128,381 research outputs found

    A Neurophysiological Examination Of Stress Control In Martial Artists

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    The philosophies behind many martial arts often claim that by practicing martial arts individuals can gain better control over stress. We tested this idea by using controlled physical stressors to elicit an acute stress response from martial artists (n=15) and non-martial artists (n=18). To measure the extent of the stress response, we looked at changes in heart rate, respiratory sinus arrhythmia, and galvanic skin level. These three measures explore both parasympathetic and sympathetic responses, and changes in these variables continue to be explored in studies of stress and reactive aggression. In addition to our physical stressors we also exposed individuals to affective imagery from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS). Individual levels of aggression were also assessed using the Buss and Perry aggression questionnaire. Martial artists elicited a stable galvanic skin level while being tapped upon the forehead, and there was a trend that indicated the martial artists were less aggressive


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    Abstrak Penelitian empiris mengenai ekstrakurikuler banyak mengesampingkan gagasan berkaitan dengan karakter yang ada di dalam proses pembelajaran ekstrakurikuler tersebut namun pada kenyataannya karakter siswa dapat diketahui dari keikutsertaan dalam ekstrakurikuler. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan karakter siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler  beladiri dan non beladiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei skala Likert dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. 72 sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX SMP N 1 Gandusari Trenggalek yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler  beladiri dan non beladiri. Penilaian karakter siswa berdasarkan pada kerja keras, kepedulian, menghargai prestasi, religi, disiplin, dan kepemimpinan serta teknik analisa data pada penelitian ini menggunakan T-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler beladiri memiliki karakter yang lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler non beladiri dengan pembuktian nilai Thitung 4.230 > nilai Ttabel 1.994. Perbedaan yang signifikan terjadi pada dimensi kerja keras, kepedulian, dan menghargai prestasi. Sementara itu, pada dimensi religi, disiplin, dan kepemimpinan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya suatu perbedaan pada kelompok siswa ekstrakurikuler  beladiri dan kelompok siswa ekstrakurikuler non beladiri di SMP N 1 Gandusari Trenggalek dengan karakter kelompok siswa ekstrakurikuler beladiri lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan karakter siswa kelompok ekstrakurikuler  non beladiri yaitu pada karakter kerja keras, kepedulian, dan menghargai prestasi. Kata kunci: karakter; ekstrakurikuler olahraga; beladiri; non-beladiri Abstract Empirical research on extracurriculars many put aside ideas related to the character that exists in the extracurricular learning process but in reality the character of the student can be known from participation in the extracurricular. This study aims to find out the differences in the character of students who follow extracurricular martial arts and non-martial arts. This research uses Likert scale survey method with quantitative approach. The samples in this study were grade IX students of SMP N 1 Gandusari Trenggalek who participated in extracurricular martial arts and non-martial arts. The assessment of students character is based on hard work, caring, respect for achievement, religion, discipline, and leadership as well as data analysis techniques in this study using T-test. The results showed that in general, students who participated in extracurricular martial arts had a stronger character compared to students who followed non-martial extracurriculars with proof (value t= 4.23; p< 0.01) Significant differences occur in the dimensions of hard work, caring, and appreciating achievement. Meanwhile, in the religious, discipline, and leadership dimensions there are no significant differences. The conclusion in this study is that there is a difference in the group of the extracurricular students of martial arts and the group of non-martial extracurricular students at SMP N 1 Gandusari Trenggalek with the character of the extracurricular student group martial arts stronger than the character of students of the non-martial extracurricular group that is in the character of hard work, caring, and appreciating achievement. Keywords: character; sports extracurricular; martial arts; non-martial arts &nbsp

    An Analysis of Anger in Adolescent Girls Who Practice the Martial Arts

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    The effect of martial arts on adolescents' behavior, especially aggression, is controversial. The aim of this study was to assess and compare anger ratings among adolescent girl athletes of different martial arts. 291 female adolescents between the ages of 11 and 19 were assessed according to the Adolescent Anger Rating Scale designed by DM Burney. In the case group, the martial arts practiced were either judo (n = 70) or karate (n = 66), while the control group was composed of swimmers (n = 59) and nonathletes (n = 96). Total anger scores showed statistically significant differences between the groups (P = 0.001) decreasing from girls who practiced judo to nonathletes, karate, and swimmers. Instrumental and reactive anger subscales also showed significant differences between the groups, but this difference was not found for anger control. As a conclusion, the anger rate did not differ between judoka and nonathletes, but that both of these groups received higher scores in total anger than karateka and swimmers

    Louée soit la recommandation de la Commission des clauses abusives sur les réseaux sociaux !

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    Obs. sur Recommandation n° 2014-02 de la Commission des clauses abusives, 7 nov. 2014, sur le rapport de Mmes Sauphanor-Brouillaud, Martial-Braz, et Zolynski : www.clauses-abusives.fr/recom/index.htm.International audienc

    Max B. Graff v. Naterra West, LLC; Naterra West, LLC; Gateway Farms, LLC and Fusion Group, LLC v. Max B. Graff; Anita B. Graff; Curtis A. Graff; Carol A. Graff; Graff Ranches, LC; Don D. Gilbert : Reply Brief

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    Vincent Gilbert. Martial Gueroult, Histoire de l'histoire de la philosophie, Aubier, Paris, 1984 et 1988. In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 70e année n°4, Octobre-décembre 1990. pp. 467-468

    Military Values in Law

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    Congress, for example, takes inappropriate advantage of the tremendous deference given by courts to its constitutional powers to raise and support Armies, to provide and maintain a Navy, and to make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces.\n In a court-martial involving a military defendant and a civilian victim of sexual assault, application of the psychotherapist-patient privilege raises no difficult issues related to professional military values. When both the victim and the defendant are members of the military, however, the victim\u27s assertion of privilege is at least potentially inconsistent with the victim\u27s professional obligation to place the military\u27s institutional need to discipline misconduct undermining military readiness above an individual desire not to reveal communications concerning the criminal act

    Application of information technologies in the educational process of higher educational institutions under the martial law

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    The aim is to study the features of the use of information technology for the education of students (n=184) with different social and living conditions under martial law. Methods: questionnaire survey, mathematical methods of statistics. Results. The choice of technical means and information technology for education under martial law depends on the social and living conditions of students. The frequency of using applications that allow teaching and learning has no statistically significant differences between students who have different social and living conditions. Education with the use of information technology under martial law allows students to continue their studies, to be confident at least in education. At the same time, students’ anxiety still remains an influential factor in assessing the use of technology. According to the results of one-factor analysis, the frequency of use of information technology for education does not affect the attitude of students to the use of technology in education under martial law. Prospects. Further research on the use of information technology for students with strong signs of stress and its consequences, the direct consequences of war, and other factors


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    The aim of this study was to conduct operating analysis of two styles of bow (RITSUREI and ZAREI) for martial artists and average students, and to compare their kinematics characteristic of. Subjects of this study were healthy men (n=33) who were martial artist group (MA, n=18) and average student group (AS, n=15). Subjects conducted RITSUREI and ZAREI three times each. Results of paired t-test, on angular degree parameter of RITSUREI, MA made smaller angular degree of the upper limbs and angular degree of the neck than that of AS. regarding time parameter components, the total time of ZAREI, from beginning of it to stopping, from stopping of it to end, and from beginning of RITSUREI to stopping were significantly shorter than that of AS. MA made several characteristic shown in text. BUDO bow is regarded as practical bow even in social rule when bow teaching is conducte

    Be All You Can Be (Without the Protection of the Constitution)

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    [Excerpt] “Despite the generous inclusion by President Reagan of the many soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines in the concept of the people of this republic, it is not altogether dear whether one whose status has changed from ordinary citizen to a member of the armed forces can legitimately claim any of the constitutional protections of citizenship until he or she is no longer a member of the armed forces. In the course of this nation\u27s history the Supreme Court has denied some or all of the protection of the Constitution to many groups of people, including African-Americans, 2 women,3 Native Americans, 4 Americans of Japanese ancestry,5 aliens, 6 and more recently to members of the armed forces. Just six months after President Reagan spoke the words quoted above, the Court overturned a precedent of nearly twenty years and held, in Solorio v. United States,7 that a member of the armed forces could be tried by a court-martial for virtually any offense without regard to the impact the alleged offense may, or may not, have had on the military or the ability of that service member to function in the military. While the decision may seem fairly innocuous at first blush, this article will demonstrate that the judicial mindset demonstrated by the Solorio holding is ill-conceived from the point of view of the soldier8 who is the accused at a court-martial. Moreover, the Supreme Court has demonstrated a judicial myopia which threatens the very form of government conceived by the framers of the Constitution. The decision perpetuates legal class distinctions which should not play a part in a democracy or in the administration of criminal justice and it paves the way for the creation of a warrior class with fewer rights in criminal proceedings.

    Participation Motivation in Martial Artists in the West Midlands Region of England

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    The objectives were to identify the participation motivations and the perceived importance of certain participation factors in martial artists in the West Midlands, England, UK. A 28-item adapted version of the Participation Motivation Questionnaire with additional demographic questions was distributed to 30 martial arts clubs in the West Midlands region. Eight questions that assessed the perceived importance for participation of progression through grades, learning self defence skills, technical ability of instructors, cost of participating, development of confidence, underpinning philosophy and instructional style were included. Seventy-five questionnaires were returned from a total of 11 clubs from across representing practitioners in Tai Chi, Karate, Kung fu, Aikido, Jeet Kune Do, British Free Fighting, Taekwon-Do and Jujitsu. Results indicated that the rank order in terms of participation motives was: 1- Affiliation; 2-Friendship; 3-Fitness; 4-Reward/status; 5-Competition; 6-Situational and 7-Skill development. Participants who trained for more than 4 hours per week placed greater importance on the underpinning philosophy of the martial art. Findings suggest that whilst there is a gender discrepancy in participation level, once engaged, females were equally committed to weekly training. The ‘style’ of the instructor is of paramount importance for enhancing student motivation to participate. High volume practitioners would appear to be fully immersed in the holistic appreciation of the martial art through increased value placed on its underpinning philosophy
