3,457 research outputs found

    Neither playing the game nor keeping it real: media logics and Big Brother

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    Sam Pepper, one of the contestants in Big Brother 11, at one point accused fellow housemates Josie and John James of feigning romantic feelings for each other in order to cash in on lucrative deals with celebrity magazines such as OK! and Hello!. The provocation caused much apparent offence, and led to a prolonged and predominantly rancorous debate about authenticity and inauthenticity, soon extending to revelations that other housemates (Rachel, Corinne) aimed to appear in soft pornography titles like Nuts and Zoo, and as such, ‘couldn’t be trusted’. The clear subtext was that any economic motivation was considered a breach of the rules of the Big Brother game – not the explicit parameters of the competition, but the spirit in which it should be played. Being a worthy winner is a matter of who you are rather than what you do, which raises the question of how we came to know Josie and co, as well as how we come to know celebrity selves generally. If BB has taught us anything about the formation of mediated selves, it is that an authentic mediated self cannot exist – and yet authenticity still matters. This piece reflects on this tension and its implications for our increasingly reflexive media culture

    Incorporating spatial correlations into multispecies mean-field models

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    In biology, we frequently observe different species existing within the same environment. For example, there are many cell types in a tumour, or different animal species may occupy a given habitat. In modeling interactions between such species, we often make use of the mean-field approximation, whereby spatial correlations between the locations of individuals are neglected. Whilst this approximation holds in certain situations, this is not always the case, and care must be taken to ensure the mean-field approximation is only used in appropriate settings. In circumstances where the mean-field approximation is unsuitable, we need to include information on the spatial distributions of individuals, which is not a simple task. In this paper, we provide a method that overcomes many of the failures of the mean-field approximation for an on-lattice volume-excluding birth-death-movement process with multiple species. We explicitly take into account spatial information on the distribution of individuals by including partial differential equation descriptions of lattice site occupancy correlations. We demonstrate how to derive these equations for the multispecies case and show results specific to a two-species problem. We compare averaged discrete results to both the mean-field approximation and our improved method, which incorporates spatial correlations. We note that the mean-field approximation fails dramatically in some cases, predicting very different behavior from that seen upon averaging multiple realizations of the discrete system. In contrast, our improved method provides excellent agreement with the averaged discrete behavior in all cases, thus providing a more reliable modeling framework. Furthermore, our method is tractable as the resulting partial differential equations can be solved efficiently using standard numerical techniques

    The plant disease resistance gene Asc-1 prevents disruption of sphingolipid metabolism during AAL-toxin-induced programmed cell death

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    The nectrotrophic fungus Alternaria alternata f.sp. lycopersici infects tomato plants of the genotype asc/asc by utilizing a host-selective toxin, AAL-toxin, that kills the host cells by inducing programmed cell death. Asc-1 is homologous to genes found in most eukaryotes from yeast to humans, suggesting a conserved function. A yeast strain with deletions in the homologous genes LAG1 and LAC1 was functionally complemented by Asc-1, indicating that Asc-1 functions in an analogous manner to the yeast homologues. Examination of the yeast sphingolipids, which are almost absent in the lag1Deltalac1Delta mutant, showed that Asc-1 was able to restore the synthesis of sphingolipids. We therefore examined the biosynthesis of sphingolipids in tomato by labeling leaf discs with L-[3-H-3] serine. In the absence of AAL-toxin, there was no detectable difference in sphingolipid labeling between leaf discs from Asc/Asc or asc/asc leaves. In the presence of pathologically significant concentrations of AAL-toxin however, asc/asc leaf discs showed severely reduced labeling of sphingolipids and increased label in dihydrosphingosine (DHS) and 3-ketodihydrosphingosine (3-KDHS). Leaf discs from Asc/Asc leaves responded to AAL-toxin treatment by incorporating label into different sphingolipid species. The effects of AAL-toxin on asc/asc leaflets could be partially blocked by the simultaneous application of AAL-toxin and myriocin. Leaf discs simultaneously treated with AAL-toxin and myriocin showed no incorporation of label into sphingolipids or long-chain bases as expected. These results indicate that the presence of Asc-1 is able to relieve an AAL-toxin-induced block on sphingolipid synthesis that would otherwise lead to programmed cell death

    Attendance Control Techniques: Union vs. Non-Union Differences in the Southeast United States

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    This research examines both the rate of absenteeism and the attendance control methods found in a sample of 423 union and non-union organizations located in the Southeast United States. These data indicate that absenteeism rates for union and non-union organizations are not significantly different. Methods of controlling absenteeism are reported for both union and non-union facilities. Implications for the control of absenteeism are discussed

    Evaluating Wildlife Vulnerability to Mercury Pollution From Artisinal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Madre de Dios, Peru

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    “Illegal, artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) often occurs in remote highly biodiverse areas, such as the Madre de Dios region of Peru. Mercury used in gold mining bioaccumulates in the environment and poses developmental, hormonal, and neurological threats to wildlife. The impact of ASGM on biodiversity remains largely unknown. We used geographic information science to create a spatial model of pollution risk from mining sites, in order to predict locations and species assemblages at risk. Multicriteria evaluation was used to determine how flow accumulation, distance from mining areas, total suspended sediment load, and soil porosity influenced the vulnerability of regions to mercury pollution. Results suggest that there is considerable opportunity for protection of areas with high biodiversity and vulnerability north of the Madre de Dios River where much of the land is not protected. Our study highlights the need for future ASGM research to consider more than deforestation risk alone while protecting the areas’ unmatched biodiversity.

    Measuring Job Satisfaction: A Note on the Within and Between Problem

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    An analysis of within-group and between-group sources of covariation was applied to a seven item job satisfaction measure adapted from the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. Data were collected from 159 chemical workers. Results indicated that some satisfaction items were strongly influenced by the structure of the supervisor groups. This issue of between-versus within-group variation offers a possible explanation for low correlations in past research using job satisfaction measures

    The relationship between rumination, gender, age, and posttraumatic stress

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    The purpose of the present study was to assess the relationship between rumination and posttraumatic stress, and to determine the effects of gender and age on that relationship. Responses on brooding and reflective subscales of a rumination measure were compared across adult age groups, and evaluated in relationship to an individual\u27s gender and emotional response to trauma. Women demonstrated higher levels of rumination than men, and younger adults demonstrated higher levels of rumination than older adults. In a college sample, total rumination score was a positive indicator of whether an individual was emotionally bothered by a traumatic experience. In a community sample, age was a negative indicator of whether an individual was emotionally bothered by trauma

    Physiological Noise in Near-infrared Spectroscopy: Implications for Optical Brain Computer Interfacing

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    Near-infrared spectroscopy is a non-invasive optical method used to detect functional activation of the cerebral cortex. Cognitive, visual, auditory and motor tasks are among the functions that have been investigated by this technique in the context of optical brain computer interfacing. In order to determine whether the optical response is due to a stimulus, it is essential to identify and reduce the effects of physiological noise. This paper characterizes noise typically present in optical responses and reports signal processing approaches used to overcome such noise

    A CMOS camera-based system for clinical photoplethysmographic applications

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    In this work an-image based photoplethysmography (PPG) system is developed and tested against a conventional fingerbased system as commonly used in clinical practise. A PPG is essentially an optical instrument consisting of a near infrared (NIR) source and detector that is capable of tracking blood flow changes in body tissue. When used with a number of wavelengths in the NIR band blood oxygenation changes as well as other blood chemical signatures can be ascertained yielding a very useful device in the clinical realm. Conventionally such a device requires direct contact with the tissue under investigation which eliminates the possibility of its use for applications like wound management where the tissue oxygenation measurement could be extremely useful. To circumnavigate this shortcoming we have developed a CMOS camera-based system, which can successfully extract the PPG signal without contact with the tissue under investigation. A comparison of our results with conventional techniques has yielded excellent results
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