13,470 research outputs found

    Social Costs of Herbicide Resistance: The Case of Resistance to Glyphosate

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    Unlike in the pesticide and antibiotic resistance literature, potential social costs and externalities associated with herbicide resistance have not generally been considered by economists. The economics of managing herbicide resistance in weeds has focused on cost-effective responses by growers to the development of resistance at the individual farm and field level. Economic analyses of optimal herbicide use have focused on optimising farmer returns in the long run. Weeds have been considered less mobile, compared to insects and diseases, suggesting that externalities resulting from resistance spread will be minimal and any consequent social costs low. Glyphosate is the world's most widely used broad-spectrum non-selective herbicide. Declining glyphosate prices, the adoption of no-till and minimum-till systems and the adoption of glyphosate-tolerant crops, have combined to cause a rapid increase in the use of glyphosate, and resistance is now appearing. In this paper we argue that the increasing possibility of widespread glyphosate resistance, exacerbated in some situations by spread through resistance mobility, presents a case where social costs associated with glyphosate resistance need to be considered when assessing optimal use of this herbicide resource at the farm level. Possible social costs associated with the loss of glyphosate efficacy include potential failure of herbicide-resistant crop systems, reduced use of conservation tillage techniques, and potentially more reliance on herbicides with greater environmental and health risks.glyphosate resistance, herbicide resistance, social costs, externalities, resistance mobility, Crop Production/Industries,

    First Lunar Occultation Results from the 2.4 m Thai National Telescope equipped with ULTRASPEC

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    The recently inaugurated 2.4\,m Thai National Telescope (TNT) is equipped, among other instruments, with the ULTRASPEC low-noise, frame-transfer EMCCD camera. At the end of its first official observing season, we report on the use of this facility to record high time resolution imaging using small detector subarrays with sampling as fast as several 10210^2\,Hz. In particular, we have recorded lunar occultations of several stars which represent the first contribution to this area of research made from South-East Asia with a telescope of this class. Among the results, we discuss an accurate measurement of α\alpha ~Cnc, which has been reported previously as a suspected close binary. Attempts to resolve this star by several authors have so far met with a lack of unambiguous confirmation. With our observation we are able to place stringent limits on the projected angular separation (<0\farcs003) and brightness (Δm>5\Delta{\rm m} > 5) of a putative companion. We also present a measurement of the binary {HR~7072}, which extends considerably the time coverage available for its yet undetermined orbit. We discuss our precise determination of the flux ratio and projected separation in the context of other available data. We conclude by providing an estimate of the performance of ULTRASPEC at TNT for lunar occultation work. This facility can help to extend the lunar occultation technique in a geographical area where no comparable resources were available until now.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    An observational test of common-envelope evolution

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    By analysing and modelling the change in the abundance ratio of 12^{12}C/13^{13}C and 16^{16}O/17^{17}O on the surface of the lower mass star of a binary during the common-envelope (CE) phase of evolution, we propose a simple observational test of the CE scenario. The test is based on the infrared measurement of either the 12^{12}C/13^{13}C or 16^{16}O/17^{17}O ratio of red dwarfs in post-common envelope binaries (PCEB's). In certain cases (main-sequence red dwarf secondaries in PCEB's without planetary nebulae), as well as determining whether or not accretion has occurred during the CE phase, we can determine the amount of mass accreted during the CE phase and hence the initial mass of the red dwarf component prior to the CE phase. In the other cases considered (low-mass red dwarfs in PCEB's and red dwarf's in PCEB's with planetary nebulae) we can only say whether or not accretion has occurred during the CE phase.Comment: uuencoded compressed postscript. The preprint are also available at URL http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/preprint/PrePrint.htm

    Surface tension in bilayer membranes with fixed projected area

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    We study the elastic response of bilayer membranes with fixed projected area to both stretching and shape deformations. A surface tension is associated to each of these deformations. By using model amphiphilic membranes and computer simulations, we are able to observe both the types of deformation, and thus, both the surface tensions, related to each type of deformation, are measured for the same system. These surface tensions are found to assume different values in the same bilayer membrane: in particular they vanish for different values of the projected area. We introduce a simple theory which relates the two quantities and successfully apply it to the data obtained with computer simulations

    Evidence for bimodal orbital separations of white dwarf-red dwarf binary stars

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    We present the results of a radial velocity survey of 20 white dwarf plus M dwarf binaries selected as a follow up to a \textit{Hubble Space Telescope} study that aimed to spatially resolve suspected binaries. Our candidates are taken from the list of targets that were spatially unresolved with \textit{Hubble}. We have determined the orbital periods for 16 of these compact binary candidates. The period distribution ranges from 0.14 to 9.16\,d and peaks near 0.6\,d. The original sample therefore contains two sets of binaries, wide orbits (1001000\approx100-1000\,au) and close orbits (110\lesssim1-10\,au), with no systems found in the 10100\approx10-100\,au range. This observational evidence confirms the bimodal distribution predicted by population models and is also similar to results obtained in previous studies. We find no binary periods in the months to years range, supporting the post common envelope evolution scenario. One of our targets, WD\,1504+546, was discovered to be an eclipsing binary with a period of 0.93\,d

    Parametric study of transport aircraft systems cost and weight

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    The results of a NASA study to develop production cost estimating relationships (CERs) and weight estimating relationships (WERs) for commercial and military transport aircraft at the system level are presented. The systems considered correspond to the standard weight groups defined in Military Standard 1374 and are listed. These systems make up a complete aircraft exclusive of engines. The CER for each system (or CERs in several cases) utilize weight as the key parameter. Weights may be determined from detailed weight statements, if available, or by using the WERs developed, which are based on technical and performance characteristics generally available during preliminary design. The CERs that were developed provide a very useful tool for making preliminary estimates of the production cost of an aircraft. Likewise, the WERs provide a very useful tool for making preliminary estimates of the weight of aircraft based on conceptual design information

    Development of a RILIS ionisation scheme for gold at ISOLDE, CERN

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    At the ISOLDE on-line isotope separation facility, the resonance ionisation laser ion source (RILIS) can be used to ionise reaction products as they effuse from the target. The RILIS process of laser step-wise resonance ionisation of atoms in a hot metal cavity provides a highly element selective stage in the preparation of the radioactive ion beam. As a result, the ISOLDE mass separators can provide beams of a chosen isotope with greatly reduced isobaric contamination. With the addition of a new three-step ionisation scheme for gold, the RILIS is now capable of ionising 26 of the elements. The optimal scheme was determined during an extensive study of the atomic energy levels and auto-ionising states of gold, carried out by means of in-source resonance ionisation spectroscopy. Details of the ionisation scheme and a summary of the spectroscopy study are presente

    Screening of a HUVEC cDNA library with transplant-associated coronary artery disease sera identifies RPL7 as a candidate autoantigen associated with this disease.

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    A HUVEC cDNA library was screened with sera from two patients who had developed transplant-associated coronary artery disease (TxCAD) following cardiac transplantation. A total of six positive clones were isolated from a primary screen of 40 000 genes. Subsequent DNA sequence analysis identified these to be lysyl tRNA synthetase, ribosomal protein L7, ribosomal protein L9, beta transducin and TANK. Another gene whose product could not be identified showed homology to a human cDNA clone (DKFZp566M063) derived from fetal kidney. Full-length constructs of selected genes were expressed as his-tag recombinant fusion proteins and used to screen a wider patient base by ELISA to determine prevalence and association with TxCAD. Of these ribosomal protein L7 showed the highest prevalence (55.6%) with TxCAD sera compared to 10% non-CAD