2,108 research outputs found

    Orden e integración de los meliambos cercideos

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    El objeto de este trabajo es el restablecimiento del orden original de los meliambos de Cércidas en el Papiro de Oxirrinco n.º 1082 y la reconstrucción de sus columnas XI-XII, primera y segunda del poema «Contra Esfero», mediante la unión entre sí de sus fragmentos principales junto con otros menores. Se intenta también integrar en la medida de lo posible los restantes escasos fragmentos en las otras columnas deterioradas.The object of this paper is the restoration of the original arrangement of Cercidas’s meliambs in the Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 1082 and the reconstitution of their coll. XI-XII, the first and second columns of the poem «Adversus Sphaerum», by fitting main fragments together with other minor ones. The author also intends to integrate as far as possible the scant number of small fragments into other deteriorated columns

    High-order gauge-invariant perturbations of a spherical spacetime

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    We complete the formulation of a general framework for the analysis of high-order nonspherical perturbations of a four-dimensional spherical spacetime by including a gauge-invariant description of the perturbations. We present a general algorithm to construct these invariants and provide explicit formulas for the case of second-order metric perturbations. We show that the well-known problem of lack of invariance for the first-order perturbations with l=0,1 propagates to increasing values of l for perturbations of higher order, owing to mode coupling. We also discuss in which circumstances it is possible to construct the invariants

    Spinor calculus on 5-dimensional spacetimes

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    Penrose's spinor calculus of 4-dimensional Lorentzian geometry is extended to the case of 5-dimensional Lorentzian geometry. Such fruitful ideas in Penrose's spinor calculus as the spin covariant derivative, the curvature spinors or the definition of the spin coefficients on a spin frame can be carried over to the spinor calculus in 5-dimensional Lorentzian geometry. The algebraic and differential properties of the curvature spinors are studied in detail and as an application we extend the well-known 4-dimensional Newman-Penrose formalism to a 5-dimensional spacetime.Comment: Convention mismatch and minor typos fixed. To appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Fénice de Colofón

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    Tesis Univ. Complutense. Madrid.ProQuestDepto. de Filología ClásicaFac. de FilologíaTRUEpu

    Local and average fields inside surface-disordered waveguides: Resonances in the one-dimensional Anderson localization regime

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    We investigate the one-dimensional propagation of waves in the Anderson localization regime, for a single-mode, surface disordered waveguide. We make use of both an analytical formulation and rigorous numerical simulation calculations. The occurrence of anomalously large transmission coefficients for given realizations and/or frequencies is studied, revealing huge field intensity concentration inside the disordered waveguide. The analytically predicted s-like dependence of the average intensity, being in good agreement with the numerical results for moderately long systems, fails to explain the intensity distribution observed deep in the localized regime. The average contribution to the field intensity from the resonances that are above a threshold transmission coefficient TcT_{c} is a broad distribution with a large maximum at/near mid-waveguide, depending universally (for given TcT_{c}) on the ratio of the length of the disorder segment to the localization length, L/ξL/\xi. The same universality is observed in the spatial distribution of the intensity inside typical (non-resonant with respect to the transmission coefficient) realizations, presenting a s-like shape similar to that of the total average intensity for TcT_{c} close to 1, which decays faster the lower is TcT_{c}. Evidence is given of the self-averaging nature of the random quantity log[I(x)]/x1/ξ\log[I(x)]/x\simeq -1/\xi. Higher-order moments of the intensity are also shown.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Identifying past social-ecological thresholds to understand long-term temporal dynamics in Spain

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    A thorough understanding of long-term temporal social-ecological dynamics at the national scale helps to explain the current condition of a country’s ecosystems and to support environmental policies to tackle future sustainability challenges. We aimed to develop a methodological approach to understand past long-term (1960-2010) social-ecological dynamics in Spain. First, we developed a methodical framework that allowed us to explore complex social-ecological dynamics among biodiversity, ecosystem services, human well-being, drivers of change, and institutional responses. Second, we compiled 21 long-term, national-scale indicators and analyzed their temporal relationships through a redundancy analysis. Third, we used a Bayesian change point analysis to detect evidence of past social-ecological thresholds and historical time periods. Our results revealed that Spain has passed through four socialecological thresholds that define five different time periods of nature and society relationships. Finally, we discussed how the proposed methodological approach helps to reinterpret national-level ecosystem indicators through a new conceptual lens to develop a more systems-based way of understanding long-term social-ecological patterns and dynamicsThis work was supported by the Biodiversity Foundation (http://www.fundacion-biodiversidad.es/) of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Partial financial support was also provided by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (project CGL2014-53782-P: ECOGRADIENTES). The Spanish National Institute for Agriculture and Food Research and Technology (INIA) funded Marina García-Llorente as part of the European Social Fund. Blanca González García-Mon participated in this article as a “la Caixa” Banking Foundation scholar. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, preparation of the report, or the decision to submit the study for publicatio

    Second and higher-order perturbations of a spherical spacetime

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    The Gerlach and Sengupta (GS) formalism of coordinate-invariant, first-order, spherical and nonspherical perturbations around an arbitrary spherical spacetime is generalized to higher orders, focusing on second-order perturbation theory. The GS harmonics are generalized to an arbitrary number of indices on the unit sphere and a formula is given for their products. The formalism is optimized for its implementation in a computer algebra system, something that becomes essential in practice given the size and complexity of the equations. All evolution equations for the second-order perturbations, as well as the conservation equations for the energy-momentum tensor at this perturbation order, are given in covariant form, in Regge-Wheeler gauge.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    On the second Feng-Rao distance of Algebraic Geometry codes related to Arf semigroups

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    Producción CientíficaWe describe the second (generalized) Feng-Rao distance for elements in an Arf numerical semigroup that are greater than or equal to the conductor of the semigroup. This provides a lower bound for the second Hamming weight for one point AG codes. In particular, we can obtain the second Feng-Rao distance for the codes defined by asymptotically good towers of function fields whose Weierstrass semigroups are inductive. In addition, we compute the second Feng-Rao number, and provide some examples and comparisons with previous results on this topic. These calculations rely on Apéry sets, and thus several results concerning Apéry sets of Arf semigroups are presented.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER( Projects MTM2014-55367-P / MTM2015-65764-C3-1-P)Junta de Andalucía (Grant FQM-343)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Project UID/MAT/00297/2013

    The Glial Cell of Human Cutaneous Sensory Corpuscles: Origin, Characterization, and Putative Roles

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    Sensory corpuscles of human skin are structures located at the peripheral end of the mechanoreceptive neurons and function as low-threshold mechanoreceptors (LTMRs). In its structure, in addition to the axon, there are glial cells, not myelinating, that are organized in different ways according to the morphotype of sensitive corpuscle, forming the so-called laminar cells of Meissner’s corpuscles, the laminar cells of the inner core of Pacinian corpuscles, or cells of the inner core in Ruffini’s corpuscles. Classically the glial cells of sensory corpuscles have been considered support cells and passive in the process of mechanotransduction. However, the presence of ion channels and synapses-like systems between them and the axon suggests that corpuscular glial cells are actively involved in the transformation of mechanical into electrical impulses. This chapter is an update on the origin, development, cytoarchitecture, and protein profile of glial cells of sensitive corpuscles especially those of human glabrous skin

    Mode coupling of Schwarzschild perturbations: Ringdown frequencies

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    Within linearized perturbation theory, black holes decay to their final stationary state through the well-known spectrum of quasinormal modes. Here we numerically study whether nonlinearities change this picture. For that purpose we study the ringdown frequencies of gauge-invariant second-order gravitational perturbations induced by self-coupling of linearized perturbations of Schwarzschild black holes. We do so through high-accuracy simulations in the time domain of first and second-order Regge-Wheeler-Zerilli type equations, for a variety of initial data sets. We consider first-order even-parity (=2,m=±2)(\ell=2,m=\pm 2) perturbations and odd-parity (=2,m=0)(\ell=2,m=0) ones, and all the multipoles that they generate through self-coupling. For all of them and all the initial data sets considered we find that ---in contrast to previous predictions in the literature--- the numerical decay frequencies of second-order perturbations are the same ones of linearized theory, and we explain the observed behavior. This would indicate, in particular, that when modeling or searching for ringdown gravitational waves, appropriately including the standard quasinormal modes already takes into account nonlinear effects