45 research outputs found

    Życie codzienne w Warszawie w początkowej fazie I wojny światowej

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    After the outbreak of World War I, everyday life in Warsaw changed. The great war was remembered by the inhabitants of Warsaw as difficult years, in which they experienced a sense of uncertainty, fear and hunger. The lack of reliable information led to panic in the city and communication chaos. The aim of the article is to show various aspects of everyday life in the capital and the difficulties that resulted from the ongoing war. The article also presents the supply difficulties of the inhabitants of the capital and the problems of medical care. Part of the article contains content about the organization of self-help in Warsaw at the beginning of the First World War. Based on this information, it was possible to establish that thanks to the extensive structures of the Citizens’ Committee and the activities of other charity institutions, help reached the most impoverished ones

    Volunteer Army as an exemple of the mobilization of Polish society in the face of the Bolshevick invasion of 1920

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    In the face of the threat from the Bolshevik invasion, the authorities of the second Republic of Poland decided that apart from compulsory conscription, actions would also be carried out to increase the ranks of the Polish Army by creating a Volunteer Army. Its creation was entrusted to Gen. Józef Haller. The article provides information on the stages of creating this army. The main purpose of the article is to present the process of mobilizing Polish society. The article focuses on individual social groups joining the Volunteer Army and analyzes the number of recruits in individual districts. This analysis made it possible to assess the number of volunteers joining the ranks of the Volunteer Army, taking into account the fact that this mobilization was carried out in parallel with the recruitment of recruits to the Polish Army.W obliczu zagrożenia ze strony najazdu bolszewickiego władze II Rzeczypospolitej zdecydowały, że – poza poborem przymusowym – będą też prowadzone działania w celu powiększenia szeregów Wojska Polskiego poprzez stworzenie Armii Ochotniczej. Jej utworzenie powierzono gen. broni Józefowi Hallerowi. Artykuł zawiera informacje dotyczące etapów tworzenia tej armii. Głównym celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie procesu mobilizacji polskiego społeczeństwa. Zwrócono uwagę na poszczególne grupy społeczne wstępujące do Armii Ochotniczej oraz dokonano analizy liczebności rekrutów w poszczególnych okręgach. Analiza ta pozwoliła ocenić liczbę ochotników zgłaszających się w szeregi Armii Ochotniczej, z uwzględnieniem faktu, że mobilizacja ta była prowadzona równolegle z poborem rekrutów do Wojska Polskiego

    Two more ways of spelling Gini Coefficient with Applications

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    In this paper, we draw attention to a promising yet slightly underestimated measure of variability - the Gini coefficient. We describe two new ways of defining and interpreting this parameter. Using our new representations, we compute the Gini index for a few probability distributions and describe it in more detail for the negative binomial distribution. We also suggest the latter as a tool to measure overdispersion in epidemiology

    Dynamic random intersection graph: Dynamic local convergence and giant structure.

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    Random intersection graphs containing an underlying community structure are a popular choice for modelling real-world networks. Given the group memberships, the classical random intersection graph is obtained by connecting individuals when they share at least one group. We extend this approach and make the communities dynamic by letting them alternate between an active and inactive phase. We analyse the new model, delivering results on degree distribution, local convergence, giant component, and maximum group size, paying particular attention to the dynamic description of these properties. We also describe the connection between our model and the bipartite configuration model, which is of independent interest

    Sexual and Psychoemotional Disorders in Male Patients Treated for Prostate Carcinoma

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    The prostate carcinoma affect the quality of life of most male patients, including in particular their sexual and emotional life. The aim of study was to assess sexual and psychoemotional disorders in male patients diagnosed with prostate carcinoma and receiving cancer treatment. The study’s patients were recruited at the Oncological Hospital in Wieliszew, Poland, between September 2016 and December 2017. The study was performed in 166 male patients diagnosed with prostate cancer. Two standardized questionnaires were used in the study, EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-PR25, for patients with prostate cancer, developed by the European Quality of Life Group. The type and stage of cancer treatments were a significant contributor to feeling tense, worried, depressed, and irritable among the study patients. The stage of treatment, however, caused a negative effect on these parameters. Pretreatment patients declared high or very high satisfaction with their sexual life, while posttreatment patients and those on cancer treatment indicated low sexual satisfaction. However, a feeling of embarrassment during intimate contact as well as erectile disorders correlated both with the type and stage of cancer treatment. Our results show that affected male patients should be offered continuous psychological care, especially those waiting for treatment and those on treatment

    Pseudanabaena galeata CCNP1313 : biological activity and peptides production

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    Even cyanobacteria from ecosystems of low biodiversity, such as the Baltic Sea, can constitute a rich source of bioactive metabolites. Potent toxins, enzyme inhibitors, and anticancer and antifungal agents were detected in both bloom-forming species and less commonly occurring cyanobacteria. In previous work on the Baltic Pseudanabaena galeata CCNP1313, the induction of apoptosis in the breast cancer cell line MCF-7 was documented. Here, the activity of the strain was further explored using human dermal fibroblasts, African green monkey kidney, cancer cell lines (T47D, HCT-8, and A549(ACE2/TMPRSS2)) and viruses (SARS-CoV-2, HCoV-OC43, and WNV). In the tests, extracts, chromatographic fractions, and the main components of the P. galeata CCNP1313 fractions were used. The LC-MS/MS analyses of the tested samples led to the detection of forty-five peptides. For fourteen of the new peptides, putative structures were proposed based on MS/MS spectra. Although the complex samples (i.e., extracts and chromatographic fractions) showed potent cytotoxic and antiviral activities, the effects of the isolated compounds were minor. The study confirmed the significance of P. galeata CCNP1313 as a source of metabolites with potent activity. It also illustrated the difficulties in assigning the observed biological effects to specific metabolites, especially when they are produced in minute amounts

    Assessment of Dysphagia as a Risk Factor of Chronic Cough

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    Background: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of dysphagia in patients with chronic cough and its relationship with the long-term persistence of these symptoms. Methods: Thirty consecutive patients. All patients underwent physical examination, ENT assessment, videolaryngoscopy, functional phoniatric assessment at rest and speech, Water-Swallow Test, and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing disorders with Reflux Finding Score. Reflux Symptom Index questionnaire was performed. The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee Review Board (KB/39/A/2016). Results: The results of the RFS and the RSI questionnaire showed the risk of reflux in participating patients. The patients presented episodes of spillage, double swallows, penetration, aspiration and residue of food at the hypopharynx. The results of functional assessment correlated with the Water-Swallow Test. The correlation between Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing disorders and Water-Swallow Test results was found for aspiration risk, spillage, and retention of saliva. Conclusion: The results of the study showed prevalence of dysphagia in most patients with chronic chough. It seems that phoniatric assessment in those cases should be expanded and the following tests should be performed: assessment of the laryngeal elevation, Water-Swallow Test, and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing disorders

    Acyl-CoA synthetase 3 promotes lipid droplet biogenesis in ER microdomains

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    Control of lipid droplet (LD) nucleation and copy number are critical, yet poorly understood, processes. We use model peptides that shift from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to LDs in response to fatty acids to characterize the initial steps of LD formation occurring in lipid-starved cells. Initially, arriving lipids are rapidly packed in LDs that are resistant to starvation (pre-LDs). Pre-LDs are restricted ER microdomains with a stable core of neutral lipids. Subsequently, a first round of “emerging” LDs is nucleated, providing additional lipid storage capacity. Finally, in proportion to lipid concentration, new rounds of LDs progressively assemble. Confocal microscopy and electron tomography suggest that emerging LDs are nucleated in a limited number of ER microdomains after a synchronized stepwise process of protein gathering, lipid packaging, and recognition by Plin3 and Plin2. A comparative analysis demonstrates that the acyl-CoA synthetase 3 is recruited early to the assembly sites, where it is required for efficient LD nucleation and lipid storag

    Clinical course and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in multiple sclerosis patients treated with disease-modifying therapies — the Polish experience

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    Introduction. The aim of this study was to report the course and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients treated with disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) in Poland. A major concern for neurologists worldwide is the course and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with MS treated with different DMTs. Although initial studies do not suggest an unfavourable course of infection in this group of patients, the data is limited.Materials and methods. This study included 396 MS patients treated with DMTs and confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection from 28 Polish MS centres. Information concerning patient demographics, comorbidities, clinical course of MS, current DMT use, as well as symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection, need for pharmacotherapy, oxygen therapy, and/or hospitalisation, and short-term outcomes was collected up to 30 January 2021. Additional data about COVID-19 cases in the general population in Poland was obtained from official reports of the Polish Ministry of Health.Results. There were 114 males (28.8%) and 282 females (71.2%). The median age was 39 years (IQR 13). The great majority of patients with MS exhibited relapsing-remitting course (372 patients; 93.9%). The median EDSS was 2 (SD 1.38), and the mean disease duration was 8.95 (IQR 8) years. Most of the MS patients were treated with dimethyl fumarate (164; 41.41%). Other DMTs were less frequently used: interferon beta (82; 20.70%), glatiramer acetate (42; 10.60%), natalizumab (35;8.84%), teriflunomide (25; 6.31%), ocrelizumab (20; 5.05%), fingolimod (16; 4.04), cladribine (5; 1.26%), mitoxantrone (3; 0.76%), ozanimod (3; 0.76%), and alemtuzumab (1; 0.25%). The overall hospitalisation rate due to COVID-19 in the cohort was 6.81% (27 patients). Only one patient (0.3%) died due to SARS-CoV-2 infection, and three (0.76%) patients were treated with mechanical ventilation; 106 (26.8%) patients had at least one comorbid condition. There were no significant differences in the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection regarding patient age, duration of the disease, degree of disability (EDSS), lymphocyte count, or type of DMT used.Conclusions and clinical implications. Most MS patients included in this study had a favourable course of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The hospitalisation rate and the mortality rate were not higher in the MS cohort compared to the general Polish population. Continued multicentre data collection is needed to increase the understanding of SARS-CoV-2 infection impact on the course of MS in patients treated with DMTs