76 research outputs found
Avaliação genética e neurológica em uma amostra de indivíduos com transtornos globais do desenvolvimento
With the aim of analyzing which complementary tests are relevant in the diagnostic evaluation of individuals with pervasive developmental disorders, a protocol of clinical and laboratory evaluation was applied in 103 outpatients. The protocol included chromosomal analysis, screening for inborn errors of metabolism, cytogenetic and molecular study of the FRAXA, FRAXE, and FRAXF mutations, EEG, SPECT, and magnetic resonance imaging study. Eighty-four subjects concluded the complementary tests and were classified either as having autism, atypical autism or Asperger syndrome according to the DSM-IV criteria. Sixteen individuals, all bellonging to the two autistic groups, presented genetic or enviromental factors that may have lead to the behavioral disorders, showing the importance of diagnostic evaluation in this group of conditions. Neuroimaging and EEG findings were non-specific and occurred in similar proportion among the groups, being considered of relative low significance in the diagnostic evaluation of individuals with pervasive developmental disorders.Visando analisar quais exames complementares são relevantes na avaliação diagnóstica de uma amostra de indivíduos com transtornos globais do desenvolvimento, 103 pacientes atendidos em nível ambulatorial foram submetidos a um protocolo composto por avaliação clínica e exames complementares, os quais incluíam cariótipo, estudo molecular da síndrome do cromossomo X frágil, cromatografia de aminoácidos, EEG, SPECT e ressonância magnética. Foram selecionados 84 indivíduos que completaram a investigação laboratorial e apresentavam diagnóstico de autismo, autismo atípico ou síndrome de Asperger, de acordo com os critérios do DSM-IV. Em 16 indivíduos foram identificados distúrbios ambientais ou geneticamente determinados que podem ter causado o quadro comportamental, ressaltando a importância de uma avaliação diagnóstica meticulosa em tais casos. Os achados de neuroimagem e EEG foram inespecíficos e estiveram presentes em proporções semelhantes entre os três grupos, sendo considerados pouco elucidativos na avaliação diagnóstica de indivíduos com transtornos globais do desenvolvimento.17618
Genotype And Natural History In Unrelated Individuals With Phenylketonuria And Autistic Behavior.
We describe three unrelated individuals, two males (ages 35 and 9) and a female (age 8) presenting with late diagnosed phenylketonuria (PKU) and autistic behavior, all showing poor adhesion to the dietary treatment resulting in high plasmatic phenylalanine levels, particularly in the oldest subject. Clinical findings included hair hypopigmentation, microcephaly, severe mental retardation with absent development of verbal language and autistic symptoms in all three patients, whereas variable neurological signs such as seizures, spasticity, ataxia, aggressivity, and hyperactivity were individually found. Homozygosity for the IVS10nt11g/a (IVS10nt546) was found in all. This is the first report of molecular findings in subjects with PKU also presenting with autistic features. The authors discuss if this mutation is particularly involved in the association of autistic symptoms in untreated PKU individuals.65202-
Genótipo e história natural em indivíduos não aparentados com fenilcetonúria e comportamento autístico
We describe three unrelated individuals, two males (ages 35 and 9) and a female (age 8) presenting with late diagnosed phenylketonuria (PKU) and autistic behavior, all showing poor adhesion to the dietary treatment resulting in high plasmatic phenylalanine levels, particularly in the oldest subject. Clinical findings included hair hypopigmentation, microcephaly, severe mental retardation with absent development of verbal language and autistic symptoms in all three patients, whereas variable neurological signs such as seizures, spasticity, ataxia, aggressivity, and hyperactivity were individually found. Homozygosity for the IVS10nt11g/a (IVS10nt546) was found in all. This is the first report of molecular findings in subjects with PKU also presenting with autistic features. The authors discuss if this mutation is particularly involved in the association of autistic symptoms in untreated PKU individuals.Descrevemos três indivíduos não aparentados, dois do sexo masculino (com idades de 35 e nove anos) e um do sexo feminino (com idade de oito anos) apresentando fenilcetonúria diagnosticada tardiamente e comportamento autístico, todos com adesão limitada ao tratamento dietético resultando em altos níveis plasmáticos de fenilalanina, especialmente no indivíduo mais velho. Os achados clínicos incluem hipopigmentação de cabelos, retardo mental grave com ausência de desenvolvimento da linguagem verbal e sintomas autísticos nos três pacientes, enquanto outros achados neurológicos como convulsões, espasticidade, ataxia, agressividade e hiperatividade são descritos em um indivíduo, cada. Homozigose para a mutação IVS10nt11g/a (IVS10nt546) foi encontrada em todos. Este é o primeiro relato de achados moleculares em indivíduos com fenilcetonúria que desenvolveram características autísticas. Discute-se se essa mutação estaria particularmente envolvida no desenvolvimento de sintomas autísticos em indivíduos com fenilcetonúria não tratada.20220
Seis novos casos confirmam o perfil clínico molecular de deficiência combinada de 17 alfa-hidroxilase/17,20-liase no Brasil
In 2004, Costa-Santos and cols. reported 24 patients from 19 Brazilian families with 17α-hydroxylase deficiency and showed that p.W406R and p.R362C corresponded to 50% and 32% of CYP17A1 mutant alleles, respectively. The present report describes clinical and molecular data of six patients from three inbred Brazilian families with 17α-hydroxlyse deficiency. All patients had hypogonadism, amenorrhea and hypertension at diagnosis. Two sisters were found to be 46,XY with both gonads palpable in the inguinal region. All patients presented hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism, with high levels of ACTH (> 104 ng/mL), suppressed plasmatic renin activity, low levels of potassium (< 2.8 mEq/L) and elevated progesterone levels (> 4.4 ng/mL). Three of them, including two sisters, were homozygous for p.W406R mutation and the other three (two sisters and one cousin) were homozygous for p.R362C. The finding of p.W406R and p.R362C in the CYP17A1 gene here reported in additional families, confirms them as the most frequent mutations causing complete combined 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency in Brazilian patients.Em 2004, segundo Costa-Santos e cols., p.W406R e p.R362C correspondiam a 50% e 32% dos alelos mutantes do gene CYP17A1, respectivamente, em 24 pacientes de 19 famílias brasileiras com deficiência da 17α-hidroxilase. Apresentamos os dados clνnicos e moleculares de seis pacientes de três famílias consanguíneas brasileiras com deficiência da 17α-hidroxilase. Todas as pacientes apresentavam hipogonadismo, amenorreia e hipertensão ao diagnóstico. Duas irmãs tinham cariótipo 46,XY, ambas com gônadas palpáveis na região inguinal. Todas tinham hipogonadismo hipergonadotrófico, com nível aumentado de ACTH (> 104 ng/mL), atividade de renina plasmática suprimida, baixos níveis de potássio (< 2,8 mEq/L) e progesterona aumentada (> 4,4 ng/mL). Três delas, incluindo duas irmãs, apresentaram homozigose para a mutação p.W406R e as outras três (duas irmãs e uma prima) foram homozigotas para a mutação p.R362C. A recorrência das mutações p.W406R e p.R362C no gene CYP17A1 aqui relatada em famílias adicionais confirma que essas são as mais frequentes causadoras do fenótipo completo da deficiência combinada de 17α-hidroxilase/17,20-liase em pacientes brasileiros.71171
Six New Cases Confirm The Clinical Molecular Profile Of Complete Combined 17α-hydroxylase/ 17,20-lyase Deficiency In Brazil.
In 2004, Costa-Santos and cols. reported 24 patients from 19 Brazilian families with 17α-hydroxylase deficiency and showed that p.W406R and p.R362C corresponded to 50% and 32% of CYP17A1 mutant alleles, respectively. The present report describes clinical and molecular data of six patients from three inbred Brazilian families with 17α-hydroxlyse deficiency. All patients had hypogonadism, amenorrhea and hypertension at diagnosis. Two sisters were found to be 46,XY with both gonads palpable in the inguinal region. All patients presented hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism, with high levels of ACTH (> 104 ng/mL), suppressed plasmatic renin activity, low levels of potassium ( 4.4 ng/mL). Three of them, including two sisters, were homozygous for p.W406R mutation and the other three (two sisters and one cousin) were homozygous for p.R362C. The finding of p.W406R and p.R362C in the CYP17A1 gene here reported in additional families, confirms them as the most frequent mutations causing complete combined 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency in Brazilian patients.54711-
Clinical and Laboratorial Features That May Differentiate 46,XY DSD due to Partial Androgen Insensitivity and 5α-Reductase Type 2 Deficiency
The aim of this study was to search for clinical and laboratorial data in 46,XY patients with ambiguous genitalia (AG) and normal testosterone (T) synthesis that could help to distinguish partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS) from 5α-reductase type 2 deficiency (5α-RD2) and from cases without molecular defects in the AR and SRD5A2 genes. Fifty-eight patients (51 families) were included. Age at first evaluation, weight and height at birth, consanguinity, familial recurrence, severity of AG, penile length, LH, FSH, T, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), Δ4-androstenedione (Δ4), and T/DHT and T/Δ4 ratios were evaluated. The AR and SRD5A2 genes were sequenced in all cases. There were 9 cases (7 families) of 5α-RD2, 10 cases (5 families) of PAIS, and 39 patients had normal molecular analysis of SRD5A2 and AR genes. Age at first evaluation, birth weight and height, and T/DHT ratio were lower in the undetermined group, while penile length was higher in this group. Consanguinity was more frequent and severity of AG was higher in 5α-RD2 patients. Familial recurrence was more frequent in PAIS patients. Birth weight and height, consanguinity, familial recurrence, severity of AG, penile length, and T/DHT ratio may help the investigation of 46,XY patients with AG and normal T synthesis
Genetics and molecular study in group of patients with malformations of cerebral cortex
OBJECTIVES: Malformations of cerebral cortex (MCC) are an important cause of epilepsy. Our main goals were: to search for mutations in genes responsible for MCC (FLN1, LIS1, DCX and EMX2), to map the locus for familial perisylvian polymicrogyria and to investigate the molecular mechanisms of the mutations identified. Methods: Mutation screening was performed by PCR, DHPLC and sequencing. HUMARA and Real Time PCR were performed to study the molecular mechanisms of mutations. Linkage analysis was carried out by PCR, Fragment profiler® and MLINK® software. RESULTS: Deleterious mutations were identified in 3/108 patients. We found a G987C splicing mutation in the FLN1 in two related patients with periventricular nodular heterotopia. Skewed X-chromosome inactivation was detected as the possible mechanism responsible for clinical differences observed in the two patients. An A1385C transversion (H277P) in LIS1 was identified in one patient with lisencephaly. Only neutral variants were identified in DCX and EMX2. Linkage analysis has detected a locus in Xq27.2-Xq27.3 for familial polymicrogyria. CONCLUSION: We believe that the low frequency of mutations identified may be due to mosaicism, mutations in non-coding regions, deletions and patients with atypical neuroimaging findings. Deleterious mutations in EMX2 were not found in patients with schizencephaly and polymicrogyria. We found a locus for familial perisylvian polymicrogyria in Xq27.2-Xq27.3.OBJETIVOS: As malformações do córtex cerebral (MCC) são uma causa importante de epilepsia. Nossas metas foram: triagem de mutações em genes associados às MCC (FLN1, LIS1, DCX e EMX2), investigar funcionalmente as mutações e mapear o locus para polimicrogiria perisylviana familiar. MÉTODOS: A triagem de mutações foi realizada por PCR, DHPLC e sequênciamento. Estudo funcional foi realizado por RT-PCR, PCR em tempo real e HUMARA. O estudo de ligação foi realizado por PCR e análise com programas Fragment Profiler® e MLINK®. RESULTADOS: Mutações deletérias foram identificadas em 3/108 pacientes. Uma mutação de splicing (G987C) em FLN1 foi identificada em duas pacientes aparentadas com heterotopia nodular periventricular. Mudança no padrão de inativação do cromossomo X é responsável pelas diferenças clínicas entre as pacientes. Uma substituição A1385C (H277P) foi identificada em LIS1 em um indivíduo com lissencefalia. Alterações neutras foram identificadas em DCX e EMX2. A análise de ligação identificou um locus em Xq27.2-Xq27.3 para polimicrogiria familiar. CONCLUSÃO: Mosaicismo, mutações em regiões não codificantes, deleções, rearranjos e casos atípicos podem estar contribuindo para a baixa freqüência de mutações identificadas. Esquizencefalia e polimicrogiria parecem não ter base genética relacionada com o gene EMX2. Um novo locus candidato em Xq27.2-Xq27.3 foi identificado para polimicrogiria perisylviana familiar.101105Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES
408 Cases of Genital Ambiguity Followed by Single Multidisciplinary Team during 23 Years: Etiologic Diagnosis and Sex of Rearing
Objective. To evaluate diagnosis, age of referral, karyotype, and sex of rearing of cases with disorders of sex development (DSD) with ambiguous genitalia. Methods. Retrospective study during 23 years at outpatient clinic of a referral center. Results. There were 408 cases; 250 (61.3%) were 46,XY and 124 (30.4%) 46,XX and 34 (8.3%) had sex chromosomes abnormalities. 189 (46.3%) had 46,XY testicular DSD, 105 (25.7%) 46,XX ovarian DSD, 95 (23.3%) disorders of gonadal development (DGD), and 19 (4.7%) complex malformations. The main etiology of 46,XX ovarian DSD was salt-wasting 21-hydroxylase deficiency. In 46,XX and 46,XY groups, other malformations were observed. In the DGD group, 46,XY partial gonadal dysgenesis, mixed gonadal dysgenesis, and ovotesticular DSD were more frequent. Low birth weight was observed in 42 cases of idiopathic 46,XY testicular DSD. The average age at diagnosis was 31.7 months. The final sex of rearing was male in 238 cases and female in 170. Only 6.6% (27 cases) needed sex reassignment. Conclusions. In this large DSD sample with ambiguous genitalia, the 46,XY karyotype was the most frequent; in turn, congenital adrenal hyperplasia was the most frequent etiology. Malformations associated with DSD were common in all groups and low birth weight was associated with idiopathic 46,XY testicular DSD
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