105 research outputs found

    Educación para todos: formación docente, género y atención a la diversidad

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    A lo largo de la historia nos encontramos con numerosos colectivos de nuestra sociedad que han sido, y en ocasiones siguen siéndolo, objeto de exclusión tanto educativa como social: mujeres, personas con discapacidad, minorías étnicas y culturales, etc., poniendo de manifiesto la importancia de construir una escuela para todos que les proporcione la respuesta adecuada a sus necesidades. Así, la formación del profesorado para la inclusión se convierte en una herramienta clave que permita lograr dicho objetivo. En este artículo presentamos un estudio sobre las necesidades de formación docente para la inclusión que el profesorado de Castilla y León encuentra a la hora de abordar de manera coherente la atención a la diversidad del alumnado con el que trabajan (género, cultura, etc.

    Optimisation of the production of fermentable monosaccharides from algal biomass grown in photobioreactors treating wastewater

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    Producción CientíficaBiomass grown in wastewater treatment photobioreactors is a cheap raw material with high contents of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. This work studies the production of fermentable monosaccharides from three biomasses grown in piggery wastewater (P), domestic wastewater (W) and synthetic medium (S) by applying chemical pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis, using a Taguchi design. ANOVA identified temperature, chemical reagent type and chemical reagent concentration as significant operational parameters. However, the biomass concentration, pretreatment time, enzyme dosage and enzymatic hydrolysis time had no remarkable effect. The bacterial content of the biomass had no relevant impact on carbohydrate and protein solubilisation but had a remarkable effect on the degradation of the released carbohydrates (57, 60 and 37% for P, W and S), while also affecting lipid solubilisation. Pretreatment with HCl 2 M at 120 °C resulted the optimal conditions, achieving a monosaccharide recovery of 53, 59 and 80% for P, W and S biomasses, respectively.Gobierno regional de Castilla y León (UIC 071, CLU 2017-09 and VA080G18)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (project CTQ2017-84006-C3-1-R)Unión Europea - FEDER (CLU 2017-09 and CTQ2017-84006-C3-1-R

    Effect of pretreatments on biogas production from microalgae biomass grown in pig manure treatment plants

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    Methane production from pretreated and raw mixed microalgae biomass grown in pig manure was evaluated. Acid and basic pretreatments provided the highest volatile solids solubilisation (up to 81%) followed by alkaline-peroxide and ultrasounds (23%). Bead milling and steam explosion remarkably increased the methane production rate, although the highest yield (377 mL CH4/g SV) was achieved by alkali pretreatment. Nevertheless, some pretreatments inhibited biogas production and resulted in lag phases of 7-9 days. Hence, experiments using only the pretreated solid phase were performed, which resulted in a decrease in the lag phase to 2-3 days for the alkali pretreatment and slightly increased biomass biodegradability of few samples. The limiting step during the BMP test (hydrolysis or microbial inhibition) for each pretreatment was elucidated using the goodness of fitting to a first order or a Gompertz model. Finally, the use of digestate as biofertilizer was evaluated applying a biorefinery concept.Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria – INIA”, “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad – MINECO (RTA2013-00056-C03-02) supported by FEDER program,Junta de Castilla y León – JCyL (VA094U14)Junta de Castilla y León – JCyL Doctorate Scholarship

    Inclusión y convivencia escolar: análisis de la formación del profesorado

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    p. 11Nuestros centros educativos son contextos en los que la diversidad se manifiesta en diferentes ritmos de aprendizaje, capacidades, intereses, motivaciones, expectativas. Esta situación, que afecta a la convivencia en los mismos, hace necesaria por parte del sistema una atención educativa adecuada. La inclusión educativa constituye el mejor medio para lograrlo, desde la premisa de que la implicación y la participación de todos en la transformación de las escuelas es la única manera de conseguir una adecuada convivencia en cada centro educativo. No obstante, pone de manifiesto la necesidad de formación, tanto del profesorado como de la administración, para hacer frente al reto que supone conseguir el éxito de todos los alumnos. En nuestra investigación elaboramos un cuestionario para evaluar las necesidades de formación docente para la inclusión, que respondieron 400 profesores de centros educativos de Castilla y León. Los resultados han mostrado necesidades formativas en los profesores, relacionadas fundamentalmente con la necesidad de una preparación consecuente de los profesionales de la educación para participar en la transformación de sus escuelas en centros educativos inclusivos, de manera especial en lo que se refiere a metodologías inclusivas de trabajo y a estrategias para la mejora de la convivencia en los centrosS

    Influence of previous mental state on psychological outcomes of Spanish out-of-hospital professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Producción CientíficaThis study aimed to describe factors relating to the psychological distress of healthcare workers (HCWs) in Spanish out-of-hospital emergency medical services (EMS), according to the previous or non-use of psychotropic drugs or psychotherapy. A multicentre, cross-sectional descriptive study was designed. The study population were all physicians, nurses, and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) working in any Spanish out-of-hospital EMS between February and April 2021. The main outcomes were the levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and self-efficacy, assessed by DASS-21 and G-SES. Differences in levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and self-efficacy, according to sex, age, previous use of psychotropic drug or psychotherapy, work experience, professional category, type of work, and modification of working conditions were measured using the Student’s t-test for independent samples, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, or 2-factor analysis of covariance. A total of 1636 HCWs were included, of whom one in three had severe mental disorders because of the pandemic. The interaction of the previous or non-use of psychotropic drugs or psychotherapy with the rest of the factors considered did not modify the levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and self-efficacy. However, HCWs with a history of psychotropic drug or psychotherapy use had a more intense negative emotional response and lower self-efficacy, regardless of their sex, professional category, type of work, or change in the working conditions. These HCWs are considered particularly vulnerable to the development or recurrence of new disorders or other comorbidities; therefore, the implementation of monitoring and follow-up strategies should be a priority