148 research outputs found

    Zur Entstehung einer neuen Privatheit in Russland: Transformationsprozesse und ihre biographische Verarbeitung

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    "Die Entstehung einer marktwirtschaftlich organisierten und in Ansätzen sich demokratisierenden Gesellschaft wird von den Subjekten des Alltags unterschiedlich erfahren und verarbeitet. Eine der zentralen sozialstrukturellen Veränderungen im neuen Russland ist sicher die Entstehung von gesellschaftlichen Sphären, die sich an die Verfasstheit der bürgerlichen Gesellschaften annähern: Es differenzieren sich in spezifischer Weise unabhängige gesellschaftliche Sphären der Politik, der Ökonomie, der Öffentlichkeit und des Privaten in dem Maße heraus, in dem die einigende Perspektive einer autoritär regierenden Partei ihre Definitionsmacht verloren hat. Den Verfasser interessiert hier insbesondere die Entstehung einer neuen privaten Sphäre, die sich von der vormaligen sowjetischen Privatheit (die es gegeben hat) deutlich unterscheidet. Die Trägerschichten dieser neuen Deutungen des Privaten sind die neu entstehenden Mittelschichten, die sich erfolgreich an die Anforderungen von Aktivität, Arbeits- und Leistungsorientierung und selbst organisierte Weiterbildung in der ökonomischen Sphäre angepasst haben. Die 'Privatisierung' des familialen Lebens und der Beziehungsgestaltung, die durch das Wegbrechen sowjetischer Organisationsformender Freizeitgestaltung, Kinderbetreuung, Betriebsanbindung und des Familienlebens sowie durch die Anforderungen neuer Sphären gekennzeichnet werden kann, ist in dieser sozialen Gruppe besonders deutlich. Die Analyse narrativer Interviews mit Ehepaaren zeigt, wie beiden patriarchalen Regime der alten Sowjetunion und des marktwirtschaftlich organisierten Westens sich kombinieren und in der Auseinandersetzung um Neudefinitionen von Hausarbeit, Familienarbeit, Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit, Freizeitgestaltung und Konfliktbewältigung ein neuer kultureller Deutungshorizont erzeugt wird. Es lassen sich verschiedene generationen- und genderdifferente Typen der biographischen Verarbeitung rekonstruieren, in denen sich die Verfestigung neuer sozialer Ungleichheiten und Konflikte sowie neue Strukturen der Privatheit zeigen." (Autorenreferat

    „Irgendwann brauch' ich dann auch Hilfe …!“ – Selbstorganisation, Engagement und Mitverantwortung älterer Menschen in ländlichen Räumen

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    Der Band zeigt die Ergebnisse des Praxisforschungsprojektes BUSLAR. Untersucht wurde, wie durch Selbstorganisation z.B. in Bürgerhilfevereinen in ländlichen Räumen Aufgaben der Unterstützung älterer Menschen übernommen werden. Von Seiten der Politik wird dieses Engagement begrüßt in der Hoffnung, es könne Lücken in der öffentlichen Daseinsvorsorge ein stückweit schließen – ohne angemessene Unterstützung, ist dieses Engagement nachhaltig gefährdet

    Human germline gene editing: Recommendations of ESHG and ESHRE

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    Technological developments in gene editing raise high expectations for clinical applications, first of all for somatic gene editing but in theory also for germline gene editing (GLGE). GLGE is currently not allowed in many countries. This makes clinical applications in these countries impossible now, even if GLGE would become safe and effective. What were the arguments behind this legislation, and are they still convincing? If a technique can help to avoid serious genetic disorders, in a safe and effective way, would this be a reason to reconsider earlier standpoints? The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) together developed a Background document and Recommendations to inform and stimulate ongoing societal debates. After consulting its membership and experts, this final version of the Recommendations was endorsed by the Executive Committee and the Board of the respective Societies in May 2017. Taking account of ethical arguments, we argue that both basic and pre-clinical research regarding GLGE can be justified, with conditions. Furthermore, while clinical GLGE would be totally premature, it might become a responsible intervention in the future, but only after adequate pre-clinical research. Safety of the child and future generations is a major concern. Future discussions must also address priorities among reproductive and potential non-reproductive alternatives, such as PGD and somatic editing, if that would be safe and successful. The prohibition of human germline modification, however, needs renewed discussion among relevant stakeholders, including the general public and legislators

    Responsible innovation in human germline gene editing: Background document to the recommendations of ESHG and ESHRE

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    Technological developments in gene editing raise high expectations for clinical applications, including editing of the germline. The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) together developed a Background document and Recommendations to inform and stimulate ongoing societal debates. This document provides the background to the Recommendations. Germline gene editing is currently not allowed in many countries. This makes clinical applications in these countries impossible now, even if germline gene editing would become safe and effective. What were the arguments behind this legislation, and are they still convincing? If a technique could help to avoid serious genetic disorders, in a safe and effective way, would this be a reason to reconsider earlier standpoints? This Background document summarizes the scientific developments and expectations regarding germline gene editing, legal regulations at the European level, and ethics for three different settings (basic research, preclinical research and clinical applications). In ethical terms, we argue that the deontological objections (e.g., gene editing goes against nature) do not seem convincing while consequentialist objections (e.g., safety for the children thus conceived and following generations) require research, not all of which is allowed in the current legal situation in European countries. Development of this Background document and Recommendations reflects the responsibility to help society understand and debate the full range of possible implications of the new technologies, and to contribute to regulations that are adapted to the dynamics of the field while taking account of ethical considerations and societal concerns

    Genetics of Host Response to Leishmania tropica in Mice – Different Control of Skin Pathology, Chemokine Reaction, and Invasion into Spleen and Liver

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    Several hundred million people are exposed to the risk of leishmaniasis, a disease caused by intracellular protozoan parasites of several Leishmania species and transmitted by phlebotomine sand flies. In humans, L. tropica causes cutaneous form of leishmaniasis with painful and long-persisting lesions in the site of the insect bite, but the parasites can also penetrate to internal organs. The relationship between the host genes and development of the disease was demonstrated for numerous infectious diseases. However, the search for susceptibility genes in the human population could be a difficult task. In such cases, animal models may help to discover the role of different genes in interactions between the parasite and the host. Unfortunately, the literature contains only a few publications about the use of animals for L. tropica studies. Here, we report an animal model suitable for genetic, pathological and drug studies in L. tropica infection. We show how the host genotype influences different disease symptoms: skin lesions, parasite dissemination to the lymph nodes, spleen and liver, and increase of levels of chemokines CCL2, CCL3 and CCL5 in serum

    The composition of INFL

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    Effects of the TLR2 Agonists MALP-2 and Pam3Cys in Isolated Mouse Lungs

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    Background: Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria are main causes of pneumonia or acute lung injury. They are recognized by the innate immune system via toll-like receptor-2 (TLR2) or TLR4, respectively. Among all organs, the lungs have the highest expression of TLR2 receptors, but little is known about the pulmonary consequences of their activation. Here we studied the effects of the TLR2/6 agonist MALP-2, the TLR2/1 agonist Pam 3Cys and the TLR4 agonist lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on pro-inflammatory responses in isolated lungs. Methodology/Principal Findings: Isolated perfused mouse lungs were perfused for 60 min or 180 min with MALP-2 (25 ng/ mL), Pam3Cys (160 ng/mL) or LPS (1 mg/mL). We studied mediator release by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the activation of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) and AKT/protein kinase B by immunoblotting, and gene induction by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. All agonists activated the MAPK ERK1/2 and p38, but neither JNK or AKT kinase. The TLR ligands upregulated the inflammation related genes Tnf, Il1b, Il6, Il10, Il12, Ifng, Cxcl2 (MIP-2a) and Ptgs2. MALP-2 was more potent than Pam 3Cys in inducing Slpi, Cxcl10 (IP10) and Parg. Remarkable was the strong induction of Tnc by MALP2, which was not seen with Pam 3Cys or LPS. The growth factor related genes Areg and Hbegf were not affected. In addition, all three TLR agonists stimulated the release of IL-6, TNF, CXCL2 and CXCL10 protein from the lungs

    Belle II Pixel Detector Commissioning and Operational Experience

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