17 research outputs found

    Liability for damages through data abuse caused by insufficient IT-infrastructure

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    Im Informationszeitalter ist die Speicherung und Verarbeitung von Daten im Gesch\ue4ftsverkehrallgegenw\ue4rtig. Darunter sind auch viele heikle Informationen, die vor dem unberechtigten ZugriffDritter gesch\ufctzt werden m\ufcssen. Trotzdem kommt es immer wieder zu F\ue4llen, in denen sich einUnberechtigter Zugang zu den Daten verschaffen kann und diese in weiterer Folge missbr\ue4uchlichverwendet. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist zu kl\ue4ren, unter welchen Umst\ue4nden derDatenverarbeiter f\ufcr Sch\ue4den aus einem derartigen Datenmissbrauch haftet, wenn dieser \ufcber dasAusnutzen von Schwachstellen in seiner IT-Infrastruktur resultiert. Dabei soll auch der Fall, dassder Datenverarbeiter zur Verarbeitung der Daten einen Dritten heranzieht, betrachtet werden. DieArbeit soll Aufschluss dar\ufcber geben, welche gesetzlichen und vertraglichen Anforderungen sich andie IT-Infrastruktur ergeben. Von zentraler Bedeutung f\ufcr personenbezogene Daten sind dabei dieVorschriften des DSG 2000, insbesondere der Datensicherheitsma fnahmen nach \ua7 14 DSG 2000.Ebenso soll der richtige Umgang des Datenverarbeiters mit einem ihm bekannt gewordenenDatenmissbrauch und sich eine gegebenenfalls daraus ergebende Informationspflicht an denpotenziell Gesch\ue4digten dargestellt werden. Schlie flich werden die Voraussetzungen f\ufcr dieGeltendmachung eines Schadenersatzanspruches f\ufcr immaterielle und materielle Sch\ue4den erl\ue4utert.Das umfasst auch die Haftung des Datenverarbeiters f\ufcr seine Gehilfen sowie dessen M\uf6glichkeitender Befreiung aus der Haftung. Zudem wird die Frage, wann den Gesch\ue4digten ein Mitverschuldenam Schaden trifft, untersucht.The purpose of this diploma thesis is to analyse the liability for damages through data abuse causedby an insufficient IT infrastructure. The goal is to figure out under which requirements andcircumstances a victim can get compensatory damages. In the first part the thesis describes somebasic elements of the austrian data protection law (DSG 2000) and the requirements for anadmissible usage of personal data. It also takes a look on duties out of a contract for cases whereonly non-personal data is processed, and therefore austrian data protection law is not applicable.Furthermore the thesis analyses the criteria of the law for an secure and sufficient IT infrastructure.Another main question is if there is a data breach notification duty in the case of a data abuse. Thelast part regards at the requirements to get compensation for damages caused through data abuse.Therefore the circumstances for the possibility to get material or immaterial damages arescrutinised. At the end of the thesis the current legal situation is summarised and an outlook offuture developments is given.von Boris Martin KlimpfingerAbweichender Titel laut cbersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersGraz, Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 2013 R 780

    Isolated Pancreatic Metastases of Renal Cell Cancer: Genetics and Epigenetics of an Unusual Tumour Entity

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    Isolated pancreatic metastases of renal cell carcinoma (isPMRCC) are a rare manifestation of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) characterized by two peculiarities: (1). The definite or at least long-term exclusive occurrence of metastases in the pancreas and (2). an unusual low tumour aggressiveness with slow tumour progression and consecutive, good treatment results. According to current knowledge, the exclusive occurrence of pancreatic metastases is due to a highly specific and highly selective seed and soil mechanism, which does not allow metastases settlement outside the pancreas, and whose detailed genetic/epigenetic causes are not yet elucidated. Recent studies have shed light on some of the pathways involved for the protracted course of the disease and highlighted a special genetic profile (lack of loss of 9p, lower weight genome instability index, low frequency of BAP1 alterations, and a high frequency of PBRM1 loss), which deviates from the conventional mRCC profile. Finally, the question of the reasons for the long-term relative genetic stability of the involved cell clones, which is an essential prerequisite for a favourable prognosis, remains unanswered

    Cell cycle dysregulation influences survival in high risk breast cancer patients

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    Background: Cell cycle progression is regulated by cyclin dependent kinases (cdk) and cdk inhibitors. Recent immunohistological studies suggested that dysregulation of cyclin A, cyclin D, cyclin E, p16ink4, p21waf1/cip1, and p27kip1 are of prognostic value in patients with breast cancer. Our study represents the first comprehensive immunohistochemical cell cycle marker analysis for cdc25A, cyclin A, cyclin D, cyclin E, p16ink4, p21waf1/cip1, p27kip1, and pRb in tumor tissue and adjacent benign breast tissue from 69 primarily untreated breast cancer patients. Methods: Immunhistochemistry using primary monoclonal antibodies to detect cdc 25A, cyclin A, cyclin D, cyclin E, p16ink4, p21waf1/cip1, p27kip1, and pRb has been performed. Results: Sixty-nine patients with untreated, invasive breast cancer (n = 69) were divided into a low/ intermediate and a high risk group according to the St. Gallen 2005 consensus conference. High risk patients (n = 22) had a significantly (p = 0.003) shorter mean and median survival (282.85 weeks; 383.0 weeks, respectively) than low/intermediate risk patients (375.41 weeks; not reached yet, respectively). A subgroup of high risk breast cancer patients characterized in addition by overexpression of cdc25A, cyclin A, cyclin E, p16ink4a, and p27kip1 experienced a shortened mean survival of 222.03, 235.71, 257.25, 239.18, and 261.94 weeks, respectively. Regarding benign breast tissue adjacent to breast cancer tissue, 59.4% of the patients investigated overexpressed cdc25A, 23.2% overexpressed pRb, and 63.2% exerted dysregulation of p27kip1 while they proved to be negative for immunohistochemical staining regarding all other markers tested. Conclusion: The immunohistological analyses of cdc25A, cyclin A, cyclin E, p16ink4a, and p27kip1 have the potential for further refining the risk assessment in patients with untreated breast cancer who belong to the high risk category defined according to the St. Gallen 2005 consensus conference. These cell cycle markers define a subgroup of high risk patients with even higher risk of metastazation and shortened survival. For confirmation a prospective study using standardized laboratory procedures in a larger population is needed. Read More: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0735790080194486

    Review of developments in research into English as a Lingua Franca

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    We begin by considering how the recent phenomenon of English as a Lingua Franca (henceforth ELF) fits in with the older notion of lingua francas in general as well as with older versions of ELF. We then explore the beginnings of ELF in its modern manifestation, including the earliest ELF research, and tackle the thorny issue of defining ELF. After discussing the main locations and domains in which ELF research has been carried out to date, we move on to examining research into three linguistic levels, lexicogrammar, phonology and pragmatics, concluding with a discussion of very recent findings revealing ELF's linguistic fluidity. Next, we discuss research into two domains where ELF has proved especially prevalent: business English and academic English. This is followed by a consideration of ELF as a globalized and globalizing practice. We end the article by exploring the implications of ELF research for ELF-oriented English teaching and the role that attitudes are likely to play in this. We conclude that while the relaxed attitudes towards ELF of younger people are promising, strong resistance is still felt by many others, and that the major challenge remains in convincing the examination boards that they should take account of ELF