32 research outputs found

    Los yacimientos de Atxoste (Vírgala, Álava) y Mendandia (Sáseta, C. de Treviño)

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    Se presentan las características del componente cerámico correspondiente a los niveles del Neolítico antiguo de ambos yacimientos

    Cerámicas, Estilo y Neolitización: estudio comparativo de algunos ejemplos de la Meseta Norte y Alto Valle del Ebro

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    El estudio de las colecciones cerámicas de diversos yacimientos situados en el entorno de Alto Ebro y la Meseta Norte permite aproximarnos a la caracterización de las primeras producciones cerámicas en esta área del interior peninsular. En base a ello, se proponen dos horizontes cronológicos consecutivos caracterizados por formas diferentes de decorar las cerámicas

    Cryoballoon Ablation for Persistent and Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation: Procedural Differences and Results from the Spanish Registry (RECABA)

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    Introduction: Cryoballoon ablation (CBA) has become a standard treatment for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PaAF) but limited data is available for outcomes in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (PeAF). Methods: We analyzed the first 944 patients included in the Spanish Prospective Multi-center Observation Post-market Registry to compare characteristics and outcomes of patients undergoing CBA for PeAF versus PaAF. Results: A total of 944 patients (57.8 ± 10.4 years; 70.1% male) with AF (27.9% persistent) were prospectively included from 25 centers. PeAF patients were more likely to have structural heart disease (67.7 vs. 11.4%; p < 0.001) and left atrium dilation (72.6 vs. 43.3%; p < 0.001). CBA of PeAF was less likely to be performed under general anesthesia (10.7 vs. 22.2%; p < 0.001), with an arterial line (32.2 vs. 44.6%; p < 0.001) and assisted transeptal puncture (11.9 vs. 17.9%; p = 0.025). During an application, PeAF patients had a longer time to −30 ◦C (35.91 ± 14.20 vs. 34.93 ± 12.87 s; p = 0.021) and a colder balloon nadir temperature during vein isolation (−35.04 ± 9.58 vs. −33.61 ± 10.32 ◦C; p = 0.004), but received fewer bonus freeze applications (30.7 vs. 41.1%; p < 0.001). There were no differences in acute pulmonary vein isolation and procedure-related complications. Overall, 76.7% of patients were free from AF recurrences at 15-month follow-up (78.9% in PaAF vs. 70.9% in PeAF; p = 0.09). Conclusions: Patients with PeAF have a more diseased substrate, and CBA procedures performed in such patients were more simplified, although longer/colder freeze applications were often applied. The acute efficacy/safety profile of CBA was similar between PaAF and PeAF patients, but long-term results were better in PaAF patients

    El Valle de Ambrona y la provincia de Soria: La Lámpara, La Revilla del Campo y el Abrigo de la Dehesa/Carlos Álvarez

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    SE hace una presentación de las características de las producciones cerámicas recuperadas en los diversos yacimientos excavados en el área del Valle de Ambrona (Soria)

    Primary results of the Spanish Cryoballoon Ablation Registry: acute and long-term outcomes of the RECABA study

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    Cryoablation is safe and effective for the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) in controlled clinical trials, but contemporary real-world usage and outcomes are limited. The Report of the Spanish Cryoballoon Ablation Registry (RECABA) was designed to evaluate acute and 12-month outcomes of cryoballoon ablation for the treatment of AF in Spain. Patients from 27 Spanish centers were prospectively enrolled. Patients were treated with cryoballoon ablation and managed according to standard of care protocols at each center. The primary endpoint was ≥ 30 s freedom from AF at 12-month after a 3-month blanking period. Secondary endpoints included a description of patient characteristics, cryoablation procedural strategy and safety, and predictors of efficacy. In total, 1742 patients (71.4% PAF, 68.8% male, mean age 58.02 ± 10.40 years, 76.1% overweight or obese, CHA2DS2-VASc index 1.40 ± 1.28) were enrolled. Patients received 7.2 ± 2.67 cryo-applications. PV potentials could be detected in 61% of the PVs during ablation, with a mean time to block of 52.9 ± 37.02 s. Acute PVI was observed in 97% of PVs with 75.8% isolated with the first cryo-application. Mean procedural time was 113 ± 41 min. Acute complications occurred in 4.4% of the cases. With follow-up in 1628 patients, AF-free survival was 78.5% (PAF: 80.6% vs PersAF 73.3%; p < 0.001). Left atrium enlargement, female sex, non-PAF, and early recurrence were independent predictors of AF recurrence (p < 0.05). RECABA provides detailed insight into current dosing practices and demonstrates cryoablation is safe and effective in real-world use

    El Molino de Arriba (Buniel, Burgos)

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    Se presenta los datos de una interesante sepultura individual localizada en el transcuso de unas intervenciones de urgencia. Dentro del ajuar recuperado se hace especial mención a los tres recipientes cerámicos que formaban parte del mismo y que, a falta de dataciones radiocarbónicas, permiten adscribir la sepultura al Neolítico antiguo

    Differences in the yield of the implantable loop recorder between secondary and tertiary centers

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    Background: The implantable loop recorder (ILR) is a useful tool for diagnosis of syncope or palpitations. Its easy use and safety have extended its use to secondary hospitals (those without an Electrophysiology Lab). The aim of the study was to compare results between secondary and tertiary hospitals. Methods: National prospective and multicenter registry of patients with an ILR inserted for clinical reasons. Data were collected in an online database. The follow-up ended when the first diagnostic clinical event occurred, or 1 year after implantation. Data were analyzed according to the center of reference; hospitals with Electrophysiology Lab were considered Tertiary Hospi­tals, while those hospitals without a lab were considered Secondary Hospitals. Results: Seven hundred and forty-three patients (413 [55.6%] men; 65 ± 16 year-old): 655 (88.2%) from Tertiary Centers (TC) and 88 (11.8%) from Secondary Centers (SC). No differences in clinical characteristics between both groups were found. The electrophysi­ologic study and the tilt table test were conducted more frequently in Tertiary Centers. Fol­low-up was conducted for 680 (91.5%) patients: 91% in TC and 94% in SC. There was a higher rate of final diagnosis among SC patients (55.4% vs. 30.8%; p &lt; 0.001). Tertiary Hospital patients showed a trend towards a higher rate of neurally mediated events (20% vs. 4%), while bradyarrhythmias were more frequent in SC (74% vs. 60%; p = 0.055). The rate of deaths and adverse events was similar in both populations. Conclusions: Patients with an ILR in SC and TC have differences in terms of the use of complementary tests, but not in clinical characteristics. There was a higher rate of diagnosis in Secondary Hospital patients.

    Comparative study of the nutritional status in two samples of young adults

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    La revista permite a los autores reutilizar su fichero para depositarlo en su web o repositorio institucional, sin ánimo de lucro y mencionando la fuente original.[EN] The current nutritional status of two samples of both sexes young adults, aged 18 to 29 years and of two different socio-economic status (mean class or SES1 and low class or SES2) living in the Basque Country is compared. One of the samples is composed by 546 university students (159 males and 387 females) of the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), and the second sample consists in 86 su bjects (23males and 63 females) who participated as users of different social assistance programs of Caritas Diocesana de Bilbao (CDB). The nutritional information provided by the body composition study of each subject through anthropometry and through bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) was used. At the anthropometric level, the higher body height of the SES1 samples is noted as well as their greater homogeneity regarding direct measurements. The comparison did not reveal great differences in body composition, except a greater fat percentage in university males. This points out that the sample considered as low socioeconomic level is beginning to recover helped by the sanitary and social attention perceived, which has undoubtedly improved the nutritional indicators.[ES] Se compara el estado nutricional actual de dos muestras de jóvenes adultos, de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 29 años, de dos niveles socioeconómicos diferentes (clase media, SES1 y clase desfavorecida, SES2), residentes en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca (CAV). Una de las muestras está formada por 546 universitarios (159 varones y 387 mujeres) de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU), y la otra la forman 86 personas (23 hombres y 63 mujeres) que entre los años 1997 y 1998 participaban como usuarios en diversos programas de asistencia social de Cáritas Diocesana de Bilbao (CDB). Se ha utilizado la información nutricional que aporta el estudio de la composición corporal de cada sujeto, tanto por antropometría como por análisis de impedancia bioeléctrica (BIA). A nivel antropométrico destaca la mayor estatura de las muestras SES1 y su mayor homogeneidad en cuanto a las variables de medición directa. La comparación no ha puesto de manifiesto grandes diferencias en la composición corporal, con la excepción de un mayor porcentaje de grasa en los varones universitarios, lo que indica que la muestra considerada como de nivel bajo se encuentra en vías de recuperación, gracias a la atención sanitaria y social recibida, lo que ha hecho mejorar sin duda los indicadores nutricionales