31 research outputs found

    Κόρε κεκλέσομαι αιεί. Uno sguardo sull’arktéia attraverso Phrasikleia

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    This article investigates the anthropological issues of the “she-bear” rite, named arktéia, dedicated to the goddess Artemis in her sanctuary of Brauron (Attica), by young girls, before the celebration of their marriage. Kore Phrasiklieia is taken here as a case study with respect to its decoration, suggesting the presence of several attributes connected to the “brauronian” symbolics. There are three chapters: a history of the discovery of the statue, an analysis of its attributes, and an anthropological interpretation of the cult. The comparison between archaeological evidence, historical data, and ancient sources leads to the conclusion that Phrasikleia had performed the arktéia rite as a “she-bear”, but she died before she was married.Članek raziskuje antropološka vprašanja obreda »medvedke«, imenovanega arktéia, ki so ga mlada dekleta pred poroko posvetila boginji Artemidi v njenem svetišču v Brauronu (Atika). Kore Phrasiklieia je tu vzeta kot študija primera glede na njeno dekoracijo, ki kaže na prisotnost več atributov, povezanih z »brauronsko« simboliko. V članku so tri poglavja: zgodovina odkritja kipa, analiza njegovih atributov in antropološka razlaga kulta. Primerjava arheoloških dokazov, zgodovinskih podatkov in antičnih virov vodi do zaključka, da je Phrasikleia kot »medvedka« opravila obred arktéia, vendar je umrla, preden se je poročila

    Demetra/Cerere in ambito punico? Il caso della Sardegna, dal IV al I sec. a. C.

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    Il lavoro di ricerca prende le mosse dalla testimonianza di Diodoro Siculo, secondo il quale i Cartaginesi \u201cimportarono\u201d il culto di Demetra e Kore in Nordafrica per espiare la colpa di aver profanato il tempio delle dee a Siracusa nel 396 a. C. L\u2019intento di questo studio \ue8 inserirsi nel vasto ambito di ricerca inerente il culto di una delle pi\uf9 note divinit\ue0 del Mediterraneo - Demetra per l\u2019appunto - adottando un approccio interdisciplinare per quanto possibile sistematico al caso-studio che rappresenta la Sardegna cartaginese. Ci\uf2 significa porre in essere strumenti epistemologici dell\u2019archeologia, ma anche dell\u2019antropologia culturale e della storia delle religioni. Su tali basi sono evidenziate le prerogative e gli attributi discriminanti per la catalogazione di 16 contesti archeologici della Sardegna che hanno un rapporto pi\uf9 o meno stretto con la religiosit\ue0 \u201cdemetriaca\u201d. Nell\u2019elaborato, si susseguono: una premessa storica e metodologica, il catalogo dei siti, l\u2019analisi dei dati e un excursus dedicato al perdurare del culto in et\ue0 romana. Il capitolo conclusivo delinea i tratti della \u201cDemetra punica di Sardegna\u201d, che riassume caratteristiche iconografiche, fertilistiche e ctonie frutto della commistione fra tradizione culturale greca e punica, l\u2019una rappresentata da Demetra, l\u2019altra da Tanit.This research originates from the statement by Diodorus of Sicily, who suggests that the Carthaginian \u201cimported\u201d the cult of Demeter and Kore in North Africa as an act of expiation, having they violated the temple of the Goddesses in Syracuse in 396 b. C. The aim of this work is to pursue the studies about one of the best known deities in Mediterranean, Demeter, through a multidisciplinary and systematic approach in the context of Carthaginian Sardinia. This study has required using epistemological tools typical of archaeology, cultural anthropology and history of religions. This has allowed to define prerogatives and attributes of Demeter as basis for the classification of 16 contexts, with respect to their more or less close relationship to the deity. The Thesis includes five parts: an historical and methodological introduction, a catalogue of archaeological sites, the analysis of collected data, and an excursus focusing on the continuation of the cult in the Roman period. The final chapter suggests a definition of the \u201cpunic\u201d character of Demeter in Sardinia. In fact, the fertilistic and chtonian iconography of the Sardinian goddess, in which Demeter and Tanit melt together, derives both from Greek and Punic culture

    Tra archeologia e antropologia. Intorno allo studio di Walter Cavallo, americanista

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    L'articolo prende spunto dalla monografia di W.Cavallo, "Nunzio dei Maya" (Liberodiscrivere, 2013), dedicata a Monsignor Federico Lunardi, nunzio apostolico in America centrale tra la fine dell'Ottocento e l'inizio del Novecento. Sull'esempio della vicenda umana e scientifica del religioso, il contributo propone una riflessione sulle affinit\ue0 epistemologiche fra archeologia e antropologia culturale

    Entre attrait et risque, les institutions mus\ue9ales vis -\ue0 vis des objets non authentiques \ue0 travers le mus\ue9e d\u2019un ex tombarolo

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    Cette contribution est le fruit de l\u2019approfondissement des recherches effectu\ue9es dans le cadre d\u2019un M\ue9moire de Ma\ueetrise en \uc9tudes Mus\ue9ales qui a analys\ue9 le concept d'authenticit\ue9 en arch\ue9ologie \ue0 partir de l'exemple extr\ueame d\u2019un ex tombarolo actif \ue0 Tarquinia (Viterbe, I). Tirant profit d\u2019une approche compl\ue9mentaire \ue0 la fois artistique, m\ue9thodologique et d\ue9ontologique, cette \ue9tude met l\u2019accent sur la dichotomie entre mus\ue9e publique et mus\ue9e priv\ue9, et sur les modalit\ue9s d\u2019interaction entre les tombaroli, la soci\ue9t\ue9 civile et les institutions culturelles. Ce, pour conclure sur quelques \uabbonnes pratiques\ubb en termes de mus\ue9ographie et communication, auxquelles l\u2019ICOM et l\u2019ICOMOS invitent les professionnels de mus\ue9es. \uc0 la fin du texte est un annexe sous la forme d\u2019un glossaire des termes aff\ue9rant la falsification en arch\ue9ologie

    Towards an Archaeological Approach to Prehistoric RockTowards an Archaeological Approach to Prehistoric Rock Carvings. From Method to Symbolics: the Finale Area (Western Liguria, Italy) as a Case-StudyVerso un approccio archeologico allo studio delle incisioni rupestri preistoriche. Dal metodo alla simbologia: il caso-studio del Finale (Liguria occidentale)

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    This article presents an insight into archaeological approach in the study of rock carvings. The first section is mainly methodological and highlights the significant problems within dating this kind of evidence. Furthermore, it delves into the specific contribution of interdisciplinary research in this field. The second section focuses on the Finale area (Liguria, Italy) as a case study, which has not been studied systematically until now. A hypothesis on the dating and significance of carvings from the Finale area is formulated by comparison with two contexts in which rock-carving art has been studied in detail: the Mount Bego area (France) and Valcamonica (Italy). A table as an appendix is made to propose a first chrono-typology of the carvings from the Finale area

    Remembrances fictives et faux-semblants. Omero: r\ue9cit fantastique et v\ue9rit\ue9 historique sur l'art \ue9trusque \ue0 travers le mus\ue9e d\u2019un ex tombarolo

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    Le travail de recherche qui est synth\ue9tis\ue9 dans cette contribution propose une analyse du concept d'authenticit\ue9 en arch\ue9ologie \ue0 travers l'exemple extr\ueame d\u2019un ex tombarolo qui a d\ue9velopp\ue9 ses activit\ue9s ill\ue9gales \ue0 Tarquinia (Viterbe, I). Gr\ue2ce \ue0 une approche compl\ue9mentaire \ue0 la fois artistique, m\ue9thodologique et d\ue9ontologique, ce m\ue9moire met en relief les probl\ue8mes et les avantages d\u2019une pratique \ue0 laquelle tous les professionnels de mus\ue9es doivent faire face. Soit, l\u2019emploi d\u2019objets non authentiques au sein des parcours mus\ue9ographiques et des ateliers de m\ue9diation

    Towards an archaeological approach to prehistoric rock carvings. Form methods to symbolics: the Finale area (Western Liguria, Italy) as a case-study

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    This article presents an insight on archaeological approach in the study of rock carvings. The first section is mainly methodological and highlights the major problems within dating this kind of evidences. Furthermore, it delves into the specific contribution of interdisciplinary research in this field. The second section focuses on the Finale area (Liguria, Italy) as a case study, which has not been studied in a systematic perspective until now. A hypothesis on dating and significance of carvings from the Finale area is formulated by comparison with two contexts where rock carvings art has been enquired with accuracy: the Mount Bego area (France) and Valcamonica (Italy). A table as a appendix is made to propose a first chrono-typology of the carvings from the Finale

    Triton shell trumpets: the cultural heritage of the buccins through archaeology and music

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    This paper focuses on archaeological and ethnographic evidences of shells belonging to the class of gastropods transformed into wind instruments (also known as buccins). First, a few shells discovered in the caves of the Finalese area (Liguria, North-Western Italian Coast) illustrate the richness of the \u201ctriton\u201d musically speaking. Then, evidences found along the coasts of the Pacific, and along the Eastern Mediterranean coast, dating back to the Pre-Columbian Moche culture and to the Bronze age respectively, point out gastropods reproduced in terracotta and stone, which may have essentially a symbolic value. Lastly, the cultural value of the conch trumpets is closely investigated with reference to the anthropologic connection between playing and acquisition of means of expression, and a few ethnographic instances

    Archeologia sperimentale: tra ricerca e didattica. Il Museo Archeologico del Finale (Finalborgo, SV) e i suoi laboratori

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    L'articolo \ue8 suddiviso in due parti. La prima propone una riflessione epistemologica sull'origine dell'archeologia sperimentale e sulla valenza didattica di questa disciplina. Dopo un excursus storico, viene cos\uec affrontato il tema del rapporto tra pertinenza dell'approccio scientifico e deontologia professionale, due elementi indispensabili per il proficuo e corretto svolgimento dei laboratori didattici all'interno delle istituzioni museali. La seconda parte del contributo illustra un esempio in cui entrambe queste caratteristiche si fondono, in maniera armonica. Si tratta dei L. A.D. A.S., i Laboratori Didattici di Archeologia Sperimentale del Museo Archeologico del Finale (Finalborgo, I)

    La buccina di Tritone. Le trombe di conchiglia tra indagine archeologica ed etnografia

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    Il contributo trae spunto da uno studio interdisciplinare realizzato dalla Soprintendenza Archeologia della Liguria e dal Museo di Archeologia Ligure in collaborazione con il Conservatorio Nicol\uf2 Paganini di Genova, avente come oggetto alcuni esemplari di gasteropodi usati come trombe rinvenuti in siti preistorici liguri. Il testo pone l\u2019accento sulla valenza simbolica delle \u201ctrombe di conchiglia\u201d, che non si esaurisce nel loro carattere di strumento a fiato. Il capitolo \ue8 dunque diviso in tre sezioni: la prima, archeologica, approfondisce alcune testimonianze provenienti dalla Liguria mettendole a confronto con rinvenimenti avvenuti in altre aree geografiche. La seconda, etnografica, sviluppa il tema della valenza simbolica delle buccine. La terza, invece, adotta una prospettiva antropologica illustrando alcuni esempi di uso recente dello strumento