14 research outputs found

    Laguerreova geometrija

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    U ovom radu bavimo se Laguerreovom geometrijom. Navodimo više modela koji zadovoljavaju aksiome Laguerreove ravnine te ih posebno dokazujemo za svaki od modela. Aksiomi Laguerreove ravnine su: Aksiom 1. Tri u parovima neparalelne točke spojene su jedinstvenim ciklusom. Aksiom 2. Za svaki ciklus cc i za svake dvije neparalelne točke PIcPIc i QIcQ \cancel{I} c, postoji jedinstveni ciklus dd kroz QQ koji dodiruje ciklus cc u točki PP. Aksiom 3. Za svaku točku PP i ciklus cc, postoji jedinstvena točka na cc paralelna s PIcPIc. Aksiom 4. Postoji ciklus koji sadrži najmanje tri, ali ne i sve točke. Prikazujemo neke od modela u koordinatnom sustavu. Dokazujemo da postoji izomorfizam među konačnim minimalnim modelima i isto tako među dva beskonačna modela. Na kraju pokazujemo kako možemo definirati Laguerreovu ravninu nad bilo kojim poljem.In this thesis we are dealing with Laguerre’s geometry. We give a several models that satisfy the axioms of Laguerre’s plane. We prove the axioms for each of the given models. The axioms of Laguerre plane: Axiom 1. Three pairwise non-parallel points can be joined by a unique cycle. Axiom 2. For any cycle cc and any two non-parallel points PIcPIc and QIcQ \cancel{I} c, there is exactly one cycle dd through QQ touching cc in PP. Axiom 3. For any point PP and any cycle cc there is exactly one point on cc parallel with PP. Axiom 4. There is a cycle containing at least three, but not all points. We demonstrate some of the models in coordinate system. We prove that there is an isomorphism between the minimal models and between two of the infinite models. At the end we indicate the way to define Lagurre’s plane over an arbitrary field

    Laguerreova geometrija

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    U ovom radu bavimo se Laguerreovom geometrijom. Navodimo više modela koji zadovoljavaju aksiome Laguerreove ravnine te ih posebno dokazujemo za svaki od modela. Aksiomi Laguerreove ravnine su: Aksiom 1. Tri u parovima neparalelne točke spojene su jedinstvenim ciklusom. Aksiom 2. Za svaki ciklus cc i za svake dvije neparalelne točke PIcPIc i QIcQ \cancel{I} c, postoji jedinstveni ciklus dd kroz QQ koji dodiruje ciklus cc u točki PP. Aksiom 3. Za svaku točku PP i ciklus cc, postoji jedinstvena točka na cc paralelna s PIcPIc. Aksiom 4. Postoji ciklus koji sadrži najmanje tri, ali ne i sve točke. Prikazujemo neke od modela u koordinatnom sustavu. Dokazujemo da postoji izomorfizam među konačnim minimalnim modelima i isto tako među dva beskonačna modela. Na kraju pokazujemo kako možemo definirati Laguerreovu ravninu nad bilo kojim poljem.In this thesis we are dealing with Laguerre’s geometry. We give a several models that satisfy the axioms of Laguerre’s plane. We prove the axioms for each of the given models. The axioms of Laguerre plane: Axiom 1. Three pairwise non-parallel points can be joined by a unique cycle. Axiom 2. For any cycle cc and any two non-parallel points PIcPIc and QIcQ \cancel{I} c, there is exactly one cycle dd through QQ touching cc in PP. Axiom 3. For any point PP and any cycle cc there is exactly one point on cc parallel with PP. Axiom 4. There is a cycle containing at least three, but not all points. We demonstrate some of the models in coordinate system. We prove that there is an isomorphism between the minimal models and between two of the infinite models. At the end we indicate the way to define Lagurre’s plane over an arbitrary field

    Laguerreova geometrija

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    U ovom radu bavimo se Laguerreovom geometrijom. Navodimo više modela koji zadovoljavaju aksiome Laguerreove ravnine te ih posebno dokazujemo za svaki od modela. Aksiomi Laguerreove ravnine su: Aksiom 1. Tri u parovima neparalelne točke spojene su jedinstvenim ciklusom. Aksiom 2. Za svaki ciklus cc i za svake dvije neparalelne točke PIcPIc i QIcQ \cancel{I} c, postoji jedinstveni ciklus dd kroz QQ koji dodiruje ciklus cc u točki PP. Aksiom 3. Za svaku točku PP i ciklus cc, postoji jedinstvena točka na cc paralelna s PIcPIc. Aksiom 4. Postoji ciklus koji sadrži najmanje tri, ali ne i sve točke. Prikazujemo neke od modela u koordinatnom sustavu. Dokazujemo da postoji izomorfizam među konačnim minimalnim modelima i isto tako među dva beskonačna modela. Na kraju pokazujemo kako možemo definirati Laguerreovu ravninu nad bilo kojim poljem.In this thesis we are dealing with Laguerre’s geometry. We give a several models that satisfy the axioms of Laguerre’s plane. We prove the axioms for each of the given models. The axioms of Laguerre plane: Axiom 1. Three pairwise non-parallel points can be joined by a unique cycle. Axiom 2. For any cycle cc and any two non-parallel points PIcPIc and QIcQ \cancel{I} c, there is exactly one cycle dd through QQ touching cc in PP. Axiom 3. For any point PP and any cycle cc there is exactly one point on cc parallel with PP. Axiom 4. There is a cycle containing at least three, but not all points. We demonstrate some of the models in coordinate system. We prove that there is an isomorphism between the minimal models and between two of the infinite models. At the end we indicate the way to define Lagurre’s plane over an arbitrary field

    Perinatal stroke – risk factors, presentation and outcome

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    Perinatalni moždani udar predstavlja akutni neurološki sindrom s kroničnim sekvelama, nastao uslijed oštećenja moždanog parenhima vaskularne prirode. Prema neuroradiološkom nalazu i vremenu kliničkog izražavanja razlikuju se: akutni, simptomski perinatalni infarkt, koji nastaje i izražava se u prvih 28 dana po rođenju i pretpostavljeni perinatalni infarkt, koji je nastao prenatalno, a izražava se odloženo, u vidu kroničnog, fokalnoga neurološkog oštećenja. Napredak u razumijevanju etiologije perinatalnoga cerebralnog infarkta može povoljno utjecati na smanjenje učestalosti ovog entiteta, prije svega odgovarajućim antenatalnim nadzorom i postnatalnim liječenjem. Bolje poznavanje kliničkih manifestacija i faktora rizika omogućilo bi brže prepoznavanje ovog sindroma i upućivanje pacijenata u centre s mogućnošću specifične neuroradiološke dijagnostike. Pravovremena primjena odgovarajuće terapije doprinijela bi očuvanju moždanih funkcija i oporavku oštećenih struktura. Antikoagulantni lijekovi su indicirani u specifičnim slučajevima arterijskoga ishemijskog infarkta i sinovenske tromboze. Neophodna je fizikalna terapiju u cilju poboljšanja neurološkog ishoda i prevencije trajnih neuroloških oštećenja.Perinatal stroke is defined as an acute neurological syndrome with chronic sequelae due to cerebral injury of vascular origin occuring between 20 weeks gestation and 28 postnatal days. Novel classification is based on neuroimaging and clinical features, and distinguishes two groups: acute, symptomatic perinatal stroke with occurrence from birth to 28 days and presumed perinatal stroke which clinical presentation involves a chronic, static, focal neurologic deficit or seizures. Advances in understanding the etiology of perinatal cerebral infarction may reduce the incidence of this entity, primarily through appropriate antenatal monitoring and postnatal treatment. Early recognition of clinical manifestations and risk factors would enable prompt diagnosis and referral of patients to centers with the possibility of specific neuroradiological diagnostics. Appropriate therapy would contribute to the preservation of brain functions and recovery of damaged structures. Anticoagulant therapy is indicated in specific cases of arterial ischemic infarction and sinovenous thrombosis. Physical therapy is necessary in order to improve the neurological outcome and prevent permanent neurological damage

    Clinical and laboratory characteristics of herpes simplex virus infection in newborn infants

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    Cilj rada: analiza kliničkih i laboratorijskih karakteristika novorođenčadi sa infekcijom izazvanom Herpes simpleks virusom (HSV). Procena učestalosti neonatalnog herpesa (NH) u našoj sredini. Ispitivanje korelacije seroloških i molekularnih metoda dijagnostike. Definisanje kriterijuma za dijagnostičke i terapijske postupke. Materijal i metode: Analizirani su podaci o novorođenčadi i odojčadi uzrasta ≤45 dana sa sumnjom na infekciju HSV u periodu od januara 2003. do maja 2015. godine. Dokazana HSV infekcija je podrazumevala ispoljenu kliničku sliku NH i pozitivan PCR i/ili serologiju na HSV. Za ispitivanje incidencije NH korišćeni su podaci Republičkog zavoda za statistiku Srbije. Analizirane su kliničke manifestacije, laboratorijske analize, ishod lečenja, kao i kvatnifikovanje težine bolesti korišćenjem skorova SNAP II i SNAPPE II. Za statističku analizu korišćene su deskriptivne i analitičke metode. Rezultati: Studija ima 168 ispitanika, 29 sa dokazanom, 133 sa suspektnom i 6 sa asimptomskom HSV infekcijom. Incidencija NH tokom ispitivanog perioda je 3,01 na 100.000 živorođenih. U periodu 2010-2015. godine, sa uvođenjem rutinske PCR dijagnostike zabeležen je porast incidencije na 4,78 na 100 000 živorođenih. Najveći broj novorođenčadi sa dokazanom infekcijom, 72,45%, imao je herpesni encephalitis, 24,1% je imalo diseminovani oblik i 3,5% lokalizovani oblik bolesti. Većina infekcija uzrokovana je HSV-2 tipom (55,2%). Teži oblik bolesti imala su novorođenčad sa HSV-1 infekcijom. Ukupna smrtnost iznosila je 13,8%. Zaključak: Učestalost neonatalnog herpes u našoj populaciji odgovara učestalosti u ostalim evropskim zemljama. Sa unapređenjem dijagnostičkih metoda očekujemo dalji porast incidencije. Osobenosti NH u našoj sredini su veći broj HSV-2 infekcija i češća pojava herpes encefalitisa. Smrtni ishod je češći kod HSV-1 infekcije.Aim of study: Analysis of clinical and laboratory characteristics of newborns with Herpes simplex virus infection (HSV). Estimation of neonatal herpes incidence (NH) in our population. Correlation of serologycal and PCR tests. Comparison between suspected and confirmed cases of NH in order to define diagnostic and therapeutic protocol. Material and methods: Medical records of infants age ≤ 45 days with suspected NH, from January 2003 to May 2015. A confirmed case of NH was defined in an infant with clinical signs compatible with HSV disease and positive serology or PCR for HSV. Incidence was calculated by using Statistical Office of Republic of Serbia’s data of live births. We analyzed clinical manifestations, laboratory analysis, treatment outcome and predicting scores (SNAP II and SNAPPE II). Descriptive and analytic statistical methods were used for analysis of study results. Results: There were 168 infants, 133 with suspected, 29 with confirmed and 6 with asymptomatic HSV infection. Incidence of NH during the study period was 3.01 per 100.000 live births. Rise of incidence to 4.78 per live births 100.000 was noted after 2010. Majority of infants, 72.45%, presented with encephalitis, 24.1% had disseminated and 3,5% localized disease. Majority of infections were caused by HSV-2 (55.2%). Mortality was 13.8%, mostly accompanied with HSV-1 disease. Conclusion: Incidence of NH in our population is similar to other European countries. The rise of incidence was observed with improvement of HSV diagnostics. Characteristics of NH in our population are predominance of HSV-2 infections and herpes encephalitis. Mortality in our group is in accordance with other reports of NH

    Opinione dei consumatori croati circa la tradizionale carne d\u27agnello Dalmata nel processo di ottenimento del marchio DOP

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    The protection of Dalmatian lamb ("Dalmatinska janjetina") with a protected designation of origin label (PDO) is based on the specific quality of meat of Dalmatian pramenka lamb and the traditional lamb breeding method in the geographic area that coincides with the breeding area of Dalmatian pramenka (indigenous Croatian sheep breed). Under the name of "Dalmatinska janjetina", only the meat of lambs of Dalmatian pramenka, bred exclusively in Dalmatia, can be placed on the market. In the process of obtaining a PDO label, which has recently been completed at the Croatian national level and is currently in the process at the EU level, a survey among Croatian consumers (a sample of 1,034 consumers from all over Croatia) was conducted to determine the recognition of this product on the Croatian market, as well as consumer preferences considering similar products from other Croatian regions. The research has shown that Croatian consumers recognize Dalmatian lamb as a traditional, high-quality product. Thus, almost 75 % of the respondents recognize it as a particular type of lamb of better quality than others on the Croatian market. Almost 85 % of the respondents use lamb regardless of type in their diet, but more than 58 % always on special occasions (folk festivals and family celebrations), especially if prepared in the traditional way (lamb on a spit) by which Dalmatia as a region is recognized by more than 85 % of the respondents. The market reputation and connection with the geographic production area are why Croatian consumers rather buy Dalmatian lamb over others.Zaštita "Dalmatinske janjetine” zaštićenom oznakom izvornosti (ZOI) temelji se na specifičnoj kvaliteti mesa i tradicionalnom načinu uzgoja janjadi dalmatinske pramenke na geografskom području koje se poklapa s uzgojnim područjem izvorne hrvatske pasmine ovaca, Dalmatinske pramenke. Pod nazivom "Dalmatinska janjetina" na tržište se može staviti samo meso janjadi dalmatinske pramenke, uzgojene isključivo u Dalmaciji. U zakonskom postupku registracije zaštićene oznake ZOI, koji je nedavno završen na hrvatskoj nacionalnoj razini, a trenutno je u tijeku postupak na razini EU-a, provedeno je istraživanje među hrvatskim potrošačima na uzorku od 1.034 potrošača s područja čitave Hrvatske, kako bi se utvrdila prepoznatljivost ovog proizvoda na hrvatskom tržištu, kao i preferencije potrošača s obzirom na slične proizvode iz drugih hrvatskih regija. Istraživanje je pokazalo da hrvatski potrošači prepoznaju „Dalmatinsku janjetinu“ kao tradicionalni, visokokvalitetni proizvod. Gotovo 75 % ispitanika “Dalmatinsku janjetinu” prepoznaje kao posebnu vrstu janjetine kvalitetniju od ostalih vrsta janjetine na hrvatskom tržištu. Gotovo 85 % ispitanika koristi janjetinu u prehrani, ali više od 58 % samo u posebnim prilikama (narodne svetkovine i obiteljska slavlja), osobito ako se priprema pečenjem na ražnju. Navedeni tradicionalni način pripreme janjetine pečenjem na ražnju više od 85 % ispitanika povezuje s Dalmacijom kao regijom. Ugled na tržištu i povezanost s geografskim područjem proizvodnje (Dalmacija) razlozi su zbog kojih hrvatski potrošači radije kupuju dalmatinsku janjetinu nego druge vrste janjetine.Der Schutz von „Dalmatinischem Lamm“ mit dem Herkunftsschutzzeichen (kroat. Abk. ZOI) beruht auf der spezifischen Fleischqualität und der traditionellen Art der Zucht von Lämmern des dalmatinischen Schafs Pramenka auf dem geographischen Gebiet, das mit dem Zuchtgebiet der originellen kroatischen Schafsrasse, Dalmatinischer Pramenka, überlappt. Unter der Bezeichnung „Dalmatinisches Lamm“ kann man lediglich das Lammfleisch der Dalmatinischen Schafsrasse Pramenka auf den Markt bringen, die ausschließlich in Dalmatien gezüchtet wurde. Im gesetzlichen Verfahren zur Registrierung des Herkunftsschutzzeichens (ZOI), das auf der kroatischen Nationalebene vor kurzem abgeschlossen wurde, wobei das Verfahren zurzeit auf der EU-Ebene anhängig ist, wurde eine Forschung unter den kroatischen Herstellern an einem Muster von 1.034 Verbrauchern aus ganz Kroatien durchgeführt, um die Erkennbarkeit dieses Produkts auf dem kroatischen Markt sowie die Präferenzen der Verbraucher unter Berücksichtigung ähnlicher Produkte aus anderen kroatischen Gebieten festzustellen. Diese Forschung ergab, dass die kroatischen Verbraucher das „Dalmatinische Lamm“ als traditionelles, qualitativ hochwertiges Produkt erkennen. Beinahe 75 % der Befragten erkennen das „Dalmatinische Lamm“ als eine besondere Art von Lamm, die im Vergleich zu den anderen auf dem kroatischen Markt vorhandenen Arten von Lamm weitaus qualitativ hochwertiger ist. Beinahe 85 % der Befragten nutzt das Lammfleisch in der Ernährung, aber mehr als 58 % nutzt es lediglich zu besonderen Zwecken (bei Volksfesten und Familienfeiern), insbesondere, wenn man es als ein ganzes Lamm am Spieß nutzt. Die soeben erwähnte traditionelle Art der Zubereitung von Lamm durch Braten des ganzen Lamms am Spieß verbindet mehr als 85 % der Befragten mit Dalmatien als Gebiet. Das Marktimage und die Verbindung mit dem geographischen Gebiet der Lammzucht (Dalmatien) stellen Gründe dar, wegen derer die kroatischen Verbraucher lieber dalmatinisches Lammfleisch als andere Arten von Lamm bevorzugen.La protección de la carne de cordero de Dalmacia con la Denominación de Origen Protegida (DOP) está basada en la calidad específica de la carne y la forma tradicional de criar corderos de la raza pramenka de Dalmacia en una zona geográfica que coincide con la zona de cría de la raza ovina originaria de Croacia: pramenka de Dalmacia. Bajo el nombre de carne de cordero de Dalmacia, sólo se puede comercializar la carne de cordero de pramenka de Dalmacia, criado exclusivamente en Dalmacia. En el proceso de solicitud de la marca protegida DOP, completado recientemente a nivel nacional croata y que actualmente está en proceso a nivel de la UE, fue realizada la encuesta de opinión del consumidores croatas sobre una muestra de 1034 consumidores de toda Croacia, para determinar si este producto está reconocible en el mercado Croata, así como las preferencias de los consumidores con respecto a productos similares de otras regiones croatas. La investigación mostró que los consumidores croatas reconocen la carne de cordero de Dalmacia como un producto tradicional de alta calidad. Casi el 75 % de los encuestados reconoce la carne de cordero de Dalmacia como un tipo especial de carne de cordero de mejor calidad que otros tipos de cordero en el mercado croata. Casi el 85 % de los encuestados usa la carne de cordero en su dieta, pero más del 58 % solo en ocasiones especiales (festivales folclóricos y celebraciones familiares), especialmente si se prepara a la parrilla. Más del 85 % de los encuestados asocian esta forma tradicional de preparar la carne de cordero con asado a la parrilla con Dalmacia como región. La reputación en el mercado y la conexión con la zona geográfica de producción (Dalmacia) son las razones por las que los consumidores croatas prefieren comprar la carne de cordero de Dalmacia que otros tipos de carne de cordero.La tutela della carne d’agnello dalmata (“Dalmatinska janjetina”) con il marchio DOP (denominazione di origine protetta) si basa sulla specifica qualità della carne e sulle modalità dell’allevamento tradizionale degli agnelli di razza pramenka dalmata sull’area geografica che coincide con la regione d’allevamento della razza ovina autoctona croata della pramenka dalmata. Con la denominazione di “Dalmatinska janjetina”, cioè, può essere commercializzata sul mercato soltanto la carne degli agnelli di razza pramenka dalmata allevati esclusivamente in Dalmazia. In seno alla procedura legislativa di registrazione del marchio protetto DOP, recentemente conclusosi in Croazia a livello nazionale, e che è attualmente in corso a livello dell’UE, è stato condotto un sondaggio d’opinione tra i consumatori croati su un campione di 1.034 soggetti originari di ogni parte della Croazia, al fine di accertare la riconoscibilità di questo prodotto sul mercato domestico, oltre alle preferenze dei consumatori rispetto a prodotti simili provenienti da altre regioni croate. Il sondaggio ha evidenziato che i consumatori croati riconoscono la carne d’agnello dalmata (“Dalmatinska janjetina”) come prodotto tradizionale e di gran qualità. Quasi il 75 % degli intervistati ha riconosciuto la “Dalmatinska janjetina” come un particolare tipo di carne d’agnello, migliore dal punto di vista qualitativo rispetto agli altri tipi di carne d’agnello presenti sul mercato croato. Quasi l’85 % degli intervistati fa uso della carne d’agnello nella propria alimentazione, ma poco più del 58 % soltanto in speciali occasioni (festività nazionali e celebrazioni in ambiente familiare), in particolare se arrostita allo spiedo. Questa tradizionale tecnica di cottura allo spiedo è associata da oltre l’85 % degli intervistati alla Dalmazia come entità regionale. L’immagine sul mercato ed il collegamento con l’area geografica di produzione (Dalmazia) sono le ragioni per cui i consumatori croati acquistano più volentieri la carne d’agnello originaria della Dalmazia rispetto a ogni altro tipo di carne d’agnello

    Use of intravenous immunoglobulin in neonates with haemolytic disease and immune thrombocytopenia

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    Background/Aim. Intravenous immunoglobulin is a blood product made of human polyclonal immunoglobulin G. The mode of action of intravenous immunoglobulin is very complex. It is indicated in treatment of neonatal immune thrombocytopenia and haemolytic disease of the newborn. The aim of the study was to present our experience in the use of intravenous immunoglobulin in a group of term neonates. Methods. We analysed all relevant clinical and laboratory data of 23 neonates who recieved intravenous immunoglobulin during their hospitalization in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Mother and Child Health Care Institute over a five year period, from 2006. to 2010. Results. There were 11 patients with haemolytic disease of the newborn and 12 neonates with immune thrombocytopenia. All of them recieved 1-2 g/kg intravenous immunoglobulin in the course of their treatment. There was no adverse effects of intravenous immunoglobulin use. The use of intravenous immunoglobulin led to an increase in platelet number in thrombocytopenic patients, whereas in those with haemolytic disease serum bilirubin level decreased significantly, so that some patients whose bilirubin level was very close to the exchange transfusion criterion, avoided this procedure. Conclusion. The use of intravenous immunoglobulin was shown to be an effective treatment in reducing the need for exchange transfusion, duration of phototherapy and the length of hospital stay in neonates with haemolytic disease. When used in treatment of neonatal immune thrombocytopenia, it leads to an increase in the platelet number, thus decreasing the risk of serious complications of thrombocytopenia

    Hemophilia in the newborn without family history: Pattern of clinical presentation of three patients

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    Introduction. Hemophilia is the most frequently diagnosed inborn clotting factor deficiency in the newborn. In about half of the cases diagnosis is made during neonatal period. However, due to different clinical presentation comparing to older children, hemophilia in the newborn could be misdiagnosed, especially in the setting of negative family history. Case report. Clinical features of three newborns with negative family history for hemophilia are described. All three newborns were the first born children with uneventful perinatal history, and they were referred for investigation of convulsions, soft tissue tumorous mass and sepsis, respectively. Prompt diagnosis of underlying bleeding disorder and adequate substitution therapy lead to the good outcome in all three boys. Conclusion. Symptoms and signs of hemophilia in the newborn could be at time misleading and contribute to delayed treatment. High index of suspicion on inherited bleeding disorder is warranted in every neonate with intracranial bleeding

    Novel H1N1 influenza in neonates: from mild to fatal disease

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    Analysis of pediatric deaths associated with pandemic A H1N1 influenza shows that fatal outcome is more likely in young children, under the age of 5. Neonates, because of the immaturity of their immune system, could represent a high-risk group for severe disease and fatal outcome. We present a group of five neonates with confirmed novel influenza A H1N1 infection. This report indicates that the full spectrum of influenza A H1N1 infection ranging from mild febrile illness with spontaneous recovery to severe disease with fatal outcome may be expected even in neonates. Journal of Perinatology (2011) 31, 446-448; doi:10.1038/jp.2010.19

    Use of mechanical ventilation in pediatric patients

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    Background/Aim. Major aims of mechanical ventilation (MV) in pediatrics mean the contribution to complete recovery of acute disorder or to establishing stability of previously long-term changed health condition. MV is used today in 16-46% of patients treated in pediatric intensive care units. The aim of this paper was to get insight into the presence of the disease and pathologic conditions and outcome of MV regarding previous health condition of pediatric patients. Methods. This retrospective study included 476 pediatric patients (beyond neonatal age) who underwent mechanical ventilation (MV). On the basis of previous health status the patients were classified in two groups: the group A consisted of 157 children with no previous chronic disease leading to MV and the group H comprised of 319 children who received MV due to worsening of previous chronic disease. Results. In both groups of pediatric patients there was significant predominance of younger age patients. Acute and chronic neurological disorders were the most frequent conditions requiring use of MV. Out of a total number (476) of the patients, 178 patients (37.4%) died. In the group A 17 patients (10.9%) died, while in the group H mortality rate was significantly higher (161 or 50.5% patients died; p < 0.01; RR 4.85; CI 3.1-7.6). Total duration time of MV in all the patients was 7 525 days, with 1 345 days (15%) accounted for the group A and 4 567 days (85%) for the group H. Mean MV duration was 7.48 (± 9.23) days for the patients in the group A which is significantly shorter in comparison to mean 21.8 (± 57.96) days for the group H patients (p < 0.001). Conclusion. These results point out significant contribution of MV to better outcome in pediatric patients with different acute disorders. Clear dominance of chronically ill children requiring mechanical ventilation due to acute worsening of their condition implies new complexity of problems regarding organization of pediatric intensive care and treatment