8,044 research outputs found
Violence and Drug Prohibition in Colombia
We assess the role of inequality, poverty and drug prohibition, in explaining homicide rates(HR) in Colombia using panel data at the municipality level between 1990 and 1998. We use maximum likelihood estimation to evaluate several specifications of spatial models. When we pool the data we find a significant relation between the HR and poverty which is reinforced when the inequality variables are included in the regression. We use rates of arrest related to drugs as proxy for drug prohibition enforcement, and find no evidence of any net effect in this exercise. We proceed to estimate the model for every year since 1991 to 1998, and find mixed results along the analyzed period, with statistically significant positive coefficients for some years, evidencing a positive net effect for those years of drug prohibition on violence. This result calls for caution in the implementation of global policies meant to improve specific countries’ welfare, such as drug prohibition policies. On the other hand, our proxy for income inequality is not related to violence, while its relationship with poverty is weakly positive.Drug Prohibition, Violence, Crime, Spatial Econometrics
Fine structure in the large n limit of the non-hermitian Penner matrix model
In this paper we apply results on the asymptotic zero distribution of the
Laguerre polynomials to discuss generalizations of the standard large limit
in the non-hermitian Penner matrix model. In these generalizations , but the product is not necessarily fixed to the value of the 't
Hooft coupling . If and the limit exists, then the large limit is well-defined but
depends both on and on . This result implies that for the standard
large limit with fixed is not well-defined. The parameter
determines a fine structure of the asymptotic eigenvalue support: for
the support consists of an interval on the real axis with charge fraction
and an -dependent oval around the origin with charge fraction
. For these two components meet, and for the oval collapses to
the origin. We also calculate the total electrostatic energy ,
which turns out to be independent of , and the free energy
, which does depend of the fine structure
parameter . The existence of large asymptotic expansions of
beyond the planar limit as well as the double-scaling limit are
also discussed
Spectral curves in gauge/string dualities: integrability, singular sectors and regularization
We study the moduli space of the spectral curves which
characterize the vacua of U(n) supersymmetric gauge theories
with an adjoint Higgs field and a polynomial tree level potential . It is
shown that there is a direct way to associate a spectral density and a
prepotential functional to these spectral curves. The integrable structure of
the Whitham equations is used to determine the spectral curves from their
moduli. An alternative characterization of the spectral curves in terms of
critical points of a family of polynomial solutions to
Euler-Poisson-Darboux equations is provided. The equations for these critical
points are a generalization of the planar limit equations for one-cut random
matrix models. Moreover, singular spectral curves with higher order branch
points turn out to be described by degenerate critical points of .
As a consequence we propose a multiple scaling limit method of regularization
and show that, in the simplest cases, it leads to the Painlev\`{e}-I equation
and its multi-component generalizations.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure
Urbanismo disperso en EEUU: ciudades sin pasado
Reseña del libro "Antípolis" de Carlos García Vázquez, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2011, redactada por A. Martínez Medina, y publicada en la sección de bibliografía de la revista Arquitectura Viva nº 142, año 2012
The geometric plane of Crevillent: a development plan of reorganization and reform designed by José Guardiola Picó in 1877
El presente artículo analiza y sitúa en el contexto el expediente urbanístico sobre la reforma interior del núcleo urbano de Crevillente que el Ayuntamiento de esta ciudad intentó llevar a cabo en el último cuarto del siglo XIX y que, en parte, constituye el 'plano geométrico' parcial de esta villa. Se trata de un expediente urbanístico en el que se suceden las actas para su tramitación administrativa (entre 1876 y 1878) donde se intercala el proyecto urbano de reforma interior, que consta de tres documentos (memoria y dos planos: geométrico y de perfiles), firmados el 12 de enero de 1877 por el arquitecto José Guardiola Picó (1836-1909) y que se cierra con un plano suelto de 9 de enero de 1884 de firma no legible. Se repasa la evolución urbana de la villa de Crevillente a lo largo del siglo XIX: desde los planteamientos idealistas neoclásicos hasta los realistas emanados de la R.O. sobre redacción de planes geométricos de las poblaciones en España.El present article analitza i situa en el context l’expedient urbanístic sobre la reforma interior del nucli urbà de Crevillent que l’ajuntament d’aquesta ciutat intentà dur a terme en l’últim quart del segle XIX i que, en part, constitueix el plànol geomètric parcial d’aquesta vila. Es tracta d’un expedient municipal en què se succeeixen les actes del consistori per a la seua tramitació administrativa (entre 1876 i 1878) i en què s’intercala el projecte urbà de reforma interior, que consta de tres documents (memòria i dos planols: geomètric i de perfils), firmats el 12 de gener de 1877 per l’arquitecte José Guardiola Picó (1836-1909), i que es tanca amb un plànol solt del 9 de gener de 1884 de firma no molt llegible. Es fa respàs a l'evolució urbana de la villa de Crevillent al llarg del segle XIX: desde els plantejaments idealistes neoclàsics fins al realistes emanats de la Reial Ordre sobre redacció de plans geomètrics de las poblacions en Espanya.This article analyzes and places in the urbanistic report context the urban center reform of Crevillent city. The council tried to carry out it in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. The project constitutes the partial geometric plane of this town. This is a case where successive municipal authorities acts of the council for its administrative procedures (between 1876 and 1878), in which the project is put inside the urban reform, which consists of three documents (memory and two maps : geometric profiles), signed on 12 January 1877 by the architect José Guardiola Picó (1836-1909), and closes with a loose plan of January 9, 1884 not very legible signature. The urban evolution of the village of Crevillente is reviewed over the course of the 19th century: from the neoclassical idealist approaches to the realistic ones emanating from the R.O. on the drafting of geometric plans of the populations in Spain
Los secretos de las piedras: el proceso de intervenciones en la iglesia de Nueva Tabarca
El presente artículo sobre las obras de restauración de la iglesia de la isla de Nueva Tabarca, en la revista CANELOBRE nº 60, 2012 (Inst. Gil-Albert de la Diputación Provincial de Alicante; ISSN: 0213-0467), que tiene por título: "Los secretos de las piedras: el proceso de intervenciones en la iglesia de Nueva Tabarca", desgrana precisamente este proceso. En 1996 se desprendió una pieza de la cornisa que obligó a cerrar el templo. En 1998 se inician los trabajos de levantamiento y de proyecto. Las obras comienzan en 2003 y terminan en 2008 sin finalizar todo lo previsto. Se desmenuzan las obras de cubierta, estructura, fachadas y el 'misterio de las torres' donde se descubren tres torres superpuestas a lo largo de dos siglos, así como la solución adoptada de reconstrucción de las torres-campanarios con una propuesta contemporánea. El relato es histórico y técnico, poniendo de relieve los descubrimientos y hallazgos
Spanish Architecture 1992-2008
Architecture in Spain 1992-2008. This Conference (in image format) performs a synthetic tour of the architectural production in Spain during the period that opens with the events of 1992 (Olympics Games and World Expo in Seville) and closed in 2008 (exhibition of MoMA, Global Crisis and Universal Expo of Zaragoza). On the one hand shows the world and Spanish socio-economic context and is a selection of different architectures, grouped into six streams
La Fàbrica Cognitivoconductual : som empresaris de nosaltres mateixos?
Actualment, la Teràpia cognitivoconductual (TCC) gaudeix d'un fort període d'expansió i reconeixement, esdevenint la teràpia de referència. En el present article prenc una posició crítica davant aquesta realitat, plantejant la TCC com una pràctica hegemònica i analitzant les implicacions sociopolítiques que això comporta. Per tal de dur-ho a terme, he realitzat un estudi de cas de la teràpia, analitzant el model de subjecte sobre el qual la TCC opera. Una vegada analit-zat, m'he centrat en relacionar aquest subjecte amb el concepte foucaultià de l'"empresari de si mateix", establint que el model de subjecte que es construeix amb la teràpia és proper al model de subjecte neoliberal, plantejant així les re-percussions d'aquesta relació en termes de relacions de poder i hegemonia. Finalment, em qüestiono el paper de la universitat en aquest procés.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) nowadays enjoys a strong period of strong expansion and recognition, becoming the most worldwide accepted therapy. In this article, I pretend to show a critical position against this fact, considering the CBT as a hegemonic practice and analyzing the socio-political implications that this entails. In order to carry out this analysis, I have conducted a case study of this therapy, analyzing the model subject on which it operates. Once analyzed, this work has focused on how this subject relates with the Foucaultian concept of "entrepreneur of himself ", setting that the subject built by the therapy is a neoliberal one. Next, I consider the implications of this relationship in terms of power relations and hegemony. Finally, I critically reflect on the role of universi-ties in this process
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