925 research outputs found

    The guidance of spatial attention during visual search for colour combinations and colour configurations

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    Representations of target-defining features (attentional templates) guide the selection of target objects in visual search. We used behavioural and electrophysiological measures to investigate how such search templates control the allocation of attention in search tasks where targets are defined by the combination of two colours or by a specific spatial configuration of these colours. Target displays were preceded by spatially uninformative cue displays that contained items in one or both target-defining colours. Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that, during search for colour combinations, attention is initially allocated independently and in parallel to all objects with target-matching colours, but is then rapidly withdrawn from objects that only have one of the two target colours. In Experiment 3, targets were defined by a particular spatial configuration of two colours, and could be accompanied by nontarget objects with a different configuration of the same colours. Attentional guidance processes were unable to distinguish between these two types of objects. Both attracted attention equally when they appeared in a cue display, and both received parallel focal-attentional processing and were encoded into working memory when they were presented in the same target display. Results demonstrate that attention can be guided simultaneously by multiple features from the same dimension, but that these guidance processes have no access to the spatial-configural properties of target objects. They suggest that attentional templates do not represent target objects in an integrated pictorial fashion, but contain separate representations of target-defining features

    Object-based target templates guide attention during visual search

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    During visual search, attention is believed to be controlled in a strictly feature-based fashion, without any guidance by object-based target representations. To challenge this received view, we measured electrophysiological markers of attentional selection (N2pc component) and working memory (SPCN) in search tasks where two possible targets were defined by feature conjunctions (e.g., blue circles and green squares). Critically, some search displays also contained nontargets with two target features (incorrect conjunction objects, e.g., blue squares). Because feature-based guidance cannot distinguish these objects from targets, any selective bias for targets will reflect object-based attentional control. In Experiment 1, where search displays always contained only one object with target-matching features, targets and incorrect conjunction objects elicited identical N2pc and SPCN components, demonstrating that attentional guidance was entirely feature-based. In Experiment 2, where targets and incorrect conjunction objects could appear in the same display, clear evidence for object-based attentional control was found. The target N2pc became larger than the N2pc to incorrect conjunction objects from 250 ms post-stimulus, and only targets elicited SPCN components. This demonstrates that after an initial feature-based guidance phase, object-based templates are activated when they are required to distinguish target and nontarget objects. These templates modulate visual processing and control access to working memory, and their activation may coincide with the start of feature integration processes. Results also suggest that while multiple feature templates can be activated concurrently, only a single object-based target template can guide attention at any given time

    Does contralateral delay activity reflect working memory storage or the current focus of spatial attention within visual working memory?

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    During the retention of visual information in working memory, event-related brain potentials show a sustained negativity over posterior visual regions contralateral to the side where memorised stimuli were presented. This contralateral delay activity (CDA) is generally believed to be a neural marker of working memory storage. In two experiments, we contrasted this storage account of the CDA with the alternative hypothesis that the CDA reflects the current focus of spatial attention on a subset of memorized items set up during the most recent encoding episode. We employed a sequential loading procedure where participants memorised four task-relevant items that were presented in two successive memory displays (M1 and M2). In both experiments, CDA components were initially elicited contralateral to task-relevant items in M1. Critically, the CDA switched polarity when M2 displays appeared on the opposite side. In line with the attentional activation account, these reversed CDA components exclusively reflected the number of items that were encoded from M2 displays, irrespective of how many M1 items were already held in working memory. On trials where M1 and M2 displays were presented on the same side, and on trials where M2 displays appeared non-laterally, CDA components elicited in the interval after M2 remained sensitive to a residual trace of M1 items, indicating that some activation of previously stored items was maintained across encoding episodes. These results challenge the hypothesis that CDA amplitudes directly reflect the total number of stored objects, and suggest that the CDA is primarily sensitive to the activation of a subset of working memory representations within the current focus of spatial attention

    The guidance of visual search by shape features and shape configurations

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    Representations of target features (attentional templates) guide attentional object selection during visual search. In many search tasks, targets objects are defined not by a single feature but by the spatial configuration of their component shapes. We used electrophysiological markers of attentional selection processes to determine whether the guidance of shape configuration search is entirely part-based or sensitive to the spatial relationship between shape features. Participants searched for targets defined by the spatial arrangement of two shape components (e.g., hourglass above circle). N2pc components were triggered not only by targets but also by partially matching distractors with one target shape (e.g., hourglass above hexagon) and by distractors that contained both target shapes in the reverse arrangement (e.g., circle above hourglass), in line with part-based attentional control. Target N2pc components were delayed when a reverse distractor was present on the opposite side of the same display, suggesting that early shape-specific attentional guidance processes could not distinguish between targets and reverse distractors. The control of attention then became sensitive to spatial configuration, which resulted in a stronger attentional bias for target objects relative to reverse and partially matching distractors. Results demonstrate that search for target objects defined by the spatial arrangement of their component shapes is initially controlled in a feature-based fashion but can later be guided by templates for spatial configurations

    Особистісно-професійний імідж учителя початкової школи як інструмент суб'єкт-суб'єктної взаємодії

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    (uk) В статті проаналізовано здобутки педагогічного досвіду видатних педагогів минулого й результати сучасних наукових досліджень з метою пошуку ефективних засобів здійснення результативної педагогічної взаємодії в освітньому процесі. Розкрито сутність особистісно-професійного іміджу вчителя початкової школи. Представлено наукові позиції дослідників педагогічного іміджу та проаналізовано їхні погляди на рольособистісно-професійного іміджу вчителя в процесі суб'єкт-суб'єктної взаємодії.(en) This paper analyzes the achievements of outstanding educators teaching experience of the past and the results of modern research to find effective means of implementing effective pedagogical interaction in the studying process. The meaning of personal and professional image of teacher of elementary school. Submitted by scientific researchers teaching positions and image analysis of their views on the role of student-teacher professional image in the process of subject-tosubject interaction

    A New Shape Calculus for CutFEM Discretizations

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