158 research outputs found
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Independent and reciprocal accommodation in anisometropic amblyopia
Accommodation is considered to be a symmetrical response and to be driven by the least ametropic and nonamblyopic eye in anisometropia. We report the case of a 4-year-old child with anisometropic amblyopia who accommodates asymmetrically, reliably demonstrating normal accommodation in the nonamblyopic eye and antiaccommodation of the amblyopic eye to near targets. The abnormal accommodation of the amblyopic eye remained largely unchanged during 7 subsequent testing sessions undertaken over the course of therapy. We suggest that a congenital dysinnervation syndrome may result in relaxation of accommodation in relation to near cues and might be a hitherto unconsidered additional etiological factor in anisometropic amblyopia
Supporting Department Chairs as Educational Leaders in a Polytechnic Context
This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) presents a possible solution to improve support for department chairs at a large polytechnic institution in Canada. It takes into consideration the unique situation where chairs are often hired directly from industry with little or no background in pedagogy/andragogy or postsecondary education and do not have teaching or research duties as part of their responsibilities. More specifically, this OIP focuses on the institutional Educational Development Centre’s (EDC) role in supporting chairs and addresses the following Problem of Practice: Department chairs at this institution do not receive consistent and purposeful training to support them in their roles as leaders.
By facilitating a collaborative approach through Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), combined with a formal program design process, the intention is for department chairs to help create training that will support current and incoming chairs in the area of pedagogy/andragogy. This OIP emphasizes the importance of department chair training (Craig, 2005; Filan, 1999, Gmelch & Miskin, 2011; Sirkis, 2011; Whitsett, 2007), the diversity of skills required by department chairs (Lloyd-Jones, 2012; Palmer, Hoffman-Longtin, Walvoord, Bogdewic, & Dankoski, 2015; Wolverton, Ackerman & Holt, 2005), and the lack of department chair training offered at most postsecondary institutions in North America (Filan, 1999; Gmelch & Miskin, 2011; Smith & Stewart, 1999). This OIP could be adapted to the unique contexts of other institutions to help them explore ways to better support this essential leadership group
A Survey on Phishing Attacks in Cyberspace
Phishing is a type of cyber attack in which cybercriminals use various advanced techniques to deceive people, such as creating fake webpages or malicious e-mails. The objective of phishing attacks is to gather personal data, money, or personal information from victims illegally. The primary aim of this review is to survey the literature on phishing attacks in cyberspace. It discusses different types of phishing attacks, such as spear phishing, e-mail spoofing, phone phishing, web spoofing, and angler phishing, as well as negative consequences they may cause for people. Phishing is typically carried out through different delivery methods such as e-mail, phone calls, or messaging. Victims of phishing are usually either not sensitive to privacy protection or do not have enough knowledge about social engineering attacks to know they are at risk. In addition, this paper introduces different methods for detecting phishing attacks. The last section discusses certain limitations of existing studies on phishing detection and potential future researc
Simulating Road Traffic for Generating Cellular Network Logs in Urban Context
Viimastel aastatel on hakanud mobiilside andmestik paeluma aina rohkem teadlasi erinevatelt teadusdistsipliinidelt. Need andmed aitavad mõista inimeste käitumis- kui ka liikumismustreid. Mitmed mobiilsusandmestikud (nagu näiteks Call Detail Records mobiilside andmed) ning GPS andmed näitavad inimeste liikumissagedust ja -põhjusi.Need andmestikud sisaldavad endas väärtuslikku informatsiooni ühiskonna kohta. Töödeldud informatsiooni saab kasutada mitmel otstarbel. Teadlased saaksid andmestiku põhjal planeerida teedevõrgustikke, paremini suunata inimestele reklaame arvestades nende paiknemist, luua uusi positsioneerimistehnoloogiaid, arendada rahvastikukontrolli tarkvara jne.Vaatamata tehnoloogilistele võimalustele on inimeste mobiilsusandmestikud väga raskesti kättesaadavad, sest need on kaitstud riiklike regulatsioonide poolt, kuna riivavad inimeste privaatsust. Teine tegur on mobiilioperaatorite enda huvi luua inimeste mobiilsusandmetel põhinevaid kommertslahendusi. Selline situatsioon ei innusta operaatoreid jagama äriliselt vajalikku informatsiooni kolmandate osapooltega. Antud magistritöö käigus näidatakse, kuidas sellest raskest probleemist üle saada arendades mobiilsidevõrgukäitumissimulatsiooni prototüüpi. Genereerides andmeid läbi erinevate teaduslike liikumismudelite, mida võimaldab meile liiklussimulatsiooni tarkvara.Uurimistöö tulemusena selgus, et selline lähenemine on resultatiivne ja omab mitmeid laienemisvõimalusi. Täheldati mitmeid võimalusi koostööks teiste uurimisvaldkondadega, et muuta genereeritavaid mobiilsusandmeid reaalelule sarnanevateks. Mobiilsidevõrgu käituvussimulatsioon on näidanud suurt potentsiaali ning arendamise käigus avaldusid võimalused, mida algselt ei osatud oodata. Mainitud mobiilsidevõrgu käituvussimulatsioon on integreeritud eksisteeriva liiklussimulatsiooni tarkvaraga, mis on vabavara ning mida on võimalik laialdaselt konfigureerida. Liiklussimulatsiooni tarkvaraskasutatavad inimkäitumise mudelid põhinevad erinevate teadustööde tulemustel ning seetõttu mobiilsidevõrgu käituvus- ning liiklussimulatsiooni sümbioosi tulemusel genereeritud andmed on märkimisväärse väärtusega.In the last years, the use of mobile phone data logs start to attract a lot of researchers’ attentions from various disciplines. Those logs help the scientist to understand and predict human behaviour. The mobility logs, like Call Detail Records and GPS data, show where to people commute, how often do they commute and, usually, those logs also say why. These logs hold knowledge about our society, from that data the knowledge could be extracted and used for multiple purposes. The scientists could analyse through the movement how to plan the road infrastructure, generate target advertisement based on forecasting peoples displacement, new positioning technology, population control software, etc. But there are limits on the people's mobility data. Those information logs are heavily protected by the government privacy data laws to protect the personal rights. Additionally, the mobile operators are interested in their own commercial solutions and therefore their interest to share vital information is low. Here, in this thesis, we show that this cumbersome problem can be over-stepped by prototyping a cellular network behaviour simulator to generate the logs for us through different scientific commuting models inherited from the traffic simulation program.The result of this thesis reveals that this approach is feasible and shows multiple expansion possibilities how to produce even more real-life like mobility logs. The development of the cellular network behaviour simulation has shown huge potential and even bigger possibilities than predicted in the beginning. Since, our cellular network behaviour simulation is integrated with already existing open-source, highly configurable, road traffic simulator basing on the scientific human behaviour models produce with considerable value data
Hingamisteede stentimine – võimalused ja kogemused
Alumiste hingamisteede stentimist ehk sisetoesega proteesimist kasutatakse nagu paljude teistegi torujate õõneselundite juures valendiku läbitavuse palliatiivseks taastamiseks või säilitamiseks kasvajatest, fibroosist, välisest survest või muudest põhjustest tingitud ahenemise korral. Suurte juhtehingamisteede läbitavuse taastamine stentimisega suurendab elulemust kirurgiliselt mitteravitavate seisundite puhul ja tagab patsientidele oluliselt parema elukvaliteedi. Seetõttu on kasvav meditsiiniline nõudlus selle raviviisi järele Eestis ühelt poolt ja meetodi kättesaadavus teiselt poolt muutmas inoperaabelsete juhtehingamisteede haiguste kohalikke ravitraditsioone. Artiklis on antud ülevaade suurtes juhtehingamisteedes kasutatavatest stentidest, stentimise põhimõtetest ja näidustustest ning illustreeritud tulemusi kolme haigusjuhu näitel.
Eesti Arst 2006; 85 (10): 673–68
Generating Schematic Indoor Representation based on Context Monitoring Analysis of Mobile Users
Tehnoloogia areneb iga päevaga ja meie elu muutub selle tõttu lihtsamaks. Navigatsioon on tehnoloogia üks osa, kui inimene liigub ühest kohast teise, siis ta teeb seda, kas teed teades või abi küsides. Abi saamiseks kasutatakse ka positsioneerimissüsteeme. Välistingimustes navigeerimine on arenenud väga palju, samas kui sisetingimustes on ta jäänud pisut tagaplaanile. Sellest tuleneb probleem et kasutajad ei saa majas sees liikudes oma asukohta nii kergelt teada kuna tavapärased süsteemid ei pruugi töötada. Samuti eraldi seadmete kaasaskandmine on küllaltki tüütu. Probleemi lahendamiseks, tuleks luua mobiilirakendus, mis saab infot väliskeskkonnast sensorite ja kaamera abil. Peale selle peavad olema ruumis objektid, mis on kindlatel kohtadel ja QR-koodiga identifitseeritud. Sensorit andmeid tuleb töödelda ja seejärel saab tulemusi koos objekti asukohtadega kasutada siseruumide kaardistamiseks.Technology evolves with every day and life is getting easier because of with it. Navigation is part of it, when person goes from one location to another, then he is getting the path by heart or by getting help. It is common that for help they use positioning systems. Outdoor navigation has evolved a lot, while indoor navigation has not been researched that much. This creates a problem that user cannot get much help when they move indoors since usual systems might not work. Also carrying around extra devices can be quite annoying. To solve this problem, mobile application was created which gets input from user with the help of the accelerometer and orientation sensor. Besides that, room should have objects which have defined locations and
can be identified with QR-codes. The sensor data should then be analysed and given results can be used for creating indoor schematic with knowing the object locations indoors
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Anxiety and it's management during awake procedures in operating theatres. A survey and randomised controlled trial.
This study investigates the prevalence of peri-operative anxiety and the effective management of intra-operative anxiety during awake surgery. Plastic and vascular surgical patients were selected for the study as many procedures performed within these specialities are performed under local or regional anaesthesia. The study consists of two distinct stages. The first stage was a postal survey of patients (n=213) who had undergone awake plastic, renal access or carotid surgery up to two weeks previously, in order to determine retrospectively the prevalence of peri-operative anxiety. The second stage of the study was a randomised controlled trial of interventions for the effective management of intra-operative anxiety in patients (n=128) having undergone the same surgical procedures described in stage one. The interventions tested in stage two were handholding and an anxiety management package involving a relaxation technique and a procedural information leaflet, against a ¿usual care¿ control.
The findings from stage one of the study suggest that peri-operative anxiety prevalence is low, although unacceptable levels of anxiety are seen to elevate during the intra-operative phase. The RCT in stage two demonstrated that intra-operative anxiety was no more effectively managed by the interventions tested than by usual care alone.
The validity and reliability of retrospective anxiety measurement was investigated by comparing anxiety scores from stage one with contemporaneous and post-hoc anxiety scores from stage two and found to be an accurate measure of anxiety experienced at the time of the event
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