6 research outputs found

    Análisis sensorial de huevos de gallina (Gallus gallus domesticus) orgánicos y convencionales

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the instrumental color and sensory analysis of four brands of eggs: organic (A and B) and conventional (C and D). The analysis of skin color and yolk was performed using a Minolta® colorimeter and sensory analysis was used to rank the preference of thirty tasters. The instrumental color data were subjected to analysis of variance, and significant differences were subjected to Tukey test to detect between the means (p?0.05). The data were subjected to the sort Friedman test and multiple comparisons between scores. For instrumental color of the egg yolk for both luminosity and chroma sample C differed from the other samples. In the sensory test, significant difference appeared only for yolk color, which sample C appeared darker than others. For aroma and flavor, was no significant difference between samples. The differences presented by samples for instrumental color and color perceived by sensory analysis didn’t affect the sensory preference and buying intentions between conventional and organic eggs studied.  El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el color instrumental y análisis sensorial de cuatro marcas de huevos, orgánicos (A y B) y convencionales (C y D). El análisis de color de la cáscara y la yema se realizó con un colorímetro Minolta® y el análisis sensorial fue utilizado para comprobar la diferencia y la preferencia entre las muestras. Se utilizaron treinta catadores. Los datos de color instrumental fueron sometidos al análisis de varianza, y para detectar diferencias entre las medias se aplicó la prueba de Tukey (p?0,05). Los datos de ordenación fueron sometidos a la prueba tipo Friedman y a comparaciones múltiples entre los escores. Para el color instrumental de la yema del huevo, tanto para luminosidad como croma, la muestra C se diferenció de las otras muestras. En el ensayo sensorial apareció una diferencia significativa sólo para el color de la yema, donde la muestra C apareció más oscura que las otras. Para aroma y sabor hubo una diferencia significativa entre las muestras. Las diferencias presentadas por las muestras de color instrumental y el color percibido por el análisis sensorial no afecta a la preferencia sensorial y la intención de compra entre huevos convencionales y orgánicos estudiados

    Consumer evaluation of a hydro-conservation model and its efficiency on improving the collard greens cv. manteiga shelf life (Brassica oleracea, cv. acephala)

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    [PORT] Neste estudo avaliou-se a aceitação, pelo consumidor, de um equipamento com temperaturas hidrocontroladas e sua eficiência no aumento do tempo de prateleria de couve manteiga (Brassica oleracea, v. acephala). O método de hidroconservação consiste em utilizar uma solução aquosa como meio trocador de calor entre o evaporador e o produto armazenado. O equipamento analisado foi um modelo híbrido onde as câmaras de armazenamento foram parcialmente submersas na solução aquosa. Foram usadas oito câmaras de 7371 cm3 . A aceitação do equipamento foi avaliada através de questionário apresentado próximo do equipamento em um ponto de venda da região central da cidade de São Carlos- SP-BR. A couve manteiga foi escolhida por ser amplamente comercializada no Brasil e apresentar um curto tempo de prateleira. Após higienização e segmentação as amostras foram lacradas em sacos de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) instalados nas câmaras de armazenamento. O tempo de prateleira foi estimado através de teste sensorial e do teor de água das folhas. A análise dos questionários indicou alto índice de aprovação do equipamento (acima de 90%) e índice de rejeição nulo. O teste sensorial mostrou que o consumidor julgou o produto adequado ao consumo por um período de armazenamento superior a 20 dias, três vezes mais que o tempo de prateleira da couve armazenada em geladeira. Neste período a perda de massa foi de 5,8%. Conclui-se que o modelo industrial avaliado mostrou-se viável, tanto do ponto de vista da aprovação pelo público consumidor como pela capacidade de conservação de couve manteiga processada, capacidade esta que pode ser estendida para outros produtos olerícolas. [ENG] This study evaluated the acceptability of an equipment that uses hydrocontroled temperature system, and its efficiency on increasing the shelf life time of collard greens (Brassica oleracea cv. acephala). The hydroconservation method uses a water solution to exchange heat between the evaporator and the stored product. On this paper, however, an hybrid model was evaluated where small storage chambers were parcialy submerged in the solution. There were used eight chambers with 7371 cm3. The acceptability of the equipment was evaluated based on a form fullfiled by the consumers close to the equipment, in a small market at São Carlos-SP-BR. The collard greens was choosen because of its big market in Brazil and its short shelf life time. After satinization and segmentation the samples were inserted in polietilene of low density (PEBD) bags with lock, installed in the storage chambers. The shelf life time was estimated from organoleptic tests and the water content of the leaves. The analysis of the forms showed the high aceptance index (above 90%) of the equipment, and no rejection. The organoleptic tests indicated that the costumer evaluated the equipment positively on storing the collad greens for more than 20 days, three times more than the shelf life when stored in a refrigerator. Along the experiment the mass loss was 5,8%. The conclusions list includes the positive evaluation of the industrial model and its efficency on improving the shelf life time, what can be extended to other vegetables

    Physicochemical characterization and sensory evaluation of lettuce cultivated in three growing systems

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT There exists a growing demand and promising market for new lettuce varieties in Brazil. Cv. Brunella is an innovative lettuce variety which mixes crisp lettuce and head lettuce characteristics besides being adapted to the Brazilian growing conditions. The physicochemical and sensory quality of this lettuce, cultivated under different growing systems, was evaluated. The conventional planting and the hydroponic systems were carried out in the experimental area of the Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Paulo State, Brazil and the organic system was done by certified organic producer in the municipality of Cordeirópolis. After harvesting, leaf area, leaf size, unit leaf area, fresh mass, mass loss, turgor pressure, instrumental color, pH, total titratable acidity (TTA), total soluble solids (TSS), total phenolic compounds (TPC), and sensory characterization were evaluated. We verified that the growing system influenced on physicochemical traits producing lettuces of different sizes, weights and stability. For pH, TSS and TPC, difference among the three growing systems was not observed. For TTA, the hydroponic sample showed higher acidity. About sensory evaluation, the testers noticed difference for green color, thickness, size and leaf crispness, grass aroma and bitter taste. The samples cultivated in conventional and hydroponic systems showed greater preference and purchase intention.</p></div