96 research outputs found

    O povoamento rural no troço médio do vale do Guadiana entre a Antiguidade Tardia e a Idade Média

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    No final dos anos noventa do século XX, foi empreendido na região do Alentejo, no vale do rio Guadiana, um importante programa de minimização dos impactes sobre o património arqueológico resultantes da construção da barragem de Alqueva, nomeadamente na área do seu extenso regolfo, com o objectivo de realizar o registo prévio dos contextos de algumas centenas de sítios. Foram efectuadas intervenções num conjunto muito significativo de ocorrências arqueológicas situadas em meio rural que revelaram contextos raramente intervencionados no âmbito da investigação arqueológica tradicional, nomeadamente do período de transição entre a Antiguidade Tardia e a Alta Idade Média. O território em estudo foi assim administrativamente delimitado pelos actuais municípios ribeirinhos portugueses do regolfo de Alqueva, tendo, para além dos dados arqueológicos resultantes do programa de minimização, sido recolhida informação arqueológica georreferenciada dos sítios constantes no Endovélico, Sistema de Informação e Gestão Arqueológica, bem como a constante nos relatórios e nas monografias dos trabalhos entretanto publicadas. A questão fundamental da investigação do povoamento rural prende-se com a escassez de dados existentes e com a ampla diacronia dos mesmos. Na quase ausência de fontes escritas e de outra documentação, verifica-se a necessidade de procurar obter, através dos dados arqueológicos, informação que permita a percepção da sua evolução. O modelo teórico de abordagem seguido pressupõe que, apesar das alterações conjunturais, houve uma continuidade cultural de matriz mediterrânica, com particularidades regionais nos padrões de assentamento rural desde o Período Romano, baseada numa estrutura de povoamento hierarquizado, expressa sobretudo em villae, pequenas granjas ou casais agrícolas. Este trabalho procura assim compreender como se processaram, nesse ambiente, os fenómenos de transição socioeconómica e de aculturação e evidenciar a existência de fenómenos de continuidade na cultura material, mesmo após a conquista islâmica, com persistência até à época contemporânea, nomeadamente até à industrialização e mecanização da agricultura; Abstract: The rural settlement in the middle section of the Guadiana Valley between late Antiquity and the Middle Ages By the end of the nineties in the 20th century, in Alentejo's region, in the Valley of the river Guadiana, an important program for minimizing impact on the archaeological heritage resulted due to the Alqueva’s dam construction, in particular in the area of its extensive dam with the aim to make the prior registration of the contexts of some hundreds of sites. Interventions were carried out in a very significant set of archaeological occurrences located in rural environment, which revealed contexts out of the traditional archaeological research, in particular to the transitional period between the Late Antiquity and the High Middle Ages. The territory under study was so administratively bounded by current municipalities bordering Portuguese Alqueva dam, having, in addition to the archaeological data resulting from mitigation program, been collected archaeological information georeferenced of the places listed in Endovelico, Archaeological Information and Management System, as well as the constant in the reports and in the monographs of the works meanwhile published. The main issue concerning this investigation about rural settlement is connected to the existing data and their huge diachronic. Facing a lack of written sources and other documentation it arises the need of looking into archaeological data which may allow the perception of its evolution. The theoretical approach model followed, supposes beforehand, that in spite of the conjuncture changes there was a cultural continuity of Mediterranean pattern with regional particularities in the settlement patterns since the Roman Period. That assumption is sustained in a hierarchical settlement structure, mainly expressed in villae, small farms or agricultural houses. This work seeks to understand how was processed, in this environment, the socio-economic transition and phenomena of acculturation, and highlight the existence of phenomena of continuity in material culture, even after the Islamic conquest, with persistence until the contemporary era, in particular to the industrialization and mechanization of agriculture

    Academic background as an influencing factor in the Gen Y’s sustainable consumption habits

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    The main goal of this paper is to understand if a different academic background can have an influence in the Millennials’ perceptions regarding sustainability and their ‘green’ consumption habits of footwear in Portugal. The research method will be through the analysis of two focus groups, one with marketing students and other with fashion students. The analysis of the focus groups allows a better understanding between the gap of what Millennials think about sustainability and how they perceive it, with their actual consumption habits regarding footwear. In order to design a solid focus group, some influencing factors were selected from the literature review and will be further subject of analysis: Consumption habit; Economic availability; Physical availability; Personal benefits; Consumer consciousness and Personal perceived importance.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Millennials: is ‘green’ your colour ?

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    Millennials are defined as the group of people born between 1980 and 2000 and maintain a positive attitude in relation to sustainability. However, there is a contradiction between how Millennials think and act when it comes to sustainable consumption. It is interesting to determine which factors can influence their sustainable attitude and behaviour, and those influences can be personal and situational. Six different factors were selected from the literature review and were subject of analysis. The research method will be through three different focus groups with Millennial participants. After the analysis of the focus groups it was possible to understand that Millennials show a very positive attitude towards sustainability but this attitude is not translated in ‘green’ footwear purchasing behaviour.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Innovative approaches to fashion services and sustainability

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    This paper explores the creation and acceptance of an innovative service called 0KG, that is inspired by the ‘slow fashion movement’, and that focuses on the question: "are people willing to use second-hand clothing and/or leased when traveling?". 0KG is a rental service for the day-to-day, business, and also cultural clothing. The creation and development of this service happened through the use of a design thinking methodology: 9 steps framework by Kees Dorst. Regarding its validation, it was achieved with a focus group with people of interest. Finally, the paper culminates with the positive response to the problem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A new and sustainable service to slow fashion brands

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    This paper explores the creation of an innovative clothing rental service, that is inspired by the ‘slow fashion movement’, and that focuses on the question: “are people willing to use second-hand clothing and/or leased when travelling?”. This is a rental service for the day-to-day and also business clothing. The creation and development of this service was possible through the use of a design thinking methodology: the 9 steps framework by Kees Dorst. Regarding its validation, it was achieved with a questionnaire with 430 responses. The paper culminates with the positive response to the problem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A laceração traumática da aorta é uma lesão de elevada mortalidade pré-hospitalar e intra-hospitalar. A sobrevivência a este tipo de lesões é rara e escasseiam dados sobre o prognóstico a longo-prazo destes doentes. Descrevemos um caso clínico de reparação primária de laceração da aorta torácica que se apresentou 29 anos após a repa- ração inicial com aneurisma da aorta torácica na mesma topografia. Foi submetido a reparação endovascular do aneurisma. Discutem-se as técnicas de reparação da laceração da aorta e a evidência existente sobre o prognóstico destes doentes, nomea- damente a incidência de lesões secundárias após a cirurgia inicial, e a necessidade de equacionar um plano de seguimento

    Descrição detalhada das actividades efectuadas no decurso do projecto IPEC

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    Este documento é parte integrante do relatório final do projecto IPEC, apresentando a descrição das actividades desenvolvidas até 2008.A presente secção é constituída por seis partes e visa descrever detalhadamente as actividades efectuadas no decurso do projecto IPEC. Após uma breve alusão aos pressupostos, problema, questões de investigação e objectivos do projecto, apresenta-se uma reflexão sobre o seu desenho metodológico. Na terceira secção, sintetiza-se o desenvolvimento do projecto e os seus resultados. Na quarta, analisam-se as consequências do projecto ao nível dos impactos nas escolas em que leccionavam os professores nele envolvidos e no desenvolvimento profissional desses docentes e os ganhos percepcionados pelos investigadores no que respeita à sua prática de investigação. Na quinta parte, efectua-se uma meta-análise do projecto bem como dos seus resultados e limitações, de acordo com a perspectiva dos investigadores nele envolvidos. Por último, na sexta, fazem-se sugestões visando os decisores políticos e sugestões para futuros trabalhos

    Effects on gastric mucosa induced by dental bleaching – an experimental study with 6% hydrogen peroxide in rats

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    The value of aesthetic dentistry has precipitated several developments in the investigation of dental materials related to this field. The free marketing of these products is a problem and it is subject to various interpretations regarding its legality. There are several techniques for tooth whitening, the most used one being the external bleaching. It is the later version of such technique that poses the greatest danger of ingesting the product. The present study analysed the systemic effect of these products when they are swallowed.Objective This experimental study aimed to observe the effects of a tooth whitening product, whose active agent is 6% hydrogen peroxide, on the gastric mucosa of healthy and non-tumour gastric pathology animals.Material and Methods Fifty Wistar-Han rats were used and then distributed into 5 groups, one for control and four test groups in which the bleaching product was administered in animals with and without non-tumour gastric pathology (induced by the administration of 1 sample of 50% ethanol and 5% of drinking water during 6 days) at different times of study by gavage. There was a decrease in body weight in animals of groups handled during the study period, which was most pronounced in IV and VA groups. Changes in spleen weight relative to body weight revealed no statistically significant changes. An analysis of the frequency was performed on the results of macroscopic observation of the gastric mucosa.Results The gastric mucosa revealed lesions in all manipulated groups, being more frequent in groups III and IV. It appears that there is a synergism when using hydrogen peroxide and 50% ethanol in the same group.Conclusion Therefore, it seems that there are some signs of toxicity 3 to 4 days after administration of 6% hydrogen peroxide. The prescription of these therapies must be controlled by the clinician and the risks must be minimized


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    Introdução: Nos últimos anos o EVAR tem se afirmado cada vez mais como principal opção cirúrgica para correção do AAA sem rotura. Este procedimento apresenta indicações clínicas e anatómicas específicas, no entanto estas não impedem o aparecimento de complicações a longo prazo associadas ao EVAR. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo de todos os doentes submetidos a EVAR no Hospital em estudo, entre 01/01/2010 e 31/12/2016. Após seleção de 52 doente, aplicaram-se os critérios de exclusão e obteve-se 26 doentes para estudo. Procedeu-se à análise estatística dessa amostra com o intuito de avaliar a existência de algum fator que se relacionasse ou permitisse prever a retração aneurismática pós-EVAR. Resultados: Realizaram-se testes de correlação onde apenas a variável História de Tabagismo mostrou significância estatística (Spearman r=-,390; p=0,049). Esta alteração foi posteriormente comprovada com uma análise de Comparação de médias onde ser verificou a existência de diferença significativa das médias de retração entre o grupo com História de Tabagismo (este com maior retração) e o grupo sem História de Tabagismo. Verificou-se a influência desta variável na retração através da análise de Regressão linear, na qual se verificou significância estatística (p=0,032; B=-6,538) comprovando a influência na retração. Numa análise de regressão linear para as restantes variáveis, apesar de mais nenhuma demonstrar significância, a variável maior diâmetro do colo foi a que apresentou maior influência na retração, com B=8,047 e valor de p mais perto da significância (p=0,058). Na regressão Binária apenas a variável % trombo no colo apresentou significância fora da equação, não apresentando posteriormente significância estatística (p=0,071; Exp(B)=0,121) na equação. Conclusão: Em suma, este estudo permite-nos inferir que a realização de EVAR em doentes com AAA apresenta melhores resultados quando os doentes possuem história de tabagismo. Adicionalmente verifica-se uma tendência para a existência de uma relação da variável % trombo no colo com a retração do AAA pós-EVAR

    Portuguese validation of the children's eating attitudes test

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    BACKGROUND: The Eating Attitudes Test (EAT) is the most widely used instrument for evaluating eating disorders in adults and adolescents in a variety of cultures and samples. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyse the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Children's Eating Attitudes Test (ChEAT). METHOD: Nine hundred and fifty-six Portuguese secondary students (565 girls and 391 boys) answered the ChEAT. The test-retest reliability was obtained with data from 206 participants from the total sample who re-answered the questionnaire after 4-6 weeks. Psychometric analyses were carried out for the total sample and separately for girls and boys. RESULTS: Internal consistency and test-retest reliability were satisfactory. Principal components factorial analysis yielded four factors in the total sample, accounting for 42.35% of the total variance. Factor structure was similar in the total sample and in both genders. Factors were labelled: F1 "Fear of Getting Fat", F2 "Restrictive and Purgative Behaviours", F3 "Food Preoccupation" and F4 "Social Pressure to Eat". The concurrent validity, explored using the Contour Drawing Figure Rating Scale (CDRS) was high. DISCUSSION: The Portuguese version of the ChEAT is a valid and useful instrument for the evaluation of abnormal eating attitudes and behaviours among Portuguese adolescents