280 research outputs found

    Why do student perceptions of academic performance improve? The influence of acquired competences and formative assessment in a flipped classroom environment

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    The university system must be able to respond to the growing demand for graduates with certain skills that guarantee their employability. A key requirement of this goal is the use of different teaching-learning methods, such as the flipped classroom methodology. However, although some studies have shown the advantages of this model, more research is needed to identify the reasons for these positive effects and the contexts in which it works best. In this paper, we analyse the perceptions of students of six undergraduate subjects at the University of Jaén (Spain) concerning their acquired competences and the formative assessment received in a flipped classroom environment. In addition, we analyse whether these two variables influence these student perceptions of achieving better academic outcomes. The results show that both aspects explain student perceptions of better performance and are key elements in the provision of a better learning environment. In this way, these results contribute to the literature concerning the positive effects of a flipped classroom on the teaching-learning process in higher education.Proyecto de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Jaén titulado ‘Aulas invertidas (Flipped Classroom): Una nueva forma de enseñar y aprender’, Financiado por la Universidad de Jaén (España) como parte del ‘Plan de Innovación y Mejora Docente’ (PIMED-UJA 2019

    Improving attitudes towards minority groups by thinking about the thoughts and meta-cognitions of their members

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    Research on persuasion has shown that for attitudes to change people need to take into consideration not only the thoughts message recipients generate in response to proposals but also how people think about their own thoughts (metacognition). In the present research, we introduce a new perspective for improving outgroup attitudes focused on the distinction between cognition and metacognition but this time applied to the perceptions of others’ minds. Specifically, we examined to what extent thinking about the mental processes of outgroup members influences attitudes towards those outgroups. We compared the impact of thinking about how others think (perceived primary cognition) with how others think about their own thoughts (perceived secondary cognition or metacognition). In the primary cognition treatment, participants answered questions about the thinking processes of outgroup members. In the secondary cognition treatment, participants answered questions that required them to consider how outgroup members think about their own thoughts (i.e., metacognition). Compared to controls, these treatments were capable of improving attitudes of Spanish citizens towards Syrian refugees, South American immigrants, and Roma people. A third study used a minimal group paradigm in which a fictitious outgroup was described as having primary (vs. secondary) cognition. A final study also tested the implications of assuming that groups have one type of cognition or another. The effects of the two treatments varied depending on the type of outgroup.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Universidades, Gobierno de España. Grant Number: PSI2017-83303-C2-1-

    Students’ perceptions of their learning outcomes in a flipped classroom environment

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    The flipped classroom model has positive effects on the educational process, and has recently become an alternative to the traditional model. However, additional research is necessary to identify the causes of those improvements and the contexts in which this methodology performs better. In this study, we analyze the perceptions of different students pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the University of Jaén (Spain) regarding flipped learning dynamics and the relationship between those perceptions and perceptions of their learning outcomes. Specifically, we investigate whether students’ acquired competences and attitude, as well as the use of formative assessment have positive effects on student perceptions on results. To accomplish this task, during the first semester of the 2020–2021 and 2021–2022 academic years, we collected the opinions of students via a questionnaire and tested those relationships using PLS. The results indicate that the three variables (acquired competences, attitude, and formative assessment) explain the perceptions of students with respect to achieving better grades, and are key elements of superior learning, that can improve students’ performance. Accordingly, this study provides evidence regarding the positive effects of flipped classroom on the teaching–learning process in higher education and explains the reasons for the resulting improvement in learning outcomes.Proyecto de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Jaén “Aulas invertidas (Flipped Classroom): Una nueva forma de enseñar y aprender”, financiado por la Universidad de Jaén (España) (PIMED-UJA 2019)

    Inteligencia emocional y apego adulto: efectos del uso problemático del smartphone

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    Smartphone usage can become problematic when individuals have difficulties in emotional regulation. To clarify risk factors for problematic smartphone usage, the study had three objectives: To analyze the effect of emotional intelligence and attachment dimensions on smartphone usage; to evaluate differences by types and styles of attachment in problematic smartphone usage; to explore the roles of sex and age. For this purpose, the Smartphone Dependency and Addiction Scale, the Wong & Law Emotional Intelligence Scale, and the Adult Attachment Questionnaire were used. The study included 552 young adults (M = 21.79, SD = 2.66; 74.1% women) selected by purposive sampling, and classified in Generation Z and Millennials. The results showed that low awareness of one's emotions (emotional intelligence), poor self-esteem and need for approval, hostile conflict resolution, rancor, and possessiveness (attachment) predicted problematic smartphone usage. Furthermore, insecure type of attachment and negative styles such as fearfulness were closely related to smartphone addiction. Sex had some explanatory power with respect to device use, with women showing higher levels of problematic smartphone usage. In conclusion, the findings support the importance of the secure and positive attachment system, and being able to evaluate and regulate one’s own emotions for preventing problematic smartphone use.El uso del smartphone puede tornarse problemático cuando se presentan dificultades de regulación emocional. En la investigación se plantearon tres objetivos: analizar el efecto de las dimensiones de inteligencia emocional y el apego sobre el uso del smartphone; evaluar las diferencias en el uso problemático del móvil atendiendo a tipos y estilos de apego; explorar el efecto del sexo y la edad. Se utilizaron la Escala de Dependencia y Adicción al Smartphone, la Escala de Inteligencia Emocional de Wong & Law y el Cuestionario de Apego adulto. El estudio incluyó a 552 jóvenes (M = 21.79, SD = 2.66; 74.1% mujeres) seleccionados por muestreo intencional y clasificados en Generación Z y Millennials. Una baja conciencia de las propias emociones (inteligencia emocional), una pobre autoestima y necesidad de aprobación, la resolución hostil de conflictos, rencor y posesividad (apego) predecían el uso problemático. Además, el tipo inseguro de apego y los estilos negativos como el temeroso se relacionan más con este uso problemático. El sexo aportaba cierta capacidad explicativa, siendo las mujeres las que mostraron más problemas. Los hallazgos apoyan la relevancia de construir un apego seguro y positivo y de ser capaces de evaluar las propias emociones para prevenir los usos problemáticos del smartphone

    Metodologías de análisis de los big data en las plataformas educativas

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    La proliferación de nuevas plataformas educativas por Internet y el avance de la educación online ha abierto nuevas posibilidades de análisis debido al gran volumen de datos generados y almacenados en los servidores. Los usuarios dejan trazas de su actividad, y esta actividad posibilita nuevos análisis del comportamiento de estudiantes y de los contenidos compartidos, difícilmente realizables en la educación cara a cara tradicional. Este trabajo aporta un resumen de las diversas metodologías aplicables a los grandes volúmenes de datos generados por las plataformas educativas, clasificables dentro de los Big Data, así como los diversos campos en los que podrían aplicarse y las mejoras que podrían introducir en el desarrollo de las propias herramientasConsejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (Proyecto de Excelencia referencia P12-SEJ-328)

    Agents and agency in democracy in the process of building educational public politics

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    Las perspectivas políticas que parecían abrirse hace algo más de un año se han cerrado, en parte, con cierta consolidación de la situación anterior, en cuanto que siguen gobernando los responsables de la última ley de educación fuertemente contestada por la comunidad educativa. La novedad es que ahora lo hacen en minoría, teniendo que negociar con otros partidos afines que les den apoyo en sus políticas. En esta situación, quienes antes aplicaban el rodillo de la mayoría parlamentaria ahora reconocen la necesidad de un pacto más amplio que, haciendo algunas pequeñas concesiones, incorpore a los más partidos posibles para consolidar sus políticas, modificando las cosas lo menos posible. Nuestra preocupación sobre esta cuestión nos llevó a un proceso reflexivo y a debatir los puntos que a continuación presentamosThe political perspectives that seemed to open a little more than a year ago have been closed, in part, consolidating the previous situation. Continue to govern those responsible for the last education law strongly answered by the educational community. The novelty is that now they do in minority, having to negotiate with other related parties which give them support in their policies. In this situation, those who previously applied the roll of the parliamentary majority now recognize the need for a broader pact that, making some small concessions, incorporate as many parties as possible to consolidate their policies, modifying things as little as possible. Our concern on this issue led us to a reflective process and to discuss the points that we present belo

    Análisis de la oferta educativa en el ámbito de los MOOCs

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    Los MOOCS, acrónimo del término Massive Open Online Courses, han experimentado un extraordinario auge en los últimos años y se postulan como una de las herramientas más populares y eficientes en el ámbito educativo universitario. Múltiples plataformas educativas han proliferado a través de internet y la oferta educativa crece día a día. El análisis de esta amplia oferta educativa requiere de nuevas metodologías capaces de analizar de manera automática los contenidos ofertados. Este trabajo propone la utilización de técnicas de análisis semántico latente para analizar la oferta educativa actual dentro del área de Computer Science, que es una de las más demandas en el ámbito de los MOOCs. Los resultados obtenidos aportan información acerca de las temáticas emergentes en el área de Computer Science y pueden ser útiles para actualizar los contenidos ofertados en los cursos tradicionalesConsejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (Proyecto de Excelencia referencia P12-SEJ-328)

    Students’ attitude: Key to understanding the improvement of their academic RESULTS in a flipped classroom environment

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    The flipped classroom model has been shown in recent years to have a positive effect on students’ motivation and academic performance. In this paper, we analyze the perception that students of six undergraduate subjects at University of Ja´en (Spain) have of the subjects’ formative assessment and their attitude towards this new teaching-learning model. In addition, we analyze whether both variables influence their perception of achieving better academic results. The results of our study show that both aspects (formative assessment perception and attitude) explain students’ perception of outcomes. It leads us to conclude that students’ attitude is a key element of fostering more and better learning that improves their performance. In this way, our results provide further evidence for the literature on the positive effects of the flipped classroom on the teaching-learning process at the university level for students, teachers and scholars.“Aulas invertidas (Flipped Classroom): Una nueva forma de enseñar y aprender”, financiado por la Universidad de Jaén en el marco del “Plan de Innovación y Mejora Docente” (PIMED-UJA 2019

    Las compensaciones ambientales como medida excepcional en el sistema jurídico administrativo Colombiano

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    El propósito de este estudio consiste en, mediante un estudio descriptivo y explicativo, aportar material académico a la comunidad jurídica frente a la compensación ambiental. Adicionalmente, y a manera de ilustración de la compilación y análisis bibliográfico se estudiará el caso de los aprovechamientos forestales únicos otorgados por la Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca (CVC Regional Norte), en la Unidad de Gestión de Cuenca Garrapatas (UGCG) entre los años 2017 a 2018

    Effects of a strategy for the promotion of physical activity in students from Bogotá

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of the promotion of physical activity during recess on the levels of physical activity, sedentary behaviors, and adiposity of Colombian students. METHODS: Three schools were randomly selected by an intervention group in Bogotá, Colombia, in 2013: Intervention (Active Module of Active Recess – MARA) + Text Messages (SMS) (MARA+SMS group), intervention (MARA group), control (control group). Intervention was implemented for ten weeks. The duration and intensity of physical activity and sedentary behaviors were measured objectively using accelerometers Actigraph-GT3X+. Adiposity was measured by body mass index and fat percentage. We measured at baseline (T0) and during the tenth week of intervention (T1). We evaluated the effect of the intervention using a difference-in-difference analysis (DID). RESULTS: We included 120 students (57.5% girls; mean age = 10.5 years; standard deviation [SD] = 0.64). There was a significant increase in the mean daily minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity in the MARA group (Difference T1-T0 = 6.1 minutes, standard error [SE] = 3.49, p = 0.005) in relation to the control group. There were no significant changes in the minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity in the MARA+SMS group (Difference T1-T0 = -1.0 minute; SE = 3.06; p = 0.363). The minutes decreased in the control group (Difference T1-T0 = -7.7 minutes; SE = 3.15; p = 0.011). The minutes of sedentary behaviors decreased in the MARA and MARA+SMS groups and increased in the control group (MARA Difference T1-T0 = -15.8 minutes; SE = 10.05; p= 0.279; MARA+SMS Difference T1-T0 = -11.5 minutes; SE = 8.80; p= 0.869; Control Difference T1-T0 = 10.9 minutes; SE = 9.07; p = 0.407). There was a higher participation in the MARA group in relation to the MARA+SMS group (MARA group = 34.4%; MARA+SMS group = 12.1%). There were no significant changes in adiposity at 10 weeks according to difference-in-differences analysis (body mass index p: ΔMARA+SMS group versus Δcontrol group = 0.945, ΔMARA group versus Δcontrol group = 0.847, ΔMARA+SMS group versus ΔMARA group = 0.990; FP p ΔMARA+SMS group versus Δcontrol group = 0.788, ΔMARA group versus Δcontrol group = 0.915, ΔMARA+SMS group versus ΔMARA group = 0.975). CONCLUSIONS: The Active Module of Active Recess is a promising strategy to increase physical activity levels and decrease sedentary behavior in students. The addition of Text Messages was not associated with increased moderate to vigorous physical activity or changes in adiposit