6 research outputs found


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    The aim of the thesis is to analyse new technologies for integrated architectural surveys, studying the advantages and limitations of each in different architectural contexts, providing a global vision and unifying terminology and methodology in the field of architecture and engineering. The new technologies analyzed include laser scanning (both time-of-flight and triangulation), image-based 3-D modelling and drone-based photogrammetry, along with their integration with classical surveying techniques. With this goal, some case studies were examined, using different survey techniques with several advanced applications, in the field of architectural heritage. The case studies enabled us to analyze and study these techniques, however having quite clear that Image- and Range-based Modelling techniques, rather than compared, must be analysed for their integration, which is essential for the rendering of models with high levels of morphological and chromatic detail. On the other hand, thanks to the experience of the two different faculties (Architecture in Valencia, Spain and Civil Engineering in Pisa, Italy), besides the issues of interpretation between the two languages, divergence was found between the terminology used by the different specialists involved in the process, be they engineers (although dealing with different branches), architects and archaeologists. It is obvious that each of these profiles has a different view of architectural heritage, general construction and surveys. The current trend to form multidisciplinary teams working on architectural heritage, leads us to conclude that an unified technical terminology in this field could facilitate understanding and integration between the different figures, thus creating a common code.Martínez-Espejo Zaragoza, I. (2014). PRECISIONES SOBRE EL LEVANTAMIENTO 3D INTEGRADO CON HERRAMIENTAS AVANZADAS, APLICADO AL CONOCIMIENTO Y LA CONSERVACIÓN DEL PATRIMONO ARQUITECTÓNICO [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/37512TESI


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    The recent technological advancements in the field of digital photogrammetry together with the improvement of computational methods for image analysis have been show to aid laser technologies in architectural measurements, yielding high-resolution surveys of unprecedented resolution. In theory (and in many real applications) an integrated survey coming from both laser scanning and photogrammetry is able to meet all the requirements to perform a correct architectural survey, both in terms of the centimeter resolution and for fine aesthetic representations. The presented study deals a survey of the attic and the top surface of the domes of the left and right naves of the San Francesco Basilica in Ferrara (Italy), in which not all the ideal conditions required for a good quality integrated survey are present. Different practical problems may pose due to a recent earthquake (2012). The present job will be focused on survey planning and performing, in such emergency condition, on the used techniques and the final products. The results of such survey will be used for a future restoration of the Basilica

    A methodology for planar representation of frescoed oval domes: Formulation and testing on pisa cathedral

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    This paper presents an original methodology for planar development of a frescoed dome with an oval plan. Input data include a rigorous geometric survey, performed with a laser scanner, and a photogrammetry campaign, which associates a high-quality photographic texture to the 3D model. Therefore, the main topics include the development of geometry and, contextually, of the associated textures. In order to overcome the inability to directly develop the surface, an orthographic azimuthal projection is used. Starting from a prerequisite study of building methodology, the dome is divided into sectors and bands, each linked with the maximum acceptable deformations and the actual geometric discontinuities detectable by the analysis of Gaussian curvature. Upon definition of the development model, a custom automation script has been devised for geometry projection. This effectively generates a (u,v) map, associated to the model, which is used for model texturing and provides the planar development of the fresco

    Drones para inspecciones termográficas y topografía en pantas fotovoltaicas

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    Actualmente, las energías renovables, al tratarse de energías limpias, han ido ganando terreno a pasos agigantados a las fuentes de energía convencional como son las energías procedentes de recursos fósiles, nuclear, etc. Dentro de este campo, la empresa DRONICA ha estado trabajando desde 2.016, en el sector solar fotovoltaico (inspeccionando más de 1,2 GbW), innovando a través del uso de nueva tecnología, en la inspección, para un mayor rendimiento. Son muchas las fases en las que el uso del dron permite una mejoría y un ahorro para la planta [1]. En el caso de las plantas fotovoltaicas, el dron permite a través de fotogrametría convertirse en una herramienta muy útil como elemento topográfico, desde el levantamiento inicial hasta el seguimiento y control de obra, pasando por el movimiento de tierras y replanteos. Sucesivamente permite a través del uso combinado de cámaras termográficas y RGB la inspección necesaria para su puesta en marcha (comissioning). La calidad y la cantidad de datos obtenidos, permite un mayor control y abarata de forma exponencial los costes de ejecución. Además, una vez que la planta entra en funcionamiento, es el dron con la termografía infrarroja el que permite realizar el mantenimiento detectando anomalías y fallos no visibles al ojo humano necesarios para que una planta fotovoltaica funcione de forma eficiente [2,3,4]. Al mismo tiempo detecta fallos que pueden provocar un mal funcionamiento o incluso ocasionar fallos catastróficos como incendios de elementos eléctricos. Este paper presenta diferentes casos prácticos de proyectos ya ejecutados por todo el mundo (México, Japón, Burkina Faso, Jamaica, España, etc.) donde se ha podido utilizar dicha tecnología y estudiar las ventajas, así como las problemáticas solventadas para su ejecución, y como el sector ya la ve como una herramienta indispensable para abordar este tipo de proyectos, además de sus perspectivas de futuro