6 research outputs found
Elections in Lebanon: At the Crossroad of Peace and Stability
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2009
- Field of study
The Rule of Law in Kosovo: Concepts, Challenges and Realities
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2010
- Field of study
The Special Tribunal for Lebanon: An Introduction and Research Guide
- Author
- Aida Azar
- Alison J Macfarlane
- Aurelia Lelarge
- Bardo Fassbender
- Ben Saul
- Bibliography
- Bj�rn Elberling
- Choucri Sader
- Chris Jenks
- D Konstantinos
- D Sridhar Patnaik
- Emiel Jurjens
- F G�bor
- Fr�d�ric Me�gret
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- Giorgia Tortora
- Gu�na�l Mettraux
- H M Safira
- Heather Noel Doherty
- Hemptinne J�r�me De
- Iolanda Jaquemet
- James Cockayne
- Jan Erik Wetzel
- Janice Yun
- Jurdi Nidal Nabil
- Jurdi Nidal Nabil
- Kai Ambos
- Kelly L Razzouk
- Lindsey Raub
- Lukasz Korecki
- Maggie Gardner
- Manuel J Ventura
- Marie Ghantous
- Mario Odoni
- Marko Milanovic
- Martin Waehlisch
- Martin Waehlisch
- Matthew Gillett
- Matthew Gillett
- Melia Amal Bouhabib
- Niccol� Pons
- Paola Gaeta
- Ralph Riachy
- Sandra L Hodgkinson
- Valerie Oosterveld
- Washington Square South
- Wayne Jordash
- William A Schabas
- William A Schabas
- Yves Daudet
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
Sending States and Diaspora Positionality in International Relations
- Author
- Abramson
- Acuff
- Adamson
- Adamson
- Albanian Diaspora
- Appiah
- Auron
- Bartelson
- Bash
- Bauböck
- Berenskoetter
- Bhagwati
- Bigo
- Bigo
- Bonachich
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Brinkerhoff
- Brinkerhoff
- Brinkerhoff
- Browning
- Buhaug
- Bulley
- Busse
- Call
- Cancel
- Cavelty
- Cohen
- Coles
- Collier
- Collyer
- Csergo
- Dahl
- De Haas
- Dean
- Delano
- Diaspora Strategy
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Gamlen
- Gamlen
- Gamlen
- George
- Glick-Schiller
- Gonzales
- Gordon
- Guzzini
- Guzzini
- Hafner-Burton
- Haraway
- Hockenos
- Hoogenboom
- Huysmans
- Ismail
- Jeffrey
- Johnson
- Kenway
- Koinova
- Koinova
- Koinova
- Kosovo National Council for European Integration (KNCEI)
- Krasner
- Kunz
- Larner
- Leander
- Leblang
- Levitt
- Lijphart
- Lucas
- Lukes
- Lyons
- Margheritis
- Maria Koinova
- Martin-Maze
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Kosovo
- Mustafa
- Nagar
- Natali
- Naujoks
- Nexon
- Nexon
- Nye
- Ortiz
- Paris
- Paul
- Pearlman
- Pearlman
- Pellerin
- Perritt
- Portes
- Pouliot
- R10
- R11
- R12
- R13
- R14
- R15
- R16
- R17
- R18
- R2
- R3
- R4
- R5
- R6
- R7 and R8
- R9
- Ragazzi
- Ragazzi
- Ragazzi
- Respondent 1 (R1)
- Ringmar
- Rojas
- Selimi
- Sen
- Shain
- Sheppard
- Sidel
- Skendaj
- Smart
- Sökefeld
- Tsourapas
- Tsourapas
- US Bureau of The Census. Census
- Valenta
- Varadarajan
- Varshney
- Vauchez
- Waehlisch
- Walker
- Waltz
- Waterbury
- Welch
- Widder
- Wimmer
- WINNE Europe
- World Bank
- Xharra
- Young
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study