69 research outputs found

    Effects of climate change on the distribution of threatened invertebrates in a Mediterranean hotspot

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    1. The effects of climate change may constitute a major threat factor for endemic and threatened species of invertebrates. A particularly dramatic case can be found in the Iberian Peninsula, because of its high rate of species diversity and endemism. We aim to evaluate the effects of climate change on the distribution of 36 endangered and endemic species of invertebrates within the Iberian Peninsula using species distribution models. 2. We used an ensemble species distribution modeling framework to estimate the species potential distributions under current and future (2050 and 2070) climatic conditions for two different areas: the whole Iberian Peninsula and the current species ranges. We assessed species vulnerability to climate change by calculating three complementary indexes: Change in Suitable Area, Persistence in Suitable Area and Turnover in Suitable Area. 3. Annual Mean Precipitation was the variable that contributed most to the climatic models. We categorized 25 species as “losers” because they will experience a reduction in their total suitable area under future climatic conditions, six species were categorized as “winners” and six showed contradictory results. 4. Climate change will have several effects on species by changing their suitable distributions and may affect their persistence. Species with narrow distributions associated to mountain ranges will experience the worst future projected conditions, while arid adapted species are expected to expand their distributions. Factors assessing the vulnerability of endemic and endangered species can be taken into account to develop strategies that mitigate the negative effects of climate change.Universidad de Sevilla-V Plan Propio de InvestigaciónMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España-PID2019-108895GB-I00Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades y Agencia Estatal de Investigación de España-MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Functional connectivity network between terrestrial and aquatic habitats by a generalist waterbird, and implications for biovectoring

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    Birds are vectors of dispersal of propagules of plants and other organisms including pathogens, as well as nutrients and contaminants. Thus, through their movements they create functional connectivity between habitat patches. Most studies on connectivity provided by animals to date have focused on movements within similar habitat types. However, some waterbirds regularly switch between terrestrial, coastal and freshwater habitats throughout their daily routines. Lesser black-backed gulls that overwinter in Andalusia use different habitat types for roosting and foraging. In order to reveal their potential role in biovectoring among habitats, we created an inter-habitat connectivity network based on GPS tracking data. We applied connectivity measures by considering frequently visited sites as nodes, and flights as links, to determine the strength of connections in the network between habitats, and identify functional units where connections are more likely to happen. We acquired data for 42 tagged individuals (from five breeding colonies), and identified 5676 direct flights that connected 37 nodes. These 37 sites were classified into seven habitat types: reservoirs, natural lakes, ports, coastal marshes, fish ponds, rubbish dumps and ricefields. The Donana ricefields acted as the central node in the network based on centrality measures. Furthermore, during the first half of winter when rice was harvested, ricefields were the most important habitat type in terms of total time spent. Overall, 90% of all direct flights between nodes were between rubbish dumps (for foraging) and roosts in other habitats, thereby connecting terrestrial and various wetland habitats. The strength of connections decreased between nodes as the distance between them increased, and was concentrated within ten independent spatial and functional units, especially between December and February. The pivotal role for ricefields and rubbish dumps in the network, and their high connectivity with aquatic habitats in general, have important implications for biovectoring into their surroundings. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Endozoochory of the same community of plants lacking fleshy fruits by storks and gulls

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    Aims: Research into the dispersal of plants lacking a fleshy fruit by avian endozoochory remains limited, particularly regarding the different roles of specific vectors in the same habitat. Methods: We compared plants dispersed by endozoochory between two migratory waterbirds differing in body size: the lesser black-backed gull Larus fuscus, and the white stork Ciconia ciconia. We collected faeces and pellets from roosting flocks on dykes in rice fields in Doñana, SW Spain, and extracted intact seeds. Results: We recovered 424 intact seeds from excreta, representing 21 plant taxa, 11 of which germinated under laboratory conditions. Eight plant species are considered weeds, four of them as alien species, and only two have a fleshy fruit. Seed abundance and species richness per sample did not differ between storks and gulls. Toadrush (Juncus bufonius) was the dominant species, accounting for 49% of seeds recovered. PERMANOVA and mvabund analyses revealed no differences in the proportions of each plant species dispersed by the two vectors, and seasonal variation in abundance was absent. Overall, germinability was 19%, and declined with increasing delay between sample collection and processing. Transects along dykes identified 52 plant taxa, only 18 of which were recorded in excreta. Conclusions: Overlap in the communities of non-fleshy-fruited plants dispersed by two unrelated birds of different size suggests that waterbird plant dispersal networks are different from frugivore networks. Unlike for frugivores, decoupling between seed production and ingestion reduces seasonal variation in endozoochory rates. For Juncus bufonius and other plants, these avian vectors provide maximum dispersal distances several orders of magnitude greater than predicted from their dispersal syndromes. Endozoochory by migratory waterbirds has major implications for plant distributions in a rapidly changing world, and more research is required before we can predict which plants disperse regularly via this mechanism

    Dispersal of aquatic invertebrates by lesser black‐backed gulls and white storks within and between inland habitats

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    Waterbirds can transport aquatic invertebrates internally, contributing to metapopulation dynamics between aquatic habitats in a terrestrial matrix. However, research into this dispersal process to date has focused on individual field sites or laboratory studies. We investigated the invertebrates dispersed by endozoochory by the lesser black-backed gull Larus fuscus winter- ing in Andalusia, south-west Spain in 2016–2017, comparing seven sites interconnected by their movements, with different degrees of anthropogenization [three landfills, two saltpan complexes, a natural lake, and a large (370 km2) ricefield area]. In the ricefields, we also compared invertebrates dispersed by gulls with those dispersed by the larger white stork Ciconia ciconia. A total of 642 intact invertebrates and their propagules (mainly plumatellid bryozoans, cladocerans, and other branchiopods) were recorded in excreta (faeces and pellets) from gulls and storks. A greater diversity and abundance of invertebrates were recorded in ricefields, notably 43 individuals of the alien snail Physella acuta. One snail was still alive in a gull pellet 3 weeks after being stored in a fridge. This represents the first record of snail dispersal within waterbird pellets. Viability was also confirmed for the cladoceran Macrothrix rosea recorded in ricefields, and the alien brine shrimp Artemia franciscana recorded mainly in saltpans. In ricefields, gulls and pellets had significantly fewer propagules and fewer taxa per gram of excreta than storks and faeces, respectively. Through their high mobility, gulls and storks can disperse invertebrates between different natural and artificial habitats, and even to landfills. They can promote metapopulation dynamics for native bryozoans and branchiopods, but also the spread of invasive snails and brine shrimp

    Gulls living in cities as overlooked seed dispersers within and outside urban environments

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    The yellow-legged gull is an opportunistic and generalist bird that has colonised urban areas, where it has found very favourable trophic resources but also causes disturbance to humans and damage to infrastructure. Here, we investigated the potential role that gulls play in the dispersal of plants in Barcelona, a highly populated city of northeastern Spain. We analysed the stomach contents of 145 chicks collected in urban nests and reported the presence of seeds of 27 plant taxa. We then developed a plant dispersal model based on the movements of 20 GPS-tracked yellow-legged gulls breeding in the city of Barcelona. We estimated seed dispersal distances, seed shadows and per- centage of seeds reaching habitats suitable for seeds regurgitated in pellets and those excreted in faeces. Seven of the 27 plant taxa found in the stomachs were alien taxa to Spain. Average dispersal distances of plant seeds by gulls were around 700 m, but maximum dispersal distances reached up to 35 km. Dispersal distances and seed spatial patterns did not differ between faeces and pellet models, as most strongly depended on gull movements. About 95% of the seeds were dispersed within urban environments and between 20 and 30% reached suitable habitats for seed deposition (urban woodlands, green urban parks and urban grasslands). Urban gulls frequently dispersed seeds (including alien species) within urban habitats, both via direct consumption or via secondary dispersal after consuming granivorous birds that had ingested the seeds, such as pigeons or parakeets. Urban planning for Barcelona is based on native plant species, and thus, special attention should be paid to alien plants dispersed by birds, which could pose a risk to native biodiversity in urban ecosystems

    Characteristics of attack phases in boys' 14 and under basketball competition

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las características de la competición de baloncesto de categoría infantil masculina, para analizar si se adapta a las capacidades y necesidades formativas de los jugadores. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 2252 fases de ataque. Las variables analizadas fueron número de fases de ataque, tipo de fase de ataque, duración de la fase de ataque y número de pases por fase de ataque. El estudio se realizó mediante metodología observacional. En todas las variables se encontraron diferencias significativas entre equipos. Los datos muestran que la competición podría ser susceptible de mejorar si se modificasen algunos de los valores obtenidos en las variables analizadas.fueron número de fases de ataque, tipo de fase de ataque, duración de la fase de ataque y número de pases por fase de ataque. El estudio se realizó mediante metodología observacional. En todas las variables se encontraron diferencias significativas entre equipos. Los datos muestran que la competición podría ser susceptible de mejorar si se modificasen algunos de los valores obtenidos en las variables analizadas.Este estudio ha sido financiado por el Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad: DEP2011-13702-E y PFE-MICINN-OS/10

    Magnetic order and disorder in nanomagnets probed by superconducting vortices

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    We have studied two nanomagnet systems with strong (Co/Pd multilayers) and weak (NdCo alloy films) stray magnetic fields by probing the out-of-plane magnetic states with superconducting vortices. The hybrid samples are made of array of nanomagnets embedded in superconducting Nb thin films. The vortex motion detects relevant magnetic state features, since superconducting vortices are able to discriminate between different magnetic stray field strengths and directions. The usual matching effect between the superconducting vortex lattice and the periodic pinning array can be quenched by means of disorder magnetic potentials with strong stray fields at random. Ordered stray fields retrieve the matching effect and yield asymmetry and shift in the vortex dissipation signal. Furthermore vortices can discriminate the sizes of the nanomagnet magnetic domains, detecting magnetic domain sizes as small as 70 nm. In addition, we observe that the vortex cores play the crucial role instead of the supercurrents around the vortex.We thank Spanish MINECO grants FIS2013-45469, FIS2016-76058 (AEI/FEDER, UE), Spanish CM grant S2013/MIT-2850. IMDEA Nanociencia acknowledges support from the ‘Severo Ochoa’ Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (MINECO, Grant SEV-2016-0686). DG acknowledges RYC-2012-09864, S2013/MIT-3007 and ESP2015-65597-C4-3-R for financial support.Peer reviewe

    Predicción de la Composición Química y Fibra Detergente Neutro de Rye Grass Italiano (Lolium multiflorum Lam) mediante Espectroscopía de Reflectancia en Infrarrojo Cercano (NIRS)

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    The aim of this study was to generate calibration equations to predict the nutritional chemical composition of the Italian rye grass (RG) (Lolium multiflorum Lam) by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). A total of 75 samples of RG of different harvesting weeks were collected from the IVITA Research Center in Huancayo (Peru). Spectrum capture was performed using NIRS and the chemical analysis was done for reference of the following components: crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), total ash (CZ), crude fibre (CF) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF). A calibration and validation model by partial least squares (PLS) was developed and the correlation coefficient (R), coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC), root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP), ratio range with error (RER) and residual predictive deviation (RPD) were used as statistics of accuracy and precision. Proximate analysis means were: PC = 19.02%, EE = 4.53%, CZ = 12.79%, FC = 16.50% and NDF 60.98%. High values of R2 and low values of RMSEC and RMSEP were obtained for PC (0.96, 1.02, 1.19), EE (0.94, 0.29, 1.05), CZ (0.90, 0.57, 0.92) and NDF (0.90, 1.01, 1.25, respectively). The largest RER (22.34) and RPD (4.90) were obtained for EE. It is concluded that the calibration and validation equations obtained by NIRS enable optimal quantitative prediction of PC, EE, CZ and NDF in Italian rye grass (Lolium multiflorum Lam).El objetivo del presente estudio fue generar ecuaciones de calibración que permitan predecir la composición químico nutricional de la especie forrajera rye grass italiano (RG) (Lolium multiflorum Lam) mediante la técnica de Espectroscopía de Reflectancia en Infrarrojo Cercano (NIRS). Se colectaron 75 muestras de RG de diferentes semanas de corte provenientes de los campos experimentales del Centro de Investigacion IVITA-El Mantaro (Huancayo, Perú), a las cuales se les realizó la captura del espectro mediante equipo NIRS y se hizo el análisis químico de referencia para los componentes proteína cruda (PC), extracto etéreo (EE), cenizas totales (CZ), fibra cruda (FC) y fibra detergente neutro (FDN). Se desarrolló un modelo de calibración y validación mediante mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS) y como estadísticos de exactitud y precisión se utilizaron el coeficiente de correlación (R), coeficiente de determinación (R2), raíz cuadrada media del error de calibración (RMSEC), raíz cuadrada media del error de predicción (RMSEP), proporción del rango con el error (RER) y desviación residual predictiva (RPD). El análisis proximal promedio fue para PC=19.02%, EE=4.53%, CZ=12.79%, FC=16.50% y FDN=60.98%. Altos valores de R2 y bajos RMSEC y RMSEP fueron obtenidos para PC (0.96, 1.02, 1.19), EE (0.94, 0.29, 1.05), CZ (0.90, 0.57, 0.92) y FDN (0.90, 1.01, 1.25, respectivamente). El mayor RER (22.34) y RPD (4.90) se obtuvo para EE. Se concluye que las ecuaciones de calibración y validación NIRS obtenidas permiten una óptima predicción cuantitativa de PC, EE, CZ y FDN en rye grass italiano (Lolium multiflorum Lam)

    Hacia una práctica de aprendizaje-servicio a través de la literatura y el cine en el Grado de Estudios Ingleses: herramientas pedagógicas y educativas para desmantelar discursos colectivos de miedo

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    Memoria ID-096. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2019-2020.[ES]El objetivo del proyecto es fomentar el aprendizaje-servicio en el Grado de Estudios Ingleses, en temáticas consideradas no canónicas (literaturas y cines postcoloniales de diversidad racial, de género y sexual) para estudiar y promover análisis e intervenciones sobre cómo constructos culturales y performativos vertebran discursos de miedo, y establecer dinámicas de intervención, ordenación y, en la mayoría de los casos, subalternida