14 research outputs found

    Nanofiber scaffolds for incisional hernia regeneration

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    Incizionální kýla postihuje víc než 20% pacientů, kteří podstoupili operaci břicha. Implantace syntetických materiálů se stala standardem v reparaci kýl břišní stěny. Nicméně implantace kýlních sítěk nezaručuje trvalé zhojení, jen oddaluje riziko recidivy vzniku kýly o 2-3 roky. V současnosti je na trhu dostupná víc jak stovka chirurgických sítěk. Nejčastěji používané síťky pro reparaci ventrální kýly jsou vyrobené z polypropylénu. Ideální síťka dodnes neexistuje a je tudíž zapotřebí ji vyvinout. Cílem této studie bylo vyvinout funkcionalizovaný nosič pro reparaci kýl břišní stěny. Připravili jsme nový kompozitní nosič na bázi polypropylénové chirurgické síťky funkcionalizovaný pomocí poly- -kaprolaktonových nanovláken připravených elektrostatickým zvlákňováním. Na nanovlákna byly adherovány buď trombocyty, jako přirozený zdroj růstových faktorů, nebo syntetické růstové faktory. V rozsáhlých in vitro testech jsme jednoznačně prokázali biokompatibilitu tohoto nového systému. Histologické a biomechanické hodnocení v in vivo testech na modelu králíka a miniprasete odhalilo lepší regenerační schopnost našeho kompozitního funkcionalizovaného nosiče ve srovnání s konvenčně používanou polypropylénovou chirurgickou síti a samotnou suturou. Dále byl testován systém mikročástic vyrobený pomocí kryomletí...Incisional hernia is the most common postoperative complication which affects up to 20% of patients after abdominal surgery. Insertion of a synthetic surgical mesh has become the standard for care in abdominal wall hernia repair. However, implementation of a mesh does not reduce the risk of recurrence and the onset of hernia recurrence is only delayed by 2-3 years. Nowadays, more than one hundred surgical meshes are available on the market from which the polypropylene is most widely used for abdominal wall hernia repair. Nonetheless, the ideal mesh does not exist yet - it still needs to be developed. The aim of the present study was to develop a functionalized scaffold for abdominal wall hernia regeneration and in vitro testing of the new microsphere system with potential use as a drug delivery system in tissue engineering. We prepared novel composite scaffolds based on a polypropylene surgical mesh functionalized with polycaprolactone nanofibers and adhered either platelet as a natural source of growth factors or a synthetic growth factor. In extensive in vitro tests, we have proven the biocompatibility of polycaprolactone nanofibers with adhered platelets on a polypropylene mesh. A histological and biomechanical evaluation from in vivo tests revealed better healing capacity of our composite...Department of BiophysicsÚstav biofyziky2. lékařská fakultaSecond Faculty of Medicin

    Nanofiber scaffolds for incisional hernia regeneration

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    Incisional hernia is the most common postoperative complication which affects up to 20% of patients after abdominal surgery. Insertion of a synthetic surgical mesh has become the standard for care in abdominal wall hernia repair. However, implementation of a mesh does not reduce the risk of recurrence and the onset of hernia recurrence is only delayed by 2-3 years. Nowadays, more than one hundred surgical meshes are available on the market from which the polypropylene is most widely used for abdominal wall hernia repair. Nonetheless, the ideal mesh does not exist yet - it still needs to be developed. The aim of the present study was to develop a functionalized scaffold for abdominal wall hernia regeneration and in vitro testing of the new microsphere system with potential use as a drug delivery system in tissue engineering. We prepared novel composite scaffolds based on a polypropylene surgical mesh functionalized with polycaprolactone nanofibers and adhered either platelet as a natural source of growth factors or a synthetic growth factor. In extensive in vitro tests, we have proven the biocompatibility of polycaprolactone nanofibers with adhered platelets on a polypropylene mesh. A histological and biomechanical evaluation from in vivo tests revealed better healing capacity of our composite..

    Composite 3D printed scaffold with structured electrospun nanofibers promotes chondrocyte adhesion and infiltration

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    Additive manufacturing, also called 3D printing, is an effective method for preparing scaffolds with defined structure and porosity. The disadvantage of the technique is the excessive smoothness of the printed fibers, which does not support cell adhesion. In the present study, a 3D printed scaffold was combined with electrospun classic or structured nanofibers to promote cell adhesion. Structured nanofibers were used to improve the infiltration of cells into the scaffold. Electrospun layers were connected to 3D printed fibers by gluing, thus enabling the fabrication of scaffolds with unlimited thickness. The composite 3D printed/nanofibrous scaffolds were seeded with primary chondrocytes and tested in vitro for cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. The experiment showed excellent cell infiltration, viability, and good cell proliferation. On the other hand, partial chondrocyte dedifferentiation was shown. Other materials supporting chondrogenic differentiation will be investigated in future studies

    The Effect of the Controlled Release of Platelet Lysate from PVA Nanomats on Keratinocytes, Endothelial Cells and Fibroblasts

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    Platelet lysate (PL) provides a natural source of growth factors and other bioactive molecules, and the local controlled release of these bioactive PL components is capable of improving the healing of chronic wounds. Therefore, we prepared composite nanofibrous meshes via the needleless electrospinning technique using poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) with a high molecular weight and with a high degree of hydrolysis with the incorporated PL (10% w/w). The morphology, wettability and protein release from the nanofibers was then assessed from the resulting composite PVA–PL nanomats. The bioactivity of the PVA–PL nanomats was proved in vitro using HaCaT keratinocytes, human saphenous endothelial cells (HSVECs) and 3T3 fibroblasts. The PVA–PL supported cell adhesion, proliferation, and viability. The improved phenotypic maturation of the HaCaT cells due to the PVA–PL was manifested via the formation of intermediate filaments positive for cytokeratin 10. The PVA–PL enhanced both the synthesis of the von Willebrand factor via HSVECs and HSVECs chemotaxis through membranes with 8 µm-sized pores. These results indicated the favorable effects of the PVA–PL nanomats on the three cell types involved in the wound healing process, and established PVA–PL nanomats as a promising candidate for further evaluation with respect to in vivo experiments