24 research outputs found

    The Challenges of Integrating Sustainable Wine-growing Into Wine Tourism - Examples from Slovenia and Abroad

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    Na sve konkurentnijem turističkom tržiÅ”tu, vino i enogatronomija postaju ključni elementi u razvoju turističkih proizvoda u regijama u kojima se uzgaja vinova loza, u Sloveniji i inozemstvu. PrijaÅ”nja je tvrdnja da se niti jedan oblik regionalnog turizma ne može razviti bez vina, međutim, iz danaÅ”nje perspektive ta je tvrdnja pretjerana. Ipak, enogastronomija integralan je dio mnogih suvremenih turističkih proizvoda. Kao takva, ona vezuje tradiciju, povijest i naslijeđe te također unaprijeđuje prepoznatljivost destinacije koja nudi moderne proizvode vinskog turizma. Globalno gledajući, vinski turizam raste, a i prognoze za njegovu budućnost su obećavajuće. Srž proizvoda vinskog turizma jest spoj vina i hrane, odnosno enogastronomski ili kulinarski doživljaj, te praćenje novih trendova. Trend je objediniti ovaj segment turističkih usluga, posebice kroz aktivnosti slobodnog vremena i relaksacije u odabranoj destinaciji. Hrana i vino tako postaju dio kulturnog doživljaja posjećene destinacije i jednako su iskustveno značajni kao posjet muzeju ili koncertu, ili mogu činiti jednaku komponentu u takvom aranžmanu.In an increasingly competitive tourist market, wine and enogastronomy are becoming key elements in the development of tourist products in regions that cultivate grapevines, in Slovenia and internationally. It has been claimed that no kind of tourism can develop in regions without wine; however, from todayā€™s perspective, this claim seems an exaggeration. Nevertheless, enogastronomy is an integral part of many contemporary tourist products. As such, it combines tradition, history, and heritage and also improves the recognisability of a given destination on which modern wine tourism products rest. On a global scale, wine tourism is growing, and the forecast for the future is likewise promising. The essence of a wine tourism product is to connect food and wine, i.e. enogastronomic or culinary experiences, and to follow new trends. The trend is to consolidate this segment of tourism services, in particular through leisure activities and relaxation at the destination of choice. Food and wine thus become part of the cultural experience of the visited destination and equal the experience of visiting a museum or a concert or can be an equal component of such a package


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    In this paper we suggest that modern tourism planning of a destination should include participation from all levels of the community (direct stakeholders, local residents and differing age groups) if the participatory process is to be extensive and universal within the community. We see participatory planning as a critical success factor in seeking to satisfy the requirements of the modern paradigm of sustainability and responsibility in tourism. A community-based approach to tourism development is a prerequisite to sustainability. This focuses on community involvement in the planning and development process and developing the types of tourism, which generate real social and economic benefits to local communities. Representing the interests and fulfilling the needs of various users is one reason for enabling their participation. Interestingly, children & youth are often overlooked in this regard even though adults may not adequately represent their needs. An important outcome of participatory planning is the process of collective learning that takes place through the underlying process of dialogue. We will refer in the paper to parallel research conducted with colleagues in Slovenia focusing in detail on the role of children & youth in the participatory process of developing sustainable tourism at a local level. This includes a view that planning for sustainable tourism development is an effort to shape the future. Among stakeholders and community participants, children & youth have a significant voice in the future and to a strong degree should have the right to engage in development. The paper seeks to assess the role of participatory structures in planning and development and in the role of children & youth as stakeholders in the planning of local destination management.U ovom radu polazimo od pretpostavke, kako u suvremenom planiranju turističkog razvoja destinacije treba težiti da su u participativni proces uključene sve razine lokalne zajednice (direktni dionici u turizmu, lokalno stanovniÅ”tvo kao i različite starosne skupine). Posljednje navedeno jedino osigurava univerzalni i sveobuhvatni participativni proces planiranja u turističkoj destinaciji. Ocjenjujemo, da je participativnost svih dionika kritičan faktor uspjeha za osiguranje održivog i odgovornog turističkog razvoja u des-tinaciji. Na taj način osiguran je razvoj turizma, koji generira realne socijalne, okoliÅ”ne i ekonomske koristi za lokalnu zajednicu. Mogućnost za iskaz participacije treba biti omogućena svim dionicima u destinaciji. Interesantno, djeca i mladi često su izostavljeni iz ovog procesa, iako u većini slučajeva odrasla generacija ne može adekvatno izraziti njihov pogled na budući turis-tički razvoj u destinaciji. Značajan rezultat participativnog procesa je i međusobna komunikacija te izmjena iskustva u procesu planiranja razvoja turističke destinacije. U radu se referiramo i na paralelno istraživanje, koje su izveli kolege iz Slovenije, s fokusom na ulogu djece u participativnom procesu planiranja turističke destinacije. Smatramo da je to od važnog značaja za osiguranje elementa održivosti za budući razvoj u turističkoj destinaciji. Između svih dionika u planiranju razvoja destinacije, djeca i mlada generacija trebaju i moraju imati svoju ulogu i svoj glas, kako bi participativni proces bio cjelovit odnosno sveobuhvatan

    Influencing collective moral judgement by changing ethical culture in tourism industry: The case of Slovenia

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    Moral reasoning is a process of determining what is wrong and what is right from a moral point of view. Four components of moral reasoning are: moral sensitivity, moral judgement, moral motivation and moral character. Our research presented here is focused on the second component ā€“ moral judgement. Moral judgement refers to reaching an appropriate decision from the moral perspective in response to a given situation or a problem. Individuals can decide between focusing on themselves (egoistic moral judgement) or others (benevolence ā€“ disposition to be good) in their decision-making process. While the environment influences us, individuals differ within this spectrum. Thus, the prevalent collective moral judgement in any given company is under the influence of company characteristics and its ethical culture. This paper examines the effects of the ethical culture of Slovenian companies in the tourism industry on the collective moral judgement of their employees and identifies those ethical culture dimensions that could alter the collective moral judgement of the employees in the tourism industry. The results were collected through quantitative empirical research. The research was conceptualised and analysed with reference to Kaptein\u27s (1998) Corporate Ethical Virtues Model, comprised of seven ethical culture dimensions: clarity, congruency, feasibility, supportability, transparency, discussability and sanctionability. Results of our research have shown that if these dimensions of ethical culture are expressed more highly, collective moral judgement tends to increase its focus on how decisions will affect others. Suggestions for the management of tourist companies, as well as the Slovenian national tourist organisation (STO), have been proposed on the basis of the results of this paper


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    In this paper we seek to identify what we see as a dysfunctional barrier in the development of environmentally and economically sustainable tourism at a local level. Changing shifts in tourism markets have led to the greater importance of sustainable tourism initiatives, which by their very nature will tend to have a locally oriented concept, as opposed to a national or international concept. Our research used four comparative case-studies to consider the potential advantage of locally focused bottom-up tourism models based on coalitions of key local actors over top-down models based on national or international structures.U svom radu nastojimo identificirati ono Å”to smatramo disfunkcionalnim barijerama u razvoju ekoloÅ”ki i ekonomski održivog turizma na lokalnoj razini. Pomaci na turističkom tržiÅ”tu doveli su do inicijative, da se veća važnost pridaje onim kretanjima koja po svojoj prirodi imaju tendenciju ka lokalnoj orijentaciji, za razliku od nacionalno ili međunarodno usmjerenog koncepta. U naÅ”em smo istraživanju komparativno upotrijebili četiri studije slučaja u kojima je izražena prednost lokalno usmjerenih turističkih modela prema metodi ā€žodozdo prema goreā€œ, odnosno participativnog planiranja, u čijem je temelju koalicija ključnih lokalnih aktera posloženih obrnuto od modela ā€žodozgo prema doljeā€œ utemeljenom na nacionalnim ili međunarodnim strukturama

    Mjerenje direktnih i indirektnih učinaka turizma na BDP metodom TSA (satelitski račun turizma): Analiza rezultata za Sloveniju i njena najveća turistička tržiÅ”ta

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    Turizam, brzorastuća industrija, prisutan u Sloveniji kao i u ostatku svijeta, suočava se s nepotpunim statističkim praćenjem. U većini zemalja praćenje se odvija u skladu s definiranim kriterijima statističkog praćenja. Iz tog razloga je teže jasno definirati i učinkovito prikazati brzinu kojom se industrija mijenja te njezin domet. Stoga rjeÅ”enje leži u primjeni satelitskog računa turizma (TSA), koji ā€œpruža detaljan statistički pregled i predstavlja osnovni alat ekonomskog doprinosa turističkog sektoraā€ (TSA: RMF, 2008). Zahvaljujući postojećem trendu Å”ire globalne primjene takvog statističkog praćenja brojnih zemalja diljem svijeta, cilj empirijskog dijela ovog članka je provjeriti učinkovitost ove metodologije u praćenju turističkih tijekova. Učinkovitost smo provjerili u Sloveniji te na njezina četiri najveća turistička tržiÅ”ta (npr. u Austriji, Italiji i Njemačkoj) i predočili analizu. Prvo, dokazali smo da je dodana vrijednost izračunata pomoću satelitskog računa turizma barem 2% viÅ”a u ove četiri zemlje od dodane vrijednosti izračunate tradicionalnim statističkim metodama. Nadalje, učinkovitost ove metode pomaže dokazati učinak koji je posljednja gospodarska kriza imala na turizam. Uopće metoda i rezultati ukazuju na učinkovitost ove metode, Å”to olakÅ”ava znnastvenicima i stručnjacima promicanje njenog daljnjeg razvoja

    The quest for excellence and a socially responsible approach in the planning process for sustainable tourism development: A case study of Slovenia

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    The article deals with the significance of the quest for excellence and a socially responsible approach in planning for sustainable tourism. Research and experience show that tourism organisations need to search for alternative sources and innovative elements in order to improve their competitiveness. This can be done by forming a social-relationship-network in the field of tourism, which is an important factor in creating added value and innovation. There has to be a continuous pursuit of excellence and a socially responsible approach, starting from the idea, via development, and right through to project implementation. One of the beneficial methodologies for developing and expanding a level of tourism which is sustainable and enhances the totality of local and regional environments is a multi-stakeholder approach. The second part of this paper presents a case-study of "Heritage trails through Dolenjska and Bela krajina in South East Slovenia", in which sustainable rural development1 was pursued by using an integrated approach in terms of start-up, implementation and development. This initiative was supported by and benefitted from the notion of having a core of multiple stakeholders


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    Designing and presenting a destination as a tourist product is a process, which is influenced by different issues. Among them are perceptions of destination and attitudes towards a destination. In this study we have examined how media representation of destination safety and security affects attitudes about tourism destinations. Safety and security are important questions in the field of tourism and therefore we initially present different aspects of this topic. This research question was addressed as an experiment among students of tourism, who are future tourism product designers. The independent variable was the projection of terrorist attack films on observed destinations. The experiment used different questionnaires ā€“ among them was a nonverbal semantic differential. The results of these questionnaires showed that the perception of different destinations is lower than before the experiment and therefore that the safety and security issues are important factors when designing a tourist product.Projektiranje i predstavljanje destinacije kao turističkog proizvoda je proces na koji utječu različiti problemi. Među njima su i percepcije destinacije i stavovi prema destinaciji. U ovom smo istraživanju ispitali kako medijska prezentacija sigurnosti destinacije utječe na stavove o turističkim odrediÅ”tima. Pitanja sigurnosti su važna na području turizma i zato u početku predstavljamo različite aspekte ove teme. Istraživanje je postavljeno kao eksperiment među studentima turizma koji su budući kreatori turističkih proizvoda. Nezavisna varijabla bila je projekcija filmova terorističkih napada na promatranim destinacijama. Eksperiment je koristio različite upitnike - među njima je bio neverbalni semantički diferencijal. Rezultati tih upitnika pokazali su, da je percepcija različitih destinacija niža nego prije eksperimenta i stoga su sigurnosna pitanja itekako važni čimbenici pri projektiranju turističkog proizvoda