110 research outputs found

    Las transformaciones de la cultura áulica: la corte de la Monarquía Católica como corte del Barroco

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    La Corte no fue solamente el “lugar” donde estaba el rey, sino una organización política-social, emanada del feudalismo, que englobaba todo el Reino. Esta organización política tenía sus fundamentos en los principios de la filosofía práctica clásica (Aristóteles) y creó su propia cultura (cultura cortesana). Ahora bien, los valores en los que se basaba, cambiaron paulatinamente a lo largo del tiempo: del cortesano humanista del siglo XVI se pasó al cortesano discreto del siglo XVII. La Monarquía hispana también experimentó una profunda transformación entre ambos siglos, lo que permitió que el cortesano del barroco se transformara en el modelo católico.The court was not only the “place” where the king was, but a social-political organisation, which emanated from feudalism and encompassed the whole kingdom. This political organisation was based on the principles of classical practical philosophy (Aristotle) and created its own culture (court culture). However, the values on which it was based changed gradually over time: from the humanist courtier of the 16th century to the discreet courtier of the 17th century. The Hispanic Monarchy also underwent a profound transformation between the two centuries, which allowed the baroque courtier to be transformed into the Catholic model

    Nuevos copolímeros a base de indol

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    Referencia OEPM: 9300155.-- Fecha de solicitud: 28/01/1993.-- Titular: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).Nuevos copolímeros a base de indol (ver figura en archivo de texto adjunto). La presente invención se refiere a un nuevo tipo de copolímeros de base indol de fórmula general (I), en la que R puede ser los heterociclos tiofeno y pirrol, DP son restos del agente oxidante que actúa como agente dopante. Para la obtención de los copolímeros se hace reaccionar indol con los heterociclos tiofeno o pirrol preferentemente a temperatura entre 25-30ºC en presencia de agente oxidante tal como el cloruro férrico, disueltos en cloroformo. En ambos casos se utilizan distintas relaciones molares de oxidante/monómero entre 1.5 y 5 y de comonómero/indol entre 1.5 y 9. Al final de la reacción se precipita el copolímero con una mezcla metanol/agua (1:1 en peso). Estos polímeros se caracterizan por presentar una marcada conductividad eléctrica y ser fácilmente solubles, lo que les hace ser aptos para diversas aplicaciones como conductores.Peer reviewe

    Identificación inicial de genes en Babesia bigemina mediante análisis de Etiquetas de Secuencia Expresadas en el estadio intraeritrocítico del parásito

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    In this study, Expressed Sequence Tags (EST) were obtained and analyzed from 2208 randomly selected clones containing plasmids with cDNA inserts derived from a Babesia bigemina library. The obtained sequences were extracted and subject to Blast homology search in the Genbank databases. Sequence homology analysis resulted in the identification of 470 clones (grouped in 267 distinct clusters) which contained EST with no significant sequence identity with Babesia sp genes or other Apicomplexan parasites. Presumably, these EST would correspond either to new, unreported B. bigemina transcribed genes present in the erythrocyte stages of the parasite, or to non-translated sequences of the putative genes. 21 clones were identified which contained EST corresponding to 6 genes coding for B. bigemina antigens already reported in the literature; 1285 clones (grouped in 159 clusters of distinct sequences) had significant sequence identity with genes coding for hypothetical proteins previously identified in the Babesia bovis genome. Moreover, 32 clones had EST corresponding to 16 different Theileria sp. genes; 51 clones (26 distinct sequences) showed EST with sequence similarity to genes of Plasmodium sp., 25 EST had low identity with 13 different Toxoplasma gondii genes; and 4 clones with EST for 4 different Cryptosporidium sp genes. The results obtained, in addition to EST analysis of a larger number of B. bigemina cDNA clones, will allow the characterization and, eventually, the manipulation of gene coding regions, essential for the establishment of improved control strategies for cattle babesiosis caused by B. bigemina.En este estudio se realizó el análisis de Etiquetas de Secuencias Expresadas (EST) obtenidas a partir de 2208 clonas de Escherichia coli, con plásmidos recombinantes conteniendo insertos de cDNA de Babesia bigemina. Las secuencias se analizaron mediante búsqueda de homología en las bases de datos de genes. El análisis de homología en secuencia permitió identificar 470 clonas (agrupadas en 267 clusters) conteniendo EST con similitud de secuencia estadísticamente no significativa con algún gen de Babesia spp o de otro organismo Apicomplexa, sugiriendo la presencia de genes nuevos de B. bigemina; Se identificaron 21 clonas con EST correspondientes a 6 secuencias de genes previamente reportados para B. bigemina; además de 1285 clonas (conformando 159 clusters de genes distintos) de identidad significativa con proteínas hipotéticas o correspondientes a genes ya reportados en el genoma secuenciado de Babesia bovis; 32 clonas con EST homólogas a 16 genes distintos de Theileria spp; 51 clonas (26 genes distintos) con similitud en secuencia a genes de Plasmodium spp; 25 clonas con EST de moderada similitud con 13 genes distintos genes de Toxoplasma gondii; y 4 clonas con EST de mayor identidad con 4 genes diferentes de Cryptosporidium spp. Los resultados obtenidos permiten elaborar una base de datos sobre EST del estadio intraeritrocítico de Babesia bigemina, información básica esencial para la caracterización molecular del parásito, que permite llevar a cabo la identificación y regulación de nuevas regiones génicas codificadoras y, eventualmente el establecimiento de nuevas estrategias de control de la babesiosis bovina causada por B. bigemina

    Extending Graph (Discrete) Derivative Descriptors to N-Tuple Atom-Relations

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    In the present manuscript, an extension of the previously defined Graph Derivative Indices (GDIs) is discussed. To achieve this objective, the concept of a hypermatrix, conceived from the calculation of the frequencies of triple and quadruple atom relations in a set of connected sub-graphs, is introduced. This set of subgraphs is generated following a predefined criterion, known as the event (S), being in this particular case the connectivity among atoms. The triple and quadruple relations frequency matrices serve as a basis for the computation of triple and quadruple discrete derivative indices, respectively. The GDIs are implemented in a computational program denominated DIVATI (acronym for DIscrete DeriVAtive Type Indices), a module of TOMOCOMD-CARDD program. Shannon‟s entropy-based variability analysis demonstrates that the GDIs show major variability than others indices used in QSAR/QSPR researches. In addition, it can be appreciated when the indices are extended over n-elements from the graph, its quality increases, principally when they are used in a combined way. QSPR modeling of the physicochemical properties Log P and Log K of the 2-furylethylenes derivatives reveals that the GDIs obtained using the tripleand quadruple matrix approaches yield superior performance to the duplex matrix approach. Moreover, the statistical parameters for models obtained with the GDI method are superior to those reported in the literature by using other methods. It can therefore be suggested that the GDI method, seem to be a promissory tool to reckon on in QSAR/QSPR studies, virtual screening of compound datasets and similarity/dissimilarity evaluations

    Adalimumab reduces photoreceptor cell death in a mouse model of retinal degeneration

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    Growing evidence suggests that inflammation is involved in the progression of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) both in patients and in animal models. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Adalimumab, a monoclonal anti-TNFα antibody, on retinal degeneration in a murine model of human autosomal recessive RP, the rd10 mice at postnatal day (P) 18. In our housing conditions, rd10 retinas were seriously damaged at P18. Adalimumab reduced photoreceptor cell death, as determined by scoring the number of TUNEL-positive cells. In addition, nuclear poly (ADP) ribose (PAR) content, an indirect measure of PAR polymerase (PARP) activity, was also reduced after treatment. The blockade of TNFα ameliorated reactive gliosis, as visualized by decreased GFAP and IBA1 immunolabelling (Müller cell and microglial markers, respectively) and decreased up-regulation of TNFα gene expression. Adalimumab also improved antioxidant response by restoring total antioxidant capacity and superoxide dismutase activity. Finally, we observed that Adalimumab normalized energetic and metabolic pattern in rd10 mouse retinas. Our study suggests that the TNFα blockade could be a successful therapeutic approach to increase photoreceptor survival during the progression of RP. Further studies are needed to characterize its effect along the progression of the diseaseThis work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund, Institute of Health Carlos III, PI12/0481, SAF2013-41059-R and SAF2013-41945 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MEC). CIBERER is an initiative of the Institute of Health Carlos III from the MEC. Regina Rodrigo has a research-contract SNS Miguel Servet (CP09/118) from Institute of Health Carlos II

    Calibration and performance tests of detectors for laser-accelerated protons

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    We present the calibration and performance tests carried out with two detectors for intense proton pulses accelerated by lasers. Most of the procedures were realized with proton beams of 0.46-5.60 MeV from a tandem accelerator. One approach made use of radiochromic films, for which we calibrated the relation between optical density and energy deposition over more than three orders of magnitude. The validity of these results and of our analysis algorithms has been confirmed by controlled irradiation of film stacks and reconstruction of the total beam charge for strongly non-uniform beam profiles. For the spectral analysis of protons from repeated laser shots, we have designed an online monitor based on a plastic scintillator. The resulting signal from a photomultiplier directly measured on a fast oscilloscope is especially useful for time-of-flight applications. Variable optical filters allow for suppression of saturation and an extension of the dynamic range. With pulsed proton beams we have tested the detector response to a wide range of beam intensities from single particles to 3 ×105 protons per 100 ns time interval.Project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and co-funded with FEDER's funds within the INNPACTO 2011 program under Grant No. IPT-2011-0862-900000. This work was supported by the Spanish Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica (I+D+i) under Grant No. TEC 2013-48036-C3-1-R and the Valencian Local Government under Grants PROMETEOII/2013/010 and ISIC 2011/013. The work of A. J. Gonzalez is financed by CSIC with a JAE-Doc contract under Junta de Ampliacion de Estudios program, cofinanced by the European Social Fund.Peer Reviewe

    Algorithms for the ROD DSP of the ATLAS hadronic Tile Calorimeter

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    10 pages, 10 figures.-- ISI Article Identifier: 000253651100003.Final full-text version available at: http://ific.uv.es/tical/doc/2007_02_12_JINST_2_T02001.pdfIn this paper we present the performance of two algorithms currently running in the Tile Calorimeter Read-Out Driver boards for the commissioning of ATLAS. The first algorithm presented is the so called Optimal Filtering. It reconstructs the deposited energy in the Tile Calorimeter and the arrival time of the data. The second algorithm is the MTag which tags low transverse momentum muons that may escape the ATLAS muon spectrometer first level trigger.Comparisons between online (inside the Read-Out Drivers) and offline implementations are done with an agreement around 99% for the reconstruction of the amplitude using the Optimal Filtering algorithm and a coincidende of 93% between the offline and online tagged muons for the MTag algorithm. The processing time is measured for both algorithms running together with a resulting time of 59.2 μs which, although above the 10 μs of the first level trigger, it fulfills the requirements of the commissioning trigger (~ 1 Hz). We expect further optimizations of the algorithms which will reduce their processing time below 10 μs.The authors acknowledge the help of Oleg Solovyanov, Giulio Usai, Sasha Solodkov, Tomas Davidek and the whole TileCal community.Peer reviewe

    ATLAS TileCal read-out driver system production and initial performance results

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    8 pages, 9 figures.-- ISI Article Identifier: 000251744500005The ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter detector (TileCal) is an iron-scintillating tiles sampling calorimeter designed to operate at the Large Hadron Collider accelerator at CERN. The central element of the back-end system of the TileCal detector is a 9U VME Read-Out Driver (ROD) board. The operation of the TileCal calorimeter requires a total of 32 ROD boards. This paper summarizes the tests performed during the ROD production and the results obtained. Data processing is performed in the ROD by digital signal processors, whose operation is based on the use of online algorithms such as the optimal filtering algorithm for the signal amplitude, pedestal and time reconstruction and the online Muon tagging algorithm which identifies low transverse momentum muons. The initial performance of both algorithms run during commissioning is also presented in this paper.This work was supported by the Spanish Technology and Science Commission under project FPA2003-09220-C02-02.Peer reviewe