14 research outputs found

    Effect of pressure and padding on motion artifact of textile electrodes

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    Kohti kiertotaloutta jäte- ja sivuvirtoja hyödyntämällä

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    Kiertotalouden ekosysteemi: jäte- ja sivuvirrat raaka-aineiksi (KIRE) -hanke on Euroopan aluekehitysrahaston Keski-Suomen liiton kautta rahoittama hanke, joka toteutettiin 1.4.2021‒31.8.2023. Hankkeen toteuttivat Jyväskylän yliopiston kemian laitos sekä Luonnonvarakeskus. Hanketta rahoittivat myös Jyväskylän kaupunki, Mustankorkea Oy, Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut, Saarijärven Kaukolämpö Oy ja Kuopion Energia Oy. Tässä raportissa kuvataan hankkeen toimenpiteitä, joiden tavoitteena oli kehittää Keski-Suomeen ainutlaatuinen kiertotalouden ekosysteemi hyödyntämällä paikallisia jäte- ja sivuvirtoja raaka-aineiden tuottamiseksi. Hankkeessa yhdistettiin anaerobinen ja hydrometallurginen prosessi tuottamaan biokaasua, orgaanisia happoja, mädätysjäännöstä ja metalliseoksia. Hankkeen prosesseja kehitettiin sekä laboratoriomittakaavassa että pilot-laitteistoilla Jyväskylässä ja Jokioisilla. Yhdyskunnista erilliskerättyä biojätettä käsiteltiin anaerobisella eli mädätysprosessilla tuottamaan biokaasun lisäksi orgaanisia happoja. Lisäksi selvitettiin mahdollisuutta hyödyntää voimalaitostuhkaa mädätysprosessissa happamuuden säätöön. Tuhkalisäyksen vaikutusta prosessiin selvitettiin sekä mädätysprosessin tehostamisen että jäljelle jäävän mädätysjäännöksen lannoitevaikutusten kannalta. Mädätysprosessista saatua orgaanista happojaetta käytettiin kestomagneettien metallien talteenottamiseksi puhdistus- ja konsentrointivaiheiden jälkeen. Tuotteina saatiin harvinaisten maametallien seos sekä rautasaostuma. Hankkeen tuloksena todetaan, että biojätteen käsittelystä voidaan tuottaa metallien talteenottoon tarvittavia orgaanisia happoja. Myös tuhkan käytössä prosessointien eri vaiheissa havaittiin positiivia vaikutuksia mm. happojen tuottoon sekä mädätysjäännöksen hyödyntämiseen. Hankkeessa tehtiin lisäksi kannattavuustarkastelu orgaanisten happojen tuottamiselle, johon liittyy kuitenkin vielä epävarmuuksia mm. valitun laitostyypin ja hapon puhdistuksen osalta. Eri prosessivaiheiden optimoinnilla voitaisiin kuitenkin päästä lopputulokseen, jossa kiertotalouden tuotteilla voidaan korvata fossiilisia sekä harvinaisia raaka-aineita

    Local fashion value chains: Success factors and competitive advantages

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    Globalization had forced fashion companies to move their manufacturing to low cost bases. However, in the recent times several challenges like poor transparency, ethical issues, high transportation costs, long lead times, etc. have motivated major reshoring initiatives. Steadily the fashion companies in the west are relocating back their production and are motivated by trends of greater product customization, supply chain transparency and digital technologies. In addition, several initiatives have been launched to support this development, for example the US initiatives: [TC]2 “Reshoring Fashion Initiative” and “Apparel Made for You”. However detailed scholarly discussion on what enables success of such local fashion value chain models are limited. This paper explores the drivers, critical success factors and competitive advantages in designing such local fashion value chains by drawing inferences from a European initiative called “fromRolltoBag”. An action research is employed to collect empirical data through observations and interviews with the project stakeholders. Results show that the competitive success lies in designing a consumer-driven, digitally-enabled fashion value chain, enabled by the strategy of differentiation through: (i) advanced digitalization of design and manufacturing operations, (ii) flexible, integrated and agile operations, and (iii) enhanced customer experience/interaction with the extended product-service system.fromRolltoBa

    3D mosquito screens to create window double screen traps for mosquito control

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    Background: Mosquitoes are vectors for many diseases such as malaria. Insecticide-treated bed nets and indoor residual spraying of insecticides are the principal malaria vector control tools used to prevent malaria in the tropics. Other interventions aim at reducing man-vector contact. For example, house screening provides additive or synergistic effects to other implemented measures. We used commercial screen materials made of polyester, polyethylene or polypropylene to design novel mosquito screens that provide remarkable additional benefits to those commonly used in house screening. The novel design is based on a double screen setup made of a screen with 3D geometric structures parallel to a commercial mosquito screen creating a trap between the two screens. Owing to the design of the 3D screen, mosquitoes can penetrate the 3D screen from one side but cannot return through the other side, making it a unidirectional mosquito screen. Therefore, the mosquitoes are trapped inside the double screen system. The permissiveness of both sides of the 3D screens for mosquitoes to pass through was tested in a wind tunnel using the insectary strain of Anopheles stephensi. Results: Among twenty- five tested 3D screen designs, three designs from the cone, prism, or cylinder design groups were the most efficient in acting as unidirectional mosquito screens. The three cone-,prism-, and cylinder-based screens allowed, on average, 92, 75 and 64% of Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes released into the wind tunnel to penetrate the permissive side and 0, 0 and 6% of mosquitoes to escape through the non-permissive side, respectively. Conclusions: A cone- based 3D screen fulfilled the study objective. It allowed capturing 92% of mosquitoes within the double screen setup inside the wind tunnel and blocked 100% from escaping. Thus, the cone- based screen effectively acted as a unidirectional mosquito screen. This 3D screen-based trap design could therefore be used in house screening as a means of avoiding infective bites and reducing mosquito population size.Peer reviewe

    Low-Power thin-film electroluminescent display

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    My Migraine Voice survey : Disease impact on healthcare resource utilization, personal and working life in Finland

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    Background: A global My Migraine Voice survey was conducted in 31 countries among 11,266 adults who suffered from ≥4 monthly migraine days (MMD). The aim of this retrospective observational survey-based study was to analyse the country specific results in Finland in order to understand the impact of migraine based on disease severity. Methods: The included participants (3%, n = 338/11,266) were stratified by mean MMDs into 4 ≤ MMD < 8 (n = 133), 8 ≤ MMD < 15 (n = 139) and MMD ≥ 15 (n = 66) subgroups. Comorbidities, migraine-related emotional burden and impact on daily living and work productivity and activity impairment (WPAI) were assessed. Subgroup analysis on healthcare resource utilization (HCRU) due to migraine was assessed by visits to healthcare practitioners (HCPs) during the past 6 months and by hospitalizations and emergency room (ER) visits during the past 12 months. The group difference was tested using the one-way ANOVA and for categorical variables using the Chi-squared test. The association between HCRU and MMD and number of comorbidities was assessed using negative binomial regression analysis. Results: Mean age was 44 years, 93% were women and 67% (n = 227) were employed. Chronic migraine (CM, MMD ≥ 15) was reported in 19.5% of the respondents. The negative impact on daily functioning and emotional burden increased significantly by migraine frequency. Mean number of comorbidities was 2.4, and mean number of HCP visits during the previous 6 months was 5.9. Increase in migraine frequency and comorbidities was associated with higher HCRU. Eighty-eight percent of the respondents reported negative impact on working life and 52% experienced overall work productivity impairment. Over previous month, the mean number of missed working days for all respondents was 2.8 days of which 54% were paid sick leave days, and in CM up to 6.0 days and 30%, respectively. Both absenteeism and presenteeism were higher in the CM group. Conclusions: The emotional and functional burden was high, and the societal burden increased by frequency and severity of migraine, as shown by higher HCRU and reduced work productivity. There is a need to improve quality of care in migraine and improve migraine management related issues in both healthcare and society in Finland.publishedVersionPeer reviewe