4,267 research outputs found
Nonthermal steady states after an interaction quench in the Falicov-Kimball model
We present the exact solution of the Falicov-Kimball model after a sudden
change of its interaction parameter using non-equilibrium dynamical mean-field
theory. For different interaction quenches between the homogeneous metallic and
insulating phases the system relaxes to a non-thermal steady state on time
scales on the order of hbar/bandwidth, showing collapse and revival with an
approximate period of h/interaction if the interaction is large. We discuss the
reasons for this behavior and provide a statistical description of the final
steady state by means of generalized Gibbs ensembles.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; published versio
Nonlinear response of quantum cascade structures
The gain spectrum of a terahertz quantum cascade laser is analysed by a non
equilibrium Green's functions approach. Higher harmonics of the response
function were retrievable, providing a way to approach nonlinear phenomena in
quantum cascade lasers theoretically. Gain is simulated under operation
conditions and results are presented both for linear response and strong laser
fields. An iterative way of reconstructing the field strength inside the laser
cavity at lasing conditions is described using a measured value of the level of
the losses of the studied system. Comparison with recent experimental data from
time-domain-spectroscopy indicates that the experimental situation is beyond
linear response.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures included in text, to appear in Applied Physics
A 150-million-year-old crab larva and its implications for the early rise of brachyuran crabs
True crabs (Brachyura) are the most successful group of decapod crustaceans. This success is most likely coupled to their life history, including two specialised larval forms, zoea and megalopa. The group is comparably young, starting to diversify only about 100 million years ago (mya),with a dramatic increase in species richness beginning approximately 50 mya. Early evolution of crabs is still very incompletely known. Here, we report a fossil crab larva, 150 mya, documented with up-to-date imaging techniques. It is only the second find of any fossil crab larva, but the first complete one, the first megalopa, and the oldest one (other fossil ca. 110 mya). Despite its age, the new fossil possesses a very modern morphology, being indistinguishable from many extant crab larvae. Hence, modern morphologies must have been present significantly earlier than formerly anticipated. We briefly discuss the impact of this find on our understanding of early crab evolution
A wave function based ab initio non-equilibrium Green's function approach to charge transport
We present a novel ab initio non-equilibrium approach to calculate the
current across a molecular junction. The method rests on a wave function based
description of the central region of the junction combined with a tight binding
approximation for the electrodes in the frame of the Keldysh Green's function
formalism. In addition we present an extension so as to include effects of the
two-particle propagator. Our procedure is demonstrated for a dithiolbenzene
molecule between silver electrodes. The full current-voltage characteristic is
calculated. Specific conclusions for the contribution of correlation and
two-particle effects are derived. The latter are found to contribute about 5%
to the current. The order of magnitude of the current coincides with
experiments.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure
Underground vehicle wagon project for mining enterprise
Rakenduskõrgharidusõppe lõputöö
Tehnotroonika õppekavalTöö hõlmab nelja transportfurgooni projekteerimist ning ehitamist Volkswageni
baasmudelile Crafter. Projekteerimisel lähtuti hankedokumentatsioonis esitatud nõuetest
ning saadi lisainformatsiooni erinevatest kirjandusallikatest.
Töö eesmärgiks on projekteerida ja ehitada maa-aluseid keskkonnatingimusi rahuldav
transportfurgoon inimeste veoks allmaa kaeveõõntes. Antud töös on välja toodud
põhjendused materjalide valikul, lähtumine Eesti Vabariigi seadustest ja normidest,
soojustehnilised arvutused, joonised töö korratavuseks, juhised enamuse elementide ja
sõlmede valmistamiseks.
Antud töö väljundiks on korrosioonikindel furgoon, mis on pestav, hanketingimustele
vastav, vastupidav raskele töökeskkonnale ega ületaks koos reisijate massiga
sõiduvahendi lubatud kandevõimet. Olulised punktid käesoleva töö puhul on furgooni
soojustus, vastavus kehtestatud nõuetele, furgooni kasutamise ohutus, tugevuslikud
aspektid ja kogukaal. Lõputöö sisaldab montaažijooniseid, instruktaaži sõlmede
valmistamiseks kui ka tehnilisi jooniseid, kus on välja toodud detailide mõõdud ning
sõlmed, et väljund oleks korratav.The paper includes a project for four underground vehicle wagons which are built on
Volkswagen’s model Crafter. Designing was based on the tender documents and
additional information was found from literature.
The purpose of the work is to design a vehicle wagon which would be suitable for
underground mining networks and which shall be able to accommodate 24 people. The
project points out arguments on selecting different coatings for metal surfaces, law
appliances on building a vehicle wagon, thermal analysis, strength analysis and
instructions on how to design and install different components of the wagon.
The outcome of this project is a corrosion resistant wagon which is washable, meets the
requirements of tender documents, is capable to accommodate 24 people and does not
exceed 5 ton weight limit. The work contains exploded views and instructions on how to
assembly different parts of the wagon
Der demographische Wandel und kommunale Investitionen
Die Investitionstätigkeit der Kommunen in Deutschland hängt im Wesentlichen von der örtlichen Finanzkraft ab und weist daher eine erhebliche räumliche Streuung auf. Doch gewisse regionale Unterschiede bei den Investitionen sind durchaus angemessen, wenn man die zukünftigen Nutzungs-intensitäten der überwiegend langfristig angelegten Infrastrukturausstattung berücksichtigt. Da vor allem dort mehr investiert wird, wo die Nutzungsintensität in den kommenden Jahren wächst, fallen die regionalen Unterschiede bei den kommunalen Investitionsausgaben nicht so stark ins Gewicht. Die Gefahr, dass Kommunen mit geringer Ertragskraft in einen Teufelskreis geraten, in dem ausbleibende Investitionen primär einen Verlust an Standortattraktivität verursachen, scheint - wenn überhaupt - nur in Einzelfällen gegeben. Hingegen ist vielerorts eine Trägheit bei der Anpassung der Investitionen an eine neue demographische Situation zu beobachten. So investieren einige finanzstarke, schrumpfende Kommunen im Hinblick auf die abnehmenden Nutzungsintensitäten relativ viel in ihre Infrastruktur, währenddessen zahlreiche wachsende Orte ihre Kapazitäten unzureichend erweitern. Investitionszuschüsse sollten weniger an die gegenwärtige Bevölkerung, sondern vielmehr an die erwartete zukünftige Bevölkerungsentwicklung gekoppelt werden. Damit könnte die Effizienz der kommunalen Investitionen deutlich erhöht werden
Zur Zukunft der kommunalen Wohnungspolitik in Deutschland und Europa. Tagungsband: Referate und Diskussionen im Rahmen des 3. Halleschen Kolloquiums zur Kommunalen Wirtschaft am 5. und 6. November 2009
Am 5. und 6. November 2009 veranstaltete das IWH ein Kolloquium zu einem Themenschwerpunkt aus dem Bereich der Kommunalwirtschaft. Das zentrale Anliegen der Konferenz bestand darin, die künftige Rolle der kommunalen Wohnungswirtschaft zu diskutieren und im Vergleich zu alternativen wohnungspolitischen Instrumenten zu bewerten. Das Kolloquium befasste sich mit den Aufgaben und Aktivitäten, die den Kommunen auf dem Wohnungsmarkt zukommen bzw. unter modernen wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen zukommen sollten. Die Tagungsbeiträge sind in diesem Band veröffentlicht
Leveraging Model Inherent Variable Importance for Stable Online Feature Selection
Feature selection can be a crucial factor in obtaining robust and accurate
predictions. Online feature selection models, however, operate under
considerable restrictions; they need to efficiently extract salient input
features based on a bounded set of observations, while enabling robust and
accurate predictions. In this work, we introduce FIRES, a novel framework for
online feature selection. The proposed feature weighting mechanism leverages
the importance information inherent in the parameters of a predictive model. By
treating model parameters as random variables, we can penalize features with
high uncertainty and thus generate more stable feature sets. Our framework is
generic in that it leaves the choice of the underlying model to the user.
Strikingly, experiments suggest that the model complexity has only a minor
effect on the discriminative power and stability of the selected feature sets.
In fact, using a simple linear model, FIRES obtains feature sets that compete
with state-of-the-art methods, while dramatically reducing computation time. In
addition, experiments show that the proposed framework is clearly superior in
terms of feature selection stability.Comment: To be published in the Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD Conference
on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2020
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