51 research outputs found

    A Prediction for the 4-Loop \beta Function

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    We predict that the four-loop contribution \beta_3 to the QCD \beta function in the MS-bar prescription is given by \beta_3\simeq 23,600(900) - 6,400(200) N_f + 350(70) N_f^2 + 1.5 N_f^3, where N_f is the number of flavours and the coefficient of N_f^3 is an exact result from large-N_f expansion. In the phenomenologically-interesting case N_f=3, we estimate \beta_3 = (7.6 \pm 0.1) x 10^3. We discuss our estimates of the errors in these QCD predictions, basing them on the demonstrated accuracy of our method in test applications to the O(N) \Phi^4 theory, and on variations in the details of our estimation method, which goes beyond conventional Pade approximants by estimating and correcting for subasymptotic deviations from exact results.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, including 2 figures in 3 ps files; requires epsfig.sty; added comparison with recent exact result

    Perturbative corrections to zero recoil inclusive BB decay sum rules

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    Comparing the result of inserting a complete set of physical states in a time ordered product of bb decay currents with the operator product expansion gives a class of zero recoil sum rules. They sum over physical states with excitation energies less than Δ\Delta, where Δ\Delta is much greater than the QCD scale and much less than the heavy charm and bottom quark masses. These sum rules have been used to derive an upper bound on the zero recoil limit of the BDB\to D^* form-factor, and on the matrix element of the kinetic energy operator between BB meson states. Perturbative corrections to the sum rules of order αs(Δ)Δ2/mc,b2\alpha_s(\Delta) \Delta^2/m_{c,b}^2 have previously been computed. We calculate the corrections of order αs(Δ)\alpha_s(\Delta) and αs2(Δ)β0\alpha_s^2(\Delta) \beta_0 keeping all orders in Δ/mc,b\Delta/m_{c,b}, and show that these perturbative QCD corrections suppressed by powers of Δ/mc,b\Delta/m_{c,b} significantly weaken the upper bound on the zero recoil BDB\to D^* form-factor, and also on the kinetic energy operator's matrix element.Comment: 13 pages revtex, four figures included; minor change

    Remark on Charm Quark Fragmentation to DD^{**} Mesons

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    The observed DD^{**} mesons have cqˉc\bar q flavor quantum numbers and spin-parity of the light degrees of freedom sπ=3/2+s_\ell^{\pi_{\ell}} = 3/2^+. In the mcm_c \rightarrow \infty limit the spin of the charm quark is conserved and the cDc \rightarrow D^{**} fragmentation process is characterized by the probability for the charm quark to fragment to a DD^{**} meson with a given helicity for the light degrees of freedom. We consider the calculated bBcb \rightarrow B_c^{**} fragmentation functions in the limit mc/mb0m_c/m_b \rightarrow 0 as a qualitative model for the cDc \rightarrow D^{**} fragmentation functions. We find that in this model charm quark fragmentation to sπ=3/2+s_\ell^{\pi_{\ell}} = 3/2^+ light degrees of freedom with helicities ±1/2\pm 1/2 is favored over fragmentation to sπ=3/2+s_\ell^{\pi_{\ell}} = 3/2^+ light degrees of freedom with helicities ±3/2\pm 3/2.Comment: 6 pages, CALT-68-192

    Perturbative Strong Interaction Corrections to the Heavy Quark Semileptonic Decay Rate

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    We calculate the part of the order αs2\alpha_s^2 correction to the semileptonic heavy quark decay rate proportional to the number of light quark flavors, and use our result to set the scale for evaluating the strong coupling in the order αs\alpha_s term according to the scheme of Brodsky, Lepage and Mackenzie. Expressing the decay rate in terms of the heavy quark pole mass mQm_Q, we find the scale for the MS\overline{MS} strong coupling to be 0.07mQ0.07\, m_Q. If the decay rate is expressed in terms of the MS\overline{MS} heavy quark mass mQ(mQ)\overline m_Q(m_Q) then the scale is 0.12mQ0.12\, m_Q. We use these results along with the existing calculations for hadronic τ\tau decay to calculate the BLM scale for the nonleptonic decay width and the semileptonic branching ratio. The implications for the value of Vbc|V_{bc}| extracted from the inclusive semileptonic BB meson decay rate are discussed.Comment: 7 pages in Latex plus 1 uuencoded figure, uses epsf, UTPT-94-24, CMU-HEP 94-29, CALT-68-1950 (previous results unchanged; we add a short discussion of nonleptonic decays

    Renormalization of Supersymmetric Gauge Theories on Orbifolds: Brane Gauge Couplings and Higher Derivative Operators

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    We consider supersymmetric gauge theories coupled to hyper multiplets on five and six dimensional orbifolds and determine the bulk and local fixed point renormalizations of the gauge couplings. We infer from a component analysis that the hyper multiplet does not induce renormalization of the brane gauge couplings on the five dimensional orbifold S^1/Z_2. This is not due to supersymmetry, since the bosonic and fermionic contributions cancel separately. We extend this investigation to T^2/Z_N orbifolds using supergraph techniques in six dimensions. On general Z_N orbifolds the gauge couplings do renormalize at the fixed points, except for the Z_2 fixed points of an even ordered orbifold. To cancel the bulk one-loop divergences a dimension six higher derivative operator is needed, in addition to the standard bulk gauge kinetic term.Comment: 10 p

    Enhanced subleading structure functions in semileptonic B decay

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    The charged lepton spectrum in semileptonic BXuνˉB\to X_u \ell\bar\nu decay near maximal lepton energy receives important corrections from subleading structure functions that are formally suppressed by powers of ΛQCD/mb\Lambda_{QCD}/m_b but are enhanced by numerical factors. We investigate the series of higher order terms which smear over a region of width ΔEΛQCD\Delta E_\ell \sim \Lambda_{QCD} near the endpoint the contributions proportional to δ(Emb/2)\delta(E_\ell - m_b/2) times (i) the matrix element of the chromomagnetic operator, and (ii) four-quark operators. These contribute to the total rate at the few percent level, but affect the endpoint region much more significantly. Implications for the determination of Vub|V_{ub}| are discussed.Comment: 12 page

    Power Suppressed Corrections to Hadronic Event Shape Variables

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    For high energy processes (MΛQCDM\gg \Lambda_{QCD}) there are infrared safe hadronic shape variables that have a calculable perturbative expansion in αs(M2)\alpha_s(M^2). However, nonperturbative power suppressed corrections to these variables are not well understood. We use the behavior of large orders of the perturbation expansion to gain insight into the nonperturbative corrections. Our results suggest that certain shape variables have nonperturbative corrections suppressed by fractional powers of ΛQCD2/M2\Lambda_{QCD}^2/M^2.Comment: (12 pages, 2 figures, uses harvmac and uufiles), UCSD/PTH 94-1

    Constraints on Axion Models from K+π+aK^+\to\pi^+ a

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    We explore a new class of axion models in which some, but not all, of the left-handed quarks have a Peccei-Quinn symmetry. These models are potentially afflicted by flavour changing neutral currents. We derive the bounds on the Peccei-Quinn symmetry-breaking scale from bounds on the K+π+aK^+\to \pi^+ a branching ratio, showing that in some cases they are even stronger than the astrophysical ones, but still not strong enough to kill off the models.Comment: 15pp RevTeX, 1 eps fig, uses graphics style. Expanded discussion on massive scalars and pseudoscalars, typos. To appear in Physical Review

    Constraints on Axion Models

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    Two particular classes of axion models are presented, each one yielding a lower bound on the axion decay constant, based though on different considerations. In the first class only some, and not all, of the right-handed quarks have PQ charges, whereas in the second one the left-handed sector of the same quarks is taken into account as well. In the first case we find that bounds coming from astrophysics are significantly relaxed compared with those for the DFSZ. As for the second class, the astrophysical constraints proved to be less severe (with one exception), than those coming from FCNC processes.Comment: Talk given at the 5th IFT Workshop: Axions, U. of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA, 13-15 Mar 1998. Based on hep-ph/9708281 and hep-ph/9807363. 5pp, 1 eps fig, uses espcrc2 and graphics style

    Constraints on Variant Axion Models

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    A particular class of variant axion models with two higgs doublets and a singlet is studied. In these models the axion couples either to the uu-quark or tt-quark or both, but not to bb, cc, ss, or dd. When the axion couples to only one quark the models possess the desirable feature of having no domain wall problem, which makes them viable candidates for a cosmological axion string scenario. We calculate the axion couplings to leptons, photons and nucleons, and the astrophysical constraints on the axion decay constant vav_a are investigated and compared to the DFSZ axion model. We find that the most restrictive lower bound on vav_a, that from SN1987a, is lowered by up to a factor of about 30, depending on the model and also the ratio of the vacuum expectation values of the higgs doublets. For scenarios with axionic strings, the allowed window for vav_a in the uu quark model can be more than two orders of magnitude. For inflationary scenarios, the cosmological upper bound on va/Nv_a/N, where NN is the QCD anomaly factor, is unaffected: however, the variant models have NN either 3 or 6 times smaller than the DFSZ model.Comment: 21pp RevTeX, 1 eps fig, uses graphics style, typo corrected, and corrected file sent this time. To appear in Physical Review