219 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical determination of p53 overexpression: An easy and readily available method to identify progression in superficial bladder cancer?

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    Overexpression of p53, as determined by immunohistochemical staining with the murine monoclonal antibody DO7, was determined in specimens of 46 primary superficial transitional cell bladder tumours (14 TaG2, 10 T1G2, 22 T1G3). A colon cancer specimen served as a positive control and normal mesenchymal cells in the specimens served as an internal negative control. An exceptionally high proportion 36/46 (78%) of the specimens were found to stain positively for p53 in over 20% of the cell nuclei. After a median follow-up of 7 years, ten patients developed progressive disease. Of these ten patients nine demonstrated p53 positivity, resulting in a sensitivity of 90%. However, 27 of the overall 36 patients (75%) with p53-positive tumours did not progress to a higher stage or metastatic disease. These findings suggest that p53 overexpression is not of predictive prognostic value in superficial transitional cell carcinoma. With 7 of 14 specimens (50%) of Ta tumours overexpressing p53, the results were suggestive of p53 mutation being an early event in carcinogenesis. When the threshold was set at 50% of the cell nuclei overexpressing p53, 16/46 (35%) classified as p53 positive. Of the 16 tumours staining positively for p53, 7 (46%) progressed and 9 (56%) did not. None of the Ta and 16 (50%) of the T1 tumours classified as positive. This more stringent definition of positivity still does not identify p53 positivity as a single prognostic factor. With 50% of T1 tumours classifying as positive, we still find that p53 mutation may be an early event in carcinogenesis of bladder cance

    Fulminant Cerebral Malaria in a Swiss Patient

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    Abstract : Malaria remains the most important parasitic disease worldwide. Falciparum malaria is a medical emergency and requires immediate diagnosis and treatment. Cerebral malaria is a rapidly progressive, potentially fatal complication of Plasmodium falciparum infection. This case, including post-mortem observations, histology, and laboratory diagnosis, emphasizes the necessity of appropriate advice regarding malaria prophylaxis before travel to an endemic area. Malaria should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with fever and/or nonspecific flu-like symptoms after traveling to endemic countrie

    An Analysis of Resting-State Functional Transcranial Doppler Recordings from Middle Cerebral Arteries

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    Functional transcrannial Doppler (fTCD) is used for monitoring the hemodynamics characteristics of major cerebral arteries. Its resting-state characteristics are known only when considering the maximal velocity corresponding to the highest Doppler shift (so called the envelope signals). Significantly more information about the resting-state fTCD can be gained when considering the raw cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) recordings. In this paper, we considered simultaneously acquired envelope and raw CBFV signals. Specifically, we collected bilateral CBFV recordings from left and right middle cerebral arteries using 20 healthy subjects (10 females). The data collection lasted for 15 minutes. The subjects were asked to remain awake, stay silent, and try to remain thought-free during the data collection. Time, frequency and time-frequency features were extracted from both the raw and the envelope CBFV signals. The effects of age, sex and body-mass index were examined on the extracted features. The results showed that the raw CBFV signals had a higher frequency content, and its temporal structures were almost uncorrelated. The information-theoretic features showed that the raw recordings from left and right middle cerebral arteries had higher content of mutual information than the envelope signals. Age and body-mass index did not have statistically significant effects on the extracted features. Sex-based differences were observed in all three domains and for both, the envelope signals and the raw CBFV signals. These findings indicate that the raw CBFV signals provide valuable information about the cerebral blood flow which can be utilized in further validation of fTCD as a clinical tool. © 2013 Sejdić et al

    Halofantrin zur Behandlung der importierten Malaria bei nicht-immunen Reisenden

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    Im Rahmen einer prospektiven Multizenterstudie wurden die Wirksamkeit (Kriterien: Heilungsrate, Zeit bis zur Entfieberung oder Parasitenfreiheit) und Verträglichkeit (Kriterien: klinische Nebenwirkungen, veränderte Laborparameter) von Halofantrin bei 96 nicht-immunen Malaria-Patienten (71 Männer, 25 Frauen, mittleres Alter 34,3 [21-62] Jahre) untersucht, die aus Hochresistenzgebieten nach Deutschland oder in die Schweiz zurückgekehrt waren. 63 Patienten wurden mit einer Eintagestherapie behandelt (dreimal 500 mg Halofantrin); die folgenden 33 Patienten erhielten einen zusätzlichen Therapiezyklus nach einer Woche. In der zweiten Gruppe war die Therapie in allen Fällen wirksam, während bei der Eintagestherapie fünf von 41 Patienten (12,2 %) mit Malaria tropica einen Rückfall erlitten. Die Zeit bis zur Entfieberung betrug 45 Stunden, die Zeit bis zur Parasitenfreiheit 66 Stunden. Bei fünf Behandelten kam es unter der Therapie zu leichten Transaminasenanstiegen, die jedoch spontan innerhalb weniger Tage zurückgingen und am ehesten infektionsbedingt waren. - Bei guter Verträglichkeit ist Halofantrin für die Therapie und Stand-by-Therapie von multiresistenten Plasmodien-Infektionen geeignet. Die Behandlung muß nach 7 Tagen wiederholt werden.The efficacy (criteria: cure rate, time to resolution of fever or absence of parasites) and safety (criteria: clinical side effects, altered laboratory parameters) of halofantrin were investigated in a multi-centre study of 96 non-immune patients (71 men, 25 women, mean age 34.3 [21-62] years) with malaria imported from regions of high resistance into Germany or Switzerland. The initial 63 patients received one-day treatment (three doses of 500 mg halofantrin), while the last 33 patients received an additional course of treatment one week later. Treatment was curative in all patients in the second group, but relapses occurred in five of the 41 patients (12.2 %) with falciparum malaria who received one-day therapy. Fever resolved after a mean of 45 hours and parasites were absent after a mean of 66 hours. There were small increases in transaminase values (most probably because of the infection) in five patients, but all became normal again within a few days. - Halofantrin is a safe drug and is suitable for both therapy and stand-by therapy of resistant Plasmodium infections. Treatment should be repeated after 7 days

    Surgical management of low grade isthmic spondylolisthesis; a randomized controlled study of the surgical fixation with and without reduction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>spondylolisthesis is a condition in which a vertebra slips out of the proper position onto the bone below it as a result of pars interarticularis defect. The slipped segment produces abnormal positioning of the vertebrae in relation to each other along the spinal column and causes mechanical back pain and neural breach.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>A randomized and double blinded study consisted of 41 patients aged 36-69 years (18 females and 28 males) treated for symptomatic spondylolisthesis between December,2006 and December, 2009. All patients were randomly distributed into two groups I and II. Twenty patients were in Group I; they underwent reduction of the slipped vertebrae by using Reduction-Screw Technique and posterior lumbar interbody fixation (PLIF). Group II consisted of twenty one patients who underwent only surgical fixation (PLIF) without reduction. All patients in this study had same pre and post operative management.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>only one case had broken rod in group I that required revision. Superficial wound infection was experienced in two patients and one patient, from group II, developed wound hematoma. The outcome in both groups was variable on the short term but was almost the same on the long term follow up.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>surgical management of symptomatic low grade spondylolisthesis should include neural decompression and surgical fixation. Reduction of slipped vertebral bodies is unnecessary as the ultimate outcome will be likely similar.</p

    Involvement of calcitonin gene-related peptide in migraine: regional cerebral blood flow and blood flow velocity in migraine patients

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    Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-containing nerves are closely associated with cranial blood vessels. CGRP is the most potent vasodilator known in isolated cerebral blood vessels. CGRP can induce migraine attacks, and two selective CGRP receptor antagonists are effective in the treatment of migraine attacks. It is therefore important to investigate its mechanism of action in patients with migraine. We here investigate the effects of intravenous human alpha-CGRP (hαCGRP) on intracranial hemodynamics. In a double-blind, cross-over study, the effect of intravenous infusion of hαCGRP (2 μg/min) or placebo for 20 min was studied in 12 patients with migraine without aura outside attacks. Xenon-133 inhalation SPECT-determined regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and transcranial Doppler (TCD)-determined blood velocity (Vmean) in the middle cerebral artery (MCA), as well as the heart rate and blood pressure, were the outcome parameters. No change of rCBF was observed at the end of infusion [1.2% ± 1.7 with hαCGRP, vs. −1.6% ± 3.1 with placebo (mean ± SD)] (P = 0.43). Vmean in MCA decreased to 13.5% ± 3.6 with hαCGRP versus 0.6% ± 1.8 with placebo (P < 0.005). Since rCBF was unchanged, this indicates a dilation of the MCA. hαCGRP induced a decrease in MAP (12%) (P < 0.005) and an increase in heart rate (58%) (P < 0.0001). CGRP dilates cerebral arteries, but the effect is so small that it is unlikely to be the only mechanism of CGRP-induced migraine

    A standardised study to compare prostate cancer targeting efficacy of five radiolabelled bombesin analogues

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    Purpose: Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-based screening for prostate cancer (PC) has dramatically increased early diagnosis. Current imaging techniques are not optimal to stage early PC adequately. A promising alternative to PC imaging is peptide-based scintigraphy using radiolabelled bombesin (BN) analogues that bind to gastrin-releasing peptide receptors (GRPR) being overexpressed in PC. When labelled to appropriate radionuclides BN targeting of GRPRs may also provide applications for peptide radionuclide receptor therapy (PRRT). Assessment studies under identical experimental conditions allowing a reliable comparison of the potential of such analogues are lacking. This study was performed to evaluate and directly compare five promising radiolabelled BN analogues for their targeting efficacy for PC under standardised conditions. Methods: The BN agonists [111In]DOTA-PESIN, [111In]AMBA, [111In]MP2346 and [111In]MP2653 and one antagonist [99mTc]Demobesin-1 were evaluated in GRPR-overexpressing human PC-3 tumou