10 research outputs found
Casuistry and Early Modern Spanish Literature
Investigating the importance of casuistry in a variety of genres in early modern Spain, this volume fills a significant gap in the scholarship, and calls for a re-thinking of the development of early modern Spanish literature and thought.; Readership: Renaissance and Early Modern scholars and students interested in the rise of imaginative literature and its embeddedness in pre-modern Spanish society. It will also appeal to Religious Studies scholars
Law New and Old: Tropes of Blindness in the <i>Celestina</i>
This article traces juridical elements in the monologues of Melibea, Calisto and Pleberio in order to elaborate on the negotiations between old and new law and —on an allegorical level— old and re/new/ed faith as major topics of the tragicomedia. In a further step, I will connect this text-based analysis to the material culture of the early book in Spain, insofar as the production of printing shops in Salamanca and Burgos evidences a variety of texts with a similar preoccupation for legal reforms. This reveals the embeddedness of the Celestina in a network of European humanism. The re-occurrence of blind Justice as a key trope in such contemporaneous texts could shed new light on discussions about the authorship of the Celestina by reconciling different approaches
Casuistry and Early Modern Spanish Literature
Investigating the importance of casuistry in a variety of genres in early modern Spain, this volume fills a significant gap in the scholarship, and calls for a re-thinking of the development of early modern Spanish literature and thought.; Readership: Renaissance and Early Modern scholars and students interested in the rise of imaginative literature and its embeddedness in pre-modern Spanish society. It will also appeal to Religious Studies scholars
dolls/puppets like mensch – dolls/puppets as artificial beings. Part 1.2
Die dritte Ausgabe der Zeitschrift denkste: puppe / just a bit of: doll (de:do), ein multi-disziplinäres Online-Journal für Mensch-Puppen-Diskurse, erscheint als Doppelheft, dessen gemeinsamer Themenschwerpunkt lautet: puppen/dolls like mensch – puppen als künstliche meschen. Mit diesem Fokus wird ein Thema aufgegriffen, das Menschen seit der Antike berührt und bis heute ihren Verstand und ihre Imagination, ihre Bedürfnisse und ihre Gefühle in Unruhe versetzt. In Mythologien, literarischen Fiktionen und Narrativen für Erwachsene und Kinder, in Werken der bildenden Künste, im Film, in mechanisch-technischen Anwendungen und Utopien, in den performativen Künsten, in der (Spiel-)Pädagogik und in den verschiedenen Bereichen der Popkultur wirft das Motiv der Puppe mit seinen unterschiedlichsten Ausdrucksformen immer auch existenzielle Fragen auf: Wer und was ist der Mensch? Die Puppe als künstlicher Mensch ist in gewisser Weise wie mensch, ohne Mensch zu sein. Als von Menschen geschaffene Abbilder, Vorbilder, Nachahmungen und Entwürfe des Menschen spiegeln und bestätigen Puppen vorhandene Lebenswelten und loten gleichzeitig Potenziale und Abgründe des Mensch-Seins zwischen Utopie und Dystopie, zwischen Neugier und Hingabe, zwischen Horror und Glückseligkeit, zwischen Macht und Ohnmacht aus. Puppen/dolls like mensch – der doppelte Wortsinn betont die gegebene Ambiguität der Puppen und die spannenden, ihnen innewohnenden Ambivalenzen. Im ersten Teilband (1.1) wird den Spuren und Erscheinungsformen des Puppenmotivs und der Puppe(n) – als literarisches Narrativ, als künstlerisches Motiv, als materialisiertes Objekt – vor allem im Kontext von bildender Kunst, Literatur, Fotografie, Theater und Androidentechnologien nachgegangen. Im zweiten Teilband (1.2) werden zum einen kinderliterarische und (spiel-)didaktische Texte akzentuiert, zum anderen sind hier verschiedene mediale und popkulturelle Formate aus den Bereichen Computerspiel, Comic-Film-Adaptation, Film (unterschiedlicher Genres) und dem Figurentheater versammelt sowie Thematisierungen der Verknüpfung von materiellen Artefakten und literarischen Narrativen. Rezensionen in Form von Essays über literarische Puppen-Narrative, eine Foto-Ausstellung und ein Ballett runden beide Ausgaben ab. Die zeitliche Spanne reicht vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart und Zukunft und zeigt einmal mehr, wie über das Narrativ der Puppe uralte Menschheitsfragen in Traditionslinien eingebunden werden und sie auf faszinierende Weisen fortschreiben.The third edition of the journal denkste: puppe / just a bit of: doll (de: do), a multidisciplinary online journal for human-doll discourses, is a double issue whose shared thematic focus is: puppen/dolls like mensch – dolls/puppets as artificial beings. With this focus, we take up a topic that has concerned mankind since ancient times and has always upset their 'minds' and 'hearts’, their needs and feelings. In mythologies, literary fictions and narratives for adults as well as for children, in works of the visual arts, in film, in mechanical-technical applications and utopias, in the performative arts, in (play-)pedagogy and in the various fields of pop culture, the motif of the doll with its various forms of expression always raises existential questions: Who is man, what is human? The doll as an artificial human being is in a certain way like mensch without being human. As man-made images, as models, imitations and designs of humans, dolls/puppets reflect and confirm existing worlds and at the same time sound out the potentials and abysses of being human between utopia and dystopia, between curiosity and devotion, between horror and bliss, between power and powerlessness. Dolls/puppets like mensch – the double meaning of these words emphasizes the given ambiguity of the dolls/puppets and the intriguing ambivalences inherent in them. In the first part of volume (1.1) the traces and manifestations of the doll motif and of doll(s) – as literary narrative, as artistic motif, as materialized object – will be explored primarily in the context of the fine arts, of literature, photography, theater and android technologies. In the second part of the volume (1.2), on the one hand, children's literature and (play)didactic texts are accentuated; on the other hand, various media and pop-cultural formats from the fields of computer games, comic-film adaptations, films (of different genres) and puppet theater performances are gathered here, as well as issues that link material artifacts and literary narratives. Reviews in the form of essays on literary doll narratives, a photo exhibition and a ballet round off both editions. The time span extends from the Middle Ages to the present and future and shows once again how age-old questions regarding mankind and humanity are integrated into traditional lines and are carried on continuously in fascinating ways
Sex Acts in La Celestina: An Ars Combinatoria of Desire
This article investigates one of the most important and erotically explicit early modern Spanish texts: Fernando de Rojas’s La Celestina (1499/1507). Highlighting the dynamics of the three sex acts depicted in the plot, it argues that intercourse can be read as a negotiation of the text’s main values: (courtly) love, honour, and money. While scholars have elaborated on the metaphor of the wheel of fortune in La Celestina, this article suggests that the wheel was more than a trope for life’s vicissitudes; it operated as a structural tool in the text, a metaphor rendered material via Ramón Llull’s (ca. 1232–1315) ars combinatoria. Applying the Catalan philosopher’s mnemonic device demonstrates how the text’s values are transferred from men to women and thereby shift their semantics. While the resulting inversions must have amused contemporary audiences, they also reveal the tensions of a transforming society.Cet article examine un texte parmi les plus importants et explicites sur le plan érotique de l’Espagne des débuts de la modernité : La Celestina (1499/1507) de Fernando de Rojas. En mettant en lumière les trois actes sexuels prenant place dans l’intrigue, on avance que ces relations peuvent être interprétées comme une négociation des valeurs présentes dans le texte, à savoir, l’amour (courtois), l’honneur et l’argent. Alors que les spécialistes se sont penchés sur la métaphore dans La Celestina de la roue de fortune, cet article propose que cette roue représente bien davantage que les vicissitudes de la vie, puisqu’elle fonctionne dans le texte comme un élément structurant qui devient concret à l’aide de l’ars combinatoria de Ramón Llull (ca. 1232–1315). L’utilisation du dispositif mnémonique du philosophe catalan démontre comment les valeurs du texte sont transférées des hommes vers les femmes, transformant ainsi leur signification. Bien que ces inversions aient dû amuser le public, elles révèlent également des tensions propres à une société qui se transforme
Sex Acts in La Celestina: An Ars Combinatoria of Desire
This article investigates one of the most important and erotically explicit early modern Spanish texts: Fernando de Rojas’s La Celestina (1499/1507). Highlighting the dynamics of the three sex acts depicted in the plot, it argues that intercourse can be read as a negotiation of the text’s main values: (courtly) love, honour, and money. While scholars have elaborated on the metaphor of the wheel of fortune in La Celestina, this article suggests that the wheel was more than a trope for life’s vicissitudes; it operated as a structural tool in the text, a metaphor rendered material via Ramón Llull’s (ca. 1232–1315) ars combinatoria. Applying the Catalan philosopher’s mnemonic device demonstrates how the text’s values are transferred from men to women and thereby shift their semantics. While the resulting inversions must have amused contemporary audiences, they also reveal the tensions of a transforming society.
Cet article examine un texte parmi les plus importants et explicites sur le plan érotique de l’Espagne des débuts de la modernité : La Celestina (1499/1507) de Fernando de Rojas. En mettant en lumière les trois actes sexuels prenant place dans l’intrigue, on avance que ces relations peuvent être interprétées comme une négociation des valeurs présentes dans le texte, à savoir, l’amour (courtois), l’honneur et l’argent. Alors que les spécialistes se sont penchés sur la métaphore dans La Celestina de la roue de fortune, cet article propose que cette roue représente bien davantage que les vicissitudes de la vie, puisqu’elle fonctionne dans le texte comme un élément structurant qui devient concret à l’aide de l’ars combinatoria de Ramón Llull (ca. 1232–1315). L’utilisation du dispositif mnémonique du philosophe catalan démontre comment les valeurs du texte sont transférées des hommes vers les femmes, transformant ainsi leur signification. Bien que ces inversions aient dû amuser le public, elles révèlent également des tensions propres à une société qui se transforme
Zeitsprünge. Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit
Studies in Early Modern History, Culture and Science: Since its foundation by Klaus Reichert in 1997, Zeitsprünge has offered a forum for interdisciplinary early modern research in Europe. The editors welcome contributions concerning the history of ideas, knowledge, science, literature, art, and culture that are historically systematic while pursuing questions that transcend their respective disciplinary boundaries. We welcome contributions that shed new light on their respective field of research by both daring to take 'tiger leaps into the past' (Walter Benjamin) and critically glancing into the present and the future.
Publication languages are German, English, French, Italian and Spanish). Articles in other languages may be considered after consultation with the editors.
Zeitsprünge publishes open issues and thematic volumes as well as, less commonly, editions and monographs. Starting in 2022, subscriptions will be available in print and online (campus license). Zeitsprünge uses double-blind peer review process for all submitted manuscripts