombination mechanism. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewe

    The advantage of a toxicokinetic model of the honey bee colony in the context of the risk assessment of plant protection products

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    Within the current discussions about risk assessment of plant protection products regarding honey bees, one of the most important aspects is how to link pesticide exposure on field and landscape scale to potential effects within the colony. A dynamic toxicokinetic model may help to improve the evaluation of dose rates individuals are exposed to through various compartments of the colony, which may result from the application of plant protection products in the field. In addition, it may help to interpret the significance of ecotoxicological test results, especially from lower-tier studies, in the risk assessment and help to refine the exposure assessment and risk evaluation. Linking it to a realistic population model and a landscape-based foraging model would give an improved insight into the dynamics in a honey bee colony under exposure of plant protection productsKeywords: modelling, toxicokinetics, risk assessment, exposur

    Анализ технологии полимерного заводнения в различных геологических условиях месторождений Западной Сибири

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    Объектом исследования являются технологии полимерного заводнения. Цель исследования - обоснование эффективности технологии полимерного заводнения в различных геологических условиях. В выпускной квалификационной работе были рассмотрены реагенты, применяемые при полимерном заводнении, а также модификации полимерного заводнения с применением разных полимерных составов в различных геологических условиях. Рассмотрены виды деструкций полимера.The object of study is polymer flooding technologies. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the effectiveness of polymer flooding technology in various geological conditions. In final qualifying paper, reagents used in polymer flooding were considered,as well as modifications of polymer flooding using different polymer compositions in different geological conditions. the types of polymer destructions were considered

    Mejora de sensores vítreos sol-gel para la conservación preventiva de materiales históricos frente a la acidez

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    [ES] Los sensores a base de recubrimientos vítreos sol-gel dopados con ácido 2[4-(dimetil-amino) fenilazo] benzoico son capaces de cambiar su absorción óptica cuando se someten a distintas concentraciones de iones H3O+ y OH-. La respuesta de los sensores en ensayos de campo se estudió en Cracovia (Polonia) variando el procedimiento normal de uso, con el fin de mejorar su respuesta. Se midieron tanto los parámetros ópticos de los sensores como las condiciones ambientales (temperatura, humedad, presión y concentraciones de SO2 y de NOx). La respuesta de los sensores se analizó en términos de los cambios de su absorción visible. Dichos cambios se deben a reacciones locales de neutralización que tienen lugar en la superficie de los sensores, debido al efecto conjunto de los contaminantes de carácter ácido y a la humedad ambiental. Se establecieron correlaciones entre la concentración del contaminante principal (SO2) y la respuesta de los sensores para elaborar una calibración directa entre la absorción óptica y el pH ambiental. Los sensores pueden detectar y evaluar la acidez ambiental, así como alertar sobre la concentración de contaminantes ácidos que pueden dañar a la mayoría de los materiales históricos.[EN] Sensors based on sol-gel glassy coatings doped with 2[4-(dimethyl-amino) phenylazo] benzoic acid are able to change their optical absorption when they are submitted to different concentration of H3O+ and OH-. The sensors behaviour in field tests was studied in Cracow (Poland), varying the normal procedure of operation to improve their response. Both the sensors optical parameters and the environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, pressure, SO2 and NOx concentrations) were measured. The sensors response was analysed in terms of their visible absorbance changes, which are due to local neutralisation reactions in the sensors surface by the join effect of acid pollutants and humidity. Correlations between the main acid pollutant (SO2) concentration and the sensors response are established to provide a relation between the optical absorption and the environmental pH. The sensors are able to detect and monitorise environmental acidity, as well as to alert on the pollutant concentration that may damage most of the historical materials.The authors wish to acknowledge bilateral Polish-Spanish project Ref. PAN-CSIC 2003PL0011, European Marie Curie project Ref. MERG-CT-2004-516436 and Spanish project Ref. CICYT-MAT-2003-03231 for financing support. N.C. acknowledges CSIC-ESF for an I3P postdoctoral contract.Peer reviewe

    Обоснование составления отчета GRI (General reporting initiative) на предприятиях, реализующих корпоративную социальную ответственность

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    Объектом исследования является: Система отчетности GRI ПАО "Сибур Холдинг" Цель работы – Обоснование составления отчета GRI (General reporting initiative) на предприятиях, реализующих корпоративную социальную ответственность. В результате исследования: предложены рекомендации по совершенствованию корпоративной социальной ответственности ПАО "Сибур Холдинг". Экономическая эффективность состоит в том, что совершенствование системы корпоративной социальной ответственности позволит повысить все показатели ПАО "Сибур Холдинг" и создать ему положительный имидж в отрасли.The object of research is: GRI reporting system of PJSC Sibur Holding Purpose of work - Justification of the compilation of the GRI report (General reporting initiative) at enterprises implementing corporate social responsibility. As a result of the study: recommendations are proposed for improving corporate social responsibility of Sibur Holding PJSC. Economic efficiency consists in the fact that improving the corporate social responsibility system will increase all the performance of Sibur Holding PJSC and create a positive image for it in the industry