9 research outputs found

    Calidad de vida profesional en enfemería: hacia la búsqueda del confort enfermero

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    JUSTIFICACIÓ: La qualitat de vida professional (CVP) del personal d'infermeria té una repercussió directa sobre l'organització, sobre la qualitat de les cures i sobre la salut física i psicològica dels treballadors. Treballar en millorar-la, contribuirà a millorar el seu nivell de satisfacció i a optimitzar la qualitat de les seves cures. OBJECTIUS: Descriure els factors que intervenen en la qualitat de vida professional percebuda per la Infermeria de l'Hospital General de Granollers; analitzar la percepció sobre la qualitat de vida professional de la infermeria de l'Hospital; i conèixer les seves propostes sobre els components clau d'un model de Confort laboral per a aquest col·lectiu professional. METODOLOGIA: Es va escollir treballar amb la investigació qualitativa-descriptiva que va permetre fer l'anàlisi en profunditat enfocat des del interaccionisme simbòlic utilitzant la Teoria Fonamentada (Grounded Theory) mitjançant la utilització de grups de discussió. No obstant això, i mitjançant metodologia quantitativa es va obtenir informació sobre prevalença i aspectes generals del fenomen, a través del qüestionari de qualitat de vida professional CVP-35. Les categories professionals sotmeses a estudi van ser infermeres i auxiliars d'infermeria i infermeres coordinadores. RESULTATS I CONCLUSIONS: Els professionals d'infermeria perceben una CVP global mitjana, tenen una alta motivació intrínseca, un mitjana-alta percepció de les càrregues de treball i un baix suport directiu. El procés de codificació va donar lloc a 91 codis, agrupats van generar 10 categories: suport institucional, estabilitat laboral, relacions a la feina, salari, formació, equilibri treball-vida personal, factors estressants, satisfacció laboral, comoditat en l'espai de treball i factors personals. Emergeix la necessitat d'una sèrie de condicions que consideren han de ser ofertes per la institució, juntament amb la disminució dels factors estressants, que unit a la satisfacció i motivació pròpies amb el seu acompliment laboral, porten el professional a obtenir una bona CVP, el que hem anomenat confort laboral.JUSTIFICACIÓN: La calidad de vida profesional (CVP) del personal de enfermería tiene una repercusión directa sobre la organización, sobre la calidad de los cuidados y sobre la salud física y psicológica de los trabajadores. Trabajar en mejorarla, contribuirá a mejorar su nivel de satisfacción y a optimizar la calidad de sus cuidados. OBJETIVOS: Describir los factores que intervienen en la calidad de vida profesional percibida por la Enfermería del Hospital General de Granollers; analizar la percepción acerca de la calidad de vida profesional de la enfermería del Hospital; y conocer sus propuestas sobre los componentes clave de un modelo de Confort laboral para este colectivo profesional. METODOLOGÍA: Se escogió trabajar con la investigación cualitativa-descriptiva que permitió hacer el análisis en profundidad enfocado desde el interaccionismo simbólico utilizando la Teoría Fundamentada (Grounded Theory) mediante la utilización de grupos de discusión. No obstante, y mediante metodología cuantitativa se obtuvo información sobre prevalencia y aspectos generales del fenómeno, a través del cuestionario de calidad de vida profesional CVP-35. Las categorías profesionales sometidas a estudio fueron enfermeras y auxiliares de enfermería y enfermeras coordinadoras. RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIONES: Los profesionales de enfermería perciben una CVP global media, poseen una alta motivación intrínseca, una media- alta percepción de las cargas de trabajo y un bajo apoyo directivo. El proceso de codificación dio lugar a 91 códigos, agrupados generaron 10 categorías: apoyo institucional, estabilidad laboral, relaciones en el trabajo, salario, formación, equilibrio trabajo-vida personal, factores estresantes, satisfacción laboral, comodidad en el espacio de trabajo y factores personales. Emerge la necesidad de una serie de condiciones que consideran deben ser ofrecidas por la institución, junto con la disminución de los factores estresantes, que unido a la satisfacción y motivación propias con su desempeño laboral, llevan al profesional a obtener una buena CVP, lo que hemos llamado confort laboralTITLE: Professional quality of life in nursing staff (ProQol): Looking towards nursing comfort. INTRODUCTION: The professional quality of life in nursing staff (ProQol) has a direct impact on the organization, on the quality of care and on the physical and psychological health of employees. Working to improve it, will contribute to improve their level of satisfaction and optimize the quality of their care. OBJECTIVES: To describe the factors involved in the quality of professional life observed by the nursing staff at the General Hospital in Granollers; analyze their perception about the quality of professional life for the hospital's nursing staff; And know their proposals on the key components of a work comfort model for this professional group. METHODOLOGY: Qualitative-descriptive research was chosen for this study which allowed an in-depth analysis focused on the symbolic interactionism by using the Grounded Theory through the use of discussion groups. However, through quantitative methodology, information on prevalence and general aspects of the phenomenon was obtained through the ProQol-35 professional quality of life questionnaire. The professional categories undertaken in this study were nurses, nursing assistants and nurse coordinators. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS:Nursing professionals perceive an average global ProQol, they have high intrinsic motivation, a medium-high perception of workloads and low managerial support. The coding process resulted in 91 codes, grouped into 10 categories: institutional support, job stability, work relations, salary, training, personal work-life balance, stressors, job satisfaction, comfort in the workplace and personal factors. There is an emerging need for a series of conditions that they consider should be offered by the institution, jointly with the reduction of stressors, which together with the satisfaction and personal motivation for their work performance, leads the professional to obtain a good ProQol, which we have called work comfort

    An integrative review of the continuing professional development needs for nurse educators

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    Objectives: The study aimed at describing the field of research in continuing professional development for nurse educators and the continuous education and development needs of nurse educators by asking: What research has been done in the field of continuing professional development of nurse educators? What are the continuing education and development needs and requirements reported for and by nurse educators? Design: An integrative review of peer-reviewed academic literature following a systematic search design. Data sources: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods publications in CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Embase, ERIC, and PubMed. Review methods: Search results were screened for full text and assessed for quality using the Mixed Methods Assessment Tool. Full texts were then thematic analysed using an inductive and reflective process. Results: The number of published academic articles about the continuing professional development for nurse educators is small (n = 13). The themes produced from the articles identify heterogenous development needs for nurse educators, clustered around four themes: (1) professional competencies (2) management and resources, (3) communication and collaboration, and (4) agency. The findings of this review show that nurse educators have multiple roles which have specific and multiple personal and institutional needs. Conclusions: The results of this review show that the continuing professional development needs are heterogenous between nurse educators, yet share commonalities across departmental teams as a whole, and across different countries. This raises the issue of how these needs can or should be, focused on the sustainable development of nurse educators.peer-reviewe

    Professional competence, personal occupational well-being, and mental workload of nurse educators – A cross-sectional study in four European countries

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    BackgroundNurse educators need a high level of professional competence to educate future health care professionals. Professional competence supports occupational well-being whilst high mental workload can undermine it. There is little existing research into nurse educators' professional competence, occupational well-being, mental workload, and the relationships between them, particularly in the European context.ObjectivesTo describe the professional competence, personal occupational well-being, and mental workload of nurse educators in four European countries, and to explore how the professional competence and mental workload of nurse educators relate to their personal occupational well-being.DesignCross-sectional study design with quantitative survey data.SettingNurse educators from Finland, Spain, Slovakia, and Malta.MethodsThe data were collected from 302 nurse educators through an online questionnaire which used the Health and Social Care Educator's Competence (HeSoEduCo) instrument. This contains 43 items which measure areas of professional competence. Statistical analysis involved descriptive and multivariate analysis.ResultsNurse educators self-assessed their overall professional competence as high. Competence in evidence-based practice was assessed as the highest whilst cultural competence was perceived to be the lowest of the six competence areas. Nurse educators perceived their levels of personal occupational well-being and the balance of mental workload as moderate. However, these levels varied between the four countries. Professional competence, more specifically administrative and curriculum competence, and a balanced mental workload were positively related to personal occupational well-being.ConclusionsThe educators who perceive themselves to have very good professional competence and a balanced mental workload are more likely to report high occupational well-being. The findings suggest that nurse educators' cultural competence needs to be strengthened and intervention research is needed to determine ways of reducing mental workload and increasing the occupational well-being of nurse educators

    Utility of "The empowering nurse educators in the changing world" study programme

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    Nurse educators' competence requirements are constantly evolving. Continuous professional development opportunities vary and there are very few programmes that utilize international collaboration. An Erasmus+ funded New Nurse Educator project developed and implemented a 30 ECTS study programme for nurse educator education and continuous professional development. The aim of the current study is to report the evaluation of the utility of the Empowering Nurse Educators in the Changing World (ENEC) study programme. International descriptive multi method study with a pre-test post-test design was conducted. Evaluation of the impact of the programme on the participants utilized five different instruments and participants' learning diaries. Programme participants were nurse educators and nurse educator candidates from six European countries (n = 42). Analyses indicate that the participants' competence increased in all areas measured after the programme, and that their competence is good. Participants highly valued the international collaboration and exchange of experiences and expertise. The evaluation indicates that international nurse educator education programmes are beneficial for both seasoned and aspiring nurse educators. This study provides novel information on the development and enhancement of nurse educator competence. For further development of continuing professional development, it is crucial to support the development of nurse educator education study programmes in Europe

    Calidad de vida profesional en enfemería: hacia la búsqueda del confort enfermero

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    JUSTIFICACIÓ: La qualitat de vida professional (CVP) del personal d'infermeria té una repercussió directa sobre l'organització, sobre la qualitat de les cures i sobre la salut física i psicològica dels treballadors. Treballar en millorar-la, contribuirà a millorar el seu nivell de satisfacció i a optimitzar la qualitat de les seves cures. OBJECTIUS: Descriure els factors que intervenen en la qualitat de vida professional percebuda per la Infermeria de l'Hospital General de Granollers; analitzar la percepció sobre la qualitat de vida professional de la infermeria de l'Hospital; i conèixer les seves propostes sobre els components clau d'un model de Confort laboral per a aquest col·lectiu professional. METODOLOGIA: Es va escollir treballar amb la investigació qualitativa-descriptiva que va permetre fer l'anàlisi en profunditat enfocat des del interaccionisme simbòlic utilitzant la Teoria Fonamentada (Grounded Theory) mitjançant la utilització de grups de discussió. No obstant això, i mitjançant metodologia quantitativa es va obtenir informació sobre prevalença i aspectes generals del fenomen, a través del qüestionari de qualitat de vida professional CVP-35. Les categories professionals sotmeses a estudi van ser infermeres i auxiliars d'infermeria i infermeres coordinadores. RESULTATS I CONCLUSIONS: Els professionals d'infermeria perceben una CVP global mitjana, tenen una alta motivació intrínseca, un mitjana-alta percepció de les càrregues de treball i un baix suport directiu. El procés de codificació va donar lloc a 91 codis, agrupats van generar 10 categories: suport institucional, estabilitat laboral, relacions a la feina, salari, formació, equilibri treball-vida personal, factors estressants, satisfacció laboral, comoditat en l'espai de treball i factors personals. Emergeix la necessitat d'una sèrie de condicions que consideren han de ser ofertes per la institució, juntament amb la disminució dels factors estressants, que unit a la satisfacció i motivació pròpies amb el seu acompliment laboral, porten el professional a obtenir una bona CVP, el que hem anomenat confort laboral.JUSTIFICACIÓN: La calidad de vida profesional (CVP) del personal de enfermería tiene una repercusión directa sobre la organización, sobre la calidad de los cuidados y sobre la salud física y psicológica de los trabajadores. Trabajar en mejorarla, contribuirá a mejorar su nivel de satisfacción y a optimizar la calidad de sus cuidados. OBJETIVOS: Describir los factores que intervienen en la calidad de vida profesional percibida por la Enfermería del Hospital General de Granollers; analizar la percepción acerca de la calidad de vida profesional de la enfermería del Hospital; y conocer sus propuestas sobre los componentes clave de un modelo de Confort laboral para este colectivo profesional. METODOLOGÍA: Se escogió trabajar con la investigación cualitativa-descriptiva que permitió hacer el análisis en profundidad enfocado desde el interaccionismo simbólico utilizando la Teoría Fundamentada (Grounded Theory) mediante la utilización de grupos de discusión. No obstante, y mediante metodología cuantitativa se obtuvo información sobre prevalencia y aspectos generales del fenómeno, a través del cuestionario de calidad de vida profesional CVP-35. Las categorías profesionales sometidas a estudio fueron enfermeras y auxiliares de enfermería y enfermeras coordinadoras. RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIONES: Los profesionales de enfermería perciben una CVP global media, poseen una alta motivación intrínseca, una media- alta percepción de las cargas de trabajo y un bajo apoyo directivo. El proceso de codificación dio lugar a 91 códigos, agrupados generaron 10 categorías: apoyo institucional, estabilidad laboral, relaciones en el trabajo, salario, formación, equilibrio trabajo-vida personal, factores estresantes, satisfacción laboral, comodidad en el espacio de trabajo y factores personales. Emerge la necesidad de una serie de condiciones que consideran deben ser ofrecidas por la institución, junto con la disminución de los factores estresantes, que unido a la satisfacción y motivación propias con su desempeño laboral, llevan al profesional a obtener una buena CVP, lo que hemos llamado confort laboralTITLE: Professional quality of life in nursing staff (ProQol): Looking towards nursing comfort. INTRODUCTION: The professional quality of life in nursing staff (ProQol) has a direct impact on the organization, on the quality of care and on the physical and psychological health of employees. Working to improve it, will contribute to improve their level of satisfaction and optimize the quality of their care. OBJECTIVES: To describe the factors involved in the quality of professional life observed by the nursing staff at the General Hospital in Granollers; analyze their perception about the quality of professional life for the hospital's nursing staff; And know their proposals on the key components of a work comfort model for this professional group. METHODOLOGY: Qualitative-descriptive research was chosen for this study which allowed an in-depth analysis focused on the symbolic interactionism by using the Grounded Theory through the use of discussion groups. However, through quantitative methodology, information on prevalence and general aspects of the phenomenon was obtained through the ProQol-35 professional quality of life questionnaire. The professional categories undertaken in this study were nurses, nursing assistants and nurse coordinators. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS:Nursing professionals perceive an average global ProQol, they have high intrinsic motivation, a medium-high perception of workloads and low managerial support. The coding process resulted in 91 codes, grouped into 10 categories: institutional support, job stability, work relations, salary, training, personal work-life balance, stressors, job satisfaction, comfort in the workplace and personal factors. There is an emerging need for a series of conditions that they consider should be offered by the institution, jointly with the reduction of stressors, which together with the satisfaction and personal motivation for their work performance, leads the professional to obtain a good ProQol, which we have called work comfort

    Effectiveness of resilience-based interventions in schools for adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Adolescence; Meta-analysis; ResilienceAdolescencia; Metanálisis; ResilienciaAdolescència; Metaanàlisi; ResiliènciaIntroduction: Resilience has been identified as a dynamic process that provides capabilities to face adversity. Considering the many protective factors involved in resilience and that the school is a key context to promote resilience, this review aimed to examine the effect of school-based interventions on resilience in adolescents. Methods: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis were conducted in July 2021 on four databases. The risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. Random-effects meta-analysis was used to obtain pooled estimates. Stratified analyses were done according to population type (general, at risk), intervention type, and follow-up assessments. Results: Of the 1,667 articles obtained, 27 were included in the systematic review and 16 in the meta-analysis. The random effects indicated a significant increase in resilience after the intervention [SMD = 0.58, 95% CI (0.29-0.87)]. Subgroup analysis showed effectiveness only in the population at risk [SMD = 1.28, 95% CI (0.53-2.03)] and early adolescence [SMD = 1.28, 95% CI (0.42-2.14), PI (-7.44 to 10.33)]. Multicomponent intervention [SMD = 1.45, 95% CI (0.11-2.80)] and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) [SMD = 0.20, 95% CI (0.06-0.34)] demonstrated substantial effectiveness. Significant results were observed within 8-week follow-ups or less [SMD = 1.55, 95% CI (0.61-2.48)]. Discussion: These findings provide evidence that multicomponent and CBT interventions increase resilience in early at-risk adolescents only in the short term. Developing resilience interventions is useful in schools exposed to unfavourable socioeconomic contexts. Furthermore, long-term interventions should be redesigned to improve their effectiveness.This study was funded by a grant from the Strategic Plan for Research and Innovation in Health from the Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain; SLT017/20/000070)

    Table_1_Effectiveness of resilience-based interventions in schools for adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis.docx

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    IntroductionResilience has been identified as a dynamic process that provides capabilities to face adversity. Considering the many protective factors involved in resilience and that the school is a key context to promote resilience, this review aimed to examine the effect of school-based interventions on resilience in adolescents.MethodsA systematic literature review and meta-analysis were conducted in July 2021 on four databases. The risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. Random-effects meta-analysis was used to obtain pooled estimates. Stratified analyses were done according to population type (general, at risk), intervention type, and follow-up assessments.ResultsOf the 1,667 articles obtained, 27 were included in the systematic review and 16 in the meta-analysis. The random effects indicated a significant increase in resilience after the intervention [SMD = 0.58, 95% CI (0.29–0.87)]. Subgroup analysis showed effectiveness only in the population at risk [SMD = 1.28, 95% CI (0.53–2.03)] and early adolescence [SMD = 1.28, 95% CI (0.42–2.14), PI (−7.44 to 10.33)]. Multicomponent intervention [SMD = 1.45, 95% CI (0.11–2.80)] and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) [SMD = 0.20, 95% CI (0.06–0.34)] demonstrated substantial effectiveness. Significant results were observed within 8-week follow-ups or less [SMD = 1.55, 95% CI (0.61–2.48)].DiscussionThese findings provide evidence that multicomponent and CBT interventions increase resilience in early at-risk adolescents only in the short term. Developing resilience interventions is useful in schools exposed to unfavourable socioeconomic contexts. Furthermore, long-term interventions should be redesigned to improve their effectiveness.Systematic review registrationPROSPERO [CRD42021277493].</p

    Table_2_Effectiveness of resilience-based interventions in schools for adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis.DOCX

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    IntroductionResilience has been identified as a dynamic process that provides capabilities to face adversity. Considering the many protective factors involved in resilience and that the school is a key context to promote resilience, this review aimed to examine the effect of school-based interventions on resilience in adolescents.MethodsA systematic literature review and meta-analysis were conducted in July 2021 on four databases. The risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. Random-effects meta-analysis was used to obtain pooled estimates. Stratified analyses were done according to population type (general, at risk), intervention type, and follow-up assessments.ResultsOf the 1,667 articles obtained, 27 were included in the systematic review and 16 in the meta-analysis. The random effects indicated a significant increase in resilience after the intervention [SMD = 0.58, 95% CI (0.29–0.87)]. Subgroup analysis showed effectiveness only in the population at risk [SMD = 1.28, 95% CI (0.53–2.03)] and early adolescence [SMD = 1.28, 95% CI (0.42–2.14), PI (−7.44 to 10.33)]. Multicomponent intervention [SMD = 1.45, 95% CI (0.11–2.80)] and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) [SMD = 0.20, 95% CI (0.06–0.34)] demonstrated substantial effectiveness. Significant results were observed within 8-week follow-ups or less [SMD = 1.55, 95% CI (0.61–2.48)].DiscussionThese findings provide evidence that multicomponent and CBT interventions increase resilience in early at-risk adolescents only in the short term. Developing resilience interventions is useful in schools exposed to unfavourable socioeconomic contexts. Furthermore, long-term interventions should be redesigned to improve their effectiveness.Systematic review registrationPROSPERO [CRD42021277493].</p

    Effectiveness of resilience-based interventions in schools for adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    IntroductionResilience has been identified as a dynamic process that provides capabilities to face adversity. Considering the many protective factors involved in resilience and that the school is a key context to promote resilience, this review aimed to examine the effect of school-based interventions on resilience in adolescents.MethodsA systematic literature review and meta-analysis were conducted in July 2021 on four databases. The risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. Random-effects meta-analysis was used to obtain pooled estimates. Stratified analyses were done according to population type (general, at risk), intervention type, and follow-up assessments.ResultsOf the 1,667 articles obtained, 27 were included in the systematic review and 16 in the meta-analysis. The random effects indicated a significant increase in resilience after the intervention [SMD = 0.58, 95% CI (0.29–0.87)]. Subgroup analysis showed effectiveness only in the population at risk [SMD = 1.28, 95% CI (0.53–2.03)] and early adolescence [SMD = 1.28, 95% CI (0.42–2.14), PI (−7.44 to 10.33)]. Multicomponent intervention [SMD = 1.45, 95% CI (0.11–2.80)] and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) [SMD = 0.20, 95% CI (0.06–0.34)] demonstrated substantial effectiveness. Significant results were observed within 8-week follow-ups or less [SMD = 1.55, 95% CI (0.61–2.48)].DiscussionThese findings provide evidence that multicomponent and CBT interventions increase resilience in early at-risk adolescents only in the short term. Developing resilience interventions is useful in schools exposed to unfavourable socioeconomic contexts. Furthermore, long-term interventions should be redesigned to improve their effectiveness.Systematic review registrationPROSPERO [CRD42021277493]