4,055 research outputs found

    Normalization And Matching Of Chemical Compound Names

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    We have developed ChemHits (http://sabio.h-its.org/chemHits/), an application which detects and matches synonymic names of chemical compounds. The tool is based on natural language processing (NLP) methods and applies rules to systematically normalize chemical compound names. Subsequently, matching of synonymous names is achieved by comparison of the normalized name forms. The tool is capable of normalizing a given name of a chemical compound and matching it against names in (bio-)chemical databases, like SABIO-RK, PubChem, ChEBI or KEGG, even when there is no exact name-to-name-match

    A revision of the African genus Mesanthemum (Eriocaulaceae)

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    Mesanthemum is a genus comprising 16 species in the family Eriocaulaceae and is native to Africa and Madagascar. Eriocaulaceae are characterised by a basal tuft or rosette of narrow leaves and small flowers in heads. Mesanthemum can be recognised by diplostemonous flowers and fused glandular pistillate petals. While most Mesanthemum species are large perennial herbs, two small ephemeral species from West Africa, M. albidum and M. auratum differ from the rest of the genus by their shorter life cycle, smaller size, simpler floral structures and different seed surface patterning. A molecular phylogenetic study, morphological comparisons and scanning electron microscope (SEM) examination of seed coat sculpture were carried out to determine whether they should be separated as a new genus. The molecular results indicate that the two ephemeral species are nested in the Mesanthemum clade. However, they are not closely related to each other. All species of Mesanthemum are here revised, including the description of a new species M. alenicola from Equatorial Guinea. An identification key is provided, together with taxonomic descriptions, synonymy and notes. Images of the seeds as seen under SEM are provided where available. Lectotypifications are provided for Mesanthemum albidum, M. bennae, M. pilosum, M. prescottianum, M. pubescens and M. variabile. A neotype is selected for M. rutenbergianum, which is synonymised with M. pubescens

    ATP allosterically stabilizes integrin-linked kinase for efficient force generation

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    Focal adhesions link the actomyosin cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix regulating cell adhesion, shape, and migration. Adhesions are dynamically assembled and disassembled in response to extrinsic and intrinsic forces, but how the essential adhesion component integrin-linked kinase (ILK) dynamically responds to mechanical force and what role adenosine triphosphate (ATP) bound to this pseudokinase plays remain elusive. Here, we apply force-probe molecular-dynamics simulations of human ILK:alpha-parvin coupled to traction force microscopy to explore ILK mechanotransducing functions. We identify two key salt-bridge-forming arginines within the allosteric, ATP-dependent force-propagation network of ILK. Disrupting this network by mutation impedes parvin binding, focal adhesion stabilization, force generation, and thus migration. Under tension, ATP shifts the balance from rupture of the complex to protein unfolding, indicating that ATP increases the force threshold required for focal adhesion disassembly. Our study proposes a role of ATP as an obligatory binding partner for structural and mechanical integrity of the pseudokinase ILK, ensuring efficient cellular force generation and migration.Peer reviewe

    Distribution and toxicity of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Cyanobacteria) in Portuguese freshwaters

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    The cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis racborskii has become increasingly prevalent in freshwaters worldwide. This species is of concern from a water quality perspective due to its known ability to produce a potent hepatotoxic alkaloid cylindrospermopsin, which has been implicated in outbreaks of human sickness and cattle mortality. C. raciborskii isolates from Brazil have also been found to produce the highly toxic paralytic shellfish poisons (PSP's). In this paper we report the toxicity of four isolates of C. raciborskii taken from three reservoirs and one river in Portugal as well as the occurrence of this species in other water bodies used for potable and recreational purposes. All four isolates grown in pure culture in the laboratory were found to be toxic in the mouse bioassay at 8 - 24 hours after intraperitoneal administration of single doses ranging from 1337 to 1572 mg kg-1. Histological examination showed liver damage as the primary lesion, in addition to some inflammation in the intestine. HPLC/MS tests for the presence of cylindrospermopsin, microcystins and PSP toxins were negative. The available evidence suggests that another toxin may be present. This report constitutes the first report of toxic C. raciborskii in Europe and draws attention to our need for increased monitoring of this cyanobacterium in water bodies used for potable and recreational purposes.La cianobacteria Cylindrospermopsis racborskii ha incrementado su presencia en agua dulce por todo el mundo. Esta especie es de gran importancia debido a su conocida capacidad para producir un alcaloide hepatotóxico, cilindrospermopsina. Esta toxina es responsable de enfermedades en humanos y mortalidad en ganado. Cepas de C. raciborskii aisladas de Brasil se ha demostrado que tienen capacidad para producir la toxina paralytic shellfish poisons (PSP's). En este trabajo hemos estudiado la presencia de esta especie en agua dulce con usos recreacionales y de abastecimiento en Portugal. De las cuatro cepas C. raciborskii aisladas de tres embalses y de un río estudiamos la toxicidad con bioensayos en ratones. Todas presentaron toxicidad al cabo de las 8 - 24 horas tras inyección intraperitoneal, la dosis presenta un rango de concentración de 1337 a 1572 mg kg-1. La examinación histológica reveló daños en el hígado y señales inflamatorias en el intestino. Los análisis con HPLC/MS revelaron la ausencia de cilindrospermopsina, microcistinas y PSP, sugiriendo que otra toxina podría estar presente para las cepas aisladas y cultivadas en laboratorio. Este artículo es el primero acerca de la toxicidad de C. raciborskii en Europa y refleja la necesidad de aumentar el monitoreo de esta cyanobacteria en el agua potable y con fines recreativos

    Challenging Domesticity: Disruptive Representations of Domesticity in Women’s Art, Literature and the Architecture during the 20th and 21st Century

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    This article aims to reflect on how the current changes in the context of domesticity are the result of multiple contributions from women working in different fields. It is a collective effort that began to bear fruit in the second half of the 20th century, when an open war against former traditional standards already existed. In that respect, there is a reference to female artists, writers and architects from the last two centuries which calls that notion into question: from artists present at the Women House exhibition celebrated in 2018 at the National Museum of Women in the Arts (Washington D.C., USA), where many described the domestic realm as a trap to female writers and architects who equally defy and revise previous conceptions of domesticity. All in all, it seems clear that the theoretical approach that supports the need to reshape old domesticity standards works in conjunction with many hands-on efforts, some of which will be shown below

    Environmental enteric dysfunction and the fecal microbiota in malawian children

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    Environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) is often measured with a dual sugar absorption test and implicated as a causative factor in childhood stunting. Disturbances in the gut microbiota are hypothesized to be a mechanism by which EED is exacerbated, although this supposition lacks support. We performed 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing of fecal samples from 81 rural Malawian children with varying degrees of EED to determine which bacterial taxa were associated with EED. At the phyla level, Proteobacteria abundance is reduced with severe EED. Among bacterial genera, Megasphaera, Mitsuokella, and Sutterella were higher in EED and Succinivibrio, Klebsiella, and Clostridium_XI were lower in EED. Bacterial diversity did not vary with the extent of EED. Though EED is a condition that is typically believed to affect the proximal small bowel, and our focus was on stool, our data do suggest that there are intraluminal microbial differences that reflect, or plausibly lead to, EED

    Instruments de síntesi i integració : guia per a l'elaboració de l'anamnesi i l'informe

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    Per tal d'escollir un eix temàtic hem revisat base que sustenta el nostre treball i que detallem a continuació: (1)Creiem que el procés de canvi impulsat per l'IDES exigeix un canvi en les estratègies d'ensenyament aprenentatge, és per això que presentem una guia que pot servir com a un instrument de síntesi de diferents assignatures cursades al llarg de la diplomatura. A més afavoreix l'autoaprenentatge, autonomia i resolució de problemes. (2)El canvi d'estratègies comporta també una metodologia docent diferent que en el nostre cas combina presencialitat, virtualitat, treball autònom, treball en equip. La utilització de aquesta combinació de metodologies afavoreix també els diferents estils d'aprenentatge de l'alumnat, pesem que és important respectar les característiques individuals dels integrants del grup. Per totes aquestes raons creiem que l'eix temàtic que pot treball és el corresponent a: Estratègies d'aprenentatge: metodologies docents, autoaprenentatge, et

    Seasonal impact of grazing, viral mortality, resource availability and light on the group-specific growth rates of coastal Mediterranean bacterioplankton

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    Estimation of prokaryotic growth rates is critical to understand the ecological role and contribution of different microbes to marine biogeochemical cycles. However, there is a general lack of knowledge on what factors control the growth rates of different prokaryotic groups and how these vary between sites and along seasons at a given site. We carried out several manipulation experiments during the four astronomical seasons in the coastal NW Mediterranean in order to evaluate the impact of grazing, viral mortality, resource competition and light on the growth and loss rates of prokaryotes. Gross and net growth rates of different bacterioplankton groups targeted by group-specific CARD-FISH probes and infrared microscopy (for aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs, AAP), were calculated from changes in cell abundances. Maximal group-specific growth rates were achieved when both predation pressure and nutrient limitation were experimentally minimized, while only a minimal effect of viral pressure on growth rates was observed; nevertheless, the response to predation removal was more remarkable in winter, when the bacterial community was not subjected to nutrient limitation. Although all groups showed increases in their growth rates when resource competition as well as grazers and viral pressure were reduced, Alteromonadaceae consistently presented the highest rates in all seasons. The response to light availability was generally weaker than that to the other factors, but it was variable between seasons. In summer and spring, the growth rates of AAP were stimulated by light whereas the growth of the SAR11 clade (likely containing proteorhodopsin) was enhanced by light in all seasons. Overall, our results set thresholds on bacterioplankton group-specific growth and mortality rates and contribute to estimate the seasonally changing contribution of various bacterioplankton groups to the function of microbial communities. Our results also indicate that the least abundant groups display the highest growth rates, contributing to the recycling of organic matter to a much greater extent than what their abundances alone would predict.En prensa2,92