328 research outputs found

    Using Google tools to Foster integration of ICT in EFL teaching: a proposal for intervention

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    There has been much interest in the last decades in information and communication technology (ICT) and its relevance to education. Research has been growing at a rapid rate on how ICT could be adapted in order to improve the quality of education. Especially, in the area of modern languages, much interest has been put in how to integrate ICT in EFL teaching. Especial emphasis must be put on the word “integrate”, for integration of ICT is not just using ICT in the EFL class. The use of computers and other ICT in the class, as long as it is taken as some kind of pastime or simply as a novelty to increase students’ motivation is not integration of ICT in EFL. In other words, asking students to write an easy on the computer instead of on a piece of paper, or telling students to look up words in an online dictionary instead of in a normal dictionary, is not an example of ICT integration. As Domínguez Miguela and Fernández Santiago (2006, p.22) point out, an activity that is intended to bring together ICT and EFL teaching must be fully integrated in the syllabus design in terms of objectives, content and evaluation. As to how to integrate ICT in EFL teaching, Domínguez Miguela and Fernández Santiago (2006, p.53) suggest the following.Departamento de Filología InglesaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma


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    Resumen ∙ El consumo del descarte pesquero en el mar es actualmente un importante componente en la ecología alimentaria de muchas especies de gaviotas. Los estudios de dieta son clave para evaluar la contribución relativa del descarte en su ecología trófica, así como empezar a comprender los potenciales efectos de la actividad pesquera sobre sus parámetros reproductivos y dinámica poblacional. El presente estudio analiza la composición dietaria de Gaviotas Cocineras (Larus dominicanus) que reproducen en la costa norte del Golfo San Jorge, Chubut, Argentina, durante la temporada de cría de 2007 en tres localidades de reproducción: Isla Vernacci Sudoeste (45°11’S, 66°31’O), Isla Felipe (45°04’S, 66°19’O) e Isla Laguna (45°02’S, 65°53’O). A su vez se seleccionaron tres períodos de muestreo: incubación, pichones pequeños y pichones grandes. Las muestras de dieta se obtuvieron mediante lavado estomacal. Los resultados obtenidos en las tres colonias analizadas confirman que en las costas del norte de Patagonia la Gaviota Cocinera es una especie generalista y oportunista que durante la temporada reproductiva se alimenta de una amplia variedad de presas, principalmente de peces e invertebrados marinos. Durante la etapa de pichones grandes, la frecuencia de ocurrencia de peces se incrementó mientras que la de poliquetos disminuyó. Los peces fueron las presas más frecuentes en el Golfo San Jorge, representados mayormente por la merluza común (Merluccius hubbsi), una especie de hábitos demersales, y que por lo tanto se encuentra, en general, inaccesible para un depredador de superficie como la Gaviota Cocinera. Es altamente probable que las merluzas comunes provengan mayormente del descarte pesquero. Futuros estudios deberían evaluar los patrones espacio‐temporales en la distribución de las embarcaciones pesqueras y su relación con la proporción de descartes pesqueros en la dieta de las Gaviotas Cocineras.Abstract ∙ Importance of fishery discards in the diet of Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus) at Golfo San Jorge, Patagonia The consumption of fishery discards at sea is currently an important component in the feeding ecology of many gull species. Diet studies are key to assess the relative contribution of discards in their trophic ecology, and to start to understand the potential effects of fishing activities on their breeding parameters and population dynamics. The present study analyzes the dietary composition of Kelp Gulls (Larus dominicanus) breeding on the northern coast of Golfo San Jorge, Chubut, Argentina, during the 2007 breeding season in three sites: Isla Vernacci Sudoeste (45°11’S, 66°31’O), Isla Felipe (45°04’S, 66°19’O) and Isla Laguna (45°02’S, 65°53’O). Three sampling periods were selected: incubation, small chicks and large chicks. Diet samples were obtained through stomach flushing. The results obtained in the three colonies analyzed confirm that on the northern Patagonian coast the Kelp Gull is a generalist and opportunistic species that feeds during the breeding season on a wide variety of prey, mainly fish and marine invertebrates. During the large chick stage, frequency of occurrence of fish increased while that of polychaetes decreased. Fish were the most frequent prey in the Golfo San Jorge, represented mainly by the Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi), a demersal species that is in general inaccessible for surface predators like the Kelp Gull. It is highly likely that Argentine hake consumed by Kelp Gulls comes mainly from fishing discards. Future studies should evaluate spatio‐temporal patterns in the distribution of fishing vessels and their relation with the proportion of fishery discards in Kelp Gull diet

    The use of a blog to foster sound pronunciation skills and reflection upon suprasegmental features.

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    The following paper will report on the 2010-2011 implementation of a blog in English Phonetics and Phonology I (P&PI) at Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Section one of the presentation comprises a theoretical discussion about the construction of knowledge and university education, the development of technology and its impact on education, blogging and EFL instruction, and the rationale behind blogging in P&PI. Section two describes the two-year blogging experience, including reference to the major aspects of the blog (both its appearance and contents), presents details about a survey on students´ evaluation of the tool at the end of 2010, and discusses implications, future applications and main conclusions. The primary aim of this course is the teaching of English suprasegmental features. However, unlike other similar courses, P&PI is not exclusively concerned with the acquisition of English pronunciation skills but also with gaining a deep understanding of phonetic and phonological processes in oral communication. As stated in the course´s syllabus, one of the primary aims of P&PI is helping learners develop the theoretical and methodological knowledge necessary for their professional careers as English language specialists. Therefore, a blog, with its inherent dialogical nature in a supportive learning environment, was considered a novel technological resource appropriate not only for developing pronunciation habits but also for reflecting on high-level pronunciation phenomena.https://www.academia.edu/19499583/Selected_Papers_from_the_III_ELT_Conference_at_U.N.V.M._RETHINKING_ENGLISH_LANGUAGE_TEACHINGFil: Capell, Martín Salvador. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas; Argentina.Fil: Cardozo, Cristian Andrés. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas; Argentina.Fil: Orta González, María Dolores. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas; Argentina.Otras Lengua y Literatur

    Dramatic effect of the gas atmosphere on the deprotection of (Z)-γ -hydroxy- α , β-unsaturated esters

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    The deprotection of O-protected (Z)-α-methyl-γ-hydroxy-α,β-unsaturated ester 1 furnishes dimer 2 when the reaction is performed under a nitrogen atmosphere, while compound 3 forms when the reaction is performed under an oxygen atmospher

    Radical Mechanism in the Elimination of 2-Arylsulfinyl Esters

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    The mechanism of the dehydrosulfenylation of 2-arylsulfinyl esters was investigated. The reaction was found to follow a homolytic cleavage mechanism as verified by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry and experimental work. Rearranged sulfoxides are obtained as byproduct during the elimination reaction

    Tercer molar mandibular transversal. Reporte de caso clínico.

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    Los terceros molares están desapareciendo debido a la evolución del ser humano y su adaptación son piezas que, por su ubicación?n en la arcada dentaria, en especial los molares inferiores tienden a no erupciona correctamente dentro de la arcada dentaria ya sea por alguna impactación, retención o inclusión.Es un tema controversial el hecho de dejar en boca los terceros molares o extraerlos. Por eso es necesario guiarnos por una serie de parámetros que nos permite decidir cuando esta? indicada la extracción? de los cordales y cuando no

    Schoolteachers as candidates to be basic life support trainers: A simulation trial

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    Background: The aim was to assess future schoolteachers’ basic life support (BLS) knowledge and willingness to include this content in school lessons. The aim was also to determine the learning effect of a brief BLS hands-on training session, supported by real-time feedback. Methods: A convenience sample of 98 University students of Educational Sciences and Sports were recruited. The training program consisted of brief theoretical and hands-on interactive sessions with a 2/10 instructor/participants ratio. Knowledge and willingness was assessed by means of a survey. Chest compressions (CC) and ventilation quality were registered in 47 cases during 1 min cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) tests. Results: Fifty-eight percent of subjects declared to know how to perform CPR, 62% knew the correct chest compression/ventilation ratio but only one in four knew the CC quality standards. Eighty-eight percent knew what an automated external defibrillator (AED) was; willingness to use the device improved from 70% to 98% after training. Almost half of CCs were performed atan adequate rate. Men performed deeper compressions than women (56.1 ± 4.03 mm vs. 52.17 ± 5.51 mm, p = 0.007), but in both cases the mean value was within recommendations. Full chest recoil was better in women (72.2 ± 32.8% vs. 45.4 ± 32.9%, p = 0.009). All CCs were delivered with correct hand positions. Conclusions: Brief hands-on training supported by real-time feedback of CPR quality helps future schoolteachers improve their knowledge, self-confidence and CPR skills. BLS training should be implemented in University curricula for schoolteachers in order to promote their engagement in effective BLS training of schoolchildren.S

    Integrating FMI and ML/AI models on the open-sourcedigital twin framework OpenTwins

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    The realm of digital twins is experiencing rapid growth and presents a wealth ofopportunities for Industry 4.0. In conjunction with traditional simulation meth-ods, digital twins offer a diverse range of possibilities. However, many existingtoolsinthedomainofopen-sourcedigitaltwinsconcentrateonspecificusecasesand do not provide a versatile framework. In contrast, the open-source digitaltwin framework, OpenTwins, aims to provide a versatile framework that can beappliedtoawiderangeofdigitaltwinapplications.Inthisarticle,weintroduceare-definition of the original OpenTwins platform that enables the managementof custom simulation services and the management of FMI simulation services,whichisoneofthemostwidelyusedsimulationstandardsintheindustryanditscoexistence with machine learning models, which enables the definition of thenext-gendigitaltwins.Thankstothisintegration,digitaltwinsthatreflectrealitybetter can be developed, through hybrid models, where simulation data can feedthe scarcity of machine learning data and so forth. As part of this project, a sim-ulation model developed through the hydraulic software Epanet was validatedin OpenTwins, in addition to an FMI simulation service. The hydraulic modelwas implementedandtestedinanagricultural usecaseincollaboration withtheUniversity of Córdoba, Spain. A machine learning model has been developed toassess the behavior of an FMI simulation through machine learning.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA. This work is funded by the Spanish projects TSI-063000-2021-116 (“5G+TACTILE_2: Digital vertical twins for B5G/6G networks”), TED2021-130167B (“GEDIER: Application of Digital Twins to more sustainable irrigated farms”), PID2022-141705OB-C21 (“DiTaS: A framework for agnostic compositional and cognitive digital twin services”), and MIG-20221022 (“GEDERA: Intelligent Flexible Energy Demand Management in Coupled Hybrid Networks”)

    Carbon Nanotubes’ Effect on Mitochondrial Oxygen Flux Dynamics: Polarography Experimental Study and Machine Learning Models using Star Graph Trace Invariants of Raman Spectra

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    [Abstract] This study presents the impact of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on mitochondrial oxygen mass flux (Jm) under three experimental conditions. New experimental results and a new methodology are reported for the first time and they are based on CNT Raman spectra star graph transform (spectral moments) and perturbation theory. The experimental measures of Jm showed that no tested CNT family can inhibit the oxygen consumption profiles of mitochondria. The best model for the prediction of Jm for other CNTs was provided by random forest using eight features, obtaining test R-squared (R2) of 0.863 and test root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 0.0461. The results demonstrate the capability of encoding CNT information into spectral moments of the Raman star graphs (SG) transform with a potential applicability as predictive tools in nanotechnology and material risk assessmentsInstituto de Salud Carlos III; PI13/02020Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI13/00280Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; R2014/025Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; GRC2014/049Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; R2014/039Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; UNLC08-1E-002Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ; UNLC13-13-3503Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; CTQ2016-74881-PPaís Vasco.Gobierno; IT1045-16Brasil. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico; 308539/2016-8Brasil. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico; 454332/2014-

    Characterization of the histological changes in ovaries of Goto-Kakizaki diabetic rats

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    Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats are a useful animal model for studying type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). However, this strain of rats exhibits poor fertility, so it is difficult to expand colonies. Based on previous studies, it was hypothesized that alterations in the oestrous cycle of diabetic rats are related to ovarian histology. The aim of this study was to determine the histology of the ovaries of diabetic rats compared to nondiabetic rats to understand the poor fertility of this strain of diabetic rats. An experimental study was thus conducted. Eight GK rats and eight Wistar rats were utilized. The rats were age-adjusted into two groups called “young rats” and “mature rats” at two and fourteen months of age, respectively. After sacrificing the rats, the ovaries were dissected and processed by fixation and paraffin embedding to perform the histological study. The results included the number of corpora lutea and the percentage of follicular fraction in each ovary, as well as qualitative data such as the presence of follicles in different stages of development. Our findings revealed differences between GK and Wistar rats. The ovarian histological findings were related to the presence of T2DM, polycystic ovary syndrome and poor fertility in female GK rats; the link between these pathologies is insulin resistance. Future lines of investigation into metabolic treatment, which may help improve insulin resistance, could also benefit the previously described pathologies in female GK rats