3,803 research outputs found


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    Luz blanca en la normativa española como mejora de la sostenibilidad

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    En la actualidad, en nuestro país debido al índice de reproducción cromática en las lámparas del alumbrado exterior, el color que suelen presentar es un color amarillento, lo cual puede tener graves consecuencias en la seguridad de los ciudadanos al distorsionar algunos aspectos de la realidad. Es por este motivo que pretendemos resaltar las bondades que presenta la luz blanca, como la mejora de la eficiencia energética o en el comportamiento de los usuarios a la hora de aprovechar los espacios públicos en horarios nocturnos. Para asegurarnos que la introducción de la Luz Blanca en la normativa no presenta inconvenientes, esta investigación se presenta dividida en tres campos diferentes: Crimen, Seguridad Vial y Eficiencia Energética, con el propósito de evaluar el mayor número de factores que afectan al alumbrado exterior

    Social Rankings: Visual Sentiment Analysis in Social Networks

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    Social Rankings es una aplicación web que realiza un seguimiento en tiempo real de entidades en las redes sociales. Detecta y analiza las opiniones sobre estas entidades utilizando técnicas de análisis de sentimientos para generar un informe visual de su valoración y su evolución en el tiempo.Social Rankings is a web application that follows different entities in the social networks in real time. It detects and analyses the opinions about these entities using sentiment analysis techniques, to generate a visual report of their reputation and evolution in time.Social Rankings ha sido desarrollada por el Grupo de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural y Sistemas de Información (GPLSI) de la Universidad de Alicante. Esta aplicación ha sido financiada parcialmente por el Gobierno Español a través de los proyectos ATTOS (TIN2012-38536-C03-03) y LEGOLANG (TIN2012-31224), la Comisión Europea a través del proyecto SAM (FP7-611312), la Generalitat Valenciana a través del proyecto DIIM2.0 (PROMETEOII/2014/001) y la Universidad de Alicante a través del proyecto emergente “Explotación y tratamiento de la información disponible en Internet para la anotación y generación de textos adaptados al usuario” (GRE13-15)

    Eficiencia energética del alumbrado exterior en España

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    El alumbrado público en España representa entre un 40% y 60 % del total del consumo eléctrico de las ciudades, lo que supone unos gastos de electricidad y mantenimiento en torno a los 1.200 millones de euros al año. Sin embargo, los avances realizados en esta materia pueden ayudar a reducir este consumo energético hasta en un 45%. Si echamos un vistazo al resto de los países de la Unión Europea, podemos comprobar como España es el país que presenta un mayor consumo energético en alumbrado exterior por habitante, llegando a duplicar el valor de países como Alemania o Reino Unido. Por este motivo pretendemos realizar un pequeño análisis sobre el estado de nuestras instalaciones, para lo cual realizaremos una comparación con uno de los países más eficientes de la Unión Europea, el Reino Unido. Esta comparación nos ayudará a analizar algunos de los aspectos que consideramos que han sido pasados por alto en la normativa de eficiencia energética de alumbrado exterior de España, los cuales podrían suponer un aumento en la eficiencia de nuestros sistemas de alumbrado, con el correspondiente ahorro energético que esto podría conllevar

    Datos estructurales sobre el anticlinal de "San Emiliano-Valgrande" y unidades periféricas (Cordillera Cantábrica)

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    Se mencionan algunos datos estructurales sobre el anticlinal mecanizado que se extiende, desde las proximidades de San Emiliano (León) hasta el nacimiento del río Valgrande (Asturias), el cual, resulta ser una muy destacada estructura de replegamiento de la Unidad Cabalgante de Pajares. Se citan algunas otras observaciones sobre el carácter, en estazona, de la Unidad Cabalgante de Villamanín, que se le superpone, adquiriendo aquí una notable complejidad en la zona frontal, definiendo una serie de escamas y, conjuntamente, una semiventana tectónica de cierta importancia

    Reconocimiento de señales de deformación en pudingas de la Cuenca Carbonífera Central de Asturias

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    Se describe la existencia de señales de deformación (impresiones cóncavas, torsiones y fracturas) de nexo tectónico en cantos de pudingas cuarcíticas del Carbonífero (Westfaliense C-D, probablemente) de la Cuenca Central de Asturias (España)

    Implementation of an extended ZINB model in the study of low levels of natural gastrointestinal nematode infections in adult sheep

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    Background: In this study, two traits related with resistance to gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) were measured in 529 adult sheep: faecal egg count (FEC) and activity of immunoglobulin A in plasma (IgA). In dry years, FEC can be very low in semi-extensive systems, such as the one studied here, which makes identifying animals that are resistant or susceptible to infection a difficult task. A zero inflated negative binomial model (ZINB) model was used to calculate the extent of zero inflation for FEC; the model was extended to include information from the IgA responses. Results: In this dataset, 64 % of animals had zero FEC while the ZINB model suggested that 38 % of sheep had not been recently infected with GIN. Therefore 26 % of sheep were predicted to be infected animals with egg counts that were zero or below the detection limit and likely to be relatively resistant to nematode infection. IgA activities of all animals were then used to decide which of the sheep with zero egg counts had been exposed and which sheep had not been recently exposed. Animals with zero FEC and high IgA activity were considered resistant while animals with zero FEC and low IgA activity were considered as not recently infected. For the animals considered as exposed to the infection, the correlations among the studied traits were estimated, and the influence of these traits on the discrimination between unexposed and infected animals was assessed. Conclusions: The model presented here improved the detection of infected animals with zero FEC. The correlations calculated here will be useful in the development of a reliable index of GIN resistance that could be of assistance for the study of host resistance in studies based on natural infection, especially in adult sheep, and also the design of breeding programs aimed at increasing resistance to parasites

    A review of energy efficiency label of street lighting systems

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    There are very few countries that have provisions addressing the energy efficiency of the whole street lighting system, such as Spain or the Netherlands. Nevertheless, there is not an agreement about how energy efficiency must be assessed. The Spanish Government contemplates it in the Royal Decree 1890/2008 with the goal of improving energy savings and efficiency. However, this has not obtained the expected results. Nowadays, energy efficiency of this kind of systems is assessed using a label. In the case of Spain, this label only assesses one magnitude. The contributions of this paper are two evaluation systems (kiviat diagram and pie chart) which assess five magnitudes: lamps, energy efficiency index, light pollution, renewable energy contribution, and harness of the luminous flux using dimming. After that, a survey was done to study several subjects: (1) if citizens are aware about the efficiency of street lighting systems, (2) whether the sample of colors used in the label is adequate, and (3) if our proposed systems could replace the current evaluation system. Finally, the paper finishes with the conclusions of the survey

    Solving Sudoku with Membrane Computing

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    Sudoku is a very popular puzzle which consists on placing several numbers in a squared grid according to some simple rules. In this paper we present an efficient family of P systems which solve sudokus of any order verifying a specific property. The solution is searched by using a simple human-style method. If the sudoku cannot be solved by using this strategy, the P system detects this drawback and then the computations stops and returns No. Otherwise, the P system encodes the solution and returns Yes in the last computation step.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2008-04487-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Y-stent-assisted coil embolization of anterior circulation aneurysms using two solitaire AB devices: a single enter experience

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    Wide-neck intracranial aneurysms remain a challenge to endovascular treatment. We describe our experience in repairing wide-neck aneurysms of the anterior circulation located at arterial branch points using coil embolization assisted by Y-stenting using two Solitaire® stents. Six wide-neck intracranial aneurysms located on the middle cerebral artery bifurcation 3, pericallosal artery 1, and anterior communicating artery 2 were repaired by Y-stent-assisted coil embolization using two Solitaire® stents. Four cases were incidental findings of aneurysm and two cases were previously treated ruptured aneurysms that had undergone recanalization. All the cases were successfully treated without complications. Follow-up by digital subtraction angiography and magnetic resonance angiography at six months showed the stents to be patent with no recanalization of the aneurysm sacs. Repairing wide-neck aneurysms of the anterior circulation by Y-stent-assisted coil embolization using two Solitaire® stents is a simple and safe method of treating complex aneurysms. While the results are promising, larger series with longer term follow-ups are needed to corroborate that this treatment method is superior to other technique