210 research outputs found

    Translation of the F protein of hepatitis C virus is initiated at a non-AUG codon in a +1 reading frame relative to the polyprotein

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    The hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome contains an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) followed by a large open reading frame coding for a polyprotein that is cleaved into 10 proteins. An additional HCV protein, the F protein, was recently suggested to result from a +1 frameshift by a minority of ribosomes that initiated translation at the HCV AUG initiator codon of the polyprotein. In the present study, we reassessed the mechanism accounting for the synthesis of the F protein by measuring the expression in cultured cells of a luciferase reporter gene with an insertion encompassing the IRES plus the beginning of the HCV-coding region preceding the luciferase-coding sequence. The insertion was such that luciferase expression was either in the +1 reading frame relative to the HCV AUG initiator codon, mimicking the expression of the F protein, or in-frame with this AUG, mimicking the expression of the polyprotein. Introduction of a stop codon at various positions in-frame with the AUG initiator codon and substitution of this AUG with UAC inhibited luciferase expression in the 0 reading frame but not in the +1 reading frame, ruling out that the synthesis of the F protein results from a +1 frameshift. Introduction of a stop codon at various positions in the +1 reading frame identified the codon overlapping codon 26 of the polyprotein in the +1 reading frame as the translation start site for the F protein. This codon 26(+1) is either GUG or GCG in the viral variants. Expression of the F protein strongly increased when codon 26(+1) was replaced with AUG, or when its context was mutated into an optimal Kozak context, but was severely decreased in the presence of low concentrations of edeine. These observations are consistent with a Met-tRNA(i)-dependent initiation of translation at a non-AUG codon for the synthesis of the F protein

    Transition arithmétique-algÚbre : une recherche documentaire

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    En septembre 2000, le ministĂšre de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport amorce la rĂ©forme de l’ensemble de ses programmes de formation pour les ordres d’enseignement primaire et secondaire. Cette rĂ©forme s’articule autour du dĂ©veloppement de compĂ©tences transversales et disciplinaires. Elle propose des programmes qui se caractĂ©risent par des trajectoires continues entre les deux ordres d’enseignement et elle s’inscrit dans un paradigme d’apprentissage d’orientations constructiviste et socioconstructiviste. L’objectif ciblĂ© par la rĂ©forme des programmes est la rĂ©ussite pour tous les Ă©lĂšves. Quelques annĂ©es aprĂšs la mise en place de cette rĂ©forme, le rapport Savoir pour pouvoir : Entreprendre un chantier national pour la persĂ©vĂ©rance scolaire, prĂ©sidĂ© par Jacques MĂ©nard de BMO Groupe financier, prĂ©sente un sombre constat sur l’atteinte de l’objectif central de notre systĂšme d’éducation rĂ©formĂ©. Force est de constater qu’au QuĂ©bec, nous sommes encore loin du compte. MalgrĂ© tous les efforts dĂ©ployĂ©s et toutes les ressources consacrĂ©es au soutien Ă  la persĂ©vĂ©rance scolaire, notre systĂšme d’éducation Ă©chappe, bon an mal an, presque un jeune sur trois; 30 pour cent1 de nos jeunes cĂ©lĂšbrent leur 20e anniversaire sans avoir obtenu un DES ou un DEP. (MĂ©nard & al., 2009) Pour la mathĂ©matique, plusieurs Ă©lĂšves du secondaire semblent encore Ă©prouver des difficultĂ©s en algĂšbre (Oliveira & CĂąmara, 2010). Dans un contexte de programmes rĂ©formĂ©s, ces constats sur le taux de diplomation chez les jeunes de moins de 20 ans et les difficultĂ©s en algĂšbre de nos Ă©lĂšves nous mĂšnent Ă  nous fixer comme objectif de construire une synthĂšse des Ă©crits scientifiques portant sur les difficultĂ©s reliĂ©es au passage de la pensĂ©e arithmĂ©tique vers la pensĂ©e algĂ©brique, sur les propositions didactiques favorisant ce passage ainsi que sur les moyens pour soutenir la mise en oeuvre des propositions didactiques. Au chapitre 1, nous dĂ©butons par la prĂ©sentation de la problĂ©matique qui est Ă  l’origine de cet essai. Il est question du contexte dans lequel se situe le problĂšme pour la mathĂ©matique ainsi que des causes possibles qui en sont Ă  l’origine. Le chapitre 1 se termine par la formulation des questions de recherche. Le second chapitre prĂ©sente le cadre conceptuel. Nous y prĂ©sentons la dĂ©finition de l’algĂšbre que nous retenons. Nous expliquons aussi ce qui caractĂ©rise les raisonnements arithmĂ©tique et algĂ©brique ainsi que ce qu’est la pensĂ©e algĂ©brique et ses composantes. Nous terminons ce chapitre en expliquant ce qu’est la genĂšse documentaire communautaire dans un contexte de dĂ©veloppement professionnel. Le chapitre 3 prĂ©sente la mĂ©thodologie de recherche. Dans ce chapitre, nous prĂ©sentons la dĂ©marche retenue pour la constitution du corpus de textes et la mĂ©thode d’analyse. Cette derniĂšre nous permet de dĂ©finir l’angle d’analyse des textes retenus. La prĂ©sentation des rĂ©sultats de recherche fait l’objet du quatriĂšme chapitre. Dans ce chapitre, nous traitons successivement chaque question de recherche en dĂ©gageant des facteurs rĂ©currents liĂ©s Ă  la problĂ©matique et en prĂ©sentant des propositions didactiques conformes Ă  la trajectoire continue du Programme de formation de l’école quĂ©bĂ©coise. Les rĂ©sultats de notre recherche sont prĂ©sentĂ©s dans un contexte de dĂ©veloppement professionnel des enseignants des ordres d’enseignement primaire et secondaire. Une conclusion termine ce travail de recherche. Nous y expliquons comment cette recherche peut contribuer Ă  rĂ©soudre la problĂ©matique et nous prĂ©sentons une rĂ©flexion mĂ©tacognitive sur l’apport de cet essai Ă  notre propre dĂ©veloppement professionnel

    Étude des mĂ©canismes non-conventionnels de traduction chez le virus de l'immunodĂ©ficience humaine de type 1 et le virus de l'hĂ©patite C

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    ThÚse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal

    Hepatitis C Virus NS3/4A Protease Inhibitors: A Light at the End of the Tunnel

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a serious and growing threat to human health. The current treatment provides limited efficacy and is poorly tolerated, highlighting the urgent medical need for novel therapeutics. The membrane-targeted NS3 protein in complex with the NS4A comprises a serine protease domain (NS3/4A protease) that is essential for viral polyprotein maturation and contributes to the evasion of the host innate antiviral immunity by HCV. Therefore, the NS3/4A protease represents an attractive target for drug discovery, which is tied in with the challenge to develop selective small-molecule inhibitors. A rational drug design approach, based on the discovery of N-terminus product inhibition, led to the identification of potent and orally bioavailable NS3 inhibitors that target the highly conserved protease active site. This review summarizes the NS3 protease inhibitors currently challenged in clinical trials as one of the most promising antiviral drug class, and possibly among the first anti-HCV agents to be approved for the treatment of HCV infection

    Influence of normal and radial contributions of local current density on local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.

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    A new tri-electrode probe is presented and applied to local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (LEIS) measurements. As opposed to two-probe systems, the three-probe one allows measurement not only of normal, but also of radial contributions of local current densities to the local impedance values. The results concerning the cases of the blocking electrode and the electrode with faradaic reaction are discussed from the theoretical point of view for a disk electrode. Numerical simulations and experimental results are compared for the case of the ferri/ferrocyanide electrode reaction at the Pt working electrode disk. At the centre of the disk, the impedance taking into account both normal and radial contributions was in good agreement with the local impedance measured in terms of only the normal contribution. At the periphery of the electrode, the impedance taking into account both normal and radial contributions differed significantly from the local impedance measured in terms of only the normal contribution. The radial impedance results at the periphery of the electrode are in good agreement with the usual explanation that the associated larger current density is attributed to the geometry of the electrode, which exhibits a greater accessibility at the electrode edge

    Comparative Assessment of Soil Contamination by Lead and Heavy Metals in Riparian and Agricultural Areas (Southern Québec, Canada)

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    Soils contaminated with hydrocarbons (C10–C50), PAHS, lead and other heavy metals were recently found in the banks of two major rivers in southern QuĂ©bec. Alluvial soils are contaminated over a distance of 100 kilometers. Eight sampling sites, including some located in agriculture areas (farm woodlots) have been selected to compare air pollution (aerosol fallout and rainout) and river pollution values. The concentrations detected in soil profiles for As, Cd and Pb vary between 3.01 to 37.88 mg kg−1 (As), 0.11 to 0.81 mg kg−1 (Cd) 12.32 to 149.13 mg kg−1 (Pb). These metallic elements are considered highly toxic and can harm wildlife and human health at high levels. The maximum concentration of Pb (149.13 mg kg−1) in soils of the riparian zone is twelve times higher than the average Pb concentration found in a natural state evaluated at 15.3 mg kg−1 (SD 17.5). Pb concentrations in soils of agricultural areas (woodland control sites) range between 12 and 22 mg kg−1, and given that these values are recorded in surrounding cultivated land, the issue of the quality of agricultural products (crops and forage) to feed livestock or destined for human consumption must be further addressed in detail

    Application of AC-SECM in Corrosion Science - Local visualisation of inhibitor films on active metals for corrosion protection

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    The suitability of frequency-dependent alternating-current scanning electrochemical microscopy (4D AC-SECM) for the investigation of the thin passivating layers covering the surface of corrosion-inhibited metals has been demonstrated. The inhibition of copper corrosion by benzotriazole (BTAH) and methyl-benzotriazole (MBTAH), which are effective inhibitors for this metal in many environmental conditions, was investigated. Strong dependencies were found for the AC z-approach curves with both the duration of the inhibitor treatment and the frequency of the AC excitation signal applied in AC-SECM. Both negative and positive feedback behaviours were observed in the AC approach curves for untreated copper and for Cu-BTAH and Cu-MBTAH samples. Negative feedback behaviour occurred in the low frequency range, whereas the positive feedback effect was observed at higher frequencies. A threshold frequency related to the passage from negative to positive regimes could be determined in each case. The value of the threshold frequency for inhibitor-modified samples was found always to be significantly higher than for the untreated metal, because the inhibitor film provides electrical insulation for the surface. Moreover, the threshold frequency increased with greater surface coverage by the inhibitor. 3D AC-SECM was successfully applied to visualizing spatially-resolved differences in the local electrochemical activity between inhibitor-free and inhibitor-covered areas of the sampl
