141 research outputs found

    Respiratory mechanics in patients with COPD on ventilatory support

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    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Oisease (COPO) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. Approximately 6 % of deaths in men and 4 % of deaths in women are due to COP01. COPO currently ranks as number six in the global impact of disease scale and is expected to rise to number three by the year 20202. In the Netherlands it already is the third cause of death3. The major cause of COPO is cigarette smoking. The percentage of smokers in the Netherlands is among the highest in Europe4 . COPO is defined physiologically as chronic airflow obstruction and may be due to a mixture of emphysema and peripheral airway obstruction from chronic obstructive bronchitis. Emphysema is a pathological diagnosis characterised by destruction of alveolar walls resulting in abnormal and permanent enlargement of airspaces and loss of lung elasticity, with consequent obstruction of peripheral airways1. Chronic obstructive bronchitis is due to obstruction of peripheral airways as a result of an inflammatory response 1. The population of patients studied in this thesis consists of patients in whom loss of elasticity of lung tissue is assumed to be present. However, this assumption is based on clinical and lung function findings, since destruction of elastic tissue is difficult to demo

    Optimizing quality of life in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a devastating, progressive and ultimately fatal lung disease. The combination of poor prognosis, uncertainty of disease course and severe symptom burden heavily impacts patients' and their families' quality of life. Though new antifibrotic drugs have been shown to decrease disease progression, the effect on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) has not been convincingly demonstrated. In a relentless disease such as IPF, striving to optimize HRQOL should complement the endeavour to prolong life. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of interventions improving symptoms and functionality for patients with IPF, and research focusing on symptom improvement, and assessing and optimizing HRQOL, is limited. This review summarizes the most recent insights into measuring and improving quality of life for patients with IPF, and discusses challenges in the management of this devastating disease. Moreover, we postulate a new model for continuous care in IPF - 'the ABCDE of IPF care': Assessing patients' needs; Backing patients by giving information and support; delivering Comfort care by focusing on treating symptoms and taking into account Comorbidities; striving to prolong life by Disease modification; helping and preparing patients and their caregivers for the eventual End-of-life events that are likely to occur

    A home monitoring program including real-time wireless home spirometry in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    In idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), home monitoring experiences are limited, not yet real-time available nor implemented in daily care. We evaluated feasibility and potential barriers of a new home monitoring program with real-time wireless home spirometry in IPF. Ten patients with IPF were asked to test this home monitoring program, including daily home spirometry, for four weeks. Measurements of home and hospital spirometry showed good agreement. All patients considered real-time wireless spirometry useful and highly feasible. Both patients and researchers suggested relatively easy solutions for the identified potential barriers regarding real-time home monitoring in IPF

    Pharmacological Treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Current Approaches, Unsolved Issues, and Future Perspectives

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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a devastating condition with a 5-year survival of approximately 20%. The disease primarily occurs in elderly patients. IPF is a highly heterogeneous disorder with a clinical course that varies from prolonged periods of stability to episodes of rapid deterioration. In the last decade, improved understanding of disease mechanisms along with a more precise disease definition has allowed the design and completion of a number of high-quality clinical trials. Yet, until recently, IPF was essentially an untreatable disease. Finally, pirfenidone and nintedanib, two compounds with antifibrotic properties, have consistently proven effective in reducing functional decline and disease progression in IPF. This is a major breakthrough for patients and physicians alike, but there is still a long way to go. In fact, neither pirfenidone nor nintedanib is a cure for IPF, and most patients continue to progress despite treatment. As such, comprehensive care of patients with IPF, including manag

    Estimation of expiratory time constants via fuzzy clustering

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    Objective. In mechanically ventilated patients the expiratorytime constant provides information about respiratory mechanics. In thepresent study a new method, fuzzy clustering, is proposed to determine expiratory time constants. Fuzzy clustering differs from other methods since it neither interferes with expiration nor presumes any functional relationship between the variables analysed. Furthermore, time constantbehaviour during expiration can be assessed, instead of an average timeconstant. The time constants obtained with fuzzy clustering are comparedto time constants conventionally calculated from the same expirations. Methods. 20 mechanically ventilated patients, including 10 patients with COPD, were studied. The data of flow, volume and pressure were sampled. From these data, four local linear models were detected by fuzzy clustering. The

    Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 inhibition:a potential treatment target for pulmonary fibrosis

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    Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA)-mediated activation of LPA receptor 1 (LPAR1) contributes to the pathophysiology of fibrotic diseases such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and systemic sclerosis (SSc). These diseases are associated with high morbidity and mortality despite current treatment options. The LPA-producing enzyme autotaxin (ATX) and LPAR1 activation contribute to inflammation and mechanisms underlying fibrosis in preclinical fibrotic models. Additionally, elevated levels of LPA have been detected in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients with IPF and in serum from patients with SSc. Thus, ATX and LPAR1 have gained considerable interest as pharmaceutical targets to combat fibrotic disease and inhibitors of these targets have been investigated in clinical trials for IPF and SSc. The goals of this review are to summarise the current literature on ATX and LPAR1 signalling in pulmonary fibrosis and to help differentiate the novel inhibitors in development. The mechanisms of action of ATX and LPAR1 inhibitors are described and preclinical studies and clinical trials of these agents are outlined. Because of their contribution to numerous physiologic events underlying fibrotic disease, ATX and LPAR1 inhibition presents a promising therapeutic strategy for IPF, SSc and other fibrotic diseases that may fulfil unmet needs of the current standard of care.</p

    Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 inhibition:a potential treatment target for pulmonary fibrosis

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    Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA)-mediated activation of LPA receptor 1 (LPAR1) contributes to the pathophysiology of fibrotic diseases such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and systemic sclerosis (SSc). These diseases are associated with high morbidity and mortality despite current treatment options. The LPA-producing enzyme autotaxin (ATX) and LPAR1 activation contribute to inflammation and mechanisms underlying fibrosis in preclinical fibrotic models. Additionally, elevated levels of LPA have been detected in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients with IPF and in serum from patients with SSc. Thus, ATX and LPAR1 have gained considerable interest as pharmaceutical targets to combat fibrotic disease and inhibitors of these targets have been investigated in clinical trials for IPF and SSc. The goals of this review are to summarise the current literature on ATX and LPAR1 signalling in pulmonary fibrosis and to help differentiate the novel inhibitors in development. The mechanisms of action of ATX and LPAR1 inhibitors are described and preclinical studies and clinical trials of these agents are outlined. Because of their contribution to numerous physiologic events underlying fibrotic disease, ATX and LPAR1 inhibition presents a promising therapeutic strategy for IPF, SSc and other fibrotic diseases that may fulfil unmet needs of the current standard of care.</p