72 research outputs found

    Language and identity in multimodal text: case study of TailandÂŽs Bank Pamphlet

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    With the main objective of presenting a linguistic model for the analysis of identity construction in multimodal texts, particularly in advertising, this article attempts to integrate three theoretical frameworks, namely the types of discourse of the Socio-Discursive Interactionism, Greimas’ actantial roles and the symbolic processes of the Grammar of Visual Design proposed by Kress & van Leeuwen. The first two theories are used to analyze verbal language form whereas the third is exclusively for images in advertising. The data sample is a Thai bank pamphlet of Siam Commercial Bank, collected in Bangkok, Thailand, in June, 2015. According to the data analysis, the theoretical frameworks employed here proves that identity, the psychological product, exists in the human mind and can be indexed by language in interaction. Also, the analysis found that identity could be projected as multimodally as language manifestation, of which forms are not only verbal but also pictorial.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enacting the multiple spaces and times of portuguese migration to France in YouTube humor: chronotopic analysis of Ro et Cut’s Vamos a Portugal

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    We examine the production and contested reception of a YouTube comedic performance by France-based comedic duo, Ro et Cut, involving Portuguese migrants in France. Specifically, we analyze Vamos a Portugal, a video which depicts one Portuguese migrant family’s preparation for their annual summer return trip from France to the Portuguese “homeland.” We use Bakhtin’s notion of chronotope, i.e., discursive formulations of space, time, and person mobilizable in interaction, to analyze how performers and commenters construct spatiotemporally situated images of Portuguese migrants, while simultaneously positioning themselves spatio-temporally in relation to these images. In particular, we compare how France-based Lusodescendant and nonmigrant Portuguese commenters construct and react to the video. Many Lusodescendant commenters embrace the video as evoking a nostalgic personal, familial, and Portuguese past, from the perspective of an urban French present. However, nonmigrant Portuguese viewers in Portugal reject the video as evoking an outmoded and illegitimate version of Portuguese culture, from the perspective of a contemporary Portuguese present. Our comparison of the chronotopes through which differently positioned commenters interpret the video illuminates the contested politics surrounding performances of Portuguese migrant and national culture in the diaspora in France versus in Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multiaddressivity and collective addressivity in Vlog‐based interactions between diasporic and nonmigrant portuguese

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    We use the notion of addressivity to analyze interactions between diasporic Portuguese in France and nonmigrant Portuguese in Portugal, in a vlog by Jonathan Da Silva. Through sets of interlocutor-oriented strategies, participants address one another not only as specific individuals but also as collective social types, as if addressing all diasporic and nonmigrant Portuguese. We thus consider how participants use collective addressivity to hail one another as essentialized tokens of social types in a fantasy of telecommunication (Nozawa 2016). These materials reveal not only the construction of ethnonationally Portuguese identified “we’s,” but also of the collectivized “you’s” such “we’s” address, in a genre of online interaction.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    (Co)narraçÔes de viagens para Portugal por lusodescendentes no Facebook

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    This article combines the study of online narratives as social practices and the linguistic anthropological study of imagined communities, to examine a set of non-canonical narrative practices in a Facebook group for the Portuguese diaspora in France. Instead of reports of individual members’ past experiences, these narratives function as invitations to other group members to co-tell typical, shared experiences. Specifically, we investigate how group members share vacation trips to Portugal with each otherin ways that produce a sense of collective and simultaneous experience. They accomplish this through deictically-based narrative strategies that shift the social, spatial, and temporal perspectives of narrating and narrated frames in ways that link the following: individual I’s with collective we’s, one-time events with timeless event types, and co-presence on-line with co-presence on vacation. Through these strategies, participants connect Facebook narrations of vacations to the larger social project of diasporic longing for and return to Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Case Study of TailandÂŽs Bank Pamphlet

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    UID/LIN/03213/2013With the main objective of presenting a linguistic model for the analysis of identity construction in multimodal texts, particularly in advertising, this article attempts to integrate three theoretical frameworks, namely the types of discourse of the Socio-Discursive Interactionism, Greimas’ actantial roles and the symbolic processes of the Grammar of Visual Design proposed by Kress & van Leeuwen. The first two theories are used to analyze verbal language form whereas the third is exclusively for images in advertising. The data sample is a Thai bank pamphlet of Siam Commercial Bank, collected in Bangkok, Thailand, in June, 2015. According to the data analysis, the theoretical frameworks employed here proves that identity, the psychological product, exists in the human mind and can be indexed by language in interaction. Also, the analysis found that identity could be projected as multimodally as language manifestation, of which forms are not only verbal but also pictorial.publishersversionpublishe

    Se taire est impossible ou le choix de la langue frangaise pour témoigner: le cas de Jorge Semprun et de Elie Wiesel

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    Notre communication sÂŽattachera Ă  analyser le recours Ă  la langue française dans l®Ɠuvre littĂ©raire de deux rescapĂ©s des camps de concentration durant la IIe Guerre Mondiale : Jorge Semprun et Elie Wiesel. Semprun et Wiesel furent enfermĂ©s dans des camps de concentrations en Allemagne, dans des conditions diffĂ©rentes: Semprun fut emprisonnĂ© Ă  Buchenwald comme rĂ©sistant communiste espagnol militant en France, tandis que Wiesel fut dĂ©portĂ© avec sa famille de son village hongrois vers le complexe d’Auschwitz, destinĂ©s Ă  l’extermination certaine en tant que juifs. Nous verrons que la langue française constitue une sorte de refuge pour ces deux Ă©crivains car elle permet de prendre de la distance avec les Ă©vĂ©nements vĂ©cus. De cette façon cette langue « Ă©trangĂšre » permet de se rĂ©approprier le passĂ© et dÂŽexprimer la douleur de la mĂ©moire. L’utilisation du français a donc permis Ă  ces Ă©crivains de se mettre Ă  distance entre un sujet trop difficile Ă  aborder dans leur langue maternelle, servant ainsi de filtre, permettant de maĂźtriser une rĂ©alitĂ© autrement insoutenable dans leur langue maternelle. De cette façon, l’écriture en français prend la valeur du salut au sens existentiel. Cependant, elle fait revivre les douleurs et les angoisses. Nous nous pencherons sur la problĂ©matique de la langue dÂŽĂ©criture car nous verrons quÂŽil ne sÂŽagit pas que d’une question linguistique. DÂŽautre part, nous verrons que les auteurs expriment Ă  la fois lÂŽimpossibilitĂ© de communiquer lÂŽexpĂ©rience des camps et la nĂ©cessitĂ© impĂ©rieuse de tĂ©moigner. Comme le dit Wiesel Ă  Semprun dans Se taire est impossible: « Se taire est interdit, parler est impossible » (1995)

    interculturalidade e plurilinguismo literĂĄrio

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    La France, terre d’exil et d’évasion dans Square Tolstoi de Nuno Bragança

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    O escritor migrante, que possui na sua escrita um terreno fĂ©rtil para a sua produção literĂĄria, exorciza de alguma forma a sua existĂȘncia. A escrita de Bragança inclui a sua condição de dualidade : por um lado, a função referencial expressa em factos reais que sĂŁo apresentados e, por outro lado, a função poĂ©tica expressa em sua obra. Veremos que existem no romance marcas de alteridade na linguagem destinada a revelar o plurilinguismo do autor. Bragança usa termos, citaçÔes e referĂȘncias da lĂ­ngua francesa. O discurso do Outro tem por base o princĂ­pio da alteridade radical, da heterogeneidade e da exterioridade irredutĂ­vel que inclui tambĂ©m a do autor, que destaca a lĂ­ngua e a cultura francesas no seu romance. O nosso objectivo Ă© a anĂĄlise das funçÔes discursiva, estilĂ­stica e expressiva da presença francesa em todo o romance e, assim, identificar as suas principais implicaçÔes na dinĂąmica do texto.The migrant writer who has a fertile ground for literary production in his writing, somehow manages to exorcise his own existence. The writing of Bragança includes his condition of duality : on the one hand, we are presented with the referential function expressed in actual facts, and on the other, we have the poetic function expressed in his novel. The novel presents us with marks of otherness in the language designed to reveal the author's multilingualism. Bragança uses terms, quotations and references to the French language. The discourse of the Other is based on the principle of radical otherness, heterogeneity and irreducible exteriority which also includes the author, giving a great emphasis to the French language and culture in his novel. Our goal is the analysis of discourse, stylistic and expressive functions regarding the French presence in the whole novel, and thus identifying their major implications on the text’ s dynamics

    Entre les langues ou la question du plurilinguisme littéraire : -

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    We are interested in understanding the notion of literary plurilingualism through the experience of French-speaking writers. We problematize this notion through a narratological and enunciative perspective. We contextualize the practice of literary plurilingualism in different authors and we understand various facets of this literary practice from different perspectives. We will see that literary plurilingualism can have several functions. Through this problematization, we try to perceive how the writers consider the different languages present, what are the relationships they have with their primary tool and we will see the relationship between language(s) and literature. We will understand plurilingualism as a phenomenon linking languages to the novel. Finally, we question the linguistic and textual stakes by tackling the questions related to crossbreeding, hybridism and otherness but also heterolingualism, literary and textual diglossia as well as contrastive heteroglossia.Nous souhaitons comprendre la notion de plurilinguisme littĂ©raire Ă  travers l’expĂ©rience dÂŽĂ©crivains de langue française. Nous problĂ©matisons cette notion Ă  travers une perspective narratologique et Ă©nonciative. Nous mettons en contexte la pratique du plurilinguisme littĂ©raire chez diffĂ©rents auteurs et nous apprĂ©hendons diverses facettes de cette pratique littĂ©raire Ă  travers diffĂ©rentes perspectives. Nous verrons que le plurilinguisme littĂ©raire peut revĂȘtir plusieurs fonctions. À travers cette problĂ©matisation, nous tentons de percevoir comment les Ă©crivains envisagent les diffĂ©rentes langues en prĂ©sence, quels sont les rapports quÊŒils entretiennent avec leur outil premier et nous verrons les rapports entre langue(s) et littĂ©rature. Nous apprĂ©henderons le plurilinguisme comme un phĂ©nomĂšne liant les langues au roman. Pour finir, nous nous questionnons sur les enjeux linguistiques et textuels en abordant les questions liĂ©es au mĂ©tissage, Ă  lÊŒhybridisme et Ă  lÊŒaltĂ©ritĂ© mais aussi lÊŒhĂ©tĂ©rolinguisme, la diglossie littĂ©raire et textuelle ainsi que lÊŒhĂ©tĂ©roglossie contrastive


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    The languages, while “codes” are instruments of socio-political, socioeconomic and socio-cultural challenges. The discursive heterogeneity accompanies miscegenation and cultural identity in these multilingual novels. This multilingual writing, with cultural and linguistic sources, allows the construction of a “meta-narrative identity” and draws attention to the notion of linguistic identity. The multilinguism in novels isnÂŽt merely an enactment of the word of the Other as opposed to a specific language that ensures the identity of the speaker, and can also function as a movement of relativization for identity criteria membership. Multilingualism in novels works as a centrifugal force that allows the decentralization and break of the Portuguese State’s monolingual and centered speech. These novels are an example of the deconstruction in dominant models of identity as they portray characters which represent peripheral ethnic groups.As lĂ­nguas, enquanto "cĂłdigos", sĂŁo instrumentos de desafios sĂłciopolĂ­ticos, sĂłcio-econĂłmicos e sĂłcio-culturais. A heterogeneidade discursiva acompanha a miscigenação identitĂĄria e cultural presente nos romances plurilingues. Esta escrita plurilingue, com fontes culturais e linguĂ­sticas diversas, permite a construção de uma "meta-narrativa identitĂĄria" e chama a atenção para a noção de identidade linguĂ­stica. O plurilinguismo nos romances nĂŁo funciona apenas como uma mera encenação da palavra do Outro em oposição a uma lĂ­ngua especĂ­fica que garanta a identidade do locutor, mas sim como um movimento de relativização dos critĂ©rios de pertença identitĂĄria. O plurilinguismo, presente nos romances, representa uma força centrĂ­fuga que permite descentrar e quebrar o discurso monolingue e centralizado do Estado PortuguĂȘs. Os romances sĂŁo um exemplo da desconstrução de modelos identitĂĄrios dominantes e retratam personagens, representando grupos Ă©tnicos perifĂ©ricos
