242 research outputs found
Metastasizing esthesioneuroblastoma in a dog
A 7-year-old Afghan hound presented with a history of disorientation, loss of vision, and seizures. Magnetic resonance imaging helped identify a mass at the level of the main olfactory bulb that compressed and displaced adjacent tissues in the cribriform plate into the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. Bony structures were osteolytic. After removing almost 80% of the mass, the tumor recurred a few months later. Due to severe respiratory distress and subsequent to an ultrasound diagnosis of a liver tumor, the dog was euthanized. In addition to the nasal mass, a single nodule in the liver and multiple nodules in the lung were present. All masses had similar cell morphology and were diagnosed as metastasizing esthesioneuroblastoma. The neoplastic cells expressed neuron-specific enolase and chromogranin A, and a few cells within the nasal mass were positive for cytokeratin. This is the first description of a canine esthesioneuroblastoma with distant metastases
WĂ€rmetechnische Analyse von denkmalgeschĂŒtzten BestandsgebĂ€uden am Beispiel der Wessenberg-Schule Konstanz
Im Rahmen dieser Masterarbeit wurde an einem BeispielgebĂ€ude (Wessenberg-Schule Konstanz) gezeigt, dass MaĂnahmen an der GebĂ€udehĂŒlle von GebĂ€uden der 60er-Jahre trotz Denkmalstatus ein durchaus erhebliches Potential aufweisen, um WĂ€rmeverluste zu begrenzen, und sich Denkmalcharakter und energetischer Modernisierungswunsch nicht zwangslĂ€ufig gegenseitig ausschlieĂen.
Hierbei wurden Thermografieaufnahmen angefertigt, Temperaturmessungen durchgefĂŒhrt und U-Werte aller Bauteile der GebĂ€udehĂŒlle berechnet. Die MaĂnahmen wurden auf WĂ€rmebrĂŒcken und den GesamtwĂ€rmedurchlass hin separat fĂŒr jedes Bauteil bewertet.
FĂŒr gezielte SanierungsvorschlĂ€ge und die Untersuchung ihrer Wirksamkeit wurde das GebĂ€ude intensiv untersucht. Hierbei wurden Informationen aus Archiven (Stadtarchiv Konstanz, Kreisarchiv Konstanz und SĂŒdwestdeutsches Archiv fĂŒr Architektur und Ingenieurbau) zusammengetragen, die ein breites Bild des Bauablaufs und -geschichte, der verwendeten Baustoffe und der Architektur geben.
Da keine ausfĂŒhrliche DenkmalbegrĂŒndung vorlag, wurde die Architektur und Gestaltung des GebĂ€udes separat betrachtet und bewertet.This master thesis shows that rehabilitation measures on the building envelope of buildings of the 1960s in Germany have partially significant potential to decrease heat loss, and it shows that a status of monument and necessary measures to rehabilitate these buildings are not mutually exclusive. This is shown with a building which is typical for the architectural style of the 1960s in Germany: The Wessenberg-Schule in Constance, Germany.
For this many investigations are done: thermography, temperature measurements and calculation of the heat transition coefficient (U-value) for the different parts of the building envelope.
In this thesis plenty of information of the building like its history of planning and building, its materials, its architectural style and design and about the architect himself (Hermann Blomeier) can be found
FĂŒllung der GesetzeslĂŒcken im schweizerischen AdhĂ€sionsverfahren
Adhesion proceedings enable civil claims to be assessed in criminal proceedings. Its legal regulation in Art. 122 ff. StPO is, however, very rudimentary and incomplete. Jurisprudence and doctrine have so far hardly addressed the incompleteness of the procedure or the related coordination deficit of criminal and civil procedural law. The thesis shows how legal gaps in adhesion proceedings can be filled and how criminal and civil procedural law can be coordinated, as it were. The thesis shows which guiding principles are decisive for the filling of gaps. It explains how to deal with collisions between criminal and civil procedural law. With the help of the developed method, the work then provides concrete proposals for solutions to specific procedural questions.Das AdhĂ€sionsverfahren ermöglicht die PrĂŒfung zivilrechtlicher AnsprĂŒche im Strafverfahren. Seine gesetzliche Regelung in Art. 122 ff. StPO ist jedoch sehr rudimentĂ€r und unvollstĂ€ndig. Rechtsprechung und Lehre haben sich bisher kaum mit der UnvollstĂ€ndigkeit des Verfahrens oder dem damit verbundenen Koordinierungsdefizit von Straf- und Zivilprozessrecht auseinandergesetzt. Die Arbeit zeigt, wie RechtslĂŒcken in AdhĂ€sionsverfahren geschlossen und Straf- und Zivilprozessrecht sozusagen aufeinander abgestimmt werden können. Die Arbeit zeigt, welche Leitprinzipien fĂŒr die LĂŒckenfĂŒllung entscheidend sind. Es erlĂ€utert den Umgang mit Kollisionen zwischen Straf- und Zivilprozessrecht. Mit Hilfe der entwickelten Methode liefert die Arbeit dann konkrete LösungsvorschlĂ€ge fĂŒr konkrete Verfahrensfragen
FĂŒllung der GesetzeslĂŒcken im schweizerischen AdhĂ€sionsverfahren
Adhesion proceedings enable civil claims to be assessed in criminal proceedings. Its legal regulation in Art. 122 ff. StPO is, however, very rudimentary and incomplete. Jurisprudence and doctrine have so far hardly addressed the incompleteness of the procedure or the related coordination deficit of criminal and civil procedural law. The thesis shows how legal gaps in adhesion proceedings can be filled and how criminal and civil procedural law can be coordinated, as it were. The thesis shows which guiding principles are decisive for the filling of gaps. It explains how to deal with collisions between criminal and civil procedural law. With the help of the developed method, the work then provides concrete proposals for solutions to specific procedural questions
CBCTs in a Swiss university dental clinic: a retrospective evaluation over 5Â years with emphasis on radiation protection criteria.
To retrospectively evaluate all cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans acquired from 2017 to 2022 in a Swiss university dental clinic with particular emphasis on radiation protection aspects.
Radiological databases at the dental clinic of the University of Bern, Switzerland, were explored using a self-developed search algorithm. Data of all acquired CBCT from 01.01.2017 to 27.06.2022 were screened. Exposure parameters (exposure time, exposure angle, milliampere (mA), kilovoltage (kV), field of view (FOV) size), dose area product (DAP), age, and sex of the patient were recorded anonymously. The collected data were analyzed mainly descriptively. Correlations measured the statistical relationships between the variables.
A total of 10,348 CBCT datasets were analyzed. Patient age ranged from 5 to 96 years (mean: 49.4 years, SD: 21.6 years). The number of CBCTs in patients under 25 years was around 20% each year. In total, 10,313 (99.7%) CBCTs were acquired in small to medium FOV (FOV up to 10 cm of height), and 35 (0.3%) in large FOV (heightâ>â10 cm). DAPs of small FOVs were 518.3â±â233.2 mGycm2 (meanâ±âSD), of medium FOV 1233â±â502.2 mGycm2, and of large FOV 2189â±â368.7 mGycm2. DAP (Ïâ=â0.4048, pâ<â0.0001) and kV (Ïâ=â0.0210, pâ=â0.0327) correlated positively with age. Reduced scan angle correlated with young age (rpb 0.2729, pâ<â0.001). mA did not correlate with age (pâ=â0.3685).
This study demonstrates that certain well-known radiation protection aspects as the reduction of FOV, mA, kV, and scan angle were only partly considered.
Known radiation protection aspects, especially in young patients, should be fully applied in regular clinical practice
Comparison of the endocranial- and brain volumes in brachycephalic dogs, mesaticephalic dogs and Cavalier King Charles spaniels in relation to their body weight
BACKGROUND: A number of studies have attempted to quantify the relative volumes of the endocranial volume and brain parenchyma in association with the pathogenesis of the Chiari-like malformation (CLM) in the Cavalier King Charles spaniel (CKCS). In our study we examine the influence of allometric scaling of the brain and cranial cavity volume on morphological parameters in different dog breeds. MRI scans of 110 dogs (35 mesaticephalic dogs, 35 brachycephalic dogs, 20 CKCSs with SM, and 20 CKCSs without SM) have been used to create 3-dimensional volumetric models of skull and brain parts. Volumes were related to body weight calculating the adjusted means for different breeds.
RESULTS: There was a strong global dependency of all volumes to body weight (P<0.0001). The adjusted means of the absolute and relative volumes of brain parenchyma and cranial compartments are not significantly larger in CKCSs in comparison to brachycephalic and mesaticephalic dogs. A difference in absolute or relative volumes between CKCSs with and without SM after relating these values to body weight could not be identified. The relative volume of the hindbrain parenchyma (caudal fossa parenchyma percentage) was larger in brachycephalic dogs than in CKCSs, without causing herniation or SM.
CONCLUSION: An influence of body weight exist in dogs, which can be sufficiently large to render conclusions on the difference in volumes of the brain and skull unsafe unless some account of the body weight is taken in the analysis. The results of this study challenge the role of overcrowding for the development of SM in dogs
Antenna and all gnathal appendages are similarly transformed by homothorax knock-down in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
AbstractOur understanding of the developmental mechanisms underlying the vast diversity of arthropod appendages largely rests on the peculiar case of the dipteran Drosophila melanogaster. In this insect, homothorax (hth) and extradenticle (exd) together play a pivotal role in appendage patterning and identity. We investigated the role of the hth homologue in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus by parental RNA interference. This species has a more generalized morphology than Oncopeltus fasciatus, the one other insect besides Drosophila where homothorax function has been investigated. The Gryllus head appendages represent the morphologically primitive state including insect-typical mandibles, maxillae and labium, structures highly modified or missing in Oncopeltus and Drosophila. We depleted Gbâhth function through parental RNAi to investigate its requirement for proper regulation of other appendage genes (Gbâwingless, Gbâdachshund, Gbâaristaless and GbâDistalless) and analyzed the terminal phenotype of Gryllus nymphs. Gbâhth RNAi nymphs display homeotic and segmentation defects similar to hth mutants or loss-of-function clones in Drosophila. Intriguingly, however, we find that in Gbâhth RNAi nymphs not only the antennae but also all gnathal appendages are homeotically transformed, such that all head appendages differentiate distally as legs and proximally as antennae. Hence, Gbâhth is not specifically required for antennal fate, but fulfills a similar role in the specification of all head appendages. This suggests that the role of hth in the insect antenna is not fundamentally different from its function as cofactor of segment-specific homeotic genes in more posterior segments
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