4,181 research outputs found

    Effect of stevia supplementation of kale juice spheres on their quality changes during refrigerated shelf life

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    Kale is a vegetable with high contents of health–promoting compounds although its consumption as a beverage is highly limited due to its bitter flavour. Nonetheless, the bitter flavour of Brassicas may be masked by sweetening. Then, the effects of different stevia extracts (CTRL, S0.5 (g L–1), S1.25 and S2.5), added to an innovative kale beverage presentation, were studied on the kale juice spheres quality during 7 days at 5ºC. Kale juice spheres were produced with a double spherification technique, which allowed to obtain hydrogel spheres with high mechanical resistance.The authors express their gratitude to CNPq (Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil) for a doctoral grant (232758/2014−0) made to Tâmmila Venzke Klug. The authorsare grateful to S.G. Hasa for her skillful technical assistance. The authors are also grateful to Sakata Seeds Ibérica SLU and to Sacoje SCL for providing the plant material

    Ladrillo cerámico con huecos hexagonales

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    Ladrillo cerámico con huecos hexagonales. La invención consiste en un ladrillo cerámico con huecos hexagonales a lo largo de su dirección longitudinal. Resuelve el problema de la transmisión de ruido aéreo que presentan los ladrillos cerámicos con hueco cuadrado o rectangular. La intensidad del sonido transmitido en sólidos decrece con el aumento de camino recorrido. Por ello, la sustitución de las paredes perpendiculares que definen los huecos cuadrados o rectangulares, por las que definen los huecos hexagonales representa un mayor recorrido y una absorción mayor de ruido. El espesor del ladrillo puede variar según contenga una o más filas de hexágonos compartiendo caras o vértices. No hay limitación en las dimensiones del largo y ancho del mismo. Exteriormente los cantos de las piezas pueden ser machihembrados y las caras planas pueden o no presentar estriado. La colocación de la pieza se realiza con los huecos paralelos a la horizontal. Utilización en construcción de paramentos verticales en edificio

    Comportamiento asintótico del rendimiento sobre el capital y de la razón precio-utilidad

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    The cost of capital is an indicator of the profitability of a company. Very often, this indicator in conjunction with the return on equity (ROE) is utilized in analyzing investment projects. Many studies have shown that the cost of capital tends to a long-term value, which reveals a mean reversion dynamics. This research examines the behavior of the return on capital by means of Vasicek model. Moreover, under certain conditions, the capital cost is estimated through the model Vasicek. Finally, shows that the return on equity and the inverse of the multiple price-book value are consistent with dynamics presenting mean reversion.Decisiones de inversión, múltiplos financieros, utilidades anormales

    Conformable Euler's theorem on homogeneous functions

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    Recently, the conformable derivative and its properties have been introduced. In this paper, we propose and prove some new results on the conformable multivariable fractional calculus. We introduce a conformable version of classical Euler's theorem on homogeneous functions. Furthermore, we are extending the aforementioned result for higher-order partial derivatives

    Fresh-Cut Fruit and Vegetables: Emerging Eco-friendly Techniques for Sanitation and Preserving Safety

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    The current high demand of minimally processed or fresh-cut fruit and vegetables results from the consumer’s desire for healthy, convenient, fresh, and ready-to-eat plant food-derived commodities. Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables are usually packaged under active- or passive-modified atmosphere packaging, while its shelf life must be under refrigerated conditions. The most important goal to preserve quality and safety focuses on releasing the microbial spoilage flora, since every unit operation involved will influence the final load. Sanitation in the washing step is the only unit operation able to reduce microbial load throughout the production chain. Chlorine is widely used as an efficient sanitation agent, but some disadvantages force to find eco-friendly emerging alternatives. It is necessary to deal with aspects related to sustainability because it could positively contribute to the net carbon balance besides reducing its use. Several innovative techniques seem to reach that target. However, industrial changes for replacing conventional techniques request a fine knowledge of the benefits and restrictions as well as a practical outlook. This chapter reviews the principles of emerging eco-friendly techniques for preserving quality and safety of fresh-cut products in order to meet the expected market’s demand

    Desarrollo de máquinas de estados jerárquicas en Java siguiendo un enfoque de desarrollo dirigido por modelos

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    El objetivo de este TFG es el de diseñar una aplicación siguiendo el enfoque de desarrollo dirigido por modelos para modelar máquinas de estado, y obtener posteriormente varias implementaciones en código Java. Para ello, se hará uso de las herrmientas disponibles para el entorno de desarrollo Eclipse.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de TelecomunicaciónUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    New consumption models for audiovisual products: the effects of binge-watching on young university students

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    La industria del entretenimiento ha contemplado desde sus inicios al espectador como mero sujeto pasivo. Sin embargo, la disrupción tecnológica que supuso la digitalización de la señal audiovisual ha convertido a los consumidores de estos productos en usuarios activos. Este cambio de paradigma técnico ha favorecido la aparición de una nueva modalidad de acceso que ha modificado, de forma irresoluble, la relación entre público y contenido. El origen de esta revolución se fundamenta en el uso masivo, a través de Internet, de una serie de instrumentos (redes p2p, streaming de vídeo, repositorios digitales, etc.) que permiten al internauta el libre intercambio de cualquier material fílmico fuera de toda restricción comercial. De esta forma, el incremento exponencial de títulos disponibles en Internet para su consumo inmediato, de fácil acceso y a coste cero o muy reducido, ha estimulado una nueva forma de consumo, sobre todo en lo referente a las ficciones televisivas en serie. Este comportamiento anómalo, definido como binge-watching, ha modificado la conducta y el comportamiento de los consumidores, lo que repercute de forma directa en los medios de comunicación tradicionales. Además este nuevo fenómeno repercute en los hábitos de comportamiento del espectador (higiene, sueño, etc.) en pos del visionado ininterrumpido de su contenido preferido. Así, partiendo del paradigma de los Usos y Efectos y basando la observación en un estudio empírico, el objetivo principal de esta investigación es analizar los efectos que este nuevo modelo de consumo audiovisual tiene sobre los jóvenes universitarios.The entertainment industry has seen the viewer as a taxable person. However, technological disruption that was the digitization of audiovisual signal has become consumers of these products in active users. This paradigm shift has led to the emergence of a new mode of access that has changed the relationship between audience and content. The origin of this revolution is the widespread use of Internet tools (P2P networks, streaming, cyberlockers, etc.) that allow the free exchange of any audiovisual product outside of any trade restriction. Thus, the exponential increase of titles available online for immediate consumption, easy access and zero or very low cost, has stimulated a new form of consumption, especially in relation to television fiction series. This state, defined as binge-watching, has modified consumer behavior, which has a direct impact on traditional media. In addition, this new phenomenon affects the behavior of viewer habits (hygiene, sleep, etc.) for uninterrupted viewing of audiovisual products. Thus, from the theory of Uses and Effects and basing observation on an empirical study, the main focus of this research is to analyze the effects that this new model of audiovisual consumption has on young students

    Sarcopenic osteoporosis, sarcopenic obesity, and sarcopenic osteoporotic obesity in the Camargo cohort (Cantabria, Spain)

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    Summary The associations of sarcopenia with osteoporosis or obesity have a very low prevalence. No trend towards an association between osteoporosis and sarcopenia is observed. Sarcopenia and obesity tend not to coincide, as if they were antagonistic disorders. Purpose To know (a) the prevalence in our region of sarcopenic osteoporosis (association of sarcopenia and osteoporosis (T-score<2.5)), sarcopenic obesity, and the association of osteoporosis, sarcopenia, and obesity; (b) the tendency of osteoporosis, sarcopenia, and obesity to associate with each other; and (c) the bone mineral density (BMD), the components of sarcopenia, and the prevalence of fragility fractures in these associations. Methods The study was performed in the Camargo cohort. Osteoporosis was diagnosed by DXA, sarcopenia by the EWGSOP-1 criteria, and obesity by body mass index (BMI) and fat percentage. Fractures were verified radiographically or by consulting the medical records. Results The prevalence of sarcopenic osteoporosis was 2.8% and the OR for this association 1.03 (p=0.89). The prevalence of sarcopenic obesity by BMI was 1.4% and by fat percentage 5.9% (corresponding ORs: 0.18 (p<0.0001) and 0.58 (p<0.003) respectively). The prevalence of the association of osteoporosis, sarcopenia, and obesity was 0.0% when assessed by BMI and 0.8% when assessed by fat percentage. Patients with sarcopenic osteoporosis have less muscle mass and more fragility fractures than sarcopenic patients overall. In patients with sarcopenic obesity by fat percentage, muscle mass and strength, as well as physical performance, were similar to those of sarcopenic patients overall. Neither BMD nor fracture prevalence showed differences between patients with sarcopenic obesity and patients with sarcopenia or obesity in general. Conclusion Our study supports the idea that the prevalence of the mixed disorders studied is low. No significant association between osteoporosis and sarcopenia was found. Sarcopenia and obesity seem to tend to occur in different people, as if suffering from one of them hinders suffering from the other.Funding: Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This study was funded by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI18/00762), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain, which included FEDER funds from the EU