48 research outputs found

    Theoretical and experimental studies of DOE-structures

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    Innovation durch Kooperation - Analyse handelsĂŒblicher Radialdichtelemente und Entwicklung einer neuen Bauform mit erweiterten Leistungsgrenzen

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    In vielen Bereichen der Technik sind Fluide unter Druck bei gleichzeitig hoher Gleitgeschwindigkeit zuverlĂ€ssig abzudichten. Alternativ zu den verhĂ€ltnismĂ€ĂŸig teuren, komplexen und groß bauenden Axial-Gleitringdichtungen werden fĂŒr DrĂŒcke kleiner 1 MPa preisgĂŒnstige, klein bauende Polymer-Radialdichtungen angeboten. Steigende Leistungsanforderungen hinsichtlich Druck und Gleitgeschwindigkeit fĂŒhren dazu, daß die Einsatzgrenzen diese Dichtelemente ĂŒberschritten werden. Am Institut fĂŒr Maschinenelemente der UniversitĂ€t Stuttgart wurde ein Dichtsystem mit einem neuen Funktionsprinzip entwickelt. Der 'Entlastete Wellendichtring' hat ein wesentlich erweitertes Leistungsspektrum. Durch die enge Zusammenarbeit mit der Merkel Freudenberg Fluidtechnic, Hamburg, liegt jetzt ein praxisreifes, fertigungs- und montagetechnisch optimiertes, innovatives Dichtelement vor

    iKNOWgynetics – A web‐based learning concept to empower primary care gynecologists to participate in the care of patients with a family history of breast and ovarian cancer

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    Familial cancer burden and genetics play an increasingly important role in the early detection and prevention of gynecological cancers. However, people with hereditary cancer risks are often identified late when they already have cancer. We aimed at developing and evaluating a training concept for primary care gynecologists—iKNOWgynetics—to improve their knowledge and awareness of genetic cancer syndromes and their ability to identify patients with increased familial cancer risks based on up-to-date evidence and current guidelines (in Germany, primary care includes all doctors treating patients on an outpatient basis without a clear separation of the expertise of the doctor or of their specialty). Starting off with a needs assessment among primary care gynecologists, we developed and evaluated an online training concept—using a web-based learning platform in combination with a live virtual seminar—to convey practice-relevant knowledge about familial cancer. After registration, participants get access to the web-based learning platform (www.iknowgynetics.de) to prepare for the virtual seminars and to use it as online reference to re-access the contents after the training. Evaluation included multiple-choice (MC) questions on knowledge and participants' self-efficacy to implement the acquired knowledge, which were administered in a pre-post design. Of 109 participants, 103 (94.5%) filled out pre- and post-questionnaires. Eighty-five participants were gynecologists in primary care from Berlin (81.2%) and Brandenburg (18.8%) and had an average of 24.1 years (SD = 8.5 years) of professional experience. After the training, participants answered significantly more knowledge questions correctly (M = 15.2 of 17, SD = 1.3) than before (M = 13.8 of 17, SD = 1.7) (p < 0.01) and felt more confident to be able to apply referral criteria for specialized counseling in practice (p < 0.001). The online-based training iKNOWgynetics considers the busy schedule of primary care gynecologists and supports them in acquiring practice-relevant information on familial cancer risks and on how to identify healthy persons at risk, which may ultimately help to improve the prevention of gynecological cancers. In future studies, the reported concept could be transferred to other entities

    Laser-induced positional and chemical lattice reordering generating ferromagnetism

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    Atomic scale reordering of lattices can induce local modulations of functional material properties, such as reflectance and ferromagnetism. Pulsed femtosecond laser irradiation enables lattice reordering in the picosecond range. However, the dependence of the phase transitions on the initial lattice order as well as the temporal dynamics of these transitions remain to be understood. This study investigates the laser‐induced atomic reordering and the concomitant onset of ferromagnetism in thin Fe‐based alloy films with vastly differing initial atomic orders. The optical response to single femtosecond laser pulses on selected prototype systems, one that initially possesses positional disorder, Fe60V40, and a second system initially in a chemically ordered state, Fe60Al40, has been tracked with time. Despite the vastly different initial atomic orders the structure in both systems converges to a positionally ordered but chemically disordered state, accompanied by the onset of ferromagnetism. Time‐resolved measurements of the transient reflectance combined with simulations of the electron and phonon temperatures reveal that the reordering processes occur via the formation of a transient molten state with an approximate lifetime of 200 ps. These findings provide insights into the fundamental processes involved in laser‐induced atomic reordering, paving the way for controlling material properties in the picosecond range

    A pre-clinical validation plan to evaluate analytical sensitivities of molecular diagnostics such as BD MAX MDR-TB, Xpert MTB/Rif Ultra and FluoroType MTB

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    Rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) and antibiotic resistances are imperative to initiate effective treatment and to stop transmission of the disease. A new generation of more sensitive, automated molecular TB diagnostic tests has been recently launched giving microbiologists more choice between several assays with the potential to detect resistance markers for rifampicin and isoniazid. In this study, we determined analytical sensitivities as 95% limits of detection (LoD(95)) for Xpert MTB/Rif Ultra (XP-Ultra) and BD-MAX MDR-TB (BD-MAX) as two representatives of the new test generation, in comparison to the conventional FluoroType MTB (FT-MTB). Test matrices used were physiological saline solution, human and a mucin-based artificial sputum (MUCAS) each spiked with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in declining culture- and qPCR-controlled concentrations. With BD-MAX, XP-Ultra, and FTMTB, we measured LoD(95)(TB) values of 2.1 cfu/ml (CI95%: 0.9-23.3), 3.1 cfu/ml (CI95%: 1.288.9), and 52.1 cfu/ml (CI95%: 16.7-664.4) in human sputum;of 6.3 cfu/ml (CI95%: 2.931.8), 1.5 cfu/ml (CI95%: 0.7-5.0), and 30.4 cfu/ml (CI95%: 17.4-60.7) in MUCAS;and of 2.3 cfu/ml (CI95%: 1.1-12.0), 11.5 cfu/ml (CI95%: 5.6-47.3), and 129.1 cfu/ml (CI95%: 82.8-273.8) in saline solution, respectively. LoD(95) of resistance markers were 9 to 48 times higher compared to LoD(95)(TB). BD-MAX and XP-Ultra have an equal and significantly increased analytical sensitivity compared to conventional tests. MUCAS resembled human sputum, while both yielded significantly different results than normal saline. MUCAS proved to be suitable for quality control of PCR assays for TB diagnostics

    Mutations in SPAG1 Cause Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Associated with Defective Outer and Inner Dynein Arms

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a genetically heterogeneous, autosomal-recessive disorder, characterized by oto-sino-pulmonary disease and situs abnormalities. PCD-causing mutations have been identified in 20 genes, but collectively they account for only ∌65% of all PCDs. To identify mutations in additional genes that cause PCD, we performed exome sequencing on three unrelated probands with ciliary outer and inner dynein arm (ODA+IDA) defects. Mutations in SPAG1 were identified in one family with three affected siblings. Further screening of SPAG1 in 98 unrelated affected individuals (62 with ODA+IDA defects, 35 with ODA defects, 1 without available ciliary ultrastructure) revealed biallelic loss-of-function mutations in 11 additional individuals (including one sib-pair). All 14 affected individuals with SPAG1 mutations had a characteristic PCD phenotype, including 8 with situs abnormalities. Additionally, all individuals with mutations who had defined ciliary ultrastructure had ODA+IDA defects. SPAG1 was present in human airway epithelial cell lysates but was not present in isolated axonemes, and immunofluorescence staining showed an absence of ODA and IDA proteins in cilia from an affected individual, thus indicating that SPAG1 probably plays a role in the cytoplasmic assembly and/or trafficking of the axonemal dynein arms. Zebrafish morpholino studies of spag1 produced cilia-related phenotypes previously reported for PCD-causing mutations in genes encoding cytoplasmic proteins. Together, these results demonstrate that mutations in SPAG1 cause PCD with ciliary ODA+IDA defects and that exome sequencing is useful to identify genetic causes of heterogeneous recessive disorders

    Mutations in SPAG1 Cause Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Associated with Defective Outer and Inner Dynein Arms

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a genetically heterogeneous, autosomal-recessive disorder, characterized by oto-sino-pulmonary disease and situs abnormalities. PCD-causing mutations have been identified in 20 genes, but collectively they account for only ∌65% of all PCDs. To identify mutations in additional genes that cause PCD, we performed exome sequencing on three unrelated probands with ciliary outer and inner dynein arm (ODA+IDA) defects. Mutations in SPAG1 were identified in one family with three affected siblings. Further screening of SPAG1 in 98 unrelated affected individuals (62 with ODA+IDA defects, 35 with ODA defects, 1 without available ciliary ultrastructure) revealed biallelic loss-of-function mutations in 11 additional individuals (including one sib-pair). All 14 affected individuals with SPAG1 mutations had a characteristic PCD phenotype, including 8 with situs abnormalities. Additionally, all individuals with mutations who had defined ciliary ultrastructure had ODA+IDA defects. SPAG1 was present in human airway epithelial cell lysates but was not present in isolated axonemes, and immunofluorescence staining showed an absence of ODA and IDA proteins in cilia from an affected individual, thus indicating that SPAG1 probably plays a role in the cytoplasmic assembly and/or trafficking of the axonemal dynein arms. Zebrafish morpholino studies of spag1 produced cilia-related phenotypes previously reported for PCD-causing mutations in genes encoding cytoplasmic proteins. Together, these results demonstrate that mutations in SPAG1 cause PCD with ciliary ODA+IDA defects and that exome sequencing is useful to identify genetic causes of heterogeneous recessive disorders

    Abstracts from the 8th International Conference on cGMP Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications

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    This work was supported by a restricted research grant of Bayer AG